Região Metropolitana de Goiânia (RMG)
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Item O quanto nosso balde está cheio de conhecimento sobre vocalizações de aves e de mamíferos sul-americanos no século XXI?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-30) Andrade, Ursula Teixeira de; Bastos, Rogério Pereira;; Bastos, Rogério Pereira; Freitas, Guilherme Henrique Silva de; Bernardy, José Vinícius; Morais, Alessandro Ribeiro de; Batista, Vinícius GuerraBioacoustics is a branch of Zoology that studies the acoustic communication of animals. This science is multidisciplinary as it relates to other areas of natural science and thus expands possibilities for new discoveries. Investigations that show the advances and possible gaps that may exist in the knowledge of vocalizations are still rare, especially in the tropics. In this research, we reviewed what was published in studies on vocalizations of South American birds and mammals available in the Scopus database between 1962 and 2020. We investigated the impact of the research on the number of articles published, in journals, more focused taxonomic groups, paper authors' affiliations and differences between countries scientific productivity. Studies on bird vocalizations over time have raised. There were taxonomic and geographic biases. Some groups and species are disproportionately more studied than others, such as Passeriformes, Cetartiodactyla and Chiropter. Strong economies had a higher density of publications. Areas such as Animal Behaviour and Bioacoustics were most studied in birds and mammals. We propose that, in the future, research efforts be redirected towards greater attention on species whose acoustic communication has little or no study and, mainly, those ones most endangered species. With these two reviews we hope to be able to contribute to reveal the panorama of what has been studied about vocalizations of South American birds and mammals and, in this way, serve as a guide to help and direct future research.Item Genoma cloroplastidial de Serjania erecta Raldk: variação no número de genes e análise de seleção de genes de plastomas da família Sapindaceae(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-04) Corvalan, Leonardo Carlos Jeronimo; Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola;; Nunes, Rhewter;; Nunes, Rhewter; Sobreiro, Mariane Brom; Dias, Renata de OliveiraSerjania erecta from the Sapindaceae family is a plant with medicinal properties. Studies indicate potential for use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, gastric diseases and anti-inflammatory use. Although, little is known about its genetic and evolutionary aspects. The goal of this study was to assemble the chloroplast genome of S. erecta, and use it in a comparative analysis with other plastomas of the Sapindaceae family. For this, we sequenced a single specimen of S. erecta from Araxá (MG - Brasil) using Illumina Miseq. The chloroplast genome was assembled using NOVOPlasty v3.2 and annotated using the CHLOROBOX platform. For comparative analysis was used eleven chloroplast genomes from different Sapindaceae family species (Acer buergerianum, Aesculus wangii, Dimocarpus longan, Dipteronia dyeriana, Dodonaea v iscosa, Eurycorymbus cavaleriei, Koelreuteria paniculata, Litchi chinensis, Pometia tomentosa, Sapindus mukorossi, Xanthoceras sorbifolium). The chloroplast genome of S. erecta has a size of 159,297 bp with 132 genes, including 87 are protein-coding genes, 37 are tRNAs and 8 rRNAs. Among twelve chloroplast genomes avalieded, S. erecta has the lowest amount of complex repeats and microsatellites. The structure and order of genes in chloroplast genomes of the order Sapindales was extremely conserved. The variation in numbers of genes was from the 132 genes to 128 genes in the Sapindaceae family. We suggest that three factors cause variation in the number of genes in the family: (1) Inverted repeat region (IR) expansion events cause the duplication of the rpl22, rps3 and rps19 genes; (2) the pseudogenization of the rps2 gene; (3) variation in the number of genes encoding tRNAS. The phylogenetic tree had well supported nodes within Sapindaceae and Serjania formed a clade with Sapindus, Litchi, Dimocarpus, and Pometia genera. Only two genomic regions (ycf1 and ndhF) showed high nucleotide diversity and no one gene is under positive selection (ka/ks > 1). The results obtained in this study provide the assembly and annotation of the chloroplast genome of S. erecta, the first annotation of a species of the genus. It also provides an idea of how chloroplast genomes evolved in the Sapindaceae family.Item No limiar tênue entre teoria e realidade, sazonalidade e caos em sistemas planctônicos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-02-26) Ferreira, Heury Sousa; Marco Júnior, Paulo De;; Marco Júnior, Paulo De; Diniz Filho, José Alexandre Felizola; Silva, Daniel Brito Candido daThe Chaos Theory is an alternative tool to stochastic dynamic modeling when target biological systems show irregular and no predictive behavior. The plankton is a model group of organisms to theoretical and experimental investigations in chaotic dynamics due to its intrinsic biological characteristics as small size, high reproductive rate and short life cycle, with the additional advantage of its public interest related to practical problems. In this work we investigated the dynamical aspects of a NutrientPhytoplankton-Zooplankton seasonal forced model, created by means of the addition of the Zooplankton level on a Nutrient-Phytoplankton seasonal forced model that show chaotic behavior, proposed by Huppert et al. (2005). An important outcome of the Huppert’s model is that the intensity of the seasonal forcing is the control parameter of the system. We investigated the zooplankton effect on the stability of the model, and the chaos control by means of pulses in the intensity of the seasonal forcing. Our results show that strong and weak seasonal forcing implicates in cyclical fluctuations of phytoplankton populations, and those cycles had higher amplitude in strong seasonal forcing. Between those two extremes, there is chaos. The zooplankton mortality is a fundamental component of the behavior of the model. In fact, despite of seasonal forcing values that can promote chaotic behavior, the model can show cyclic behavior to some values of mortality rates. This suggests that absence of top-down control in the models built to understand phytoplanktonic dynamics (blooms are only a consequence of this), result in an over-simplification and lack of conceptual comprehension of the system. Our results show that periodic pulses can be able to control the chaos on moderate seasonal forcing, and to promote chaos to weak and strong seasonal effects. The pulses are theoretical indicatives of how climatic changes influences a seasonal variable can to affect the dynamics aspects of planktonic systems.