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Item Uma escola inclusiva de referência no contexto da educação especial no estado de Goiás: um estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-09-01) ALMEIDA, Gisella de Souza; ALMEIDA, Dulce Barros de; study seeks to understand the process of implementation and results of the Inclusive Education Proposal into the mainstream education system of the Goiás State. The Superintendence of Special Education, which is a sector of the State Secretariat of Education, is responsible for this proposal. By using a case study, this study looks at the Inclusive School of Reference (Escola Inclusiva de Referência EIR) located in the capital of the state, that is, the Goiânia city. Since 1999, the State Government of Goiás, implemented the Educating for Diversity State Programme that aims to disseminate and implement the national guidelines for inclusion. The Inclusive School of Reference is a central organization in developing this policy. Considering this, this study reviews the development of special education policy in the state of Goiás from 1990 as well as it describes and analyses how the inclusive education proposal happens into the school and in its classrooms. Data has been gathered by using observation, formal and informal interviews, documental analysis and other information collected in the school. A qualitative descriptive and reflective analysis of the data has been carried out by adopting the theoretical and methodological framework of the Phenomenology, by which the study tries to understand the school as a phenomenon in the field. Throughout the study, then, numerous questions have emerged, amongst these, what is an inclusive school of reference? Can the State of Goiás School of Reference be considered a reference? Why? Is Education, in its own rights, inclusive? Finally, perceptions and perspectives are enlightened by the study as a means to contribute to push inclusive education forward.Item Nas trilhas do fazer e do saber a possibilidade de ser: os caminhos do trabalho e da educação na prisão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-28) ALMEIDA, Luciana Maria de; MACHADO, Maria Margarida; study lies within the State and Educational Policies line of research. It aims to analyze school education in the Education of Youth and Adults modality at secondary level in the Lourdes Estivalete Teixeira State School and work activities at the Odenir Guimarães Penitentiary (OGP). It set out to understand the concepts of education and work for the social actors who make up the research scenario: managers, teachers, prison wardens and full-time detainees, who attend the school and workshops within the OGP, as well as the context in which education and work are integrated into the penitentiary system. The theoretical background for the text are made up of analyses of the State Constitution starting from John Locke s liberalism, the structuring of the neo-liberal current and its classics, based on a critique of this social and political structuring starting from an analysis of the real and its contradictions. Conceptions of Karl Marx are used in order to situate the text at the dawn of historical-dialectical materialism to reveal the meanderings of actions for education and work in the penitentiary system. The research procedures involved the application of mixed questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with the subject of the research, as well as arranged visits and observation in loco. It could be seen that education and work are not allied in the penitentiary system and that the detainees hope that education and work, as well as reducing their sentence, will provide possibilities for constituting their subjectivities or simply occupying their minds, which in practice the services offered do not completely achieve. Managers and civil servants (wardens and teachers) see education and work as a possibility for humanizing the prison space and instruments of socialization of the detainees. However, the social policies for undertaking improvements in the penitentiary system are not clearly and concisely delineated. This happens because the penitentiary system is rooted in the logic of the Neo-liberal State whose priority is market relations and not human relationsItem Quem deu à luz: A Comissão Pastoral da Terra CPT e as práticas educativas na formação de trabalhadores rurais em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-26) ALVES, Amone Inacia; PESSOA, Jadir de Morais; work is fruit of a research carried through in the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da faculdade de Educação da UFG, in the line social Work and Movements that have as study object the formation of the Agricultural Workers for the Comissão Pastoral da Terra, CPT. We intend to show educative practical which had been mobilized to form these workers, as much for its proper representatives, as for the mediators who come forming them in the agrarian field. The theoretical support of this research was the Theory of the Practical one of Pierre Bourdieu, over all, how much to it arrives in port it of the Theories de Campo, habitus and capital stock and cultural. Beyond the