Doutorado em Antropologia Social (FCS)
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Item Políticas interculturais no Estado do Tocantins: em que medida os processos próprios de aprendizagem e a organização social do Povo Akwẽ são acionados na educação escolar indígena?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-26) Xerente, Ercivaldo Damsokekwa Calixto; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz;; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Kaingang, Bruno Ferreira; Benites, Tonico; Leitão, Rosani Moreira; Silva, Joana Aparecida FernandesHêsuka Akwẽ nĩm rommãdkâ wa, kãtô ktâwankõ nĩm rommãdkâ wa kri rowahtuzem wa aimõ sissu nẽmr pibumã, it samãr wahiku pibumã watô krêwi snã kmãdâk, kãtô ĩt kuikre pibumã dure, are ponkwanẽ hã romkmãdkâ Akwẽ tê kãtô ktâwankõ tê aimõ itkmã sdakbâ pibumã. Tanẽmmẽ, wazatô kuikre it tmã ropibui snã nhanẽ aimõ romkmãdâ kuitab snã krhêmba mnõze Akwẽ kmã, wawẽ aimõ waptem mã warã wamhã romkmãdkâ mnõ krê rowahtu nõze dure it wasku pibumã. Tazi watô, aimõ krêwirê kmãdâk, wa, kãtô bdâ ssõre it wahibu, kri rowahtuze dazakru Kâ wrakurerê krãinisdu / Brejo Comprido nã ĩwamtrê wa, tahã dazakru kãtô krêwim hã dazakrui wadi mnõ, tahã it smĩstu tô ĩt tmã ropibui pibumã ĩt kuitre pibumã hêsuka wa. It sdakbâ nõrĩ tô ĩptokrda, wawẽ, kãtô hêsuka nã rowahtukwai nõrĩ. Are tetô aimõ rowahtukwai nõrĩ romkmãdâ sissu nẽmr pibumã kuzurkw. Are wawẽ nõrai sim romkmãdkâ wa aimõ psê zawre kõd Akwẽ nĩm romkmãdâ sikusbimrã pibumã ktâwankõ tê tmẽ, rowahtukwai nõrai kmã têtô dure wawẽ nõrĩ aimõ kmã sabu Akwẽ nĩm romkmãdâ adu tê samãr wahiku psê mnõ kõpra zatô aimõ romkmãdkâ twi snãsikutõr kri rowahtuzem wa. Are Akwẽ nõrĩ, dasiwawi mnõ bâ romkmãdkâ mnõ krê wasku mnõ kõdi dure, tmã sawi mnõdi, siwakru kõdi aimõ dure romkmãdkâ wasku hã. Twa, tô aimõ kbure Akwẽ nõrĩ sissum snã romkmãdâ hêsuka nãhã têkmãdkâ prêwamsi zatô psê snã aimõ romkmãdâ mõ, tetô aimõ dure dasipra re zawre nõmr, tô aimõ kbure snã kmã dasiwapar wa kãtô kmãdasidur mnõ wa zatô aimõ kri rowahtuzem wa psê snã rowahdu nõmrItem Acary de Passos Oliveira: percursos e contribuições para a formação da antropologia no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-27) Carvalho, Adelino Adilson de; Leitão, Rosani Moreira;; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes;; Vasconcellos; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Vasconcellos, Camilo de Mello; Martins, Dilamar Candida; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Herbetta, Alexandre FerrazIn this work I analyzed the career trajectory of Acary de Passos Oliveira, a sertanista1 and the first director of the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás, with the aim of glimpsing his contributions to the formation of the field of Anthropology in the state of Goiás, as well as understanding the political and social influences that shaped his ideas and actions. In addition to bibliographical consultations and studies, the analysis was based on a documentary review from the perspective of archival ethnography. Documents held by the UFG Anthropological Museum and the Goiás Institute of Prehistory and Anthropology at PUC Goiás, among others, were analyzed. The time frame covers the period from the late 1930s, when Acary de Passos began his work on national programs to integrate Central Brazil, to 1993, the year of his death. Within this time frame, two actions deserve to be highlighted: the creation and consolidation of the UFG Anthropological Museum and the formation of its first ethnographic and archaeological collections. Among other conclusions, this work reveals a multiple and complex trajectory, which paved the way for the construction of the field of museums, anthropology, archaeology and other related areas in the region.Item Fotografias como recursos narrativos nas publicações dos dossiês do patrimônio imaterial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-09) Duailibe, Nayala Nunes; Tamaso , Izabela Maria;; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Morais, Sara Santos; Gonçalves, Renata Sá; Veiga, Felipe Berocan; Hirano, Luis Felipe KojimaIt is worth considering the importance of photographs for the documentation and recording of various forms of intangible heritage, as well as their relevance in the dissemination and appreciation of the cultural practices and traditions of different groups. This thesis analyzes the use of photographic images as a tool in the construction and representation of heritage, questioning how these images shape the understanding of the meaning of heritage. The thesis also highlights the existing gap regarding the role of photographs in the documentation and preservation of intangible heritage, and how they can be used in the context of public policies. The objectives of the thesis are to identify heritage photographs in the narratives of intangible heritage, to analyze the ethnographic sense of