Região Metropolitana de Goiânia (RMG)
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Item A metamorfose em Lygia: processos de metamorfose nos contos de Lygia Fagundes Telles(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1984-09-13) Silva, Vera Maria Tietzmann; Teles, Gilberto Mendonça; resumo em outra língua)Item A poética alquímica de Manoel de Barros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1988) Camargo, Goiandira de Fátima Ortiz de; Fernandes, José;; Fernandes, JoséO autor não apresentou resumo em outra línguaItem O romance de mistério e o mistério do romance(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1989-12-15) Pessoa, Rosane Rocha; Fernandes, José; study aims to decipher the formal and thematic "mysteries" of five Brazilian narratives which deal with crime. Be ggining with the structure of trivial narratives ~ characteristic of the classical police stories ~, it is verified how the crimina l intrigue is presented in the five narratives. nesides deviating from the scheme, they question the involving criminal reality. It is, in my view, the "humanization" of a trivial theme because they elaborate on contradiction as its fundamental structure . This dialetic elaboration answers for the amplification of the criminal matter, permitting the approach of philosophycal, social, economic, mystic and moral themes. Under this scope, the five place themselves in opposition narra tives to the rheification and alienation imposed by the cultural industry.Item O riso na obra infantil de Sylvia Orthof(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1991) Cruvinel, Maria de Fátima; Fernandes, José; de trois forces expressives dans l'œuvre littéraire pour enfants de Sylvia Orthof, vue du point de vue du rire - carnivalisation, vicillesse et le ludisme. Les valeurs sociales, les comportements conventionnels et la vision manichéenne du monde, transmis depuis si longtemps par les récits traditionnels, sont des aspects remis en question par la littérature jeunesse moderne. L'écrivain Sylvia Orthof utilise le caractère positif du rire carnavalier et à travers des ressources telles que l'inversion et le grotesque interroge le sérieux de l'homme. La vieillesse est décrite comme une phase importante de la vie. Teinté dans une perspective opposée au vulgaire, le vieil homme rit mais aussi rit, ce qui le rapproche de l'enfant qui lit. Lié à un rire de caractère positif, le ludique soutient les textes, impliquant le lecteur.Item A vontade de verdade como vontade de potência - uma perspectiva discursiva sobre a moralidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1993-02-15) Silva, Anderson Nowogrodzki da; Costa, Alexandre Ferreira da;; Costa, Alexandre Ferreira da; Delbó, Adriana; Sousa, Kátia Menezes de; Souza, Agostinho Potenciano de; Luterman, Luana AlvesThe present work is the result of some observations about the relations between power and knowledge, the regularities and the possibilities of resistance. We decided, then, think and discuss the articulation between the concepts of Will of Truth and Will to Power, in order to understand the way moral establishes itself in the set of interactions. We demonstrates, like that, the way the society commands itself based on the current knowledge and, at the same time, creates resistences, transforming itself through the confrontation of forces, of the logical of power. Then, the theorical-methodological postulate with wich one works is the study of the discourse by the Foucault’s archaeogenealogy, bringing also, to the research, Nietzsche’s notions and reflections, in order to better illustrate the way society is constituted and your ways to see and say. The use of this theoretical contribution is justified because it is based on numerous unfoldings and contributions to the studies of the language in a historicist perspective. Thereby, it seeks to highlight issues pertinent to this field of study; What means Will to Power? What means Will of Truth? How those concepts relate on na enviroment were resistence and regularity coexist? What are the consequences that these concepts can have in what we propose to investigate? How do you set up a moral control mechanism? Those are questions that guide this work and that tend to worry for a more accurate theoretical analysis. Another aspect that is relevant to this approach is the understanding of the concept of device; according Courtine (2013), we should look to the device as a set of knowledges that can be crossed and make others appear, having a strategic function regulated by the power relations. Foucault and Nietzsche provide a basis for reading the concepts that are discussed, being complemented by your readers. This study is qualitative in that we do not look for exhaustive but representative data. Therefore, will be described, related and crossed statements that present in the contemporaneousness the quest to control morally the body, observing the resumption of the “already said” in function of legitimizing the discourses, leading to the discussion of why a person who goes hungry do not steal to eat as an example of the dynamics of morality. Finally, we can infer that the subject of discourse, although situated sociohistorically in capitalist societies, that reinforce the morality control, can resist which leads to the continuous transformation.Item Juizados agrários (JA)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1995) Lenza, Vítor Barboza; Castro, José Soares deIn the Agrarian Cour- (?C) , the agrarian disputes liniited to the amount of 40 (forty) minimum wages and the agrarian penal decisions concerning the penal infraction, culpable and deceitful crimes to which the Law attributes the máximum penalty of up to two years of detention and up to one year of reclusión will come to an end. These will be processed and executed, under oral and summarized ^proceedings according to the Law number 7.24 4, of November 7th, 1984. This proposed preliminary bilí predicts the división of the State of Goiás in 52 agrarian judiciary microregions, which will congrégate, perhaps, four or five towns and districts, and that in one of them will be established the agrarian judiciary microregion headquarter, in which the agrarian judge will reside, according to the Judiciary Organization of the State. The intent is that this portion of the State Justice has its own selection process to inj/est in the career, which is necessary because the bachelor of Law who will quatify for the exam will know beforehand that he will have to go through all his/her agrarian judiciary región, always when a great number °f people and witnesses are involved, having in mind the economy and commodity of the rural community. These judges will be known and will stand out by the use of simple clothes, adapted to the rural environment (blue jeans judge), which, when displaced to conflict areas, and in the case where better installations are not readily available, an awning would be opened in the judge's truck and the audienCes would take place even under a tree. The Agrarian Courts will have a very important role in social peace process, regarding the rural communities: and also the duty to get the citizens cióse, especially the simple and most needy ones of the Judicious System, which is still distant from its jurisdictional members. The Agrarian Courts will be oriented by the principie of the orality, of the simplicity, of the informality, of the economy of the legal proceedings, of the gratuity, and also, of the quickness, with the intent to obtain efficient conciliation among the parts involved. Only the countryman, the small rural entrepreneur, and the samll farmer will have the right to the action in the Agrarian Courts, being forbidden to juridic persons and other owners living in the active pole of the actions. However, all Physic persons will be able to act as agents and active or passive subjects in the Agrarian Penal Courts. From the decisions taken by the Agrarian Courts, unsPeakable appeal will take place in the Agrarian Court of ApPeals (ACA), composed of three first degree jurisdiction judges which will have the regional competency in the agrarian judiciary microregions, under the presidency of the oldest in the state magistracy among them. The idea of the creation of the Agrarian ^Courts (AC) was developed in Professor Paulo Torminn Borges "agrarian offices" and it is hoped that this idea will spread so that in a short period of time we are able to have de Justice in the field, correcting, this way, this qualified injustice which Perpétrate daily against the rural brazilians. This Master's Dissertation brings a proposed proeliminary bilí which is simple, of low cost to implement and, above aH, efficient. Therefore, we ought to implement it now so that the GREAT IDEAL OF JUSTICE in the field is fulfilled, which is, a justice that is fast, simplified, efficient and free.Item A poética do fragmentário: uma leitura da poesia de Manoel de Barros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1997-02-04) Camargo, Goiandira de Fátima Ortiz de; Correia, Marlene de Castro; Correia, Marlene de Castro; Bastos, Alcmeno; Fernandes, José; Castro, Manoel Antônia de; Joachim, SebastienO autor não apresentou resumo em outra línguaItem Enumeração, isolamento e identificação de bactérias aeróbias psicrotróficas viáveis do estômago e do ceco de Tartaruga da Amazônia (Podocnemis expansa)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1997-12-19) Oliveira, Wilian Pires de; Mesquita, Albenones José de; utilizados no presente experimento 480 Tartarugas da Amazonia (Podocnemis expansa) mantidas em 16 caixas d’água, distribuídas em quatro grupos. Cada grupo, recebeu um tipo de ração contendo respectivamente 5,5, 7,0, 8,5 e 10,0% de fibra bruta. Cada caixa recebeu 30 animais recém-nascidos, oriundos da natureza e colhidos no rio Araguaia, na região compreendida entre o Porto de Luiz Alves e a Ponta Sul da Ilha do Bananal. De cada uma das 16 parcelas experimentais foram retirados aleatoriamente dois animais, para colheita de material do estômago e do ceco. Estas colheitas foram feitas aos 15, 89 e 144 dias de idade, totalizando 96 amostras. A análise microbiológica das amostras, permitiu isolar e identificar 17 gêneros de microrganismos aeróbios psicrotróficos viáveis nos conteúdos das visceras analisadas: Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, Micrococcus, Streptococcus, Flavobacerium, Citrobacter, Corynebacterium, Staphylococcus, Aeromonas, Hafnia, Acinetobacter, Salmonella, Edwardsiella e Klebsiella. O teste de coloração pelo método de Gram das bactérias, nas diferentes idades, revelou que o número de gêneros Gram-positivos permaneceu o mesmo, enquanto que o número