bibliographical research and of documents, we launch hand of the etnografia, interviewing pastorais agents who had participated of the CPT and old parceleiros that had occupied the Farm Are João do Bugre, located in the City of the Cidade de Goiás (GO), in the end of years 1980, first nucleus of active participation of the Pastoral. The research made possible to evidence that the CPT acted in the direction to attribute cultural capital and that exists one habitus in transistion of the agricultural worker, who also is a collective agent, rank to the test of the diverse vicissitudes of the world of the work, that pushes it for the confrontation and the organization in social movements.Item A teofania em grande sertao: veredas-por uma pedagogia dos simbolos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-09-06) AMARAL, Roberto Antonio Penedo do; TURCHI, Maria Zaira;; PEIXOTO, Adão José; thesis is within the Research Line: Culture and Educational Processes. The object of study referred here is the literary work Grande Sertão: Veredas (2001), by João Guimarães Rosa. The fundamental aims of this thesis are: to present a theophanical dimension as the symbolic essential matter of Rosean´s major work and to defend a perspective of a pedagogy of the symbols or spiritual as a compulsory formative demand for human and mundane living in modern times. The theoretical background of this research is supported by the hermeneuthic of the symbols of the French thinker Gilbert Durand. The procedure was of a hermeneuthical exercise of the symbolic fountain present in Grande Sertão: Veredas, confronting it with the religious Judaic-Christian canon of the Holy Bible. The main contribution of this thesis is in the affirmation that, for the exercise of an authentic symbolic experience in our times, it is necessary to problematize the univocity of the racionalist and scientificist discourse of modern pedagogy, in favor of a pedagogy of the symbols or spiritual, which leads us again to the direction of the re-living of our Imago Dei. Towards that, the fundamental importance of the search of the intimacy with the symbolic dimension, epiphany and theophany, present in literary works and, above all, in the Holy Book.Item INFÂNCIA, FAMÍLIA E CRECHE: um estudo dos significados atribuídos por pais e educadoras de uma instituição filantrópica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-10-30) ARAÚJO, Denise Silva; BARBOSA, Ivone Garcia; research set out to study the meaning and significance of childhood, family and crèche for educators and family members of children attending a philanthropic institute in the southern region of Goiânia. In order to carry out this investigation, the socio-historical-dialectical method was used to study the phenomena of the concrete reality, in ongoing relationships with other phenomena, which are formed in the contradictions of antagonistic forces of movement and transformation. The unfolding of the social reality from a perspective of wholeness requires work of appropriation, organization and exposition of the facts, in which the target is the thought-out concrete reality. This theoretical appropriation involves the exercise of critical interpretation and evaluation of the facts, as a fundamental prerequisite for dialectic thinking. As a result of this epistemological stance, a qualitative approach was proposed for the investigative process and for the treatment of information. To arrive at these, semi-structured interviews were used, in which the subjects co-participants of the research process were able to express their opinions freely about the proposed themes, in order to allow for a broader understanding of the object under investigation. Working from these theoretical methodological presuppositions, an effort was made to understand the different meanings which family members and educators build around the role of the family and crèche, in caring and educating in the early years of childhood. In the analysis of the speech of the subjects, an understanding was sought of the meanings attributed to childhood: those connected to an idealized and naturalized conception of the child or those which permit an understanding of them as social subjects, involved in the concrete reality of social relationships. As well as that, it was hoped to grasp the conception of education, through analyzing the meaning attributed to the family and crèche in the social task of caring for and educating children from birth to the age of three. At different moments throughout this analytical process, it was possible to detail the meaning which the subjects attributed to the proposed themes and relate the similarities and differences between the constructed meanings, in their individual and social journeys. Meaning is understood as the most stable dimension of the word, but only one of the meaning zones which it acquires in the context of a discourse. Meaning is the sum of all the psychological factors which a word provokes in the conscience. It is the most singular aspect of the subject. Even though this distinction is adopted, the concepts of significance and meaning are understood as inseparable in the awareness of the subject, in his/her concrete involvement