Região Metropolitana de Goiânia (RMG)
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Item Gestão por processos e Gespública: abordagens para a gestão de um programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu na UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-05) Chaves, Gustavo Henrique Pessoa; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Silva, Solange; Soares, Júlio Cesar ValandroThis work deals with the Business Process Management and Gespública applied to the administrative management of the Post Graduate in Physics (PPG- FIS) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). It has made a literature review about Business Process Management, the University Management and Gespública. Selected interdepartmental processes of the PPG-FIS are modeled, analyzed and redesigned. Gespública applications are described for the PPG-FIS. Subsidies are gathered for the proposal for a Charter of Service to the Citizen. It has concluded that the Business Process Management and Gespública can jointly contribute to the administration in resource savings, reduced rework, strategic planning and management by results.Item Ordenamento das prioridades de tomada de decisão sob a ótica do atendimento às expectativas institucionais internas: aplicação em um instituto federal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-08) Costa, Wstalin Sardinha da; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Braz, Eugênio Rubens CardosoThe constant improvement of business services depends on its ability to analyze perceived quality’s most influential aspects for customer as well as for other business process’ parties. It is no different in higher education institutions, since its importance to society – high quality education can improve a country’s labor relations, technological capacity, production, and employment levels. This study intends to propose a service’s quality management analysis tool for academic internal stakeholders, in a higher education basis, of a Federal Education Institute. The chosen academic internal stakeholders were: Undergraduate students, Administrative staff, Teachers and Management Group. This paper analyzed the main quality assessment models - including Cameron’s (1978), SINAES, and Parasuraman Zeithaml, Berry’s (1985) - where the research’s variables and quality indicators were extracted from. Then, basing on Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry’s (1990) Quality’s Gap and Slack’s (1994) Opportunity Matrix models, the stakeholder’s attributes of importance and performance were compared. Thus, the results from the research presented Adequate, Improvement, and Immediate Action attributes in the Opportunity Matrix. Lastly, the research focused on the Immediate Action attributes – Accessibility for people with disabilities; Access to computer equipment, internet and Wi Fi; Life quality; Staff training; Cooperative environment; Students’ Moral; Problem solving ability; Availability of an efficient virtual system; Intermediation with the labor market; Fluidity of interdepartmental communication; Punctuality of Students; Use of talent and expertise; communication flow with the Management Group; Management plan compliance; Flexibility in assembling the curriculum – to propose an action plan based on BSC methodology that shows intervention initiatives for the Institute researched.Item Modelo de gestão estratégica e participativa para institutos federais: uma aplicação no Instituto Federal de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-09) Ferreira, Kepler Benchimol; Machado Júnior, Eliseu Vieira;; Machado Júnior, Eliseu Vieira; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Braz, Eugênio Rubens CardosoThis dissertation presents a model of strategic and participative management to higher education institutions, built from the theoretical framework of strategic management, stakeholder theory, legal framework and management models. For the application of the model, was chosen the Instituto Federal de Goiás - IFG, whose performance is through 14 units distributed by the state of Goiás. Specifically, it aimed to: identify and classify the stakeholders of IFG; analyze its Institutional Development Plan (IDP); performing an institutional diagnosis of the organization, from the proposed model; and refine the model of strategic and participatory management, with its application. The methodology of this research is outlined in four followings stages: 1) bibliographic and documentary research; 2) presentation of the essential elements of strategic management theory and stakeholder; 3) proposal of strategic and participatory management model; 4) application of the model, with case study and organizational diagnosis. As a result, it presents a proposal for a strategic management model and participatory for the institutions of higher education, improved from its application in the IFG. This model could be used by them to meet the accreditation requirements and re-accreditation of the Ministry of Education and for the preparation of IDPs, as well as a strategic and participative action, to consider the expectations of its stakeholders in managing the organization.Item Desempenho do Sistema de Registro de Preços nas licitações praticadas