Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia
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Item Da análise da negação e suas consequências na constituição das estruturas clínicas neurose e psicose(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-01) Braz, Lana Magna Sousa; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani;; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani; Pontes, Suely Aires; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Almeida, Marcela Toledo França deThis study is a conceptual bibliographical research aiming to investigate the concept of denial in the works of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, and its articulation with neurosis and psychosis as clinical structures. We start from the study of denial within analysis, through which a repressed content can have access to consciousness. This mechanism stems the intellectual functioning of the self, which judges whether an idea can be accepted or not. This judging activity impels Freud to search for the origins of the function of judgement, preconditions to make the psychic constitution possible and, therefore, constituting structural conditions. In the origin of the judging process, we find denial associated with the most primitive organization of the self, which seeks to get differentiated from the exterior world for the first time, expelling unpleasant contents and introjecting pleasurable ones. After this first operation, the judgement of existence comes into play, oriented by the attempt of recovering traces of former objects of satisfaction. With the contribution of Lacan, the division postulated by Freud in the first judgement becomes an intersection between the real and the symbolic. Successive denials affect the symbolic text, as attempts of maintaining certain signifiers as distant as possible. The concepts of Verdrängung (repression) e Verwerfung (rejection/ foreclosure) were discussed as means of denial that occur between perception and consciousness. Heterogeneous to the signifying set, however produced by it, the object petit a emerges as a residue forever irrecoverable, whose manifestation is a reference to what was expelled by the first judgement. What was expelled by the primordial denial does not find ways of returning through denegation, where the unconscious formations predominate. Its manifestation refers to the return of what is invariant in the structuration of the speaker, under shapes whose main characteristic is to be heterogeneous to the symbolic formations.Item A leitura lacaniana do conceito freudiano de pulsão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-08) Almeida, Henrique Batista; Burgarelli, Cristovão Giovani;; Burgarelli, Cristovão Giovani; Vorcaro, Ângela Maria Resende; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves deThis thesis aims at investigating Jacques Lacan’s reading of the concept of instinct as defined by Sigmund Freud. This study started from the comprehension of the instinct theory in Freud’s work,investigating fundamental concepts related to the subject studied. In Lacan, the privileged concepts were the graph of desire and seminars of book 7: the ethics of psychoanalysis, and book 11: the four fundamental concepts. In the course of this study, there was the verification of Freud’s historical development of the concept expressed by the two instinctual dualisms: self drives (selfpreservation)/ sexual drives and life drive and death drive. Lacan promotes a resumption of Freudian text in a radical intricacy with the theory of language, which implies a new reading of the instinct theory.Item Psicologia escolar e atendimento educacional especializado: conquistas e limitações presentes na legislação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-22) Silva, Tainá Dal Bosco; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Crochik, José Leon; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Rodrigues, Anderson de BritoThis study is a qualitative bibliographic and documentary research that investigated the Brazilian legislation of inclusion in order to find what is the role of school psychologists proposed in these documents. Were elected the most significant documents relating to the subject, laws, draft laws and decrees. Also a literature review was conducted in order to learn how the company was related to people with disabilities over time. In the first chapter is presented first, a comprehensive history, starting in primitive societies, through Greece, advancing to the Middle Ages and later the Modern Age. In a second moment, we presented a history of how was the approach of people with disabilities in Brazil, and its main landmarks and the relationship with psychology. Finally, it is presented in a unique historical context how the Special Education in the State of Goiás was developed. We realized times of exclusion, segregation, integration and inclusion. The second chapter clarify the relationship between psychology and education and school psychology and public policy, also presents concepts such as education, school psychology and cultural background. The theoretical framework that supports the discussion of this work is the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. The final chapter presents a review of the Brazilian legislation of persons with disabilities with emphasis as the relationship with education and as a starting point the Declaration of Salamanca. As a result it appears that according to the current legislation the psychology professional is not linked to the Educational Service Specialist, but is responsible for monitoring students with special educational needs. It is noteworthy that the psychologist's figure is not contemplated in the legal provisions about education at the federal level. The school psychologist will only appear in state and local laws. Psychology, or