in life. These two dimensions in the process of meaning express the singularity and universality of social life in which the subject is, at the same time, product and producer. Thus, in this study, meaning and significance were analyzed at the same time, in the search for an understanding of the dialectic between the two. However, preference was given to the analysis of significance in order to make a comparison possible between two groups of interlocutors: family members and educators. The organizing plank of this investigation was the family, understood both as the milieu and as the social group, made up of people who assume different roles, and live out complex affective exchanges. They construct and reconstruct their understanding of the world and of themselves, mutually influencing each other to the extent that they are organized to satisfy individual and group necessities. Their involvement in the educational milieu of the crèche by means of the child provokes a construction of meanings and significance permeated by conflict and tensions in the social group.Item Lugar é laço: o saber profundo nas comunidades goianas de Cibele e Caiçara(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-10-13) ARAÚJO, Maria Emília Carvalho de; PESSOA, Jadir de Morais; knowing is the conceptual matrix of this reflection, based on the agreement of that the process to learn and to teach is not restricted to the school, neither is exclusive fruit of the scientific rationality. For communities to know deep the citizens of the towns of Cibele and Caiçara are called, small agroupments of people near to the city of Itapuranga. The topofilies of knowing are the houses, churches, markets, locus of that pedagogical, verticalized essence of learning and teaching, underground in the collective memory of a community. In it I appeal to the depth knowing of the prayers and blessings, of the chore in cultivated filds and the houses, and of imaginary passes through, is that this study, established is placed theoretically in the Daily one from Michel Maffesoli, Manoel Barbosa and Jose Carlos de Paula Carvalho, who drinks in the source of the Deep Anthopology of Gilbert Durand and of the Paradigm of the Complexity of Edgar Morin. The study it is also based on Cliford Geertz, searching the said one of these primitive-next , dionisíacs citizens of blackfiels studied by Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz, Antonio Candido, Jose de Sousa Martins, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão and, more recently, for Jadir de Morais Pessoa. Modernity in its to know connoisseur if strangles, suspicion of a rational universe that falls down in the certainty of knowing them old, deep of the collective memory. This study, finally, it opens doors for a dialogue between anthropology, sociology, psychology and pedagogia. This to compose in depth has in the center the man and its imaginary one, the genetic and fenotípic system, the partner-cultural complex, beams of one all, neglected for the rational utilitarian knowledge of the modern times.Item Avaliação institucional e prática docente na educação superior: tensões, mediações e impactos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-17) ASSIS, Lúcia Maria de; OLIVEIRA, João Ferreira de; work, Institutional assessment and teaching in higher education: tensions, mediation and impacts , is in the research line State and educacion policies of the PPGE, in the Universidade Federal de Goiás (Federal University in Goias). The study aims to identify the impact of public policy for institutional assessment (AI) implemented by MEC/INEP in the teaching of the higher education, seizing how the teachers are living with these processes. The investigation/exposition is based on the categories totality, contradition and mediation of the dialectic-historical approach, whose analysis reference is the literature of the area of public policies of institutional assessment of the higher education and work area, formation and teacher professionalization. Among the authors found, it highlights: Dias Sobrinho; Sguissardi; Catani; Oliveira; Dourado; Cunha L.; Frigotto; Bourdieu; Cunha M.; Morosini; Mancebo; Silva Jr. and Savianni. About nine graduation courses were researched in three IES: a college, an univeristy center and an university. Documents from the three IES researched were analysed, mostly the Institutional Development Plans (PDIs). Also, focus groups were achieved with the students of the researched courses: Administration, Engineering, Law, Information Systems and Pedagogy. Semi-structured interviews were also made with the course coordinators. The teachers and the students answered the standard questionnaire. We concluded that, in the period of 1996-2006, the AI has been influenced a lot by the neoliberal principles, in the midst of an accelerated process of expansion, privatization and differentiation of the brazilian IES. This context of fast effective changes has influenced the teaching, mostly formation aspects, professionalization and effective work conditions, which the teacher is being submitted, noting an ascending intensification of the teacher work, followed by institutional pressures for greater