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Item Micropropagação, caracterização dos tricomas glandulares foliares e análise da composição química dos óleos essenciais de Hyptis pycnocephala Benth. (Lamiaceae)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Chaga, Laila Tiago; Faria, Maria Tereza;; Paula, José Realino de;; Sibov, Sérgio Tadeu;; Sibov , Sérgio Tadeu; Moraes, Moemy Gomes de; Antar, Guilherme de MedeirosHyptis pycnocephala Benth., is a native and endemic species of Brazil, with distribution in the cerrados of Tocantins and Goiás, in this, it is restricted to the region of Chapada dos Veadeiros. It is known by the traditional Kalunga community as “alecrim-do-campo”, and is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and gastrointestinal disorders. The species is endangered due to deforestation and fragmentation of its natural habitat, the Cerrado. In this context, the objectives of this work were: to develop a micropropagation protocol, to characterize the leaf micromorphology and the essential oil components of the species. The plant material was collected in the municipality of Cavalcante, GO. H. pycnocephala seeds were decontaminated and used in in vitro germination tests with different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3). The seedlings obtained were used to test the media for in vitro establishment, between MS media; MS½; WPM. For multiplication, the influence of cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and different concentrations of auxin naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for rooting was tested. For acclimatization, substrates with different amounts of gully soil, commercial substrate and sand were tested. For the micromorphological analyses, the usual techniques of plant anatomy were used. The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger type apparatus and the constituents were identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. In vitro germination has better results with 144.5 µM GA3. For in vitro establishment, the WPM medium proved to be the best. For shoot multiplication, the use of 6.66 µM of BAP is indicated and for rooting, the use of auxins is not necessary. For acclimatization, there were no significant differences for the substrate, however, roots with less than 1 cm provided lower performances. A morphological and histochemical diversity was observed in the glandular trichomes present in the leaves of H. pycnocephala, both in field and micropropagated plants. Two types have been identified: peltado and capitate. Among the capitates, six types have been described. Different essential oil yields and chemical composition were obtained between leaves collected in the field when compared to micropropagated ones. Essential oils were mainly made up of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes. The major compounds are endo-fenchol, α-pinene and β-caryophyllene both in samples from micropropagation and those collected in nature. Plants from in vitro cultivation showed higher yields compared to other samples and new compounds such as Dauca-4 (11), 7-diene and δ-3-Carene and increased levels of β-caryophyllene and endo-fenchol. These promising results will support future research on medicinal properties and commercial applications, in addition to contributing to the conservation of H. pycnocephala.Item Melhoramento do feijão-comum para resistência a bacterioses assistido por marcadores moleculares(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-04) Coêlho, Laysla Morais; Torga, Paula Pereira;; Souza, Thiago Lívio Pessoa Oliveira de;; Souza, Thiago Lívio Pessoa Oliveira de; Torga, Paula Pereira; Pereira, Helton Santos; Melo, Patrícia Guimarães Santos; Vianello, Rosana PereiraThe common bean crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production can be affected by several diseases, with emphasis on bacteriosis, an important focus of breeding programs once the use of resistant cultivars is the safest, most economical and most efficient control measure. Among the bacterial diseases that affect the crop, in Brazil, the common bacterial blight (CBB), widespread disease in the country, incited by bacteria, Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas citri pv. fuscans; and the halo blight of common bean, an emerging disease of great risk to national agriculture, incited by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Psp). The objectives of this work were: (i) To develop halo blight resistant common bean progenies of the carioca commercial class individually containing the Pse-2 and Pse-6 resistance alleles, with the aid of marker assisted selection (MAS); (ii) To evaluate and validate the SNP snpPV0039, associated with the CBB resistance QTL-SU91 in a diverse panel of common bean parents and in an F2 population derived from the line CB911921 (QTL-SU91). In the first study, backcrosses were carried out using the sources of resistance to halo blight, ZAA-12 (Pse- 2) and BelNeb-RR1 (Pse-6) as donor parents and the carioca cultivar BRS Estilo as the recurrent parent. F1 plants were identified by genotyping with SSR markers and used as donor parents in the following backcrosses, until the F1BC3 generation. At each backcross cycle, plants were genotyped with 24 SSR markers. The genetic similarity of the BCnF1 plants with the recurrent parent BRS Estilo was estimated with the help of the Genes