de gêneros Gram-negativos reduziu com o aumento da idade. A temperatura da água foi tomada diariamente, e as médias obtidas variaram entre 24,5 e 26,1C. Quanto às características químicas da água representadas pelo pH, O2, CO2 e CaCO3 verificou-se que encontraram-se valores dentro dos limites adequados para organismos aquáticos. As diferentes rações fornecidas aos animais durante a fase experimental não influenciaram significativamente na microbiota, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Diferenças significativas, entretanto ocorreram na frequência de gêneros de microrganismos quando foram analisados as variáveis idades e órgãos.Item Tolerância do arroz de terras altas (Oryza sativa L.) ao declínio da produção de grãos causado por seu monocultivo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1997-12-19) Costa, Sílvia Sobral; Castro, Emílio da Maia de;; Castro, Emílio da Maia de; Chaves, Lázaro José; Soares, Antônio AlvesUpland rice presents great yield reductions when cultivated as a monocrop. This phenomenon is considered by traditional rice growers as a result of tired soils. The reasons for reduced grain production, however, may be of several causes (low soil fertility, diseases, pests, decline in organic matter content, etc.) but the most important of them emphasized in the related literature refers to the allelopatic reaction by the rice crop, mainly to the autotoxicity. The lack of knowledge about this subject in Brazil, has been the source of systematic economic damage. On one hand by continuous crop establishment in the same area for several years and, on the other, by returning the rice crop to the old area before allowing sufficient time to the soil to recuperate. Additionally, it is common, especially in the northern states, the traditional crop system of slash burn, on a migratory way to avoid soil sickness. This is a non sustainable and poluent way to explore the field. The objective of this study was to evaluate a representative germplasm of the japonica tropical rice for its tolerance to monocrop system and analyze the possibility to reduce the problem by breeding procedure. The tests were established in the three areas with different antecedents. System 1 - rice after four years of maize; System 2 – two years of rice after three years of maize; System 3 – Four years of rice (monocrop) after one year of maize. The 95 genotypes tested were divided into three groups: Group 1- 17 commercial varieties; Group 2 – 17 traditional varieties; Group 3 – 61 advanced lines. Highly significant differences were observed among the systems, with a decline in production of 43% due to monocrop on its most severe condition (system 3). The commercial varieties yielded as much as the advanced lines, but 47,34% and 32,88% more than traditional ones, respectively on systems 1 and 3. The monocrop system increased plant cycle up to one week, on the average, and reduced plant height in 11 cm. The observed differences among and within genotype groups, as well as its interactions with the crop systems show the existence of genetic variability and the genotypes do not react to monocrop on the same way. With the average heritability among groups of 0,67 and with a selection intensity of 30% it was possible to estimate an average gain of 24,4% on the system 3. These genetic parameters show the possibility to attain a better agronomic behavior of rice in monocrop through breeding approach.Item Sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) para a cultura da soja (Glycine max L. Merril) na região de Rio Verde-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1998-08-28) Leandro, Wilson Mozena; Veloso, Ronaldo; Almeida Neto, José Xavier deIn order to diagnose the most limiting nutrients for soybean crop, in Rio Verde region, GO, farms were divided in distinct and homogeneous plots. Soil and leaf sampling were performed at the 50% soybean flowering stage. The third leaf from the top of 30 plants were sampled per plot. Yield was estimated from plants in 1m rows in 10 points per plot. Soil and tissue analysis were interpreted by critical levels and DRIS methods. The diagnosis precision was tested by different DRIS indices (expressions, ratios) calculation procedures. Plant nutrient condition diagnosis methods showed different interpretations. The original Beaufils method was the most precise. As related to DRIS use for soils, the resin-extracted P method was more precise than the Mehlich I extractor. Phosphorus was the most limiting nutrient for soybean crop. Potassium applied in excess caused exchangeable bases unbalance and induced a magnesium defficiency. The DRIS method showed higher sensitivity to diagnose nutrition problems, especially for micronutrients.Item Goiânia: os discursos no urbano e as imagens da cidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1999) Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza;; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza;; Almeida, Maria Geralda de; Silva, José Borzacchiello daO autor não apresentou resumo em outra línguaItem Imagens e mudança cultural em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1999) Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; autor não apresentou resumo em outra línguaItem Espécies frutíferas nativas dos cerrados de Goiás: caracterização e influências do clima e dos