academic productivity in work conditions increasingly precarious. There is a strong trend, especially in the private college, to an alignment of its concepts, conceptions of formation and curricula to the marketing guidelines, with strong appeal for answering the demands of the productive sector and the labor market. According to the course coordinators, the AI has implied changes in its work, in view of the nature mediator of this function in the interior of the institutions. Nevertheless, the coordinators consider that the impact of the AI in classroom has been little, though it affects the teachers life, mostly in the private IES, since the tests results started to justify the restructuring of the tables teachers, the curricular reorganization and the redefinition of the employment contracts, that are becoming more flexible. In the opinion of the teachers and students, the AI does not cause great impacts in the teaching in public universities, but has brought changes in the pedagogical practice in the private institutions. These changes can be summarized in three aspects: greater preocupation with the learning assessment because of the national tests, greater willingness in joining to the interdisciplinary in the approach of the contents and a greater interest to know the course curriculum, as well as the profile of the professional that is being formed. We can still say that the AI, in the actual ways, has not met the objective of becoming the quality of the institutions better, since it emphasizes more the qualification function, characterizing what we can call regulated expansion of higher education in Brazil.Item Educação do corpo: produção e reprodução.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-03) BAPTISTA, Tadeu João Ribeiro; RESENDE, Anita Cristina Azevedo; body as study object is an actual discuss. So, intends to discuss the body education in capitalism. The Question is How the body form in capitalism is determinate? The aim is the identification of how the mediations to determinate the body s form are established. The theoretical references are Marx, Adorno and Horkheimer; Lukács. This theoretical work shows that productions and consumption interests of capitalist production mode determinates the body form.Item Sociedade, indivíduo e fetiche: a constituição da subjetividade no âmbito da indústria cultural(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-30) BASTOS, Luciene Maria; ZANOLLA, Silvia Rosa da Silva; present study is part of the Cultural and Educacional Process Research Line and aims at investigating the loss of meaning of education as culture in the constitution of subjectivity in a scope in which the cultural industry is a privileged means of socialization. The individual tends to make bonds with adaptation and acceptance of the existing things as natural and unchangeable. A similar constitution metamorphoses the individual into indifferentiated and fetishised object, once it excludes denial as part of human life in society, resulting in identification and adjustment to the established social organisation. This study seeks understanding of the elements and processes that produce what can be called fetishising of subjectivity. By researches bibliographical, in order to reach such understanding, it is sought in Adorno and Horkheimer, the fertility of their analysis of the rationality that goes through culture and society since the beginning of the present time. Subjectivity is seen as constitution present specifically in society, process mediated by contradictions and clashes between private dimensions (individual) and universal (social), which the individual is composed by. Labour, the creating activity of men, in the scope of production of life under the rules of capitalism is found submitted to this mean of production, generating an alienated human constitution, both materially and spiritually. From this study, it can be concluded that the conditions of blocking autonomous subjectivity occur in historical conditions. This is the tendency of present society, since it is a social organisation ruled by capital. Such adjustment does not nullify the constitution of a critical, autonomous subjectivity, since this a continuous human process, and as such, surrounded by uncertainties and possibilities.Item A POÉTICA NA FORMAÇÃO HUMANA - leituras de uma educadora(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-06-24) BERNARDES, Sueli Teresinha de Abreu; BRANDÃO, Carlos Rodrigues;; PEIXOTO, Adão José; to a search for the ineffable and for the beauty of artistic creation, did we make the decision of transforming into a thesis, the lengthy reflections about the meaning of art and its relations with human development. I uphold the thesis that art is a means of acquiring deep, inventive and distracting knowledge which can give meaning and grounding to the world, to our neighbour, and to man himself, thus contributing to human development. To show this, I interweave emotions and reflection, and I decide for a theoretical research. Methodologically, I approach Gaston Bachelard s phenomenology of the imagination. At the same time as this French philosopher is read as a word dreamer , who expresses his reflections as