related suits, is referred to in three ways in the current legislation on persons with disabilities: assessment of disability, psychological treatment and to conceptualize violence.Item A inserção da(o) psicóloga(o) na política de sssistência social – contradições, desafios e limites(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-22) Borges, Angela Beatriz de Lima; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Oliveira, Isabel Maria Fernandes de; Boechat, Filipe MilagresThe participation of Psychology in the National Policy of Social Assistance is a contemporary phenomenon. In 2004, the psychologist became part of the technical team necessary to develop Social Work. One of the main challenges for psychologists who work with public policies is to overcome conservative traditional practices in Psychology. This dissertation discusses the role of psychologists in the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), analyzing how psychologists started to participate in this space and which assumptions and practices are applied in this space. The specific objectives of this study were: to identify the theoretical-methodological guides the work of psychologists inserted in the CRAS; examine whether the training of psychologists is an important mediation in their professional practice; to identify which psychological practices are developed in the CRAS; and to reflect if psychologists take into account the theoretical and methodological guidelines of PNAS and/or social demands. The theoretical foundations of this dissertation approached the relationship between social policy and "social issues", the history of social assistance policies and the process of integration of psychologists into it after the creation of the profession in 1962. A qualitative research was conducted with six psychologists being interviewed about their ideas and practices. For the interviews it was applied a semi-structured guide in order to explore the objectives of this research. Content analysis resulted in the following issues: a technicist psychological practice which focus only individual issues; development of collective activities excluding a critical approach over "social issues"; psychological training that is unable to tackle the demands necessary to work inside a CRAS; theoretical and methodological references are restricted to regulatory and official documents; working conditions of psychologists (lack of public tender, lack of equipment and adequate physical infrastructure); hope of the psychologists in the process of social transformation of the reality related to the work with families inside the CRAS. These results can contribute to critical reflection on the limits and possibilities that emanate from the relationship between Psychology and Social Assistance and on how this relationship can contribute to the efforts for emancipation.Item Integração corpo/mente na análise bioenergética de Alexander Lowen: a relação entre o adoecimento corporal e as estruturas de caráter(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-25) Oliveira Júnior, Wellington Roriz de; Hur, Domenico Uhng;; Hur, Domenico Uhng; Costa Neto, Sebastião Benício da; Toassa, Gisele; Pereira, Maria Amélia Dias; Nascimento, Périsson Dantas doThis study has the objective to analyze the relationship between body and mind in Alexander Lowen´s publications to discuss how the body illness is related to the character structures. For this, we seek to know how the body appears as a concept in the perspective presented by the author; discuss how is and how historically builds the relationship between body and mind in his approach; know how the character and illness concepts were built in his theory; discuss how the author develops the relationship between both. It was assumed as hypothesis that the character appears as an important joint point between mind and body and that its constitution is related to the body illness. Bibliographic and qualitative research was used, and the method used was Categorical Content Analysis of Lowen publications, his precursors and also of current articles on the topic. Five categories were developed to analyze the collected information: child development; the concept of energy; the relationship between the ego and the body; the emotions and sexuality; and the individual's relationship with the historical and social context in which they live. We conclude that the character appears as a fundamental and resulting element in the relationship between mind and body and that its constitution follows the same function of the illness, which is to react to a stressor element and restore the body's balance. Therefore, there is a relationship between them, since different types of character handle the particular disease forms. It is noticed that individuals with a combination of oral and rigid traits have unique characteristics that make them more prone to bodily illness than individuals with other character structures. This way of categorization changes among the author´s publications. We emphasize the importance of the concepts discussed by Lowen in structuring his theory and in developing a perspective in psychology that addresses the body and mind in an integrated manner.Item Psicologia e educação em Goiás: uma contribuição historiográfica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-25) Catão, Alvinan Magno Lopes; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da Silva; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Lacerda Junior, FernandoThis study aims to comprehend the History of Psychology in the State of Goiás from its complementary relationship with Education, contextualizing penetration, the apogee and decline of the New School in the state, as well as the conceptions, discourses and psychological practice result of this movement, and also signaling its transition to a technicist