Program and selected the most similar plants in each BC cycle. The assisted selection of resistance alleles was monitored in BC2F1, BC3F1 and BC3F2 generations and only plants with positive results for the presence of Pse-2 and Pse-6 alleles were advanced to the next generations. For the BC3F2:3 generation, a progeny test was performed to select plants in homozygosity for the resistance loci. For each population, two BC3F2:3 common bean progenies of the carioca type were obtained, almost isogenic to the cultivar BRS Estilo (100% genetic similarity based on 24 SSR molecular markers) and also containing individually, in homozygosity, the alleles of resistance Pse-2 and Pse-6. For the second study, the genotyping of 376 elite common bean parents was carried out by the company Intertek Agritech, from the portfolio provided by the High Through-Put Genotyping (HTPG) project of molecular markers associated with different characters in beans, the marker was selected snpPV0039, which is directly associated with the QTLSU91 allele that confers resistance to CBB.To validate the marker snpPV0039, an F2 segregating population was used, derived from the cross between the CB 911921 line (QTLSU91) and a line susceptible to CBB (Genitor 1), already available among the working populations of the Embrapa breeding program. Data from Xap phenotyping and genotyping with marker snpPV0039 in the F2 generation were submitted to the chi-square test (χ2) with the aid of the R software. Among 218 F2 plants phenotyped for Xap reaction, 159 of them were characterized as resistant and 59 as susceptible, showing conformity to the expected ratio of 3R-:1rr (χ2 = 0.49; p = 0.48). snpPV0039 adhered to the ratio of 1RR:2Rr:1rr (χ2 = 1.5; p = 0.47), segregating as expected for codominant markers. Regarding the gene linkage analysis, the marker snpPV0039 used in the genotyping of the F2 population (Parent 1 x CB 911921) is linked to the QTLSU91 allele, with a recombination fraction of approximately 0.1 (10 cM). The snpPV0039 marker showed a selection efficiency of 96%, in the identification of plants with the CBB resistance allele QTLSU91 present in CB 911921, evidencing its strong linkage disequilibrium. Thus, this marker is recommended for use as a tool in the routine selection of BCC resistant genotypes in a common bean breeding program.Item Variabilidade genética quantitativa e estrutura populacional de Dipteryx alata Vog. do cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-11-30) Mota, Elias Emanuel Silva; Soares, Thannya Nascimento;; Chaves, Lázaro José;; Chaves, Lázaro José; Novaes, Evandro; Soares, Thannya Nascimento; Nabout, João Carlos; Rodrigues, FabrícioThe objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for quantitative traits of Dipteryx alata; to infer about the influence of climatic, edaphic and geographic factors on the phenotypic divergence among subpopulations and to compare the population genetic structure of the species, based on quantitative and molecular data, to infer about the adaptive processes in the subpopulations. The germplasm collection consists of 600 plants in the field, in a randomized complete block design, with four replications and one plant per plot. Seedlings from the sowing in mid-October 2011 were transplanted to the field in March 2012. A phenotypic evaluation was also carried out in the 25 natural subpopulations, in which leaf and inflorescence data were collected from adult plants in six states of Central Brazil, sampling six plants per subpopulation. A composite sample of soil was also obtained with subsamples collected in the projection of the canopy of the plants. The evaluations of the plants from the germplasm collection, for the purposes of this study, began in March 2013, being the individual accessions characterized morphologically and agronomically. The quantitative data of the collection and the natural subpopulations were submitted to descriptive analysis, analysis of variance and correlation between the silvicultural characters. From the variance components, the genetic parameters of interest were also estimated. The comparison of the population genetic structure via microsatellite marker (FST) and quantitative data (QST) was performed based on the probability distributions of the values of the two estimates, which were generated by parametric bootstrap using 10000 resamples. There was significant variation between subpopulations and progenies within subpopulations, for most of the traits evaluated. There is genetic variability both among and within subpopulation, and its structuring is inherent to the evaluated variable. The traits, initial height, final height, initial diameter, final diameter, stem height and crown diameter showed higher heritability values, having a greater potential for genetic gain by selection and breeding. The geographic distances matrix showed low magnitude correlation only with the distances matrix of the phenotypic data of leaves and with the data matrix of the nutritional contents of leaves. The results of the Mantel tests suggested that the environmental factors (climate and soil), as well as the geographical distribution of the subpopulations are associated, even in small magnitude, with the phenotypic divergence among the subpopulations. Eighteen of the twenty seven characters evaluated for the species suggest that drift is the main cause of differentiation among subpopulations.