Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação
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Item Uso de um Modelo de Interceptadores para Prover Adaptação Dinâmica no InteGrade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-04-25) OLIVEIRA NETO, Jesus José de; COSTA, Fábio Moreira; grids are sets of computational resources that provide diverse types of services, such as storage and processing, on behalf of applications spread across different administrative domains. Many companies and academic institutions have demonstrated interest in their use for the execution of applications that demand huge amounts of computation power and storage. However, computer grids are complex and diversified execution environments, which exhibit high variation of resource availability, node instability and variations on load distribution, among other problems. This work presents a model of dynamic interceptors and its use in InteGrade, an opportunistic grid middleware. The use of interceptors aims to provide dynamic adaptation in InteGrade through its communication middleware, thus contributing to make InteGrade able to deal with the highly variable execution environment of computer grids without requiring changes to its implementation. Therefore, this work aims to offer dynamic adaptation capabilities to InteGrade and not to grid applications. Nevertheless, these applications will be able to benefit from adaptation provided by InteGradeItem Uma arquitetura de software interativo para apoio à decisão na modelagem e análise do tráfego urbano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-09-23) Jradi, Walid Abdala Rfaei; Hall, Bryon Richard;; Nascimento, Hugo Alexandre Dantas do;; Aloise, Dario José;; Oliveira, Juliano Lopes de; present work proposes an architecture of a Decision Support System for modelling, simulating and visualizing urban traffic, using a mathematical model adjusted to the reality of the Brazilian transit, as well as an appropriate choice of data for this context. To prove the viability of the architecture, an interactive tool, called PET-Gyn, was implemented, with a Web graphical interface. The simulation of the traffic was based on algorithms already existing in the literature, with proven effectiveness, but with adaptations that had been shown necessary. The data applied to the urban traffic is composed of information obtained from GoogleMaps API, data on the road mesh and the collection of the traffic demands measured in a region of the city of Goiânia-GO. The tool allows the visualization of basic information about the traffic in a city and offers forms of interaction to simulate the effect of possible reorganizations of the road net.Item Sobre conjuntos dominantes eficientes em grafos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-12) Oliveira, Rommel Teodoro de; Barbosa, Rommel Melgaço; a graph G = (V;E) and a set of vertices D V, a vertice v 2 V is dominated by D if jN[v] \ Dj 1. When jN(v) \ Dj = 1 for all v 2 V, G is efficiently dominable. A generalization of this concept is called efficient multiple domination, which requires all vertices must be dominated by a set D V exactly k times. The aim of this dissertation is to study these topics, describing the theoretical knowledge needed for advanced researches. For this reason, many of the theorems and its proofs are detailed. Furthermore, some results on the efficient multiple domination are presented, including bounds for the size of efficient k-dominating sets, the complement and iterated line graphs of efficiently (r + 1)-dominable r-regular graphs and a N P-completeness proof for the efficient multiple domination problem in arbitrary graphs. It is expected that this work contribute to the development of future researches on the efficient domination and in the resolution of some open problems.Item Uma Plataforma de Middleware reflexivo com suporte para auto-adaptação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-06) PROVENSI, Lucas Luiz; RODRIGUES, Vagner José do Sacramento;; COSTA, Fábio Moreira; distributed computing environment today is characterized by increasing diversity, the dynamism and increasingly complex applications. Applications for this type of environment they need autonomy to conduct management activities such as installation, configuration and maintenance, with the aim of decreasing the cost and effort involved in such activities. In mobile environments, for example, applications need to adapt due to changes in the environment (available bandwidth, signal level, etc..), Which can affect the quality of service offered to users. This paper presents a proposal for self-adaptation based on the architecture of Meta-ORB reflective middleware. The fluffy main purpose is to provide support to self-adaptation for applications that have requirements of service quality. In this paper, the concept of adaptation policies was introduced in the meta-model middleware, allowing the developer to define both the model of adaptive behavior as their applications using the same modeling language. This unified model is available at run time, being used by a mechanism of self-adaptation to the embedded middleware. The proposed architecture was implemented in a prototype called MetaORB.NET, employed in a case study to evaluate the use of architecture in the development of self-adaptive applicationsItem Grades Computacionais Oportunistas: Alternativas para Melhorar o Desempenho das Aplicações(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-13) GOMES, Raphael de Aquino; GEORGES, Fouad Joseph;; COSTA, Fábio Moreira; grid computing environments are being even more used as an alternative aside traditional processing categories. This kind of system is characterized by using of communal and shared workstations and