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Item Educação ambiental e meio ambiente no contexto de Palmas Capital Ecológica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-14) AIRES, Berenice Feitosa da Costa; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira; the representations of the Environment and Environmental Education of teachers and students of basic education Palmas (TO) was the main goal of our investigat ion. The focus of research is centered on representations because we think they reveal the world of the subject and open spaces both for reflection and for action. Through literature review and rescued some forms of environmental education has been practiced and how the environment has been conceived, trying to show how the place and everyday relationships are constructive representations and relevance to the development of formal education, especially by experiments that occurs at the local level, but are not disconnected from global experiences. Thus, the study focuses on the pedagogical practices of teachers in the EA of private education, city and state and graphical representations of students in elementary and secondary education about the environment. For the realization of this theoretical research using sources from different areas of knowledge and empirical research, using the analysis of questionnaires, documents, maps, observations, records, photographs and statistical analysis (Chi-square and Fischer's exact test). From the data collected, the practice of EA was revealed as a variety of representations of students and teachers about the environment. The results offer a view as has been the practice in environmental education in the area surveyed, mainly in relation to the activities of EA developed in basic education. From the elaborate framework of representations and pedagogical practices found and the end of the investigation, it was possible to formulate some guidelines for programs of continuing education of teachers in EA, and some principles for the construction of meaningful practice of EA considering the context of basic education Palmas (TO). It is emphasized that the importance of this research area is to contribute to the reflection on the values that can permeate the environmental education and also by providing assistance, not just getting in dealing conceptual.Item Análise da Sustentabilidade Ambiental em Estabelecimentos Agrícolas em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-18) ALVES, Luiz Batista; MIZIARA, Fausto;; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira; this work are presented and discussed other forms of studies related to analysis of environmental sustainability with the use of methods that permit the human environment to demonstrate its environmental impacts on rural properties in the town of Silvânia, State of Goiás. The choice of the municipality of Silvânia occurred because of present permanent preservation areas susceptible to exploitation by various activities in the city, allowing checking the environmental sustainability in land reform settlements in comparison with other rural property. The Project for Sustainable Development (PDS), established in 1999 comes meet the new brazilian environmental laws, seeking the durability and perpetuity of the settlements (family farm) in order to provide less environmental impact. On the other hand, has been observed that in large farms (agricultural employer) occurs deforestation to expand the area explored, giving rise to a particular crop, in seeking increases in production. Studies have shown the link between deforestation and biodiversity conservation consequences that hinder sustainable development. Still, the methodology of the indices applied to the settlement of São Sebastião da Garganta and João de Deus, the results showed considerable levels of sustainability. Analyzing the settlements in comparison with the Farm Silvânia through satellite images, it appears that the agrarian reform, there were minor differences of deforestation between periods and a greater difference occurred in the Farm Silvânia as favoring extensive livestock farming. But we can not say that the settlements have a higher level of environmental sustainability, where by means of observation of annual averages, there are almost identical proportions of deforestation, and that the settlements, deforestation occurred in a more fragmented than in Farm Silvânia and may cause a greater reduction of species in the environment, reducing the potential for environmental sustainability. Finally, the results may serve as guidance in formulating environmental policy to keep families in agrarian reform settlements, contributing to sustainable development of rural properties in the region, coupled with supervision to allow continuity in the production process in a sustainable manner.Item Processos erosivos lineares nas bacias dos Rios Claro e dos Bois, afluentes do Rio Araguaia no Estado de Goiás: relações com a cobertura vegetal e uso da terra(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-19) BARBALHO, Maria Gonçalves da Silva; CASTRO, Selma Simões de; pattern of land use and occupation of the Cerrado associated with the expansion of the agricultural frontier, in the last 40 years, has been interpreted as causing environmental impacts observed him during this period, especially those related to intensive deforestation and indiscriminate use of areas with soils with low or null agricultural capability, although capable of extensive pastures. The Erosion processes have been described as the