solos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1999-02-26) Naves, Ronaldo Veloso; Almeida Neto, José Xavier de; Almeida Neto, José Xavier de; Carvalho, Janice Guedes de; Rodrigues, João Domingos; Chaves , Lázaro José; Gonçalves , Vicente AntônioNative fruit species represent an important role in the Brazilian State of Goiás. Due to the limited scientific knowledge on these species, the current work aimed the characterization of plants, soil and climate, with their inter-relationships for five Goiás-native fruit trees present in the cerrado (a type of Brazilian savanna) with potential for economic exploration. Studied fruit trees were: araticum (Annona crassíflora Mart.), caju-arbóreo-do-cerrado (Anacardium othonianum Rizz.), cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica D.C.), mangaba (Hancomia speciosa Gomez) and pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.). Thirty seven Goiás cities were covered in about 200000 km2 , between 14° 31' 5.48" and 18° 44' 51.64" South Latitude and 47° 46' 13.95" and 52° 39' 53.42" West Longitude. Fifty sampling areas with 1 ha each were divided in four 0.25 ha quarters. At least one selected fruit tree was present in the chosen cerrado area, with the lowest possible human action. Area, plant and soil till 80 cm deep features were statistically analyzed and the results showed that E. dysenterica trees are distributed in a more gathered pattem, whereas A. crassfflora and mainly C. brasiliense trees are amply dispersed among Goiás cerrado. The studied species are generally short in size, present small basal area and show canopy shape varying from global on A. othonianum and C. brasiliense and columnar on E. dysenterica and A. crassiflora trees. Strong light competition is very frequent among these species. Greater densities are present in higher altitude areas with lower average annual temperatures. A. crassiflora and E. dysenterica trees are xxii more frequent in soil "Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo", while C. brasiliense and A. othonianum present higher densities on soil "Litossolo". Studied species show survival strategies that give them establishment and development ability on extremely soil-nutrient poor environments, with high toxic aluminum levels. Even in those conditions, leaf levels of nutrients are adequate. A. crassiflora and C. brasiliense trees tend to occur in soils with lower levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc when compared with soils where these species do not occur. E. dysenterica trees tend to occur in soils with potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and clay in higher levels than areas where the species is not present. A. othonianum and C. brasiliense densities increases with highest acidity and ~ basal area oi this frui! trees increases with lowest aluminum saturation. E.\~ dysenterica tree densities decrease with the increase of foliar leveis of potassium, while A. crassiflora tree densities decreases with foliar calcium increase. A. othonianum height is increased with the increment of foliar leveis of zinc, whereas C. brasiliense trees are taller when potassium and manganese are increased on the leaf. Areas with natural occurrence of the studied fruit trees are suffering an intense human action.Item Avaliação comportamental de plantas de baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) nos cerrados do Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1999-03-26) Corrêa, Gilmarcos de Carvalho; Zica, Lincoln Fonseca; Zica, Lincoln Fonseca; Rodrigues, João Domingos; Jesus, José Garcia de; Garcia, Antônio Henrique; Souza, Maurício deThis study was carried out with 150 plants of baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) from three regions of Goiás State. It had 50 plants per region, and it were randomizes choiced at 1995. The purpose was to verify the occurence and distribution of genetic variation among tested populations. Fruits and seeds were analysed about morphological characters. Emersion and initial development of plantas were analysed too. The experiment was planted as hierarchal model with regions level, plants within regions and fruits within plants. There was variation to all morphological characters in fruits and seeds at regions and plants within regions levels. There was no variation about plant emersion percentage and emersion velocity index (EVI). There ws variation about emersion velocity (days). Plant height and basis diameter at 30 days after emersion showed variation at regions and plants within regions levels. The most variation proportion was founded at plants within regions level with high levels of transmission to all characters.Item Mudanças de código em eventos de fala na língua Tapirapé durante interações entre crianças(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001) Paula, Luiz Gouvêa de; Braggio, Sílvia Lucia Bigonjal;; Braggio, Sílvia Lucia Bigonjal; Leite, Yonne de Freitas; Aguiar, Maria Suelí deIn this study we analyze the insertions of Portuguese borrowings and codeswitchings into Tapirapé language. Our aim was to analyze some phonologic, morphologic and syntactic processes, as well as the pragmatic ones throughout child speech data relating them to possible linguistic displacements that could lead the Portuguese language to definitively substitute the indigenous language. In this