proposal. For this propose, it was performed initially a historical-bibliographical study describing and discussing Psychology and its historiography in Brazil. This study has allowed us to understand the historical situation of Psychology in Brazil and have also pointed out some recent works that contributed to the writing of the history of this science in different states. Secondly, it sought to describe and discuss the history of Psychology in Goiás, raising its relationship with education. This period was divided into three parts. In the first part, the concepts, discourses and psychological practices in education prior to the advent of the New School were described and analyzed. In the second part, the Psychology in Goiás from the insertion of New School ideas to its consolidation and decline were describe and analyzed. In the third part, a description and analysis of the Technicist Education in Goiás, seeking its relation to psychology, was provided. The research revealed that the ideas of the New School: 1. were present in official documents since 1916; 2. began to intensify from 1920, when it is possible to highlight more clearly, its relation to psychology; 3. had its maximum expression, apogee, in the Vargas/Ludovico (1930-1945) era, especially after 1937, when the “Revista Oficial de Instrução” was the most important printed vehicle for dissemination at this time, where several articles of Goiano authors about Psychology and New School were published; 4. After Vargas/Ludovico era, the New School ideas began to lose their strength, which can be evidenced in the reduction of issues related to New School in the second phase of the “Revista Oficial de Instrução”, and the increase of issues related to technique and technical improvement. At the end of 50’s until 1962, it was revealed in the third stage of this journal, an even greater emptying of the New School ideas, and a significant increase in subjects related to: adult education; sociocultural aspects of education; the education of exceptional; mathematics teaching; technical preparation of teachers through training programs/expertise; the Psychology of exceptional; psychometric tests as tools for teachers selection; research methods in Psychology.Item Análise do comportamento e marxismo: (im)possibilidades de diálogo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-26) Castro, Thales Cavalcanti e; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Santos, André Vieira dos; Boechat, Filipe Milagros; Heck, Elisa Tavares Sanabio; Souza, Tatiana Machiavelli CarmoThis study aimed to analyze the relationship between behavior analysis and Marxism questioning the foundations and concepts of social transformation present in the proposals of dialogue. The work had the following objectives: to identify the main concerns present in works that relate to behavior analysis and Marxism; the identification of the treatment given to both areas; the identification of the concepts of social transformation from the proposed link between Marxism and Behavior Analysis; the discussion of possible contributions and contradictions in the relationship between Behavior Analysis and Marxism. The research is a literature review that investigated 17 texts there was a dialogue between behavior analysis and Marxism or an attempt to expand one of these theories with other frameworks. The texts were categorized into five axes of analysis: 1) the fundamentals, 2) the definition of behaviorism, 3) definition of Marxism, 4) type of relationship and 5) concept of social transformation. The research reached the following results: there is no single conception of behaviorism and Marxism in the analyzed texts; in all text, Marxism appears only as a field of knowledge, i.e., aims to study the capitalist society; in half of them, Marxism appears also as a guide to action, with different meanings as critical to society, revolutionary design, as well as jobs that do not bring any conception of social transformation. These results can contribute to critical reflection on the limits and possibilities in the relationship between Behavior Analysis and Marxism in relation to efforts for human emancipation.Item Autoridade e família: algumas considerações sobre o pai(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-26) Melo, Jaquelyne Rosatto; Roure, Susie Gonçalves Amâncio de;; Roure, Susie Gonçalves Amâncio de; Rezende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Faria, Michele RomamThe main goal of this dissertation is to investigate the consequences of the crisis of authority in Modernity, as it is discussed by different authors from social and political sciences, over subjectivity formation process, especially the one that takes place from the paternal metaphor. This study uses the concepts of authority and family as historical categories in order to apprehend the significance of these categories over the development of the authority crisis. The research also focus the importance of authority to the subjectivity formation, performing a theoretical research of bibliography. It is argued that the paternal function can ensure the constitution of subjectivity through Oedipus formations that draw social spheres and ensure the permanence of community life, expound the symbolic father character. Therefore, the crisis of authority only threatens the imaginary father. Because there is a law, that establishes the subject and also the culture.Item Mulheres no contexto da rua: a questão do gênero, uso de drogas e a violência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-29) Machado, Mayk Diego Gomes da Glória; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Santos, Cristina Vianna Moreira dos; Souza, Tatiana Machiavelli CarmoIn this study we propose to understand the meanings attributed by female homeless drug users and on their experiences in this