most significant, positioned after the remarkable loss of biodiversity, the most important and extensive in area. The present thesis analyzes the relationship between the land use valued at historical series started in the decade of 1975, agricultural suitability of land use pattern and the erosion and silting sites of the two combined basins for purposes of this study, called basins of the rivers Claro and Bois, tributaries of the upper Araguaia river in the state of Goiás. This area was considered in previous studies as the most affected by deforestation among the five sub-basins that make up the upper Araguaia river basin. The research was based an integrated analysis of the physical environment and biota components of the focus area, with base on remote sensing and GIS and pedotransfer criteria. The results are presented as scientific papers and reveal that the most intensive phase of deforestation occurred in the 1980s, when the Forest Formations were most penalized originally, followed by the Savanna Formations, that the conversion occurred in favor of extensive pastures, for which the area has good suitability soil and relief associates; that the numerous of linear erosion impacts, 395 linear erosion features placed in degraded pastures are concentrated in these areas, which predominate low discrepancies between suitability and actual use. As evidenced in the spatial analysis, it is confirmed the presence of 395 linear erosion features associated with degraded pastures. It is concluded that the area supports the pattern of initial occupation of the Cerrado by its conversion to pasture and that environmental impacts arising from the management of them more than this type of use.Item Caracterização física, estrutural e da diversidade floristica de fragmentos florestais na alta bacia do Rio Araguaia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-25) CABACINHA, Christian Dias; CASTRO, Selma Simões de; upper Araguaia river basin region has been transformed by rapid and intensive human occupation processes that began in the 1970s, and now the landscape is highly fragmented. Remnant forests are surrounded by cotton and soybean plantations and pasture. They continue to be subjected to degradation and little is known about their ecological integrity. The objective of this research is increase knowledge of the remnant forest flora and provide support for public conservation and recovery policies for these remnant forests. This research consists of four chapters. The first chapter assessed fragmentation patterns under the assumption that intensive land occupation and agriculture compromised landscape structure and forest conservation in the basin. The second chapter assessed whether remnant forest tree size class structure differed from undegraded forests. The third chapter investigated whether forest remnants situated in close proximity to Emas National Park and incorporated into The Emas-Pantanal Biodiversity Corridor had higher species diversity than other remnants. The fourth chapter showed that species diversity was correlated with and vegetation indices obtained from satellite images, due to the indices sensitivity to changes in vegetation structure. These indices could be used in the future to highlight priority areas for conservation and in devising recovery policies. The major conclusions of this research are that the ecological integrity of remnant forests in the Upper Araguaia River Basin is compromised, predominantly due to lack of connectivity between the fragments and continuing exposure to degradation processes including tree felling and cattle grazing. Tree species diversity is high in these fragments, however, and species composition is dominated by small diameter early successional species. This research also established that vegetation indices obtained from satellite images, is a powerful tool in remnant forest species diversity modelling and can be used as a tool for environmental planning in areas under strong antropic pressure. This information is relevant to other degraded river basins in the Cerrado region. This research contributes to improved knowledge of the rich diversity of Brazilian forests and recognition that this diversity is threatened, particularly in the Upper Araguaia River basin, southwest of Goias State.Item Modelagem matemática para seleção de áreas prioritárias para conservação [manuscrito]: métodos, cenários e contribuições para a gestão territorial em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-22) COUTO, Maria Socorro Duarte da Silva; HALL, Bryon Richard;; SILVA, Geci José Pereira da;; FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Laerte Guimarães; efforts to minimize the growing loss of habitats and threatens to biodiversity are increasingly based on objective criteria, which allow prioritize areas and species in need of preservation, taking into account the limitations in both natural and economic resources. These criteria are fundamental for the reserve selection and design, mainly at regions severely affected by land use intensification. In particular, the use of mathematical modeling, enabling the identification of more efficient alternatives, is an important subsidy to conservation challenge. Specifically, in this dissertation we present a new approach for the selection of priority areas for conservation, which considers both the quality and ecological feasibility of the remnant vegetation in the Cerrado areas of the State of Goiás, as well as the practical and legal aspects regarding the use of watersheds for territorial management. This