its main concern is the guarantee of performance for the user who gives its resources to the grid. This concern, and because it is an extremaly dynamic environment, causes the adoption of treatments limited to best-effort. However, this effort hardly ever is fulfilled in an optimal way due the fact that are usually used treatments which doesn t create an effective managing of resources, doing the competitiveness of the grid applications with the local applications always penalize the grid s tasks, lowing the its performance. This work presents an architecture for the performance improvement to the grid applications, which takes into account using profiles of resources for locals applications, trying to identify when it is temporary and avoid taking actions as grid tasks migration. As alternative way or additional is proposed the using of adaptive technics who focus allowing the grade tasks maintenance on the actual node or the system improvement. The architecture was partially implemented on InteGrade middleware. We describe the developed implementation an its evaluationItem Avaliação de Técnicas de Teste para Dispositivos Móveis por Meio de Experimentação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-14) DEUS, Gilcimar Divino de; VINCENZI, Auri Marcelo Rizzo; quality is aimed at for every person that works with computation. Many techniques, methods and tools have been proposed helping us to get high level software quality. Due to the increase in the number of mobile devices available daily, there is a high number of software products for such devices are under development. To test the software for mobile devices it is important to know the characteristics of both the device and the software itself aiming at to get high quality products. One package of experimentation aiming at evaluating some well known testing techniques applied in mobile software is proposed. This work describe the proposed package, the results obtained after three replications, and highlight which technique is more adequate for grant quality in Java ME software. The replications occur in a controlled environment, producing a consistent information database about the usage of the testing techniques in JavaME programs. New replications can be carried out for collecting more data and increasing the confidence in the results obtained so far. The final objective, after many replications, is to develop one incremental strategy for testing Java ME software. A preliminary version of this strategy is presented in this work and can be further refined. Moreover, the data obtained during the experiment helps improving the JaBUTi/ME testing tool, aiming at to maximize the support and reduce the cost of the testing activityItem BOOKISH: Uma ferramenta para contextualização de documentos utilizando mineração de textos e expansão de consulta(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-14) SILVA, Luciana Oliveira e; AMBRÓSIO, Ana Paula Laboissière; continuous development of technology and its dissemination in all domains have caused significant changes in society and in education. The new global society demands new skills and provides an opportunity to introduce new technologies into the educational process, improving traditional education systems. The focus should be on the search for information, significant research, and on the development of projects, rather than on the pure transmission of content. When delivering a lecture about a given content, teachers often provide additional sources that will help students deepen their understanding of the subject and carry out activities. Furthermore, it is desirable to have proactive students, capable of interpreting and identifying other sources of information that complement and expand the subject being studied. However, one of the challenges today is information overload - there are many documents available and few effective ways to treat them. Every day, large numbers of documents are stored and made available. These documents contain a lot of relevant information. However finding that knowledge is a difficult task. The BOOKISH system, proposed in this work, assists students in their search activity. Analyzing PowerPoint slide presentations, the tool identifies contextually similar electronic documents, minimizing the time spent in searching for additional relevant material and directing the student to the content he needs. The tool presented in this document uses text mining techniques and automatic query expansion.Item Uma Metodologia para a Construção Semiautomatizada de Ontologias a partir de Documentos Textuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-01) MATOS, Hellen Carmo de Oliveira; COSTA, Fábio Moreira;; CARVALHO, Cedric Luiz de; organization became a fundamental process in face of the exponential increasing of available information, motivated by technology advances, Internet in particular. It demands effective approaches of information filtering and searching, like the information retrieval systems. Such systems depend on the document s semantic representation, which can be implemented through conceptual and semantic relationship representation instruments, as ontologies. The ontology construction is a complex and time-consuming process. It s difficult to know whether a given ontology is wide enough to represent the documents semantic information. Up to date ontologies are developed according to Ontology Engineering standards and methods, although there is no any universal solution. This work presents a methodology for semi-automatic construction of ontologies. It also demonstrates an ontology construction for grid computing domain, aiming to validate the proposal. Such domain is strongly associated to resources sharing to solve problems on dynamic and heterogeneous