context. Supported theoretically on Feminist Psychology, along with the Gender Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies in Health, the research was presented in three chapters: Homeless People: reflections on abjection, women and drugs; The Feminist Movement and Gender Concept: implications for Psychology and Mental Health; Construction of a methodological route for data analysis: a critical feminist perspective. It was used in this study a qualitative methodology, epistemological setting that aligns the social constructionism and Women's Studies and Gender. As a tool, we chose to perform interviews. Dialogical maps were developed in order to analyze the interviews into four categories: homeless; drug use behavior, violence suffered; being a woman on the street. It is possible to point out, as a result, the gender perspective proves to be very useful to understand the experiences of homeless women, highlighting the experiences of rape, psychological and physical violence in the course of their lives. The use of drugs emerges to alleviate inequalities in gender relations. These data can contribute for planning and intervention in public policies for homeless. It is necessary more research for a critical analysis of the effectiveness of homeless’s public policies, taking women into consideration.Item Psicologia escolar e juventudes: entre caminhos e armadilhas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-31) Costa, Maraiza Oliveira; Lacerda Junior, Fernando;; Lacerda Junior, Fernando; Facci, Marilda Gonçalves Dias; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves deThis dissertation is part of the Research Line "Historical Foundations of Psychology" of the Post-Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Goiás. The aim of the study was to analyze in which ways the conceptions of young people on youth and on School Psychology can contribute to problematize the psychologist's practice at school. In order to achieve that goal, the theoretical framework conceptualized interfaces between Psychology and Education, as well as the theoretical debates on the youth and teenage conceptions. The theoretical fundamentals: (1) positions itself in favor of a critical conception of School Psychology, which appropriates the contributions of Marxism and the Historical-Critical Pedagogy; (2) defends the use of the term youths in order to emphasize the historical-social nature of the human development process. In addition, an empirical qualitative research was carried out in which were proposed semistructured interviews with four young individuals who attended the Integrated School to Technical at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Goiás Technology. The content analysis indicated the existence of gaps between a proposal of a critical School Psychology Review and the conception of young people about psychology as a profession: it is seen markedly as clinical-traditional and characterized by a focused action at the student-problem. Moreover, the adolescence and youth conceptions carry many contradictions. While the former is strongly associated with pathologizing and negative conceptions, the second expresses certain types of experiences, such as the transition to adulthood and the emergence of new responsibilities. The empirical study and theoretical discussions developed in this work indicate as key challenges for the construction of praxis in School Psychology: the compression of the historical-social nature of youths and adolescences, and the need to overcome the clinical and individualistic model of the psychologist in school performance.Item A crise e a fragmentação da psicologia: uma visão do pensamento complexo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-31) Santos, Murillo Rodrigues dos; Suanno, Marilza Vanessa Rosa;; Toassa, Gisele;; Toassa, Gisele; Suanno, Marilza Vanessa Rosa; Peres, Vannuzia Leal Andrade; Lacerda Júnior, FernandoThis study aims to present a view of Complex Thought about the themes of crisis and fragmentation of psychology as a science and profession. Therefore, we carried out a literature review of the important concepts of Complex Thought in regards to the relationship with the subject, specifically related to epistemology, ontology, method and methodology. After presented the theoretical framework and method that support this work, it elaborates on the results achieved through reflections raised by the collected bibliography. Thus, it carried out an interpretative analysis of the senses historically attributed to the concepts of "crisis" and "fragmentation", by building units of senses/analysis in order to propose a new reading possible for the subject, understanding the crisis and fragmentation not as diversity of theoretical positions or the difficulty of finding an unique position/object/language, but as the inability to recognize itself while a polysystemic and plural science.Item Interfaces entre discurso e prática no atendimento ao adolescente autor de infração penal em Goiás: a história do Centro de Observação e Orientação Juvenil.