heritage processes in relation to the use of photography, and to demonstrate how photographs are used in the publications of the IPHAN files. The work presents an ethnography, which discusses the aspects of anthropological research, the selection methodology of files and photographic images, as well as the proposal of a method with photographs. In the third chapter, the thesis discusses the use of photographs as narrative strategies in intangible heritage records, highlighting the relationship between photography and Anthropology and the collective memory embodied in images. Analysis of the intangible heritage files is presented, focusing on the Wajãpi and Roda de Capoeira files produced by IPHAN. The objective is to understand how narratives are built through the photographs present in these documents and how cultural forms are recorded. The thesis emphasizes the epistemological dimension of the use of images in intangible heritage and addresses the relevance of public heritage policies that use images as central resources in their approach.Item Princesinhas, guerreiros e batalhas discursivas: educação de gênero como projeto (neo)conservador(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-29) Freitas, Lídia dos Santos Ferreira de; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz;; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Nunes, Maria José Fontelas Rosado; Santos, Rayani Mariano dos; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Gonçalves, ElianeEsta investigación doctoral en Antropología Social, centrada principalmente en textos públicos obtenidos en diversas plataformas, tanto digitales como físicas, buscó analizar discursos y perspectivas de género en libros infantiles y materiales pedagógicos producidos por segmentos de los cristianismos pentecostalizados. La fundamentación teórica se basó en las teorías de género y feministas, así como en la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del Análisis del Discurso. El alcance del análisis consideró el contexto más amplio de las actuales controversias sobre género, el avance de valores e ideas de derecha y extrema derecha, y la reacción conservadora ante el progreso de las agendas feministas y los activismos queer, especialmente desde el repertorio discursivo de la "ideología de género". Buscando responder a la pregunta sobre cuáles serían los elementos fundamentales constituyentes de la tecnología conservadora de género operacionalizada en la educación no formal de niños presente en el campo de los cristianismos pentecostalizados, la investigación de los materiales reveló una estética y patrones discursivos comunes, fundamentados en una visión de género dualista, esencialista, cis-heterosexista, disciplinadora, moralista y reproductivista. El análisis también evidenció la existencia de un proyecto organizado de educación conservadora de género para niños en los espacios de estos cristianismos conservadores, con énfasis, principalmente, en identidades y performances de género, desde una perspectiva construccionista (el género debe ser enseñado a los niños desde una matriz cristiana-conservadora), conformada en un discurso esencialista (el género está dado y no puede ser modificado). Hay, por lo tanto, una ambigüedad que es característica del patrón discursivo de las nuevas derechas conservadoras y que forma parte de su potencia. La investigación también señala la necesidad de que los investigadores del campo de los estudios de género revisiten el supuesto de que habría, en los segmentos analizados en esta tesis, una perspectiva puramente "antigénero". Lo que parece haber es un proceso de disputa por los sentidos de la categoría "género". Destaco, por último, que el fenómeno es relativamente reciente, intensificándose a partir de la segunda década del siglo XX, lo que justifica la relevancia y actualidad de esta investigación.Item Desenhar para conhecer: experimentações como fissuras epistêmicas na antropologia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-28) Almeida, Katianne de Sousa; Ferreira, Glauco Batista;; Ferreira, Glauco Batista; Bruno, Fabiana; Pinheiro, Patrícia dos Santos; Pires, Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Triana, Bruna Nunes da CostaThe path to constructing a drawn thesis is winding, like any other organic element; it develops gradually. Through conversations with colleagues, professors, and research interlocutors, relationships were intertwined, and they also modified the way I initially thought about the research and the relationship between anthropology and drawing. Just as my drawing followed this branched process of understanding what it would mean to experiment in Anthropology. In two notebooks (notebook 01: drawing concepts and notebook 02: drawing ethnographies) that grow into five brochures, I share the production of thought, to experiment with various languages within the structure of