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Item Competências de enfermeiros recém-graduados para gestão: desafios para a formação profissional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-17) Almeida, Daniel Ribeiro de; Santos, Patrícia Tavares dos;; Ribeiro, Luana Cássia Miranda;; Ribeiro, Luana Cássia Miranda; Medeiros, Marcelo; Pascon, Daniela MioriHistóricamente, las enfermeras han asumido cargos de gestión en las unidades de salud, pues desde su origen, la enfermería, a través de las damas enfermeras de la época de Florence Nightingale, ha tenido la preocupación de asegurar la organización y administración de los servicios de salud. En consonancia con esto, la formación de enfermeros incorpora en su estructura curricular horas específicas para disciplinas relacionadas con la gestión, siendo una de las pocas graduaciones en el área de la salud con esta especificidad. Por lo tanto, existe la necesidad de una mayor inversión en la formación de enfermeras gestoras, respondiendo a las demandas del mercado laboral y evidenciando las lagunas existentes en el desarrollo de habilidades directivas desde la graduación hasta la práctica profesional. OBJETIVO: Describir las percepciones de las enfermeras en sus primeros cuatro años de trabajo sobre las competencias para el ejercicio de la gestión sanitaria. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con abordaje cualitativo, realizado con 14 enfermeros recién graduados de una universidad pública de Goiás. A coleta foi realizada nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2022 utilizando um roteiro semiestruturado composto por sete perguntas abertas para descrição da percepção desses enfermeiros sobre as competências para a gestão. El análisis se realizó mediante el método de análisis de contenido de Bardin y, posteriormente, mediante la clasificación jerárquica descendente, el análisis de similitud, el análisis fatorial de correlación y el muestreo de palabras mediante el software IRaMuTeQ. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de las enfermeras ocupaban puestos asistenciales, con más de dos años de formación y un tiempo de desempeño equivalente al de su formación. Enumeraron las competencias directivas adquiridas durante la graduación: comunicación, gestión de conflictos, liderazgo, trabajo en equipo, relaciones interpersonales, gestión de flujos asistenciales, gestión de recursos humanos, financieros y materiales, toma de decisiones, gestión del tiempo, formación continuada y asistencia, de acuerdo con las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales de Enfermería (DCN/ENF). Durante su desempeño profesional adquirieron las competencias de gestión de conflictos, toma de decisiones, delegación de funciones y negociación, que se sumaron a las adquiridas antes de acceder al mercado laboral. Estas competencias fueron adquiridas durante el curso de graduación, que tuvo como diferencial una estructura curricular con asignaturas específicamente centradas en cuestiones de gestión de enfermería, con una gran carga de trabajo práctico que, según ellas, desencadenó una mayor adquisición de estas competencias, la participación en actividades extracurriculares, además de que la estructura del curso fue percibida como un ejemplo en términos de formación de enfermeras gestoras. Los participantes sugirieron puntos de mejora en la matriz curricular como la inserción de nuevas materias obligatorias como seguridad del paciente, inserción de simulación realista como estrategia para el desarrollo de competencias actitudinales y aproximación con campos de pasantía en el sector privado. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: Los participantes de este estudio relataron un conjunto de competencias de gestión desarrolladas durante la graduación que van más allá de las exigidas en la ENF-DCN y señalaron contribuciones para la mejora de las matrices curriculares de los cursos de pregrado en enfermería. Se espera que otros estudios puedan ser desarrollados en otros contextos, como instituciones de enseñanza privada.Item Qualidade de vida de agentes de segurança prisional de uma capital brasileira(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-27) Araújo, Cristiane Soares da Costa; Matos, Marcos André de;; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Martin, Dolores Rodriguez; Vitorino, Priscila Valverde de OliveiraINTRODUCTION: Given their working circumstances prison officers (POs) are regarded a vulnerable group, which impairs the sustainability or achievement of satisfactory levels of health and overall quality of life (QOL). AIMS: To assess the QOL of POs of a Brazilian capital and compare in accordance with socio-demographic and working condition factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with 269 officers from five prisons, from November 2017 to July 2018.To gather data we used a questionnaire with