analysis we have established connections among the displacement processes and the social changes experienced by the Tapirapé indigenous people as a consequence of the asymmetric distribution of power among dift'erent societies. The theoretical basis of this study results írom the theories of bilingualism and the social and historical approaches proposed by Hamel (1988 on) who sees language contact as a conflicting relationship among indigenous and dominant societies. On the one hand, the results of our research point out to a tendency of displacement characterized in the linguistic level by the insertions of Portuguese. On the other hand there are evidences of the resistance of the indigenous language sustained by traditional practices and identity valúes.Item Avaliação da atividade mutagênica e antimutagênica da Annona crassiflora Mart. (Araticum) pelo teste do micronúcleo em camundongos Mus musculus(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001-08-23) FERREIRA, Francinez Linhares; CHEN, Lee Chen; CAPÍTULO I The araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart.) is a typical brazilian plant found in cerrados of Brazil. This plant contains acetogenins that presents cytotoxic, antitumorigenic, antiparasitic and antimicrobial properties. Its leaves, barks, fruits and seeds are used by the population as therapeutic medicine to treat several diseases as diarrhoea, rheumatism and syphilis. In the present study we have evaluated the mutagenic activity of the crude ethanolic extract of leaves of araticum though quantification of micronuclei induced in mice bone marrow. Doses of 10 mg/kg (5% of LD50), 20 mg/kg (10% of LD50), 50 mg/kg (25% of LD50), 100 mg/kg (50% of LD50) and 160 mg/kg (80% of LD50) were applied i.p. in mice Mus musculus, in groups of 5 (five) animals for each dose. The cytological preparations were made according to Heddle`s methodology. For all the applied doses, frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) was evaluated after 24, 48 and 72 h of treatment. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by ratio the between numbers of polychromatic and normochromatic erythrocytes (PCE/NCE). Ours results indicated an absence of significantly increased of micronuclei for all the doses tested (p>0,01). Thus, we concluded that the phytoterapic araticum did not present mutagenic activity under our experimental conditions. However, the toxic activity was observed upon analysis of LD50 and PCE/NCE ratio. RESUMO CAPÍTULO II Annona crassiflora Mart. (araticum) is a typical brazilian plant found in cerrados of Brazil. This plant contains acetogenins that presents cytotoxic, antitumorigenic, antiparasitc and antimicrobial properties. Its leaves, barks, fruits and seeds are used by the population as therapeutic medicine to treat several diseases as diarrhoea, rheumatism and syphilis. In the present study we have evaluated the antimutagenic activity of the crude ethanolic extract of leaves of araticum through quantification of micronuclei induced in mice bone marrow. Doses of the extract (10mg/kg, 20mg/kg, 50mg/kg, 100mg/kg and 160 mg/kg) and MMC (4mg/kg) were co-applied i.p in mice Mus musculus in groups of 5 (five) animals for each dose. The cytological preparations were made in according to Heddle s methodology. For all the applied doses, frequency of micronucleated polychomatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) was evaluated after 36 h of treatment. The obtained results indicated that the crude ethanol extract from leaves ay doses of 20 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg inhibited significantly reduced frequencies of micronuclei (P<0.01). Thus, we concluded that the phytoterapic araticum exerted an antimutagenic effect.Item Avaliação de testadores para capacidade de combinação em linhagens endogâmicas de milho (zea mays l.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001-08-30) Pimentel, Alexandre Lopes; Brasil, Edward Madureira;; Brasil , Edward Madureira; Castro, Emílio da Maia de; Chaves, Lázaro JoséThe main objective of this work is to compare different testes to evaluate for combining ability a group of unselected lines. Twenty eight lines from the CMS 04C population and six testers were used. The testers were the BR105 population, three imbreed lines from the BR105, one single cross proceeding from crossing of two of the used lines as testers and the EMGOPA 501 population. Because of the limited amounts of seeds, the topcrosses of the 20 from the 28 lines were evaluated in two places. The incomplete block design with two common treatments and three replicates were used for the topcrosses evaluation. The trials were installed in 2000/01 season, in the experimental stations of the Planagri company, in Goianésia-Goiás, and at the Escola de Agronomia of Universidade Federal de Goiás, in Goiânia-Goiás.The diallel analysis followed the model of Griffing (1956), adapted by Geraldi & Miranda Filho (1988). The correlations of Spearman, percentage of coincidence based in selection intensity and the variances between topcrosses were used, to compare the testers. It wasn’t observed consistency of the lines rank among the testers and not even for each tester between the two places. The results were different for each place. In Goianésia, the BR105 population, that got greater estimative of General Combining