proposal, based on a non-linear mathematical model, allows the parameters to vary according to the socialeconomical and environmental interests, thus generating distinct solutions and scenarios. Among the possible outcomes, we highlight as an "optimum" solution, the one with a large number remnant vegetation areas within riparian environments, which serves the purpose of strengthening spatial connectivity and natural corridors. In fact, this model can be used either to promote the conservation of large remnant vegetation patches, as well as to optimize the restoration of degraded areas, mainly in riparian environments, through the generation of alternative spatial patterns aiming at a more efficient connectivity in highly converted areasItem Modelo de implementação de Sistema de Gestão Ambiental em empresas públicas e privadas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-12) DIAS, Silvana de Brito Arrais; AGUIAR, Maria do Amparo Albuquerque; environmental issue has been focus of discussion o academics and business circles in function of it importance and necessity of emergency actions. Professionals from a lot of knowledge areas are dedicating time of studying to find alternative ways to relieve or eliminate the environmental impacts. The economic development and the population growth have been contributing for the environmental impacts and it is noticed the need of actions from firms and stakeholders. ISO International organization for standardization of normalization presents the series ISO 14000 as a way of establishing requirements for the Environmental Management System, but many firms have the difficulty to implement the system because they don t know how to operate. What is proposed on these is to establish an implementation model of environmental management system to the private and public firms that orientates and gives directions to whom is on charge of the firms. The proposed model involver all the requisites of NBR ISO 14001 and was developed from the facts raisings in 20 firms from many lines of activities and actuation sector. Interviews and observations were made form itinerary of facts collection, previously elaborated. The proposed model involves the many resource types humans, financials, materials and technologicals. The research of environmental impacts aspects is basic to the structuration of the Environmental Management System and should be achieved in a participative way. The stakeholders need to be prepared and the job of a team winch involves many kinds of subjects is basic. The research in the firms was the basis to structure the model by making possible the knowledge about the working process and the internal process extant.Item Agronegócio, desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade: Um estudo de caso em Rio Verde GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-12) GUIMARÃES, Gislene Margaret Avelar; RIBEIRO, Francis Lee;; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa; development has been taken as a synonymous with economic growth in most contemporary societies. Nevertheless, the emergence of social problems, ecological and economic ones has also shown the inadequacy of this conception. In this context, the idea of sustainable development emerges as a way to reconcile economic growth, social justice and ecological prudence, covering different theoretical and ideological positions and configuring a field of dispute about how to understand- taking in social practices - the development and the sustainability. The present work analyzed the development of agribusiness in Rio Verde (Goias, Brazil) related with social and ecological dimensions, mediated by the institutional dimension. The results obtained from research and application of the Delphi Panel on Sustainability for temporal analysis of sustainable development indices in the municipality indicate the growth of agribusiness has contributed to improvements in living conditions of the population, but has brought negative impacts to environment. Also indicates the changes in production systems, due to social and institutional pressures, that can result in a development model more sustainable.Item Modelagem da paisagem da Floresta Estacional Decidual no Vão do Paranã, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-10) HERMUCHE, Potira Meirelles; SANO, Edson Eyji; SANO, E. E.;Sano, E. E.;Sano, Edson E.;Ferreira, L;Sano, Edson EyjiCurrent dry forests in the Vão do Paranã region, northeastern Goiás State, Brazil, are strongly fragmented mainly because of intense cattle ranching activities. This affects the ecological dynamics of flora and fauna since the connectivity among remaining fragments is reduced. The objectives of this study was: a) to map dry forests occurrences in the study area; b) to determine the relevant geoenvironmental indicators that control dry forest occurrences in the landscape; c) to find areas with high pressure in terms of human occupation of remaining fragments; and d) to propose an operational strategy for dry forest conservation. The map of dry forest occurrences was obtained from the image interpretation of multitemporal LANDSAT satellite scenes. The environmental controllers analyzed were climate, topography, geology and soils. The human occupation pressure in the remaining fragments was analyzed based on the metrics obtained from land use and land cover map, environmental data and social and economical data. The proposal for conservation strategy of dry forests was based on the idea of using tree species such as the Aroeira (Myracroduon