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Item Qualidade de vida de agentes de segurança prisional de uma capital brasileira(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-27) Araújo, Cristiane Soares da Costa; Matos, Marcos André de;; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Martin, Dolores Rodriguez; Vitorino, Priscila Valverde de OliveiraINTRODUCTION: Given their working circumstances prison officers (POs) are regarded a vulnerable group, which impairs the sustainability or achievement of satisfactory levels of health and overall quality of life (QOL). AIMS: To assess the QOL of POs of a Brazilian capital and compare in accordance with socio-demographic and working condition factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with 269 officers from five prisons, from November 2017 to July 2018.To gather data we used a questionnaire with socio-demographic and working condition variables and WHOQOL-Bref (World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref). To analyze QOL domains, we calculated mean, median and standard deviation with confidence interval (CI95%). We used t-Student test to analyze the mean differences of QOL domains between each investigated stratification variable, with p< 0.05 values being considered significant. RESULTS: This is a male-dominated population (75.1%) made up of 30-year-olds or over (62.1%), college graduates (70.5%), married (54.6%) and childless individuals (55%). Most (83.3%) of the interviewed officers have been in the job less than 5 years doing shift work (75.8%). History of violence and harassment at work was reported in 19.3% and 16.5%, respectively. QOL perception was higher (73.2%; SD=17.7) whereas satisfaction towards health was negatively perceived (68.8; SD=20.4). Women presented lower scores in the physical (p=0.001), psychological (p=0.004), social relations (p=0.01) and environment (p=0.02) domains. In the physical domain, those with a work harassment history presented lower scores (p=0.02). Regarding the psychological domain, individuals under 30 (p=0.04) and unmarried (p=0.01) presented lower scores in comparison to the others. The social relations domain presented the worst perception by those with higher education (p=0.006), who had no health insurance (p=0.04) and had been assaulted (p=0.04) and harassed at work (p=0.01). Lastly, regarding the environment domain, the uninsured officers (p=0.000), under 5 years in the job (p=0.01) and with a history of reported harassment (p=0.01) presented the lowest scores. CONCLUSION: The officers presented a good overall perception of their QOL despite having reported dissatisfaction towards their health status as well as work liability, which highlights the need for public policies that consider the specificities of their lifestyle and work environment. Our results suggest changes be made to devise feasible health-oriented strategies for this work segment in association with occupational health nursing.Item Qualidade de vida de cuidadores de crianças e adolescentes asmáticos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-12) Fernandes, Isabela Cristine Ferreira; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Farias, Glaucea Maciel de; Mota, Dálete Delalibera Corrêa de Faria; Pinho, Licia Maria Oliveira; Brasil, Virginia ViscondeINTRODUCTION: chronic diseases, especially asthma, are of complex treatment, requiring adaptation and modification of lifestyle habits of own asthmatic and their caregivers. Thus, it becomes essential to prioritize not only information and clinical care, but also aspects related to the subjectivity involved in the disease process and also its influence on quality of life of this people. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the quality of life of caregivers of asthmatic children and adolescents accompanied in a specialized outpatient care. METHODS: cross-sectional, descriptive study with a quantitative approach, performed in outpatient clinic for asthmatic childhood in a public teaching hospital in the city of Goiania, Goias, Brasil. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire containing questions related to social , economic and demographic aspects and the generic quality of life instrument for World Health Organization Quality of Life - Bref (WHOQOL-Bref). Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0,63 to 0,85, implying good instrument reliability. RESULTS: the study population consisted of 89 caregivers, with the youngest aged 23 and the oldest 60 years. Predominantly, mothers (85,4%) who had other children besides the asthmatic (72,9%), with a steady partner (65,2%) residing outside the metropolitan area of Goiania (53,9%), with secondary or higher education (62,9%), monthly personal income up to the minimum wage (57,3%), monthly family income between two and three minimum wages (65,2%) and belonging to Catholicism (47,2%). The majority of caregivers (64,0%) considered to have a good perception of quality of life and expressed satisfaction with their health. The median scores of the WHOQOL-Bref were higher in Psychological (70,83) and Social Relations (66,67) domains and the lower scores were obtained from the Environment (56,25) and Physical domains (60,71). Regarding potential factors associated with quality of life scores, it was concluded that there was a relationship with the following variables: bond caregiver, caregiver's age, number of children and schooling. CONCLUSION: this study allowed identifying the dimensions of life of caregivers that are affected, emphasizing the need to establish new strategies for quality care for these patients. In this context, we highlight the role of health professionals, who need to be able to provide humanized care and collaborate in awareness and autonomy of the care process.Item Absenteísmo entre trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital público de Goiânia-Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-31) Lima, Maisa Carolina de Castro; Barbosa, Maria Alves; is the practice of an employee not being present at work for a period, when the work day has been assigned to him/her. That fact may cause negative effects to health service. There must be shortage of personnel, other workers must be overworked and there will consequently reduce the quality of medical care. We consider as absenteeism both planned and unplanned absences, including unauthorized absence, dental and medical licenses, statement of attendance and work accidents. All of them, considered unexpected