pelo Poder Executivo do Distrito Federal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-03) Silva, Alan Carlos Cavalcante da; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da; Carvalho, Claudia Reginal Rosal; Mello, Simone Portella Teixeira deThe Public Sector Management boosts the society development, using the taxes revenues to support the public policies. The Price Register System aims the wishes for the modernization provided by the Constitution. The study analyzes the Biddings and Biddings with Price Register System while the 2014 year. This works will develop strategies to enlarge the public sector performance in the state of Distrito Federal. The methodology provides a applied research. The research method aim detail aspects for the purchases, identifying the main factors for a good performance by a management diagnosis. The diagnosis found the number of common Biddings was bigger in the number of cases and about the value spending than the Biddings with Price Register System, and prioritized low price acquisitions of common goods. The proposal of action plan try finds a based strategy of a Permanent Forum for purchase planning.Item Risco regulatório: uma análise sobre a volatilidade dos retornos das ações da sabesp no período de 2007 a 2015(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-05) Silva, Luciano Ferreira da; Cunha, Moisés Ferreira da; Cunha, Moisés Ferreira da; Pimenta, Daiana Paula; Ilírio José Rech, Ilírio José RechAlthough the search for strenghtening regulation and control had only been explicited in the 1995 with the Managerial Reform of Ministry of Government Administration and Reform (MARE), through State's managerial reform master plan, the basic sanitation sector only achieved federal regulatory landmark with the 11.445/2007 law. This law has brought universal access to services as one of the fundamental principles and objectives pursued by organizations related to this sector, which, after analyzing financial resources needed, estimated by the Ministry of Cities in 2013, would be inconceivable without the participation of private capital. On the other hand, introducing private capital necessarily improves regulatory action, once the more transparent and stable are the rules and mechanisms behind regulatory agencies, the greater are the chances of return to investors and the impacts on cost of companies’ capital are smaller. Thus, assessment of risk impacts derived from the action of regulatory agencies is of fundamental importance to the awareness of the need for greater transparency predictability and stability of the rules. Thus, whereas the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo (Sabesp), is commonly used as a benchmark for the sector, among other reasons because it is the largest segment, this study examined the effects of Resolutions of the Regulatory Agency of sanitation and Energy of the State of São Paulo (Asesp), the regulatory events, of economic and financial nature, from 2007 to 2015, on the clusters of volatility of return of sanitation Company shares Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo (Sabesp ) by the method TGARCH (Threshold Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic). The results constitute evidence that the regulatory agency decisions can influence the volatility when it generates change in expectations and may cause changes in the risk and cost of capital. At the end has crafted a diagnosis that considered correct use of the CAPM and WACC to define the cost of capital, but pointed out that the decision of Arsesp in not recognizing a specific component for regulatory risk was inadequate. Recommends to the next tariff review cycle of Sabesp, the assessment by the Arsesp of possibility of including a specific component to reward investors due to regulatory risk.Item Compras públicas inteligentes: um modelo de análise estratégica para a gestão das compras públicas – estudo de caso do instituto do meio ambiente e dos recursos hídricos do distrito federal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-29) Terra, Antonio Carlos Paim; Machado Júnior, Eliseu Vieira;; Machado Júnior, Eliseu Vieira;; Severino, Maico Roris; Nogueira Neto, JoséPublic procurement constitute one of the most sensitive and important areas of logistics management that drives the Public Administration. Considering the theme of estimates of public procurement, expanded under the new paradigm that embraces purchasing activity, this paper aims to propose a strategic analysis model of government procurement activity, built from the concept intelligent public procurement - CPI . The concept of CPI considers a multidimensional view of public procurement activity, crafted from five dimensions: sustainability, innovation, legal frameworks, governance and efficiency. The purchasing management cycle is approached from the PDCA circuit, divided between the stages of planning, execution (operation), control and corrective actions. After modeling, application of the model (map) strategic in the Instituto do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Hídricos do Distrito Federal was held, making a diagnosis and proposing intervention measures aimed at improving the public procurement activities of the Institution.