from a consciousness of wonderfulness before poetical images, he is also the author that teaches me to read himself, and more still, to search for the meaning of poetics in the development of man. The scope of an investigating eye is a reflection on the issues that involve human development and its relationship with art, aspects which are almost silenced in the pedagogic theories. Thus, the place of speech is the convergence of philosophy, art, education and from this point I aim at supporting the issues: how does art mould manners of being? In what way does it contribute so that people may see themselves as beings that may always surpass themselves? In order to do this, I talk with chosen and welcomed philosophers and educators who think art as substantive and significant. Mayhap in an infringing gesture, of a thought tucked away in some frontier, I search for artists to think about human development, to understand the basis and the pathway of this originally Greek ideal, an ideal of realized harmony and beauty, not only in and as a masterpiece, but in the person himself. The studies carried out allow me to say that man ascends to another means of being; he forms and transforms himself while searching for the object of his daydreaming which the artistic creation offers himItem A especialização como espaço de formação continuada do professor de educação infantil em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-09-24) BOLDRIN, Leila Conceição Fávaro; BARBOSA, Ivone Garcia; Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-22) BRANCO, Rita Francis Gonzalez Y Rodrigues; ALMEIDA, Dulce Barros de; line: Culture and Educational Processes. Search object: Balint theory/Balint groups in the qualification of hospital classes teachers. Objective: study the qualification through Balint theory/Balint groups. Existential action search with the teachers of Projeto Hoje from SEE/GO. The analysis of the results shows 5 groups for discussion: identity of the hospital classes teachers; action-reflection-action; pedagogical act; pedagogical listening and transference/ contratransference. The discourse of the teachers was red about Balint theory. Conclusion: the teachers presented: the enlargement of the personal resilience; development of the pedagogical listening; the most perception of the defense mechanisms; comprehension of the illness process; comprehension of the limits and possibilities and the most discernment of the feelingsItem O perfil da gestão educacionl na perspectiva fenomenológica a partir da experiência vivida por gestores/pesquisadores educacionais fenomenólogos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-20) BUENO, Enilda Rodrigues de Almeida; PEIXOTO, Adão José; Thesis, understood in the Research Line Culture and Educational Process, discusses from the depositions of educational administrators, the meaning of being a manager in the educational perspective of phenomenology. With the goal to understand from the phenomenology the meaning of educational administration in humanizing line, so this is focusing on the humane. The research problem was to get how the phenomenology while theory, method and practice, will be to contribute to the educational management project overcomes his character formalistic, bureaucratic and impersonal, valuing the person as being the whole, solidary, conscious, critical, creative and ethical? We use the theoretical framework is based in the thought of Edmund Husserl and the contributions from the authors of the phenomenology like: Merleau-Ponty, Ângela Ales Bello, Pedro M.S. Alves, Antônio Muniz de Resende, Joel Martins, Creusa Capalbo, Maria Aparecida Bicudo et all. After the bibliographical review about the phenomenologicals framework we developed the empiric research, the phenomenological-qualitative way applying a guiding question open, which allows researcher to respond freely. We look to develop a research focused on human, the counters the technical, bureaucratic, authoritarian and individualistic, which are present in the social and educational administrations. This research has enabled us to understand the meaning of educational administration as humanized management which seeks to overcome the formalistic character, bureaucratic and impersonal. Initially, we present the theoretical and historical assumptions that have guided thinking and doing in education management; We discuss and present the phenomenological approach of Husserl, which guides this research with emphasis on the concept of life-world; we analyzed the profile of managers and former managers who work with phenomenology through the units and meaning taken from their speeches, unveiling the vision and role of educational administrators, as well like their appraisal of the possibilities of overcoming the paradigms that have guided the management of education; and finally we presented from the based on the ideas from the phenomenology thinkers and conceptions of managers possibility of educational management in the phenomenological perspective, where we discuss the fundamental aspects of educational management as planning, managing and evaluating and its main mediations, such as educational, political, ethical and dialogical. The