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-13) Teixeira, Claudia Regina de Castro; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da SilvaThe “Center for Youth Observation and Guidance” (COOJ) was an institution designed to assist children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability that operated in Goiânia between 1966 and 1986. In order to answer some questions concerning the proposals and practices carried out in that institution, it was established as the main objective of this research to understand the processes of emergence, development and closure of COOJ. This study was structured in a historiographical construction, which is determined by the researcher's posture, her set of values and the context in which it occurs, without necessarily intending to reach absolute truth. The process of collecting data and information occurred through the search of documents in public archives, private archives and government agencies. As a result it is possible to verify that the development of the COOJ occurred in a militaristic, hygienist and controlling scenario. The political proposal was manifested by a discourse of re-education and resocialization in accordance with the “National Policy for Child Welfare”. However, the practice proved to be very contradictory as educative action. Its deactivation in 1986 occurred concurrently to reports published by local media about the violence practiced to inmates, the bad conditions of the physical structure of the institution and the urgent need to reformulate the socio-educational assistance policy in the State. Although it is remarkable the intention of several professionals who worked in the COOJ, in the development of the proposal of reeducation and reinsertion, it is evident the distance between the discourse and the practice in the execution of the “Social Welfare and Education Policy” in the studied period.Item A medicalização da infância: um estudo com professores (as) da rede municipal de ensino de Goiânia sobre encaminhamentos de crianças à saúde(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-15) Santos, Geane da Silva; Toassa, Gisele;; Toassa, Gisele; Souza, Marilene Proença Rebello de; Cassoli, Tiago; Elias, Carime RossiThe topic of medicalization, especially of children in the schooling process, has raised in the recent years, with emphasis on the "popularization" of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Most children in the schooling process has been diagnosed with ADHD and other disorders such as Learning Disorders, Reading or Writing, are referred by teachers and schools. Thus, the present research sought to investigate how the referral process to health care system works with teachers from a school of the Public Educational Network of Goiânia. After carrying out a bibliographic review in the Virtual Health Library of Brazil (BVS-Psi), on the national production regarding the referral of children in schooling process to health professionals, we performed an empirical research in which we made participant observations and interviews with five Teachers. It is a qualitative approach, guided by Socio-Historical Psychology, and the analyzed data was in according to the significance-centered method. The collected data organization were into four meaning topics: the school and the teacher into the difficulties faced in the teaching process; the issues and responsibilities considered for referral; the referral to health care as a mechanism to clarify and guide the children's difficulties; and, from the contradictions in between the real purpose of referrals and the reality. Then it showed us that the referrals occur from a conception that the difficulties presented in the teaching-learning process are personal, centered on the children’s bodies and understood by the teachers as possible solutions through interventional of health assistance.Item Estudo sobre mediação e desenvolvimento humano na teoria de Vigotski: reflexões sobre a criança em situação de adoecimento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-20) Pimenta, Stéfany Bruna de Brito; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves;; Sousa, Sonia Margarida Gomes; Resende, Maria do Rosário SilvaThis thesis aims to understand the conception of human development in Vygotskian theory and then, from such foundations, make considerations about the development of the child in sickness situation. While a theoretical research, the work was development through the study of some important works of Vygotsky that discuss about the human development and, specifically, the development of the child, which is "History of the development of the superior psychic functions"; "Problems of Child Psychology"; "Fundamentals of Defectology" and "Thought and Language". An exploratory bibliographical survey was also carried out with the objective of identifying other materials that contribute to the discussion of the subject in question. In the study of Vigotskian theory it was possible to identify fundamental concepts that allow a historical-cultural understanding of the development of the child and, consequently, base their problematization in diverse situations. It is identified that the conception of human development of the Vygotskian theory, based on dialectical historical materialism, breaks with biological dichotomies, determinisms and reductions, contributing to the construction of a dialectical approach in the field of health. Thus, from the understanding of some concepts that allow the understanding of the development of the child, such as "mediation", "experience", "social development situation", it became feasible to elaborate a theoretical essay that reflects aspects of the child’s development in the situation of physical illness. It is hoped that this research will contribute to the theoretical foundation of professionals and reseachers with interfaces between psychology and the health area, especially child’s health.Item A experiência estética na escrita: diálogo entre Lacan e Benjamin(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-22) Alves, Rafaela Brandão; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Assumpção, Albertina Vicentini; Almeida, Marcela Todelo França deThis work aims to investigate the possible relations between the concept of letter, proposed by Lacan, and the concept of allegory, as thought of by Benjamin, and thus reflect upon the possibility of dialogue between these two theorists regarding the aesthetics in writing. The main objective, therefore, is to discuss the aesthetics experienced in writing, be it through the reading of a poem or a novel, or through the very act of writing. This