constructing scientific thought, containing drawings, photographs, and poems, since graphic productions expanded along the way. The interest of the research was to highlight drawing as a possible path for ethnographic production, in addition to highlighting it as a pedagogical resource for anthropological training, within the academic disciplinary structure at the university. As I developed the idea of concept drawing, I constructed a graphic narrative about my process as a black woman in graduate school that is fundamentally about articulating anthropological theories and their fissures in the contemporary world. When researching the teaching of Anthropology through drawing, that is, doing an Anthropology of Anthropology, connections, and epistemic ruptures were established between writing and drawing in the various ways of producing knowledge in AnthropologyItem Mestra Paulina e seu caminho: Uma teoria etnográfica da vida dos espíritos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-04) Mota, Emília Guimarães; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar;; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Cardoso, Vânia Zikán; Veras, Hermes de Sousa=; Flaksman, Clara Mariani; Filgueira , André Luiz de SouzaThe thesis presents an ethnographic theory of the lives of spirits, those who have chosen to work with and care for, since meeting and conviviality with Mestra Paulina, who wished to "give her name and her path". I met the spirit and medium Ana in an umbanda terreiro in Aparecida de Goiânia (GO) for many years. Working in the line of pombagira and exu, little by little Mestra Paulina began to "talk about herself", confiding that she was a jurema "master". This movement was the trigger for the research project and, by following it, it made it possible to learn about some of the "passages" made by Mestra Paulina. Like in umbanda, Calunga, jurema, pombagira and exu lines, as a mestra, between Goiás and Pernambuco. The field research took place walking with the spirit and paying attention to "speaking of oneself". Between visits to my home and to the Association, the place where she began to give consultations. The work is guided by the questioning of the possibility of talking about and getting to know the lives of spirits in a way that is more than just narratives about the past. It aims to shift from a device known as biography to an ethnographic theory of the life of the spirit in which "life" is freed from an anthropocentric, biological and chronological predicate of time as an arrow. In order to present an ethnographic theory of the life of spirits, the thesis is based on three main movements: the "passages", the "dar nome" and the "correr gira”. They describe variations of Mestra Paulina, relationships, ways of working, compositions, agency out by an extensive and vital capacity of the spirit.They make it possible to describe the life of the spirit as grounded in work-care, in doing, always on the move.The work briefly reflects the participation of dreams and drawings in the research, in order to "continue with the problem", thus contributing to the openings and unquiets provoked by the experience of living and walking with a spirit.Item As margens vão à luta: o modo Maíra como resistência tentehar nas relações da T.I Cana Brava/Guajajara com a BR-226 no Centro-Sul do Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-11) Gomes, Dhiogo Rezende; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar;; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Caballero, Indira Nahomi Viana; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Garcia, Uirá Felippe; Apurinã , FranciscoThis thesis deals with interethnic relations within the Cana Brava Indigenous Land, crossed by BR-226 in the Center-South region of Maranhão. In this context, the Tentehar-Guajajara present themselves as producing a policy of approximation to control and resist the impacts of the highway as a developmental project, in the face of changes and transformations in the world system. A set of agencies and strategies are presented that were established on a cosmological basis in the mythical times of the creation of their people, matured in four centuries of contact with colonization and national society. In this process of indigenous agency in the present, the Tentehar carry their references to the struggle in the myths of the founding of their people by the demiurge Maíra and his twin sons, Maíra’yr and Mucura’yr. Tentehar historicity is based on ancestry, valuing the struggles fought by the ancients, following a chain of historical times conjectured by the indigenous people themselves to the detriment of linear and dominant Western chronologies. This tentahar way of being-doing brings together all the plasticity of these people, weaving a policy of resistance, moving between retreats and controlled approaches under the Maíra way, observers of