environment. The allocation of these resources is an essential task in the grid and depends on the quality of available information. The constructed ontology aims to provide a description of the resources available in a computational grid to help on the qualification of information contained in this environment. This will allow the semantic discovery of grid resources to run applications on an efficient wayItem Utilização de Mapas Mentais para Registro de Requisitos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-16) NISHI, Luciana; LUCENA, Fábio Nogueira de; work uses mind maps to describe requirements and investigates this not well known application through an experiment. The experiment was based on desirable features sought by requirements engineers in notations and functions offered by tools. Both provided input to small changes in mind maps before a real specification was produced for the experiment. The results show that mind maps should be considered seriously as an alternative notation to describe software requirementsItem Uso de rotas elementares no CVRP(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-23) PECIN, Diego Galindo; LONGO, Humberto José; dissertation addresses the optimization of the Elementary Shortest Path Problem with a Capacity Constraint (ESPPCC) and describes algorithms for its resolution that make use of concepts such as Label-Setting, Bidirectional Dynamic Programming and Decremental State Space Relaxation. These algorithms were used in a robust CVRP s Branch-and- Cut-and-Price framework as the column generation mechanism. The resulting BCP was used to obtain results (lower bounds, processing time and the number of branching nodes generated) to several CVRP s test instances. These results are compared with previous ones obtained with the original BCP, which is based on k-cycle elimination. Elementary routes are also explored in a route enumeration context, which allows the enumeration of all possible relevant elementary routes, i.e., all routes that have a chance of being part of an optimal CVRP s solution. If the number of relevant routes is not too large (say, in the range of tenths of thousands), the overall problem may be solved by feeding a general MIP solver with a set-partition formulation containing only those routes. If this set-partition can be solved, the optimal solution will be found and no branch will be necessary. Sometimes this leads to very significant speedups when compared to traditional branch strategies.Item Uso de rotas elementares no CVRP(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-23) Pecin, Diego Galindo; Longo, Humberto José;; Longo, Humberto José; Meneses, Cláudio Nogueira de; Aragão, Marcus Vinicius Soledade Poggi deThis dissertation addresses the optimization of the Elementary Shortest Path Problem with a Capacity Constraint (ESPPCC) and describes algorithms for its resolution that make use of concepts such as Label-Setting, Bidirectional Dynamic Programming and Decremental State Space Relaxation. These algorithms were used in a robust CVRP’s Branch-and Cut-and-Price framework as the column generation mechanism. The resulting BCP was used to obtain results (lower bounds, processing time and the number of branching nodes generated) to several CVRP’s test instances. These results are compared with previous ones obtained with the original BCP, which is based on k-cycle elimination. Elementary routes are also explored in a route enumeration context, which allows the enumeration of all possible relevant elementary routes, i.e., all routes that have a chance of being part of an optimal CVRP’s solution. If the number of relevant routes is not too large (say, in the range of tenths of thousands), the overall problem may be solved by feeding a general MIP solver with a set-partition formulation containing only those routes. If this set-partition can be solved, the optimal solution will be found and no branch will be necessary. Sometimes this leads to very significant speedups when compared to traditional branch strategies.Item Alianças defensivas em grafos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-26) Dias, Elisângela Silva; Barbosa, Rommel Melgaço;; Barbosa, Rommel Melgaço; Martins, Wellington Santos; Tronto, Íris Fabiana de BarcelosA defensive alliance in graph G = (V,E) is a set of vertices S ⊆V satisfying the condition that every vertex v ∈ S has at most one more neighbor in V − S than S. Due to this type of alliance, the vertices in S together defend themselves to the vertices in V − S. This dissertation introduces the basic concepts for the understanding of alliances in graphs, along with a variety of alliances and their numbers and provides some mathematical properties for these alliances, focusing mainly on defensive alliances in graphs. It shows theorems, corollaries, lemmas, propositions and observations with appropriate proofs with respect to the minimum degree of a graph G δ(G), the maximum degree ∆(G), the algebraic connectivity µ, the total dominanting set γt(G), the eccentricity, the edge connectivity λ(G), the chromatic number χ(G), the (vertex) independence number β0(G), the vertex connectivity κ(G), the order of the largest clique ω(G) and the domination number γ(G). It also shows a generalization of defensive alliances, called defensive k alliance, and the definition and properties of a security set in G. A secure set S ⊆ V of graph G = (V,E) is a set whose every nonempty subset can be successfully defended of an attack, under appropriate definitions of “attack” and “defence”.Item Alianças defensivas em grafos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-26) Dias, Elisângela Silva; Barbosa, Rommel Melgaço;; Martins, Wellington Santos;; Tronto, Íris Fabiana de Barcelos; defensive alliance in graph G = (V;E) is a set of vertices S V satisfying the condition that every vertex v 2 S has at most one more neighbor in V S than S. Due to this type of alliance, the vertices in S together defend themselves to the vertices in V S. This dissertation introduces the basic concepts for the understanding of alliances in graphs, along with a variety of alliances and their numbers and provides some mathematical properties for these alliances, focusing mainly on defensive alliances in graphs. It shows theorems, corollaries, lemmas, propositions and observations with appropriate proofs with respect to the minimum degree of a graph G d(G), the maximum degree D(G), the algebraic connectivity μ, the total dominanting set gt(G), the eccentricity, the edge connectivity l(G), the chromatic number c(G), the (vertex) independence number b0(G), the vertex connectivity k(G), the order of the largest clique w(G) and the domination number g(G). It also shows a generalization of defensive alliances, called defensive kalliance, and the definition and properties of a security set in G. A secure set S V of graph G = (V;E) is a set whose every nonempty subset can be successfully defended of an attack, under appropriate definitions of “attack” and “defence”.Item Cultura organizacional como apoio à institucionalização de processos de software(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-09) FERNANDES, Patrícia Gomes; OLIVEIRA, Juliano Lopes de; organizations are applying efforts to improve their software processes, in face of the premisse that states that the quality of the processes used to develop and maintain software has a major influence over the products generated. These efforts are typicaly in the form of software process improvement (SPI) initiatives, with the general objetive defining and/or improving software processes, as well as institutionalizing them. Nevertheless, once it involves changes in the way of work of organizations, SPI provokes changes in organizational culture, and is impacted by this culture. This is reflected in SPI literature, that presents organizational culture as a critical success factor in SPI implementation. The focus of this research is the investigation of the correlation between organizational culture and the effectiveness of SPI initiatives. In order to do this, two fundamental questions were considered: (a) how the culture of an organization can influence the degree of institutionalization of a defined/improved software process, and (b) what can be done to increase the degree of institutionalization of a defined/improved software process, once this institutionalization involves a cultural change. To accomplish this, a case study was conducted in two software organizations (where only one of them institutionalized its software process) with the purpose of analysing how their cultural profiles may have influenced in these different outcomes. It was also conducted a search to identify recommendations for cultural change in Organizational Culture literature. The application of these recommendations was evaluated in a comparative way in both organizations. Additionaly, a survey with SPI implementors was also made, in order to identify the degree of application of these recommendations in the organizations they have worked. With this research, cultural elements that may have relations whit software process institutionalization were identified, as well as recommendations that can derive actions to modify the elements that are considered resistance factor to the adoption of software processes defined/improved in SPI initiatives.Item Recuperação Contextualizada de Documentos Integrados pelo Protocolo OAI-PMH(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-09) OLIVEIRA, Renan Rodrigues de; CARVALHO, Cedric Luiz de; work focuses on two aspects: the integration of a set of digital libraries, repositories and other data providers through the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) and contextualized documents retrieval in this integrated repository. It is proposed the use of ontologies and content analysis of articles in wiki environments in the context definition. The interest in ontologies is in its use as artifacts of specification domain. An ontology is a data model that represents a set of concepts and their relationships within a domain of knowledge. A wiki is a collaborative environment, containing a collection of items connected by hyperlinks, which can be edited collectively by using a web browser. In this work, the wiki environments are used as an auxiliary repository of knowledge to the extraction of relevant terms. Thus, several concepts and relationships that may not be present in the ontology that specifies the domain of knowledge (since the construction of ontologies is a complex process) can be identified. The result of the developed tool processing is a ranking of documents ordered by a higher degree of importance with respect to the query provided by a user and a particular domain of knowledge, which is specified by an ontology.Item Arquitetura e implementação de mecanismos para suporte a regras de negócio em sistemas de informação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-12) BOFF, Glauber; OLIVEIRA, Juliano Lopes de; development of Information Systems (IS) should be performed so that changes in the client s business, which may be common, may be reflected in the system, without reducing its consistency and reliability. To achieve these features, portability and maintainability, which are challenges for Software Engineering, are very important. There are two essential requirements which, when present in the development process, make it easier to deal with the system complexity. The first requirement states that it should be possible to describe the IS business