socio-demographic and working condition variables and WHOQOL-Bref (World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref). To analyze QOL domains, we calculated mean, median and standard deviation with confidence interval (CI95%). We used t-Student test to analyze the mean differences of QOL domains between each investigated stratification variable, with p< 0.05 values being considered significant. RESULTS: This is a male-dominated population (75.1%) made up of 30-year-olds or over (62.1%), college graduates (70.5%), married (54.6%) and childless individuals (55%). Most (83.3%) of the interviewed officers have been in the job less than 5 years doing shift work (75.8%). History of violence and harassment at work was reported in 19.3% and 16.5%, respectively. QOL perception was higher (73.2%; SD=17.7) whereas satisfaction towards health was negatively perceived (68.8; SD=20.4). Women presented lower scores in the physical (p=0.001), psychological (p=0.004), social relations (p=0.01) and environment (p=0.02) domains. In the physical domain, those with a work harassment history presented lower scores (p=0.02). Regarding the psychological domain, individuals under 30 (p=0.04) and unmarried (p=0.01) presented lower scores in comparison to the others. The social relations domain presented the worst perception by those with higher education (p=0.006), who had no health insurance (p=0.04) and had been assaulted (p=0.04) and harassed at work (p=0.01). Lastly, regarding the environment domain, the uninsured officers (p=0.000), under 5 years in the job (p=0.01) and with a history of reported harassment (p=0.01) presented the lowest scores. CONCLUSION: The officers presented a good overall perception of their QOL despite having reported dissatisfaction towards their health status as well as work liability, which highlights the need for public policies that consider the specificities of their lifestyle and work environment. Our results suggest changes be made to devise feasible health-oriented strategies for this work segment in association with occupational health nursing.Item Tendência temporal da taxa de hospitalização por tromboembolismo venoso em idosos brasileiros de 2010-2020(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-15) Barp, Milara; Malaquias, Suelen Gomes;; Pagotto, Valéria;; Pagotto, Valéria; Cordeiro, Jacqueline Andréia Bernardes Leão; Nunes, Daniella PiresINTRODUCTION: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a clinical condition that includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary thromboembolism (PE). Approximately 60% of VTE cases worldwide affect people aged 65 years or older. In addition to the higher incidence of the disease, the older people have more frequent hospitalizations and mortality from this disease. Thus, in the older people, the disease is more challenging to health systems. Changes in the treatment of VTE in recent years, require analysis of its distribution to assess the impact on health services, considering that studies on the distribution and trend of hospitalizations in the older people are limited in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the temporal trend of hospitalizations for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the older people Brazilians from 2010 to 2020. METHODOLOGY: This is an ecological time series study, using secondary information from the Hospital Information System (SIH) of the Unified Health System (SUS). Hospital admission records of elderly people aged 60 years or over available at the SIH/SUS for the period 2010-2020, with a main diagnosis of VTE, were included. Prais-Winsten regression was used for trend analysis. RESULTS: There is a trend towards a decline in hospitalizations for VTE, with an annual percentage change of -40.71 (95%CI-50.46;-29.04). The decline in hospitalizations for VTE was seen in all regions, with the exception of the Northeast region, which showed a stationary trend. Reduction in hospitalizations for DVT, with an annual percentage change of -43.14 (95%CI -51.36; -33.54). There was a downward trend in hospitalizations for DVT in all regions, with the exception of the Northeast region. On the other hand, the trend of hospitalizations for PTE was ascending, with an annual percentage change of 4.33 (95%CI 1.26; 7.48). The upward trend in the country for hospitalizations for PTE was also verified in the Northeast region, however, it was stationary in the other regions. CONCLUSION : The results show a declining trend in hospitalization rates for DVT and VTE, but there was an upward trend for PTE. The study also points out differences in rates and trends between Brazilian regions.Item Conchas mamárias e educação em saúde no pré-natal com demonstração clínica para a prevenção da dor e do trauma mamilar em lactantes: estudo quase-experimental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-04) Cecilio, Jessica Oliveira; Guimarães, Janaina Valadares;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça; Aredes, Natalia Del’ Angelo; Evangelista, Danielle RosaINTRODUCTION: Although the benefits of breastfeeding are well documented in the scientific literature, many mothers still discontinue it earlier than recommended, especially due to the occurrence of nipple pain and trauma. There is a gap in clinical studies that compare health education with clinical demonstration, and the use of some ointment or device during prenatal care, to prevent nipple soreness. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of breast shells for the prevention of nipple pain and trauma in lactating women. METHODOLOGY: Quasi-experimental, with 62 pregnant women undergoing prenatal care in Goiânia-GO. The women were divided into a Control Group (n = 33), which received health education with clinical demonstration, and an Experimental Group (n = 29), which received the same education protocol, plus a pair of breast shells for use during prenatal and continued in the postpartum period. The study occurred in three meetings: first meeting was a section of health education during prenatal consultations; the second was a phone call to reinforce the orientation, and the third, was a visit in the first 14 days of postpartum to evaluate the occurrence of nipple pain and trauma. RESULTS: There was nipple trauma (50.0%) and nipple pain (68.0%). Regarding sociodemographic variables, primiparity was associated with nipple pain (p = 0.036), while lower education level was a protective factor for nipple trauma (p = 0.001). In breastfeeding technique observed by the breastfeeding assessment form, the parameter for "unfavorable breast condition" was associated with pain (p <0.001) and nipple trauma (p = 0.006). Furthermore, the presence of pathological breast engorgement was associated with nipple pain (p = 0.019) and started on the third day for the CG and was postponed until the fifth day for the EG, with a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.001). Health education has contributed significantly to the adoption of breast and nipple care and increased the frequency of favorable breastfeeding patterns. The women in the study were satisfied with the use of the breast shell. CONCLUSION: The educational intervention in prenatal care combined with the use of the breast shell was not effective in preventing nipple pain or trauma, although it has delayed the onset of breast engorgement by up to five days.Item Incidentes em sessões de hemodiálise à beira leito em unidades de terapia intensiva(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-29) Costa, Natália Nunes; Barreto, Regiane Aparecida dos Santos Soares;; Barreto, Regiane Aparecida dos Santos Soares; Freitas, Nara Rúbia de; Cavalcante, Agueda Maria Ruiz ZimmerOBJECTIVE: Analyzing the incidents that occurred during the hemodialysis sessions at bedside in the Intensive Care Unit. INTODUCTION: the Intensive Care Unit are highly complex assistance environments that are conductive to the occurrence of incidents. A complex treatment realized in the hemodialysis service at bedside, indicated by the nephrologist to the severer patient aiming, to keep it metabolically stable. The hemodialysis at bedside is adapted to the environment of Intensive Care Unit, although the legislation is still incipient. Hemodialysis sessions can bring on incidental that compromise patient safety. These circumstances have potential to cause damage such as injuries, disabilities and even death. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the etiology, the contributing factors and the possible consequences of such incidents, with subsidies for strategies to promote patient safety, involving professionals that perform hemodialysis assistance, in the search for a continuous improvement culture. METODOLOGY: Cross-sectional, analytical and retrospective study, developed in 10 (ten) Intensive Care Units of Goiânia-GO, during hemodialysis sessions performed by a specialized outsourced clinic. The data collection was performed through the analysis of incidents reports, performed by the nursing team in the hemodialysis prescription at the bedside, from march to april of 2018, using a structured instrument elaborated for this purpose. Descriptive analysis was performed for categorical data, presented in absolute (n) and relative (%) frequencies and for continuous data in mean and standard deviation of the mean. To test the homogeneity of the groups in relation to the proportions, it was used the Two-Tale Fisher's Exact Test. The research has ethical approval, under CAEE nº61669016.2.0000.5078. RESULTS: During the data collection period, 873 hemodialysis sessions were performed and 563 incidents were recorded. Incidents were prevalent in male patients over 60 years old, who had diabetes mellitus and