urundeuva) found in cultivated pastures as living fences before they are cut as invasors by the farmers. Results indicated the presence of approximately 190,000 hectares of dry forests in the study area. The largest fragments were mostly found in the central and northern parts of Vão do Paranã. It was found that there was a strong relationship between lithology (carbonatic rocks) and the presence of dry forests, both in plain areas and in rocky outcrops. A detailed qualitative analysis indicated the main controls for the establishment of the dry forests: strong water table variation in the soil-bedrock profile, the soil eutrofism and the climatic seasonality, allowing a hierarchy that can be described as: strong water table variation in the soil-bedrock profile > soil eutrofism > lithology > climatic seasonality > rainfall > soils > hipsometry > slope. As the most remaining fragments are located in hilly areas with limestone outcrops, only 1% presented high and very high tendencies for land occupation, though they are facing strong wood selective loggings. The substitution of dead fences for living fences and the increment of isolated trees indicated an increase of permeability of matriz and of conectivity among remaining vegetation fragments. The simulation of a scenery based on three test sites indicated that such substitution would result, for the entire Vao do Paranã region, in 338,520 trees saved (4.2 km2) and 5,077,800 new trees planted in form of living fences (63,5 km2). Regarding isolated trees, in the case of all pasture areas present an average of 310 trees per km2, this would represent 42 km2 of vegetation cover.Item Biodiversidade e padrões de distribuição da anurofauna do Parque nacional das emas e entorno(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-30) KOPP, Katia A; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira; and diversity of anuran amphibians in preserved and disturbed environments in the Cerrado of the State of Goiás, Mid-West Brazil. The Cerrado is the second largest biome of Brazil, with an approximate area of 2 million km², which represents about 23% of the total area of the country. Despite the high conversion of natural areas of the Cerrado in agricultural areas and pastures, comparative studies that address aspects of the composition and diversity of frogs from adjacent areas in different states of conservation are lacking. Thus, this study aimed to address taxonomic richness and community composition of anuran amphibians in twelve water bodies located in preserved areas (inside the National Park of Emas - PNE) and disturbed areas located around the PNE to test whether the structure of frogs communities is different in preserved and disturbed areas and whether species richness is correlated with descriptors of the heterogeneity of habitats. Were recorded 25 species of frogs belonging to nine genera of five families in the 12 water bodies sampled. Species richness was higher in disturbed than in preserved areas. Diversity and equitability were significantly higher in preserved water bodies (P <0.05) while dominance was higher in disturbed water bodies. An analysis of percentage of similarity (SIMPER) showed that the percentage of dissimilarity between the compared groups was 52.26%. The analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed significant results on differentiation between groups (Global R = 0.17, P = 0.04). Species richness was not related to any descriptor of heterogeneity. Geographic distance was related to species composition between sampled water bodies (r = -0.35, p = 0.01). At least two non-exclusive factors may be responsible for patterns of species composition and diversity of frogs found in the environments studied: a) the disturbance caused by human action in the use of natural areas for agriculture and livestock enables greater richness of species in disturbed areas, which is consistent with the hypothesis of intermediate disturbance, b) the migration between adjacent ponds allows the maintenance of communities and patterns of species composition. Thus, although species richness was lower in preserved water bodies, the highest diversity recorded in such habitats demonstrates their importance for the maintenance of community integrity and viable frogs populationsItem Aproveitamento de filer de pedreiras da região metropolitana de Goiânia em pavimentos flexíveis urbanos [manuscrito]: avaliação técnica e sócio-ambiental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-11-27) LUZ, Marta Pereira da; REZENDE, Lilian Ribeiro de;; CASTRO, Selma Simões de; generation of industrial waste has been the object of increasing attention in the field of Science and Technology because of the problems which arise when it is stored and inadequately disposed of. This can have negative consequences for the worker, the company and for the neighboring population. In addition it can generate liabilities for the environment. Measures which internalize such liabilities for the productive system are necessary, but not sufficient to bring about large scale changes in what concerns the sustainable management of solid waste. Therefore, there is an urgent need for technical and participative solutions. Technical solutions would make it viable to reuse or reduce the generation of waste, while participative solutions would reduce the negative consequences for communities and bodies who directly or indirectly are part of this process. In this context, waste from the quarrying of crushed stone was studied in the metropolitan Region of Goiânia. Quarrying is an