Ability, was the most convenient tester to discriminate the lines. However, in Goiânia, the EMGOPA 501 population, that got the lowest estimative of General Combining Ability, was the most convenient tester to evaluate the lines. In the combined analysis of the two places, the EMGOPA was only able to discriminate the lines. Some lines were superior in hybrid combining and some crossings will have to be evaluated in other environments to confirm its good performance.Item Avaliação dos efeitos ambientais da vegetação urbana sobre a qualidade de vida em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001-08-31) Martins Júnior, Osmar Pires; Romão, Patrícia de Araújo;; Brandão, Divino;; Brandão, Divino; Casseti, Valter; Castro, Tomás de Aquino Portes eThis project is a study of the eco-system of the city of Goiânia (Goiás). Goiânia’s first Directive Plan was created according to the Garden City of Howard, one of the most important urban conceptions in the word. Using this plan and its urbanist evolution, one has tried to make a preliminary identification of the social agents, which produced the urban spaces of Goiânia. A classification and qualification of the open spaces and “green areas” of the city has been made. The quantity of vegetation (m².inhab.-1 ) and its quality (typing), when distributed adequately is important to the preservation of the urban eco-system, having important environmental effects on the quality of life of the population. The “green area” rate (Índice de Área Verde – IAV) is, therefore, one of the indicators of urban development. Changes in the open spaces, as indicators of IAV, in relation with changes in demographic density, indicative of human presence in the environment, have allowed the prevision of the amount of “green area” per urban inhabitant. The IAV calculated for Goiânia is 100,25 m². inhab.-1 , having suffered a per capita reduction of 17,68% in relation to the IAV established in the original city plan in 1938. In the next fifteen years it is possible forecast that the IAV will be 54,4% smaller than it is at the moment, decreasing to 45,71 m².inhab.-1 , if the privatization policy regarding publics spaces should persist. The “green areas” are unalienable and imprescriptible public property destined for common use. In spite of this, these areas have been decreasing over the years. The degree of deterioration of public assets has been calculated and constitutes a factor in the decay in urban life quality. The adoption of a programme to register and monitor the environmental assets of Goiânia is suggested, among other measures.Item O pilão e a geladeira: o modo de ser e viver do rurícola goiano e sua contribuição para o direito agrário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001-09-25) Faria, Regina Celeste de Castro; Pessoa, Jadir de Morais;; Pessoa, Jadir de Morais;; Ulhôa, Joel Pimentel de; Assumpção, Albertina VicentinniLand law is aimed at procteting the agricultor, guarantee productivity and rational use of natural renewable resources and, for this reason, it established that these objectives be met by means of implementation of rural developmental policies which have as its main objectives established by the law itself, it's considered more important the ones related to both social and economical advancement of the agricultor. ln order to promete economical and social developement become necessary, beforehand, educate this human being by providing him with good schooling among other opportunities, this beca use, it is not possible to talk about social and educational progress without guaranteeing him the necessary educational opportunities. ln order to underst, respect and accept his characteristics as a whole, it is necessary, first or ali. to know him. Once the principal objective of this kind of research is to learn about the agricultor established in Geias in the mid of the XX century. the local literature will be surveyed in order to discover the data that capacitate us to identify his profile, way of living so that this knowledge could contribute to the process of rural development.Item Tétano acidental, um problema de saúde pública susceptível de controle(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001-12-14) FERREIRA, Denise Milioli; NETTO, Joaquim Caetano de Almeida; tetanus is a millenary disease of high lethal indices, even when proven and effective, low cost prophylactics are available. Several studies have tried to identify the physiopathological process which releases the succession of clinical manifestations of the disease. The objective of these studies is to recognize and make available a new strategy for the treatment of tetanus after exposition to the toxin. The diagnosis of tetanus is eminently clinical. Several factors may occur during the evolution of the disease which complicate its prognosis. The most frequent complications are infections and autonomic dysfunction. Several therapeutic options exist. However, they have a supportive and symptomatic role. This study has as its objective to show the complexity which involves the physiopathological process and treatment of accidental tetanus as well as to emphasize that the only effective way of reducing tetanic mortality is, doubtless, a better vaccine coverage of susceptible individuals. NOTE: Essay with review articles. This is the sum of the first.