underwent hemodialysis in the SLED modality, using a central catheter for hemodialysis and without heparin. Among the reported incidents, 46.00% (259) were considered to be inherent to the treatment, with hypotension predominating, 28.06% (158) incidents with health technology, with a predominant report of leakage of the water treatment system (portable osmosis), 20.43% (115) care incidents, with emphasis on incompatibility of access to the prescribed flow, and 0.35% (02) incidents involving health products. In general, these incidents were identified by the nursing technician, who attended the hemodialysis session, prior to the patient's injury, although they requested vigilance, delayed the start of the session and did not obtain support from the unit's multiprofessional team at the time of the incident. In 56.12% (132) of the intimate circumstances, the professional worked for more than 12 uninterrupted hours. CONCLUSION: The most recorded were avoidable incidents that generated delay to start treatment and required patient monitoring, despite the non-predominance of damages. Visionary actions are necessary to mitigate incidents and promote safe care during bedside hemodialysis sessions.Item Estudo da perda e dos fatores associados à densidade mineral óssea de idosos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-16) Lima, Brunna Rodrigues de; Pagotto, Valéria;; Pagotto, Valéria; Menezes, Ruth Losada de; Rezende, Marina Aleixo DinizThe decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) is associated with complex outcomes such as fractures, which compromise the functionality and quality of life of the elderly The role of some factors such as vitamins D and B12, and bio-chemical tests is not conclusive between genders in the elderly aged 70 years or ol-der, whose decline in BMD may be even greater. Still, in Brazil, there is no evidence from longitudinal studies on the loss of BMD over time. OBJECTIVE: The objecti-ves of this study were: (i) to analyze the profile and factors associated with BMD in elderly over 70 years old, according to sex; (ii) to analyze the loss of BMD in the el-derly in ten years, and the factors that increase its reduction. METHODOLOGY: Prospective cut epidemiological study, with a ten-year follow-up period, carried out in central Brazil. The baseline started in 2008 was composed of 418 elderly people. In 2009, 132 baseline participants were invited to review the DMO. In 2018/2019, all the elderly in the sample being followed up underwent BMD analysis. Thus, for the analysis of the first objective, 175 elderly people were included and for the second objective 79 elderly people with BMD results in two evaluations (2009 and 2018/2019). A home interview was conducted, using a standardized questionnaire by trained researchers. The dependent variable was the BMD analyzed from the dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) exam, estimated in the spine and femur in g / cm2. The exposure variables were sociodemographic and health conditions. The data were analyzed using the STATA program, version 15.0. To analyze the factors asso-ciated with BMD and loss of BMD, bivariate and multiple analyzes stratified by sex were performed. In the bivariate analysis, a generalized linear model (MLG) of the linear family was used to verify the association between the dependent variable and each independent variable. Variables with p-value <0.20 were included in a final MLG to adjust for potential confounding variables. The magnitude of the association was presented as a regression coefficient (beta) and a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Variables with p-value <0.05 were considered statistically significant. RE-SULTS: Of the 175 elderly people in the cross-sectional study, 65% were female and 59.4% were between 70 and 79 years old (mean 78.8 years). The overall mean BMD of the spine was 1.064 g / cm2 (± 0.01), with 0.998 g / cm2 in women and 1.186 g / cm2 in men (p <0.001). The general mean BMD of the femur was 0.825 g / cm2 (± 0.12), with 0.774 g / cm2 in women and 0.916 g / cm2 in men (p <0.001). In men, factors associated with appendicular muscle mass, education level, handgrip strength, triglycerides, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and creatinine. In women, appendicular muscle mass, glycated hemoglobin, vitamin B12 were associated with BMD. Of the 79 parti-cipants eligible for BMD loss analysis (cohort study), the overall mean BMD at base-line was 1.147 g / cm2 and after 10 years of follow-up was 0.815 g / cm2. The ave-rage loss of BMD between 2009 and 2019 was -0.341 g / cm2, reflecting a loss of around -29.38%. The loss of BMD was greater in men with a statistically significant difference (p <0.001). CONCLUSION: The present study confirmed that there is a difference in BMD between the sexes and that the factors associated with BMD in the spine and femur