important source of resources for the economic development of the region but it is also a great generator of solid waste. The research began with the physical and chemical characterization of filler, which forms the greatest volume of solid waste, resulting from quarrying and focused on its general effects on health. It also evaluated how the workers in these companies relate to the environmental issue in this context in which they live. A survey with questions was distributed and from the answers it could be concluded that the profile of these workers is extremely lacking in information which would provide them with information to deal with legal aspects directly related to their activity. Furthermore, it could be seen that specific methodologies in Environmental Education are needed to attend to these cases. It was also detected that the accumulation of filler can be harmful to society in terms of health. This is because of its physical and chemical characteristics, and in particular its considerable concentration of silica. These facts justify the need to find a technical solution to reduce the quantity of this waste. Hence it was decided to test different blends of natural soil and filler, using laboratory tests based on soil mechanics, with a view to investigating the possibility of using filler in road pavement, as it absorbs enormous quantities of material in its constituent layers and has attracted the attention of researchers in an effort to find new alternative uses for the different types of industrial waste. At this phase, tests were carried out for characterization, CBR, dynamic triaxial tests, permeability, compressive strength using varied quantities of lateritic clay soil as filler. From the results of these tests it was possible to claim that proportions of 30% filler added to compacted soil with modified energy and 20% filler added to compacted soil with intermediate energy can be used for base and sub base purposes, respectively, in flexible urban pavements with light traffic. The result of the resilience module points to the need for prudence in the use of filler, as repeated loads of filler in the test showed that the samples which were most appropriate in the CBR Statistical Test can undergo processes leading to a loss of mechanical resistance. After deciding in the laboratory on the most appropriate proportions of soil-filler for use in pavements, an experimental track was built using this material. An analysis of its behavior was done using the following field tests: sand flagon test, speedy, dynamic cone penetration, loading plate and Benkelman beam. The results of these tests were compared with those obtained from a track built in the same location with soil-crushed rock and lateritic gravel, both considered conventional material. It could be concluded that the mechanical behavior of the experimental track built with soil-filler blends are adequate for the conditions established by the technical norm in force up until the moment they were monitored, since its mechanical behavior is comparable to that obtained when using conventional materialsItem A planície aluvial do médio rio araguaia: processos geomorfológicos e suas implicações ambientais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-05-29) MORAIS, Roberto Prado de; LATRUBESSE, Edgardo Manuel; Araguaia River is the most important fluvial system of South America. With an area of 380.000Km², it´s includes two phytogeography regions that have a good part of planet biodiversity: Cerrado, in the south, and Amazonia Forest, in the north of Brazil. The high level of Cerrado ecosystem destruction and changes in the land using, after 1965, promoted an intense sedimentation in fluvial system. This study is about the channel of Araguaia river, in a 580 km extension, between the city of Barra do Garças (MT) and the confluence of Cristalino and Araguaia Rivers. The multidisciplinary approach of this study has as aim analyze the channel geomorphic and middle reach alluvial plains processes causing environmental changes to the channel morphology and to vegetation succession, done by the erosive and sedimentary processes in the channel. The quantitative data were obtained through maps, air photographs and topographic charts from Landsat 1 MMS (1975) and Landsat 5 TM (1998). Using geoprocessing recourses were done areal reports of erosive and sedimentary plans and were applied mathematics equations to estimate sediments bulk and mass remobilized and stored in fluvial system. Were obtained also socioeconomics information about the Araguaia River basin area in Goiás, during the decades of 1960 and 2000, the cities of this same basin s GDP, the cattle growing statistics, vegetation and deforestation areas. The physical and socioeconomic data showed a correlation between the emergence of geomorphologic processes that had modified the channel, with the growth and development socioeconomics activities. The gotten results had disclosed that between 1965 and 1975, few changes had occurred in the fluvial channel. After 1975, a sped up erosion process of the channel edges and of islands has beginning, mobilizing the sediments, the bigger vegetation, as arboreal and bush arboreal type, that are associates to the oldest units of alluvial plain. With greater arrives of sediments that had entered in the channel, from the edges and the islands erosion, before steady, and in bigger degree, through the tributaries that drain the contribution basin area, modified for the use of the land (cattle and agriculture), the excess of sediments intensified the