study sough to rethink the practice of educational administration, proposing a new conception of the educational manager, developed more humanized wayItem Escrita, repetição e elaboração(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-20) CARVALHO, Maria Alice de Sousa; BURGARELLI, Cristóvão Giovani; thesis is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education, in Faculty of Education, at Federal University of Goiás, in the search line Fundamentals of Educational Processes . Resorting to psychoanalysis, that, since the initial studies of Sigmund Freud, seeks to build references to establish, from the analytical practice, a theory of the subject, it proposes to consider the advent of this subject as effect of the significant, being that, to develop such preparation, it will be required an articulation between significant chaining and instinctual investment, it means, between body and language.Children s activities, such as games, jokes and learning as written language, are not only playful, imitative and / or knowledge to be acquired, but are related to the subject, always involved with the structural problem of its existence. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to discuss about this effect, just to recognize the effects of this plot in the acquisition of writing, especially at school. The study initially presents the theoretical assumptions about the structure of the subject. Then, it discusses the theme of repetition and elaboration, taking up the perspective of both Freud and Lacan, who served as the basis for the analysis of children writing. In methodological issues, we used data from ongoing research in this thesis, Around the letter: writing, reading and transmission, and examples observed in the practice of literacy, developed at the Center of Teaching Applied at Education, in Federal University of Goiás (CEPAE / UFG). This thesis also has examples from films which, although not directly approach specifically the writing or its acquisition, establish relations with this theme. In the end, considerations indicate that, as a child writes with unidentified features, several letters and letters of his name, for example, it is outlined a process of subjectivation of unconscious brands. Therefore, it can be recognized in the acquisition process of written language a perspective of elaborationItem O processo de gestão e participação na universidade: limites, possibilidades e desafios na UFT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-24) CARVALHO, Roberto Francisco de; AMARAL, Nelson Cardoso; study aims to understand the participation in the FUT management process according to the institutional documents and the university community perception: teachers, students, and administrative staff. To achieve the goal, we used an empirical-theoretical investigation, including bibliographic survey and documentary research, related to the written documentation about the FISEs, especially the FUT, and field research including the university community from seven campuses involved in the study. The study about the participation in the FUT management process had as basis the understanding in the social regulation process, resulting from the overlapping of the public and private spheres, and the liberal and materialist-historical democratic approaches. From this broader discussion, we make explicit the tension between the business-strategical and the participatory-democratical management perspectives and the participation in the business organizations and social institutions as the FISES. Owing to the social regulation perspective, we aim to understand the civil society participation in the Brazilian State modernization process, and in its bulge, the historical democratization of the Brazilian public university, in distinct moments, in its management process. We aim to deepen the discussion about the moment that the market power and the social organizations were made explicit tensioned by the State- 1990 to 2010- in which the private market sphere has been strengthened at the expense of public and showing the process of superior education marketization, making explicit, within the FISES, the neo professional, heteronomous, competitive, an operational nature characteristics. In this context the democracy, neoliberal-liberal, and minimalist values have been strengthened in the FISES and in the FUT, operationalized in the management logic and in the business strategical participation. This is also, the context in which we aim to understand the participation in the FUT management process, a university that, at first, shows an organized structure by councils and boards with the teachers, students, and administrative staff representation, favorable to a participation in the participatory-democratic perspective, but that implements a management very close to the management perspective, in which not even the representative liberal participation has been consolidated. Owing that in the FUT deliberative councils there is a strong concentration of power in the managers‟ hands, it is even more distant from the consolidation of an effective participation in which the university community segments have more equality of participation