Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia
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Item Violência, automutilação e suicídio: desdobramentos psicossociais na adolescência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-15) Cabral, Ana Luísa Lopes; Silva, Maria Aparecida Alves da;; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira;; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira; Brambatti, Larissa Polejack; Silva, Maria Aparecida Alves da; Resende, Maria do Rosário SilvaInterpersonal and self-inflicted violence has become more increasnig in adolescence, a period marked by social, physical and psychological changes in wich is required greater adaptability and preparation for adulthood. Considering Brazil as a country with high rates of violence, together with the understanding of childhood and adolescence as phases marked by violent experiences, the objective of this research is to identify and analyze self-inflicted violence in adolescence, its association with interpersonal violence in childhood, describing the factors related to these events and their psychosocial discoveries, through an integrative literature review. The objective is also to contextualize the notifications of violence in the city of Goiânia through the submission of public data (collected and interpreted by the “Center of Violence Prevention and Health Promotion”, of the Municipal Health Department) as well as reviewing the Public Policies to confront interpersonal and self-inflicted violence in these age groups. The results point to relations between physical, sexual, psychological violence, bullying, psychosocial vulnerabilities, and suicidal behavior. The analysis of public data points to an increase of the violence notification against children and adolescents and, increasingly, cases of self-harm over the years. Through the review of federal, state and municipal Public Policies, it is observed that despite the advances and the continuous struggle of many public figures, there is a strong necessity for more specific policies to combat violence and, in a unique way, self-inflicted ones. It is emphasized violence as a social phenomenon and the result of cultural, historical, economic, demographic, subjective and health conditions.Item Adolescer em condições de vulnerabilidade: uma escuta psicanalítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-08) Nascimento, Camila Nogueira do; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de;; Amparo, Deise Matos do; Santos, Lívia Gomes dos; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro deThe present research involved the study of adolescents who carry the marks of social exclusion. Therefore, our general objective was to investigate the adolescence process of subjects in situations of social vulnerability from clinical listening of teenagers attended at the Study, Research and Extension in Adolescence Center [CEPEA] of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás [ FE-UFG]. We started from the premise that each adolescent subject is a unique being, with its own identity that interacts with specific personal, family and social situations. We intended to explore studies on adolescence that refer to intrapersonal psychic aspects and the insertion of adolescents in society, both in the way they relate to others, and in relation to the identity and spaces that society gives them. The approach of this research was qualitative and used the concepts of psychoanalysis to carry out the case study procedure. The listening proposed by the methodology of this work was not reduced to merely listening to the narratives, but articulating the associations produced by the teenager assisted with the theory in order to try to understand the psychosocial processes that involve the adolescence of subjects in social vulnerability. Thus, we intended to build symbolic and discursive possibilities and networks of devices in which the subject could speak, through transference, and enable the emergence of a subject of desire, often in a whirlwind of words and feelings, in a reconnection with the losses already experienced.Item Desejo e adolescência: uma perspectiva clínica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-12) Silva, Domenica de Melo; Santos, Altair José dos;; Santos, Altair José dos; Gurski, Roselene Ricachenevsky; Burgarelli, Cristóvão GiovaniThe research has desire as a guiding thread based on the psychoanalytic clinic with adolescents. It seeks to answer the relationship between the identification process and the assumption of desire in the work of psychically crossing adolescence. This is a critical study, which addresses the elements of historical, social and political content present in this process. The theoretical framework of Freudian and Lacanian Psychoanalysis, as well as its intercessors, is used to work on the categories of adolescence and desire in the context of Modernity. The psychoanalytic method was used, which consists of clinical research work in which the treatment is based and supported by research into the experience of each subject inserted in the social bond, considered as a discursive bond. It aims to bring clinical and social phenomena closer together, in the articulation between individual and society, subjectivity and culture. It starts from the conception of adolescence as a contemporary cultural ideal, with dynamics of identification pointing to the imperative of well-being, fulfillment and happiness, attributes sought by individuals of all ages, resulting in a time extension of this psychic operation. The construction of an ideal self that is impossible to achieve keeps desire alienated from the desire of the Other, through discourses. From this perspective, psychoanalytic ethics is brought as an alternative, as it is based on desire and singularity, by placing lack as necessary for access to the truth, always fictitious, of the subject of the unconscious. The phenomenon of transference is pointed out as a driving force and structuring support within the analytical process, operating in the three registers: in the symbolic through the word, in the real through the hole in the discourse and in the imaginary through identification. A space for the construction and precipitation of desiring subjectivity, it provides symbolization, change in meaning, in discourses and the crossing of the plane of identifications. The analyst's desire appears in its double function, as object a, cause of desire and object of the drive, leading the subject to the articulation of desire. The actualization of unconscious contents in the figure of the analyst functions as a new bond, a new love, the love of transference, which has at its base the transmission of lack, the lack of knowledge and the lack of an object for desire. A relationship of love as meaning, which allows for slippages in the meaning of the ideal, in addition to a possible change in the subject's position, from the desire for recognition to the recognition of desire.Item Corpos marcados: desamparo e angústia na clínica psicanalítica com adolescentes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-29) Silva, Muriel Romeiro da Costa e; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de;; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lazzarini, Eliana Rigotto; Marques, Rodrigo VieiraThis dissertation originates itself from a restlessness caused by clinical experience with adolescents that practice scarification. Nowadays, teenagers marked by contemporary culture present fragility and lack of stable affective bonds, impoverishment of life experiences, greater sensibility to frustrations, difficulties to talk about themselves and seem to have lost the meaning of life. Their complaints are malaise, emptiness and unbearable inner pain. They do not know where it hurts and do not realize how little they can speak about what bothers them. Thus, they resort to cut their own bodies as a way of relieving the tension that causes suffering. This work had as general objective to understand the meaning of scarification during adolescence based on life narratives of two adolescents treated in a Psychosocial Attention Centre for Children (Children’s CAPS) in Anápolis. To comprehend the narratives of these teenagers that cut themselves, we used Freud's conceptions (1905/1926/1927/1930) regarding puberty, anguish and helplessness. In addition to that, we recurred to other contemporary authors of psychoanalysis to reflect on adolescence and scarification as a means of understanding the relationship between teenagers and their bodies. Life narratives were used as method to collect the adolescents’ fragments of life stories. We used drawing and writing as complementary techniques in order to obtain psychic indications that contributed to understand the scarification act. This research allowed us to conclude that scarification might be related to a feeling of helplessness revived during adolescence which manifests itself as great inner pain, and the cuts appear as a relief to the excess of tension.