lateral sedimentation and the formation of bars of the central type, increasing the interlacement of the channel and, therefore, its morphology. It was estimated that between 1965 and 1998, about 233 million tons of sediments had been stored in the fluvial channel of Araguaia river. In the new sedimentation areas it was developed herbaceous vegetation adapted to the sandy surfaces. It was evident that it is occurring, in the plain, the substitution of a bigger vegetation, with bigger floristic diversity, for a grassy vegetation of the type herbaceous, associates to the formation of a geomorphologic unit younger and unstable to the erosive and sedimentary processes, because of the hydrologic channel behavior. This fact probably will bring consequences to the diverse biological processes associates to all alluvial plain. In one another approach, throughout the historical period of the analysis, was verified that as they increased the percentages of Cerrado natural vegetation areas in the area of the basin converted into agricultural areas and of cultivated pastures, the GDP of the cities also increased. The correlation between deforested areas, growth of the GDP, volume and mass of sediments stored in the fluvial system and increase of arenaceous bars in the channel resulted absolutely in satisfactory evidences in inferring that the economic growth of the region is in a relation of direct dependence with the changes in the use of the land of the Cerrado areas, and its ambient implications in the processes of morphologic changes in the Araguaia River channel and plainItem Macroecologia do gênero Uca (Crustacea, Decapoda): padrões de diversidade, distribuição e respostas às mudanças climáticas globais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-11-17) NABOUT, João Carlos; NICOLINO, Aline da Silva; of the genus Uca (Crustacea, Decapoda): Patterns of diversity, distribution and responses to global change. The genus Uca, composed by 97 species, has a worldwide distribution on coastal marine regions, mainly in tropical environments. Many researches have used the genus Uca as a model of study, although the actual scientific knowledge about this group is dispersed. Moreover, few studies have investigated its global and evolutive patterns. In this sense, considering that the genus Uca has no taxonomic problems (there is a consensus about its distribution and species identification), presents wide geographical distribution and has phylogenetic topologies, this group can be used as an excellent model to test macroecological and evolutionary hypotheses, and to discuss the effects of climate change on coastal organisms. The aim of this study was to detect trends and biases in scientific literature about the genus Uca, as well as to assess macroecological patterns (at a global scale) and to evaluate the influence of climate change on the geographical range size and species richness. Moreover, we associated the information generated to improve conservation strategies for species of the genus Uca. Considering our goals, we generated four papers in this thesis. Among the most prominent results, we observed that, the number of papers about the genus Uca indexed in Thomson ISI database, did not increase between 1991 and 2007, which may indicate the lack of interest of the scientific community on this taxonomic group. Moreover, the majority of the scientific production about the genus Uca came from institutions in the USA. The studies about the genus Uca were mainly characterized as population papers (which analyzes population attributes such as density, distribution and ecological interactions). The results of species accumulation curve demonstrated that the total number of Uca species currently know (97 described species) is substantially lower than the number predicted by the asymptote of the Gompertz model (134 species predicted), suggesting that new species need to be described. However, a new species of Uca is not described since 1987. Models were generated to explain the date of species description based on the body size, geographical range size, human influence and the type of habitat of each species. These models were selected using the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). The best model among the candidate ones (explaining 37% of the total variance) was composed by variables representing the geographical range size of species, their body size and the human influence on them. In other words, large-bodied species and those widely distributed, mainly in regions with elevated human influence, were described earlier. In another paper of this thesis, we evaluated the levels of phylogenetic heritability of species of the genus Uca on their geographical range size, shape and position. If a strong phylogenetic signal of geographic range sizes exists between close related species, we can predict the unknown geographic range of species through the known geographic range of its relatives, which is useful for conservation purposes. However, the absence of phylogenetic signal was evidenced for this trait. On the other hand, there was a strong phylogenetic pattern considering the position of the range (mainly along longitudinal axis), probably due to mechanisms of vicariant allopatric speciation and to the geographical structure of the cladogenesis of the group. In the last paper, the impact of global changes on geographic range size of genus Uca were modeled, producing a comprehension about a poleward shift and elaborating maps of species richness based in two scenarios of global change. The models