in the deliberative spaces, as well as the expand of these segments participation in the institutional management process, covering, in addition to implementing, the highest levels and degrees in the decision-making process, as the definition of the guidelines, politics, financial management, and institutional evaluation. Paradoxically, in the perspective of the participation as politics fight, although there is a demand from the university community to take part in the decision-making processes, there is a low participation in these same spaces and in activities or important actions that are happening in the university, mainly related to the policy guidelines proposition level. Though smaller in scale, the obstacles to the participation in the FUT management process don‟t differ from the obstacles in the society participation in general, and they are related to the way the production system and the social reproduction is organized and effective.Item O processo de implantação e implementação do PROEJA no IFG Campus Goiânia: contradições, limites e perspectivas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-28) CASTRO, Mad Ana Desiree Ribeiro de; MACHADO, Maria Margarida; work is linked to the line of research entitled State, Policies and History Education of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of the Faculty Education of the Federal University of Goiás. It is a case study on the implantation and implementation process of the National Program for Integration of Professional/Vocational Education with Basic Education in the Modality of Education of Youths and Adults (PROEJA), from 2006 to 2010, at current Federal Institute of Goiás, Goiânia Campus. This work had as starting point: on one hand, the identification of the structural aspects of the State, of the Brazilian education and of the economic and political conjuncture which contextualized the direction of educational policies at the time of launch of that program and, on the other, the understanding that educational institutions are also constitutive and constituent parts of this structure and conjuncture. Contributions of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Florestan Fernandes, Octavio Ianni, Francisco de Oliveira, Luiz Filgueiras, Reinaldo Gonçalves, David Maciel, Otaiza Romanelli, José Willington Germano, Gaudencio Frigotto, Maria Ciavatta, Acácia Kuenzer, Domingos Leite Lima Filho, Dante Moura, Jacqueline Moll, Gilda Guimarães, Sonia Rummert, Jane Paiva, Maria Margarida Machado, Miguel Arroyo, Luiz Fernandes Dourado, Vitor Paro, Erasto Mendonca, among others, were sought in this work. In order to carry out the qualitative research, documents relating to educational policy and procedures for the creation of the PROEJA at Goiânia Campus were examined; questionnaires were applied to students and teachers; managers who somehow were involved in the implantation and implementation of the PROEJA at Goiânia Campus were interviewed; statements given by students, teachers and administrators during the meeting named PROEJA Dialogues, held on the Goiânia Campus in August 2010, were analyzed; and the dissertations linked to research groups that are part of the Edict PROEJA-Capes/Setec were also investigated. Findings reveal the contradictions in the process of implantation and implementation of the PROEJA program, thus constituting its limits and also the possibilities that the perspectives signal at Goiânia Campus.Item Certezas e incertezas da educação profissional por competências(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-05-18) COSTA, Manoel Pereira da; MASCARENHAS, Angela Cristina Belém; thesis is situated at the research line: work, education and social moviments. Since it, it was investigated the multiple accepts that the term competence assumes at the professional education field. The investigation problem was to understand the bond that the professional education by competence has with the work world and if it is joined to this last one. The thesis bases on the pedagogy theory of the competencies with its certainties and uncertainties, so the work as a educative principal makes us to think again about the links between the productive life and culture, with the historical constitution, the autonomy, freedom and emancipation of the human being. The approach with the study object occurred by a wide literature review, consults to documents and publications about the subject. It also occurred by the analysis of a corporation of the professional education, SENAI National Service of Industrial Learning (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial), and its methodologies, that has as reference the Goiás SENAI. The aim was to discuss about the certainties and uncertainties that constitute the curriculum by competencies as elements of strategic mediations for both attitude and methodological changes related to the teachers and students acts. We concluded that a true background by competence just will be realized, at the scholar everyday life, if it propitiate to the students access conditions to a knowledge that goes beyond the scholar books, favoring them the development of the investigation spirit and the capacity to solve problemsItem