may be different. The components of sarcopenia have been positi-vely associated with BMD. Positive association between BMD and glycated hemo-globin, triglycerides and creatinine were controversial with the current literature. The loss of BMD in 10 years was more expressive in men, which suggests that it can oc-cur in this group in later periods. To study the factors related to BMD and how bone mass loss can be prevented by assisting public health policies to avoid outcomes such as fractures, loss of functionality, increased demands for care and costs for the health system.Item A lanolina anidra combinada à educação em saúde no pré-natal para prevenção da dor e trauma mamilar em lactantes: ensaio clínico randomizado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-06) Oliveira, Flávia Silva e; Guimarães, Janaína Valadares;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça;; Viera, Flaviana Vely Mendonça; Guimarães, Janaína Valadares; Aredes, Natalia Del' Angelo; Almeida, Nilza Alves Marques de; Siqueira, Karina MachadoINTRODUCTION: Nipple pain and trauma are multifactorial breast complications with higher incidence at the beginning of breastfeeding. They are considered predictive factors for early weaning. There is still not enough evidence in the literature to recommend a method as the best in preventing nipple pain and trauma. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of anhydrous lanolin combined with health education on prevention of nipple pain and trauma with health education on breastfeeding in lactating women. METHODOLOGY: A randomized, controlled, open clinical trial with 82 women undergoing prenatal care in the public health care system, with a gestational age of 35 weeks or more. Data collection took place between May 2018 and February 2019. Women were randomized using computer-generated numbers (1: 1) in control group (41) and experimental group (41). In the experimental group, the women received the anhydrous lanolin ointment for immediate use, health education through an illustrated serial album and didactic breast demonstration; in the control group, the women were oriented according to the breastfeeding health education protocol. Women were evaluated on the 8th postpartum day for the occurrence of pain in the nipple and areola region determined by numerical pain scale, nipple trauma verified by clinical breast examination and breastfeeding technique observed by the breastfeeding assessment form. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the groups. Pain affected 60.6% of women, of these 60.0% reported pain in both nipples, with predominant onset on the second postpartum day (p = 0.614). For the experimental group there was pain of low intensity, and for the control group moderate intensity (p = 0.276). Less than half of women (40.9%) had nipple trauma (p = 0.211), of these 74.0% had bilateral nipple trauma, beginning on the second postpartum day (p = 0.127). Lanolin associated with breastfeeding health education increases the prevention of nipple pain (RAR 6.1; NTT 21) by 6% and the prevention of nipple trauma (RAR 15.2%; NTT 6) by 15%. In breastfeeding evaluation, all parameters favorable to breastfeeding were observed, except for the condition of the breasts (p = 0.215). CONCLUSION: Anhydrous lanolin combined with health education has positive effects on the prevention of pain and nipple trauma; however, it was not significantly superior to health education on breastfeeding alone.Item Fatores associados à qualidade de vida de idosos com dor crônica atendidos em ambulatórios de especialidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-20) Paz, Maressa Gonçalves da; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Pereira, Lilian Varanda;; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Vitorino, Priscila Valverde de Oliveira; Pagotto, ValériaINTRODUCTION: The quality of life (QOL) of the elderly can be affected by chronic pain. Among the domains of multidimensional instruments that evaluate this construct, the most frequently harmed are the physical and the psychological. However, there is a lack of evidence about the factors associated with domains and facets of QOL in elderly people with conical pain. Research on this topic can assist health professionals and in making decisions that contribute to the QOL of this population. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the quality of life and the associated factors by domains of the World Health Organization Quality of Life - Bref and facets of the World Health Organization Quality of Life - Old in elderly people with chronic pain treated in specialized clinics. METHODOLOGY: Cross-sectional study, conducted with a sample of 239 selected elderly. Participants assessed pain intensity using the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) and QOL by WHOQOL-Bref and WHOQOL-Old. Sociodemographic (gender, age, education, income, marital status, religion) and clinical variables (time spent with pain, intensity, places of pain and morbidities) were investigated as potential factors associated with the domains / facets. Statistical analysis was performed using simple and multiple linear regression. Values of p <0.05 were considered. RESULTS: The total QOL score by WHOQOL-Old was (66.5 ± 12.0). The Physical (51.3 ± 17.2) and Environmental (57.6 ± 14.4) domains and the Autonomy (61.8 ± 17.8) and Social Participation (63.5 ± 18.4) facets by WHOQOL -Bref and WHOQOL-Old, respectively, had the lowest mean scores. Depression was associated with Physical (β = -8.12), Psychological (β = -10.84) and Environment (β = -6.52) domains and Autonomy (β = -5.99), Past Activities Present and Future (β = -6.94), Social Participation (β = 11.53), Intimacy (β = -5.99), and total QOL score (β = -6.03). Diabetes mellitus was associated with the Physical domain (β = -5.14) and the Social Participation facet (β = -8.15). Pain intensity was associated with the Physical (β = -2.69), Psychological (β = -1.14), Social Relations (β = -1.42) domains and the Sensory Skills facets (β = - 1.70), Social Participation (β = -1.43) and total QOL (β = -0.75). Another factor associated with the Psychological domain (β = -5.12) and with the Social Participation facet (β = -5.94) was pain located in the lower limbs; chest pain was associated with the Autonomy facet (β = -6.12); localized pain in the head with the Intimacy facet (β = -3.19) and with the total QOL score (β = -4.89). Education was associated with the Social Relations domain (β = -0.80) and with the Social Participation facet (β = -0.64). Female gender and family income were associated with the Environment domain (β = 4.71; β = 1.39) respectively. Age and time of living with pain were associated with the Sensory Skills facet (β = -0.52; β = -14.53; β = -17.86; β = -15.53) and Systemic Arterial Hypertension with the Death and Die facet (β = -8.40). CONCLUSION: Intensity and location of chronic pain and symptoms of depression were the factors that were associated with a greater number of domains and facets of the WHOQOL, increasing the chances of elderly people with chronic pain presenting impairment of quality of life. The results of this study can assist in decision-making for the provision of qualified and individualized assistance to elderly people with chronic pain in outpatient careItem Prevalência e fatores associados à sífilis em populações vulneráveis em tempos de pandemia Covid-19(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-12) Silva Filho, Gabriel Francisco da; Teles, Sheila Araújo;; Teles, Sheila Araújo; Cardoso, Juliana Lamaro; Caetano , Karlla Antonieta AmorimDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, programs and services for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were interrupted or slowed down to redirect material and human resources to control the health crisis, thus compromising the global strategy to eliminate syphilis as a public health problem. Our study addressed this gap during the pandemic and tracked syphilis in vulnerable populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors associated with syphilis in socially and economically vulnerable population groups in Goiânia, Goiás. The studied population consisted of 635 individuals living in Goiânia, Goiás: LGBTQIAP+ people, immigrants and refugees, homeless people, and recyclable waste collectors. All participants were interviewed about sociodemographic data and risk behaviors for STIs. Subsequently, blood samples were collected and tested for anti-T. pallidum using a rapid test (RT), and positive samples were subjected to the VDRL test, using commercial kits. Syphilis was considered for those who tested positive in the RT and active syphilis for those with VDRL titers ≥ 1/8. Non-parametric tests were used for data analysis, as appropriate. Poisson regression analysis was used to identify variables associated with syphilis. The analysis was conducted by subgroups, specifying the differences existing in each population. P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Most individuals were male (53.2%), single (58.8%), and black or brown (75.9%). The median age, years of schooling, and monthly income were 33 years, 10 years of study, and R$ 1,200.00, respectively. The overall prevalence of syphilis was 17%, ranging from 7.6% in immigrants/refugees to 36.7% in LGBTQIA+ people. The prevalence of active syphilis was 5%, ranging from 1.8% in recyclable waste collectors to 15.2% in LGBTQIA+ people. The analysis of factors associated with syphilis revealed a higher prevalence of STIs in all studied subgroups. For recyclable waste collectors, older age, female gender, and illicit drug use were variables associated with syphilis, while for homeless people, education was a protective factor