rules (BR) using a high level language, generating a single, implementation independent model. The second requirement demands that it should be possible to generate software source code from the abstract BR model, and to integrate this code to the IS. This work presents an approach to meet these requirements. This approach covers the specification, modeling, implementation and evaluation of business rules in software to facilitate the development and maintenance of complex IS. Instead of hard-coding the BR into the applications, this approach adopts OCL as a platform independent high-level language to define a single BR model for the IS. To store the rules safely throughout the IS life cycle, a centralized repository in the database was developed, which enables control over all BR versions. During implementation, rules in OCL are automatically converted to SQL and stored in the database as stored procedures for further evaluation by a specific component of the application. This approach facilitates the maintenance of the IS by the centralized and high-level description of all BR. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, an empirical validation was performed in the context of a research project funded by CNPq, which aims to optimize the production of beef cattle.Item Gerência de Interfaces para Sistemas de Informação: uma abordagem baseada em modelos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-16) SILVA, Wilane Carlos da; OLIVEIRA, Juliano Lopes de; and maintaining a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Enterprise Information Systems usually requires much Software Engineering staff time and effort. This paper describes a model-driven approach to create dynamically and manage these GUIs. In this approach, the Software Engineer designs conceptual models of the information system using object-oriented meta-models. A set of predefined mapping rules is applied to automatically transform and refine the conceptual models in order to generate, in runtime, the look and feel of the GUI, without source code creation. This improves the software usability, assuring consistency and homogeneity of the GUI, increases the productivity of the software engineering staff and simplifies maintenance. In our experiments we have observed an average productivity fifteen times higher than traditional methods of GUI development.Item Melhoria de processos de tecnologia da informação multi-modelo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-16) MENDES, Fabiana Freitas; OLIVEIRA, Juliano Lopes de; use just one quality model in a Information Technology Process Improvement (ITPI) iniciative means just one: language, thought about how to fit organization needs, and way to conduct improvements and appraisals. Despite, to use just one model also means it could exist other ways to deal with ITIPI needs, but this is not going to be considered. To use more than one model, hence, means to model a best solution. Mono-Model ITPI initiatives have similar nature if compared with multi-model initiatives. However, there are multi-model specific challenges like: integration of improvement initiatives, of appraisals, and of quality model. Despite of being possible to model better solutions through multi model ITPI, there are little works about it. This research review works related to this subject, presents challenges multi-model list, and comes up with an approach to deal with these challenges. This approach has the advantage to be independent of the conduct method of improvement, quality model or project improvement phase.Item ConBus: Uma Plataforma de Middleware de Integração de Sensores para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Móveis Sensíveis ao Contexto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-26) SÁ, Marcio Pereira de; ROCHA, Ricardo Couto Antunes da;; RODRIGUES, Vagner José do Sacramento; spite of the great evolution and dissemination of mobile devices and embedded sensors, development of ubiquitous applications is still a complex task mainly due to the great diversity of context information and the abundance of sensor technologies. In this scenario, middleware systems are responsible mediating communication between contextaware applications and sensors. This responsibility envolves many services such as sensor communication protocols, asynchronous communication, context information reasoning. In spite of their importance for mobile context-aware applications, the development of middleware platforms for context provisioning is also a very complex task, specially in terms of sensor module integration to these platforms. This happens due to many factors, such as: i) huge complexity to develop sensor modules; ii) dificulties of reuse of sensor modules; and iii) sensor module life cycle management. This work proposes a context provisioning middleware architecture for mobile devices named ConBus (Context Bus) that implements development, reuse, deployment and dynamic activation strategies for sensor modules.Item O Problema do agendamento semanal de aulas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-16) MARTINS, Jean Paulo; LONGO, Humberto José; Course Scheduling is a hard resolution problem, found in most of the learning institutions. Just like the others timetabling problems, the Course Scheduling have a strong associative characteristic, that means that its resolution is made of associations between events and resources. In the educational case, the lectures are events, while the teachers workload are resources. Techniques and methods have being used on the solution of these kind of problems, however is small the number of universities using software based solutions. This work is a starting point to software based solutions applied to the Federal University of Goiás.