generated presented good performance, and predictions are that the species will probably have reduced the geographical range size and some species will be extinct (considering two scenarios until 2050), mainly in the tropical regions. Moreover, the range of species with midpoints in both hemispheres changed towards to poles in the future scenarios of climatic changes. Finally, the results of this set of papers highlighted the urgency of detailed studies for some species of Uca, and in some coastal marine regions (e.g. Indo-West Pacific) to evaluate the actual status of the distribution of species of the genus Uca and the real species richness of this genus. This is essential to generate local strategies aiming to minimize impacts of global change on coastal organismItem Chrysomelidae (insecta/coleoptera) como biondicadores de qualidade ambiental em áreas de Cerrado no estado de Goiás -Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-18) PIMENTA, Mayra; MARCO JÚNIOR, Paulo de; of the composition of natural communities and their responses to anthropogenic alterations is essential for determining the conservation status of a given system and prioritizing management actions. Anthropogenic impacts could cause a reduction in biodiversity not only due to habitat loss, but also due the loss of habitat heterogeneity across given landscape, especially in systems characterized by a mosaic of different elements (e.g. the Cerrado vegetation in central Brazil). Here we evaluate leaf beetle Coleoptera/Chrysomelidae) as bioindicators in a system whith varying intensities of human impacts and different phyto-physionomies (from open field to forests). We collected 1117 leaf beetle belonging to 245 species, of which 12 species and 5 genus were considered possible bioindicators based on IndVal measure. Higher species richness was observed in forests and regenerating fields, and habitats with lower species richness included pastures, mines and veredas. Only the Eucalyptus areas had a high abundance of Chrysomelidae, followed by forests and the other habitats, which were not significantly different from each other. Natural fields, regenerating fields, natural cerrados and forest had higher values of β-diversity. In general, the proportion of Chrysomelidae over total Coleoptera and over herbivorous Coleoptera were not able to distinguished among the habitats. The large number of rare leaf beetle species, the high proportion of restricted species and the high β-diversity of the natural areas made it difficult to utilize individual of species as a bioindicator. The use of the genus Chrysomelidae as a biondicator of habitat quality, was considered more effective than using individual species. Bioindicator systems that include not only species richness and abundance but also assemblage composition are needed to allow for a better understanding of Chrysomelidae response to environmental disturbance. OBS: Summary of chapter 1. Thesis with three chapters.Item As práticas da extensão rural no processo de modernização da agricultura: agricultores familiares goianos e a questão ambiental (1975-2008)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-18) SANTANA, Eloisa Pio de; MIZIARA, Fausto;; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa; central proposal of this work is to elucidate the practice of transferring technology to family farmers carried by the official rural extension system between the years of 1975 and 2008. To take technologies to the rural man, the rural extension has served in several areas providing the insertion of the farmer in "technological packs" of the green revolution, propelling this process, based on an economic rationality, which, despite providing great advances in the growth of agriculture and livestock, it has caused negative impacts to the environment. To know the thoughts of farmers and technicians about the educational practices inserted in the work of rural extension 57 counties were visited, corresponding to a sample of approximately 25% of the total of all counties in the state of Goiás where 268 interviews were conducted with 171 family farmers served by the rural extension and 97 with technicians employees of the rural extension. The research covered the following regions: Southwest, South, Railway, Saint Patricio Vale, Antas River, Plateau, Meia Ponte, Paranã Vale, Araguaia Vale, Mesa Sierra, West, Red River, Paranaiba River and Bois River. Bound to this fieldwork, documental analysis were proceeded based on data from the IBGE Agriculture Census/ 2006, the Goiás State Secretary of Planning-SEPLAN/SEPIN and the reports of activities of EMATER-GO in the period of 1975-2008. Studies lead to the conclusion that the technical assistance service and rural extension needs to be rethought, but it can not finish because according to the technicians and farmers, the small farmer still needs a lot from the extension, since the large and average producer can afford to hire the private services, while the small one has only the extension. Family farmers emphasize that the rural extension is essential for the development of productive activities and the preservation of natural resources on their properties. It also concludes that if the EMATER /RURALAGENCY was the organ that intermediated the introduction of technologies in rural areas, it should also contribute to the construction of a new and necessary rationality in the countryside, that incorporates farmers and technicians to the perspective of sustainable development.Item Padrões de distribuições espaciais e temporais de temperatura