Ensino fundamental de nove anos em Goiânia: o lugar criança de seis anos, concepções e fundamentos sobre sua educação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-10) COSTA, Sônia Santana da; BARBOSA, Ivone Garcia; research is linked to the Public Politic Project and Infant Education in Goiás: history, conceptions, projects and practices and to the line of research Formation and Professionalization of Teachers from Faculty of Education at Federal University of Goias. It aims to investigate the place of the six-year-old child on the Nine-year Elementary School in a Municipal school in Goiânia. This is na ethnographic research based on the dialectical materialism method with Socio-Historical approach and on the writings of the following authors: Bakhtin (1992 a/b), Luria, (1991, 2006), Leontiev (2004, 2006) e Vygotsky (1979, 1988, 1989, 1991, 2001 a/b, 2006). A mapping of the theses and dissertations deposited in Capes from 2002 to 2006 dealing with themes related to this research was done in order to verify the relevance and the pertinence of the research. The conceptions of Infancy were situated historically through the analysis of the theses and dissertations to comprehend its place in history, its vinculation to the school context and to select the paradigms that guide the current school and that define the place of child in this space. Legal orientations that determine the inclusion of the six-year-old child in the Elementary School were discussed in order to understand the place of Infancy deliberated by legal procedures as well as the Pedagogic proposal of the Municipal Education Bureau to understand the conceptions of Infancy and Education that guide the work developed in schools. In order to apprehend the concrete real , the conceptions of Infancy and Education and their implications to the school quotidian were analysed having in mind the representation objectivated by the six-year-old child about him(her)self when starting Elementary School. The child speech was analysed aiming to understand the place attributed to the child by school and the place claimed by her(him)self. In this process categories as escolarization and issues related to this concept of Zone of Proximal Development and Discipline were highlighted. Another concept that emerged in the dialogic interaction with children and with adult was Ludicity when teacher or child-directed play was proposed. Some intervenient factors such as: Religiosity and Sexuality were also analysed. After this study it was possible to comprehend that the six-year-old child demands an education that is differentiated from the traditional one offered by the Elementary School.This study presented some considerations and among them that the the six-year old child lost his/her place historically instituted , the Infantile Education, that has been studied by various researchers in order to qualify this space, so that the specifity of the child could be respected and also to propose a teaching based in an omnilateral perspective.This is the place defended by the six-year old child. He/she demands a differentiated education from the Elementary school. The child has searched his/her space by the speech, cry, agressivity and indiscipline. It is necessary to listen to the child. And based on this listening it is necessary that the Municipal Education Secretary and schools start a critical and democratic debate aiming to analyse and guarantee an educational space to fulfill the child wishes and needs, that offers a meaningful and ludic learning and to propiciate his/her development.Item Estudo do movimento sofista, com ênfase no ensino da virtude(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-27) CURADO, Eliana Borges Fleury; COELHO, Ildeu Moreira; Educação no Tocantins: Ginásio Estadual de Porto Nacional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-09-19) DOURADO, Benvinda Barros; MACEDO FILHA, Maurides Batista; study, linked to the research line State and Education Policy the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FE/UFG , aims to discuss the history of education in Tocantins, Goias old north, through the study of schooling in the municipality of Porto Nacional, and particularly the historical trajectory of Public School . To this end, we sought to address the processes of formation and evolution of educational institutions (MAGALHÃES, 1998, 1999, 2005) to contribute as a foundation for the inflections in Public School. The research comprises a diverse corpus of documents, mediated by oral history (THOMPSO, 1992), through individual and collective memory (POLLAK, 1989, 1992, HALBWACHS, 2006). Through this study, we realize that until the early 1940s, in the northern state of Goiás, Tocantins current, and consequently, in Porto Nacional, there was a historical legacy of inadequate school structure state and free to attend school population. In this context a network of predominantly isolated primary schools and some secondary school classes loose. Thus, it is observed that the State Gymnasium, secondary institution founded in 1945 in Porto Nacional-TO collaborated decisively with the institutionalization of public secondary education in Tocantins (northern Goiás).