and transactional sex was a predictor of syphilis. The results of this study confirm the high prevalence of syphilis in socioeconomically vulnerable populations. However, the specificities of each subgroup should be considered in the planning and implementation of STI prevention strategies.Item Análise do aleitamento materno durante a pandemia do SARS-CoV-2: estudo de coorte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-06-13) Silva, Aline Gabriele Ribeiro da; Guimarães, Janaína Valadares;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça;; Vieira, Flaviana Vely Mendonça; Aredes, Natalia Del’ Angelo; Evangelista, Danielle RosaINTRODUCTION: COVID-19 is a new disease, and at first there was not much information about its vertical transmission. Subsequently, molecular studies have indicated that breast milk and placenta are not means of transmission of the disease (KARIMI-ZARCHI et al., 2020). Thus, the safety of breastfeeding was confirmed, and its continuity was encouraged (RCOG, 2021). The emergence of this new virus has brought several uncertainties about the repercussions on maternal and child health, as well as challenges for institutions to adapt to new care protocols and health professionals to adapt to new demands. OBJECTIVE: To analyze breastfeeding from birth to hospital discharge of newborns of women exposed to the pandemic by SARSCoV-2. METHODS: This is a prospective cohort study, in a secondary database, patient records and indicator records. The sample consisted of 225 binomials (mother and NB) who had their delivery/birth between April 1, 2020, and August 30, 2021, within the hospital institution. 67 had a delivery under suspicion or confirmation for COVID19 and 158 without suspicion. The continuous variables were described from position and dispersion measurements as mean, standard deviation and quartiles. Categorical variables were described by means of absolute frequencies and percentages. For the analysis of the factors associated with AM in the first hour of life, during hospitalization and hospital discharge, a generalized linear model (Poisson family) was performed. The results of the regression model were presented Adjusted Relative Risk (RRaj), 95% CI. The analyses were performed using the Software SPSS version 28, being considered a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: The participants had a mean age of 25 years (± 6.4), and the mean number of prenatal consultations was 6.5 (±2.9). Referring to neonatal characteristics, 91.6% were born at term. Newborns born to women without suspicion for COVID-19 are twice as likely to breastfeed in the first hour of life (RR: 2.04; CI95%: 1.05 to 3.94; p= 0.035). The NB who made skin-to-skin contact with their mother at birth have twice the opportunity of breastfeeding in the first hour of life (RR: 1.92; CI95%:1.07 to 3.43; p=0.028). From the bivariate regression, we performed multivariate regression for the following variables: full-term gestational age of the NB, women without suspicion or confirmation for COVID-19 at hospitalization, type of vaginal delivery and complications with NB during hospitalization. Newborns who exclusively breastfeed during hospitalization have 1.6 times more opportunity to be exclusively breastfed at hospital discharge (RR: 1.62; CI95%:1.11 to 2.35; p=0.012). CONCLUSION: Women without suspicion for COVID-19 are more likely to breastfeed in the first hour of life and maintain exclusive breastfeeding during hospitalization. Exclusive breastfeeding at hospital discharge is influenced by breastfeeding during hospitalization.Item Hepatite A em população imigrante e refugiada residente na região do centro goiano, Goiás: conhecer para intervir(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-08) Silva, Grazielle Rosa da Costa e; Teles, Sheila Araujo;; Teles, Sheila Araujo; Caetano, Karlla Antonieta Amorim; Carneiro, Megmar Aparecida dos SantosBrazil has become an important destination country for immigrants and refugees. This migrant population represents a group at potential risk group for the acquisition and spread of enteral diseases such as infection with the Hepatitis A virus (HAV), as a consequence of the migratory process. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiological profile of Hepatitis A in foreign immigrants and refugees living in the region of Centro Goiano, Goiás. This is a crosssectional, analytical study, carried out from July 2019 to January 2020 in the cities of Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia, Senador Canedo and Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil. For this, 383 participants identified themselves as immigrants or refugees. All were interviewed and tested for detection of total anti-HAV antibody (IgM and IgG), as positive in participants under five years of age were retested for anti-HAV IgM and previous history of vaccination for Hepatitis A was investigated. From the total of participants, most were from Haiti (50.1%) and Venezuela (39.4%), male (56.1%), aged 20 years or over (79.9%), self-declared color black (63.0%), single (51.1%), evangelical religion (73.3%), education equal to or greater than 13 years of study (36.9%) and monthly income greater than a minimum wage (61.5%). Of the total owners, 68.7% were immigrants and 30% refugees. The language was the greatest difficulty (63.0%) found in Brazil, although a significant portion already speak (71.4%) and write (53.2%) the Portuguese language. Church related associations (32.9%) were the main support they received. The prevalence of total anti-HAV was estimated of 87.3% (95% CI :83.4-90.4), with 79.1% in South American countries and 93.5% in Central American countries. Regarding vaccination as a preventive measure, only 2.9% of them were a historical source of vaccination against Hepatitis A, and their ages ranged from 2 to 47 years, the majority being female (6/11) and coming from Venezuela (7/11). The total of 21 children were eligible for vaccination against HAV when they arrived in Brazil, but only 7 (33.3%) were immunized. The results of this study confirm the importance for health managers to knowing the state of the migrant population for the development of public policies at national and regional levels that qualify tItem Análise da acurácia do conjunto de indicadores clínicos do diagnóstico de enfermagem controle ineficaz da saúde em pessoas com hipertensão arterial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-04) Silva, Ricardo Costa da; Silva, Viviane Martins da;; Cavalcante, Agueda Maria Ruiz Zimmer;; Cavalcante, Agueda Maria Ruiz Zimmer; Jensen, Rodrigo; Santos, Vinicius BatistaThe advanced nursing process early identifies the behavior of clinical practice phenomena, with self-care practices carried out by people with chronic heart diseases being one of the care pillars, especially for Arterial Hypertension (AH). To analyze the accuracy of the set of clinical indicators (CI) of the nursing diagnosis (DE) Ineffective Health Management (IHM) in people with AH undergoing outpatient treatment. In the first stage, a systematic review with meta-analysis was carried out to identify the clinical - population validity of the DE CIS. The PRISMA and STARD protocols were used to retrieve studies from databases MEDLINE via PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO, CINAHL, SCOPUS and EMBASE. For quality analysis, the modified QUADAS-2 protocol was applied. Statistical analysis was performed using software R to calculate sensitivity, specificity and Odds Ratio Diagnostic (ORD) measures with 95% confidence intervals. Heterogeneity was verified by calculating Higgins' I2 and Cochran's Q, using measures of fixed and random effect according to the obtained value. In the second stage, a clinical study of diagnostic accuracy was conducted at the Hypertension League of HC/UFG with a probabilistic sampling of 120 people by telephone consultation between September and November 2020. Cross mapping was used between the items of the Hipertension Self-Care Scale Brazilian version and the CI of the DE IHM for the definition of conceptual and operational definitions, in addition to clinical and sociodemographic instruments developed by the author. The Rasch model was used to analyze the unidimensionality of the clinical construct and the accuracy measures of the model based on the measures of efficiency, sensitivity, specificity and area under the Operator-Receiver Curve (ORC). Stage I: 11 studies were included. The four CI analyses showed ORD statistically higher than the unit value, with emphasizing on “failure to include treatment regimen in daily life” (ORD = 45). Stage II: median of 60 years of age, more frequent female (70%), brown color (55%), married (60%) and retired (36%). The main source of purchase of medicines was the popular pharmacy (66%) and 83% reported some comorbidity, with dyslipidemia being more frequent (38%). The median time of diagnosis of AH was ten years. The CI “failure to include treatment regimen in daily life” was the most frequent in the sample (70%), being more sensitive. The CI “failure to act to reduce risk factors” presented better levels of specificity. There was a frequency of 45 subjects supposedly identified with CIS in the sample (37,5; IC95%: 29,0 – 46,8). The most sensitive CI results from the incongruity of the lifestyle habits necessary for adequate control of AH. The most specific CI is the result of the initial phase of the chronic condition, being present in situations of greater severity of ND. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were similar to other clinical contexts. Nurses can use the summary measures of diagnostic accuracy obtained for early and valid identification of behaviors that predispose to the occurrence of DE IHM.