de superfície no bioma Cerrado: uma análise integrada a partir de dados orbitais de resolução moderada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-07-12) SANTOS, Nicali Bleyer Ferreira dos; FERREIRA, Nilson Clementino;; FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Laerte Guimarães; occurrence of vegetation is an important factor regarding the maintainance of natural biogeochemical processes. In the Cerrado, the conversion of the vegetative cover into croplands and cultivated pasturelands has induced severe modifications in biophysical variables such as land surface temperatures, highly sensitive to land cover / land use changes. Thus, and aiming at a more complete understanding of the land conversion impacts on the Cerrado biophysical variables, in this study we assessed, through orbital data (MOD 11 product - Land Surface Temperature), the correlation between land occupation and thermal variability, considering 2003 imagery obtained at the beginning and end of the dry season. In particular, we investigated the LST behavior in relation to the major Cerrado land cover classes, as well as its response to the ongoing clearings. Our results confirmed higher temperatures over anthropic areas, as well as significant increases immediately following deforestations.Item Análise físico-química e ecotoxicológica de combustíveis obtidos a partir do craqueamento termo-catalítico de polímeros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-28) TAVARES, Maria Gizelda de Oliveira; ANTONIOSI FILHO, Nelson Roberto; present paper describes the theoretical reference for the study of the polymeric thermal catalytic cracking. A review on these type of materials it was accomplished, beginning for an introduction on new sources of alternative energy. Recycling plastics used as alternative sources fuels was evaluated under the environmental and point of view physical -chemical..The studies permitted validate the developed methodology in the research.. Ecotoxicology was used as a fundamental tool to evaluate the toxicity levels of alternative fuels sources, and the obtained levels was compared to the thoroughly used fuels, such as diesel and gasoline. And the Histology studies generated in the ecotoxicology analyses, was used as a supporting tool to obtain the conclusions.Item Inserção de Variáveis Ambientais no Planejamento da Operação de Sistemas Hidrotérmicos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-09-11) VALLE, Ana Claudia Marques do; CRUZ JÚNIOR, Gélson da;; AGUIAR, Maria do Amparo Albuquerque; trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma modelagem para inserção de restrição de qualidade de água ao planejamento da operação de sistemas hidrotérmicos de longo prazo. Considerar a qualidade da água no planejamento garante, o enfoque do uso múltiplo da água. O objetivo deste é explorar a sensibilidade do planejamento de sistemas hidrotérmicos à inserção de uma variável ambiental, focando a qualidade da água. Dentre os indicadores de qualidade da água, a escolha foi pela clorofila-a e aporte de fósforo estabelecendo uma relação com o volume do reservatório.Item Conservação de espécies em áreas de monocultura de soja no sudoeste goiano: uma avaliação usando larvas de anfíbios anuros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-11-06) VAZ-SILVA, Wilian; BASTOS, Rogério Pereira; basic knowledge of the answer of the species to the anthropic and natural perturbations on environments is the first step in the development of management strategies to the conservation biology. This study analyzes the pattern of occurrence of anurans species in relation of habitat, considering two different landscape uses from Jataí municipality, southwestern Goiás State, Central Brazil. Anurofaunal composition on Jataí represented 24% of anuran diversity of Goiás State, with great similarity with Aporé municipality, hydrographic sub-basin of the river Corrente. The relation between the species richness in seven municipalities with environmental and social attributes were non-significant. Considering the tadpoles assemblages in Jataí were sampled 40 ponds (24 distant of the monoculture and 16 located in the proximities of the monoculture). The study registered 4.529 specimens, classified in four families, 18 anuran species, presenting Scinax fuscovarius, Dendropsophus minutus and Eupemphix nattereri the most common species. The mean richness of species by sampled pond was significantly different in the families Hylidae and Leptodactylidae. The results showed that ponds distant of monoculture were more heterogeneous and possess a biggest diversity of species. The Canonical Correspondence Analyses showed the biggest predictive power to the environmental variables: predator types; distance of forest fragments; depth; and, hydroperiod. Spatial and temporal attributes were important to the species composition. Ponds distant to the monoculture presented (in mean) a bigger number of types of microhabitat and significant relation between the availability and the utilization by tadpoles. Significant difference was observed between niche breadths in the categories, with biggest values in the ponds distant to the monoculture. The species in ponds distant to the monoculture showed high plasticity in the environmental occupancy. The relation between spatial niche overlap and ecomorphological and phylogenetic patterns to the pars of the species were non-significant in the multivariate context. The results will subsidize actions directed to the management in agricultural areas in the scope of Conservation Biology