discussion will visit two theoretical fields – philosophy and psychoanalysis –, in order to promote agreements and/or disagreements between such theories. The research is theoretical-reflexive, which means there was an analysis work carried out upon a bibliographical basis, where we traced the productions that hold the central concepts to reach the objectives of this discussion, which are letter, in Lacan, and allegory, in Benjamin. Thus, if the experience with writing induces the body in a way that often extrapolates the borders of language and makes us objects of our own experiences, we can deduce that the aesthetics with the letter is granted both in the beginning of the speaker’s life as well as in the productions held by the letter. It can be concluded that if jouissance is what pours out of the inscription of lalangue in the body – inscription that leaves the stroke of the letter as a trace –, it can be thought of in its proximity with the pleasure/pain in the writing of this letter. That reflection leads us to conjecture that this qualitative experience with the letter can be interpreted as an aesthetic experience of jouissance, one that is a consequence of this letter. The allegorical writing thought of by Benjamin meets the writing discussed by Lacan, for both cause the decentralization of the person who opens oneself to the experience, whether with dialectical images or the letter.Item O conceito de estilo em Lacan(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-23) Franco, Bruno Fiuza; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani;; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani; Facas, Emílio Peres; Roure, Glacy Queirós deThis work seeks to ascertain a possible conceptualization of style in the Lacanian psychoanalytic work. This term, present at various moments in his work, does not find a consistent theoretical limitation and its meaning can only be abstracted from its occurrences. This study was based on the Lacanian claim that style is the object, or at another time, it is man, but only if we define what man is. These phrases drive Lacan away from the stylistic pretension of investigating the ways in which discourse manifests itself as a subjective impression in the work. In Lacanian psychoanalysis style is linked to the object, or rather, the dimension of have been object to which the subject has been subjected in its formation. The re-updating of this state, which has been repressed, allows the subject, in front of the real, to create a style. This time we investigated how this thesis reflects on Lacan's own style and his attempt to transmit psychoanalysis insofar as its object is not of the order of the objectifiable.Item Subjetividade e ontologia materialista: articulações teóricas entre psicologia e marxismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-23) Morais, Amom Rodrigues de; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Costa, Gilmaisa; Boechat, FilipeThe purpose of this text is to study the relationship between psychology and Marxism in relation to the concept of subjectivity. It intends to explore the materialist ontology of the social being developed by György Lukács, seeking grounds for a materialist historical approach to subjectivity. Thus, in a first moment, aspects of the development of the subjective experience in the modernity, related to the historical constitution of the scientific psychology, are approached. Next, we present contributions from Marxism to the study of subjectivity, in addition to the summary of some psychological theories that have articulated with Marxism. It addresses, in addition, Marxist currents that worked with the subjectivity category. This discussion points out that in the sociability of capitalism, categories of absorption of the sensitive experience undergo transformations which, in turn, require adjustments of scientific knowledge. The impasse lies in identifying if this epistemic matrix, on which Psychology is based, is sufficient to apprehend the totality of the complex of subjectivity and to point out the margin of its transformation. With this, we pass to a second moment, in the interpretation of a systematic part of the Ontology of the social being. In his first chapter, an overview of the work and time of Lukács, the roots and main motivations that preceded the elaboration of his Ontology, is presented. Next, we present an analysis of the relation between subjectivity and the ontological centrality of the work, which indicates to a theory of materialist ontogenesis of the subject. In this sense, subjectivity is this new ontological sphere that exerts force in the categorial unfolding of social reality. Finally, we analyze the chapter of social reproduction, which represents the amplified reproduction of subjectivity at a more complex, more mediated and richer level. In this way, the main contribution of the social ontology of being is to offer a philosophy of the immanence of subjectivity that manifests itself in the history of the transformation of the world of men.Item Educação familiar e disciplina: um estudo a partir da teoria crítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-24) Wershing, Ana Carollina de Almeida; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Mesquita, Maria Cristina DutraThe present research aims to address the subject of discipline in family education, based on the Critical Theory for the explanation of the formative processes of the person. Under the method of deductive analysis, parts from philosophical and sociological conceptions related to moral formation to subsidize the development of the concept of discipline, emphasizing disciplinary educational trends from Modernity, period characterized by scientific advancement and technological innovations. Based on the observation that in the majority of modern families, especially Brazilian