absenteeism due to preventable cause, were addressed in this study. Ojective: to investigate the occurrence of unexpected absenteeism due to preventable cause in what concerns nursing staff at public hospitals in Goiânia-GO, from 2005 to 2009. This is a cross-sectional quantitative documentary study. We researched on 549 nursing workers, 86,15% of them have presented at least one episode of absenteeism due to preventable cause. From those, nursing technicians were the great majority. That is also the category with the highest percentage of unexpected absenteeism due to preventable causes (70.19%), while nurses were a small number in that list. We found unexpected absenteeism due to preventable cause was more frequent among workers aged 30 - 39 and 40-49 years old and worked up to seven years at that job. In what concerns workplace, it was more common among workers of Emergency and Surgical Clinic, locations that require large volumes of customer service, diversity and turnover of patients and the high degree of dependence on them. Medical licenses were 82,06% of the reasons for absenteeism due to preventable causes. Among the causes of absenteeism due to illness, there are the diseases of muscular system and connective tissue, followed by mental and behavioral disorder; conditions which influence physical/mental health and the contact in health services and respiratory diseases. Absenteeism rates had increased over the years, and remained, most of the time, above the level recommended by COFEN, demonstrating that the unexpected absenteeism due to preventable causes in the study institution was high. It is noteworthy that rate drop in 2009, which may be the deployment of APH. Through this study we could observe the unexpected absenteeism among workers due to avoidable causes depends on factors intrinsic to the individual: his/her health condition, personal elationships, including family members, his/her contact with the social apparatus, such as the transportation system, among others, but it is largely influenced by the conditions of the workplace: the physical environment itself, the activities performed and the way they have to be performed, relationships with colleagues and supervisors. All of them susceptible to intervention, so as to reduce absenteeism.Item Relação entre risco cardiovascular e qualidade de vida de pacientes hemodialisados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-03-13) Oliveira, Lorrana Gabriella de; Cordeiro, Jacqueline Andréia Bernardes Leão;; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Brasil, Virginia Visconde; Freitas, Nara Rúbia deINTRODUCTION: patients with chronic kidney disease have variable increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular events, since both have common risk factors. The numerous changes and adaptations undergone by these patients impose a considerable psychosocial overload on patients and their families, which can be aggravated by the existence of comorbidities and compromise their quality of life. OBJECTIVE: to analyze the relationship between cardiovascular risk and health related quality of life in hemodialysis patients in Goiânia-GO. METHODS: an analytical cross-sectional study performed with 339 patients at eight hemodialysis clinics in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás, from January to September 2017. For data collection, a questionnaire was used with sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory variables; the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative-Short Form (KDQOL-SF), to obtain measures of quality of life and the Framingham Score for cardiovascular risk measurement. To analyze the data, normality tests were applied for parametric and non-parametric variables. RESULTS: population comprised of 60.8% of men, with mean age of 52 years and personal income of a minimum wage. Most of the patients were non-smokers, had Systemic Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus as the main comorbidities. The most impaired quality of life dimensions were "professional role" followed by "renal disease overload". The dimensions "cognitive function" and "quality of social interaction" presented better performance. The majority of the studied population (42.3%) had a moderate cardiovascular risk. CONCLUSION: patients with high cardiovascular risk in lower consumption in seven domains of quality of life, in relation to those with medium and low cardiovascular risk, being “physical functioning”, "physical function," "general health," "emotional function," and "kidney disease overload," demonstrating that there was a negative correlation between quality of life and cardiovascular risk.Item Qualidade de vida de pessoas em situação de rua do Brasil Central(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-29) Soares Neto, Alcides Pereira; Matos, Marcos André de;; Barbosa, Maria Alves;; Barbosa, Maria Alves; Brasil, Virgínia Visconde; Vitorino, Priscila Valverde de Oliveira; Chaveiro, Neuma; Oliveira, Lizete Malagoni de Almeida CavalcanteThe objective of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the quality of life of individuals living in the street, homeless, from August to October 2015. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire containing questions related to social, economic and demographic aspects and the generic quality of life instrument for World Health Organization Quality of Life - Bref (WHOQOL-Bref). To evaluate factors associated with QoL, were used multiple linear regression. The level of significance was set at ≤ 5 %. Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0,66 to 0,80, implying good instrument reliability. the study population consisted of 150 individuals, with the youngest aged 18 and the oldest 82 years. The mean scores of the WHOQOL-Bref were higher in Physical (68,1) and Psychological (66,6) domains and the lower scores were obtained from the Environment (44,1) and Social Relations domains (56,6). Significant averages in quality of life were demonstrated in association with male homeless, married, age (30 - 40 years), non-users of illicit drugs and without reported toothache and discrimination. This study allowed identifying the dimensions of life of homeless that are affected, emphasizing the need to creation of public policies and social support to effectively reduce the vulnerabilities of these individuals. It also allows us to reflect on the nurses responsibility in promoting health, and therefore, improve their quality of life of people.