families, parents spend most of their daily lives at work and their children spend much of their time in schools, educational institutions or even in technological entertainments, such as television, computer, cell phone and other technologies, this factor affects the educational action carried out by the parents. Then, it proposes to analyze opinion articles related with the topic of children's education written by specialists in Psychology, Sociology and Education, the columnists Ilan Brenman and Gisela Wajskop, on the Crescer Online magazine website, between April 2013 and July 2016. Research on the role played by cultural industry artifices in modern family education points to parents' difficulty in devoting proper attention to their children and a contiguous set of rules to be followed, and indicate that feelings such as parental guilt and insecurity can influence the forms of education and formation of the children in the contemporaneity.Item Jogos eletrônicos: formação e compulsão do indivíduo na contemporaneidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-02) Doia, Alexandre Crispim Pires; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende , Maria do Rosário Silva; Sass, Odair; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves deThis work had as main goal to understand how the electronic games affect the formative process and, for some, become an object of compulsion. Thereunto, when considering the capitalism productive logic, in which all society is directed, electronic games were analyzed as a commodity produced and consumed in the molds of the cultural industry and the way that its rationality acts on the individuals and contributes to the adjustment of conditions in society. From this, it was possible to deepen into the phenomenon of compulsion for electronic games along with the dynamics of capitalist society analysis and its influence on this process formation. The Critical Theory of Society was the basic theoretical support for the reflections carried out in this study and the methodology used was the bibliographical research. A bibliographic survey was performed thinking about choosing materials that would guarantee a volume, quantitative and qualitative, eligible to analyze and to broaden the discussions about electronic games. Faced with a culture that is adapting individuals in an unreflected way and maintaining the conditions that generate inequality and suffering for the great majority of people, the electronic games, in this context, favor a rationality that is condescending with the present conditions in society, since they do not instigate reflection, but rather require the player's abilities that do not exceed the mechanical limits. By providing immersion and control of virtual environments with their fanciful content, they become a means of entertainment and fulfillment of many individuals' desires. For some, this form of entertainment can mean escape from context and conditions of suffering. If capitalist dynamics are compulsory, the elements present in electronic games reinforce the formation of individuals who make this product an object of great investment, which contributes to its intensive use and for it to become an object of compulsion.Item A representação da subjetividade do indivíduo usuário de drogas na linguagem jornalística(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-02) Barbosa, Jacquelline Rodrigues; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende , Maria do Rosário Silva; Sass , Odair; Roure , Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Tavares , Naraiana de Oliveira; Lacerda Júnior , FernandoEnvisioning to study the mediatic discourse related to the individual / drug user, the role of the media in disseminating the discursive practices attributed to this public was investigated. In order to achieve this, the first step was to comprehend the historical process of drugs in humanity, its mechanism of criminalization and the journalistic language referring to drug addiction. It is understood that there is a discourse involving the "drug war", disseminated by the state and by the cultural industry, which depreciatingly labels the users of psychoactive substances. Therewith, mediatic discourse often directs itself to concrete ends of sale, turning into a domination instrument, focusing in culture commercialization. However, in this study, the hypothesis pointed out is that the way media discourses are represented run through the bias of prejudice and stigmatization, leading drug users to a fragmented reality behind the walls of society. This is a bibliographical and documentary research, that consists of a qualitative evaluation, ranging from 2010 to July of 2016, of two great circulation newspapers in the state of Goiás - O Popular and Diário da Manhã -, aiming to identify signals that surpass the individuals / drug users. It is also worth to mention that this study uses the Critical Theory of the Society to substantiate a critical reflection on journalistic language associated to drug users and how this can influence its individual constitution and how they are seen by society and culture. In the first chapter, the history of drugs and the National Drug Policy was investigated; the second chapter presents a discussion of the fundamentals of cultural industry and how media perceives the individuals / drug users; data collected in the newspapers O popular and Diário da Manhã are discussed in the third chapter. As a conclusion, it is possible to highlight that society still understands and sees drug users with stigmatization and prejudice. In sum, this study pretends to reveal the benefits of a look beyond in the social imaginary, when related to the stigmatized drug users, in order to provide preventive actions and develop an ethical record with these individuals / drug users, without detracting or depreciating them.