the limits with the karaiw (non-indigenous), from the first colonial contacts, through the conflicts in the demarcation of land and the expulsion of invading villages, until the establishment of the pe pihun – black road, the highway in the 21st century, a time in which the margins are fightingItem Nhandereko: nosso direito(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-16) Guarany, Vilmar Martins Moura; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares;; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Amado, Luiz Henrique Eloy; Ladeira, Maria Inês; Mainardi, Camila; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes daThis thesis seeks to carry out an autoethnography in which the author is an observer, member and participant of the Guarani indigenous people and proposes to analyze the migration of his group that leaving Paraguay at the beginning of the 20th century, when making an unprecedented journey to the Central-North region of Brazil. In this sense, the analysis focuses on the Mbya presence in Goiânia, Cocalinho in Mato Grosso, Xerente Indigenous Land, Xambioá Indigenous Land, both in the State of Tocantins and in the Jacundá Indigenous Land in Pará. Taking historical and mobility as a starting point, it focuses on self-determination and its relationship with the Guarani indigenous law that presents itself with the Mbya name “nhandereko”. It verifies self-determination in the past as well as in the present, going through a long period of invisibility of this right or even its denial, for recognition in the Brazilian legal system and in international spheres, to the point of being able to say that there is currently a reconquest of Guarani self-determination in the national and international scenario. Finally, it seeks to present the elements and principles to confirm the existence of a Guarani indigenous right.Item Movências, encantarias e retomadas: uma natnografia sobre o corte e a cura dos Kariú Kariri no Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-30) Alves, Lidiane da Conceição; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares;; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; Nascimento, Rita Gomes do; Anaquiri, Mirna Kambeba Omágua-Yetê; Almeida, Emerson Rubens Mesquita; Mainardi, CamilaAedzé eerãkuara kietse utsohó ay bó dõ métsohó, samy ko tsebuhö bó ayby adjé kuá ay doibáhén tsohoá, ay ery, ma odeihó ninho, tedzy, de, maridzá, tsebuhö,bukémé kó teudiokié ayby ewóá ninho ma dziwichi, kó dõ tedzy, mariarcas hikié ay ery tsohó, ninho Kariú Kariri ayby Maranhão. Ay tsebuhö piwonhé, bó ayby keité ayby natnografia ko wówóá, ay doibáhén, netçoá ko Samy tsohoá ayby tsohó Kariú Kariri, ayby tedzy dõ ery yetçãmidé. Ay swbatekié waruá eridzá tsebuhö fü utsohó bó ayby wówóá ko idzéchi utsohó bí hi, ecudú ay ery mariarcas, ko ay doibáhén kanatsikie obohó tedzy, hiquiá, munankie ko yghé dõ ery tsohó anrá Maranhão, ayby urio ayby tsowana ko tsowanatsi ko ayby pitá dõ yetçamyá anrá wówó anrá Vale do Cariri no Ceará. Tobumi ay dó ká dõ natnografia obohó wówó mó ubyá ay kiçetsoklo utsohó bó kiçetso dó ay anranbuku utsohó ma dezudé dibuihoho-nanhèybá, ko ay bocu bó wodzodzó tokenhé, utsohó bó dziwichi utsohó bó ery tsohó. Anrá neietá dõ ubyá dó, bowró dó ay crody anranbuku peretó ko gytéwó peretó buanga hô dezudé dibuihoho-nanhèybá, dezudé tsohó Kariú Kariri,ydadé wócudú keité dõ celé ma dezudé dibuihoho-nanhèybá, ay dezudé uano ko netçó mó dzi laboi ko gytéwó ay utsohó kanatsikie dezudé lanlan woroy ma odeihó tsohó ninho sancry ayby radda.Item Pós-negritar trajetórias acadêmicas nas encruzilhadas dos saberes: um estudo antropológico das ações afirmativas para pessoas negras na pós-graduação stricto sensu da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-20) Ferreira, Débora Sirno Santos; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Silva, Vera Regina Rodrigues da; Lima, Marlini Dorneles deThis doctoral thesis starts from the following problematization: knowing that most of the Brazilian population is composed of the black population, what factors influence so that only a minority of them are in universities in master's and doctoral courses? The main objective of this ethnography is to investigate, in stricto sensu graduate courses, at the Master's and Doctorate level at UFG, how quota students perceive the quota policy implemented by the university in their experiences. The ethnography carried out with the interlocutors of the UFG stricto sensu postgraduate course showed that all students faced many challenges throughout their academic career, to the point ofmaking many of them drop out, in elementary school, then in high school, with few reaching university. In the academic territory of UFG, it was no different, as well as in their daily lives, they were violated with racist jokes, sexist, homophobic situations, with patriarchy operating over their bodies, the university charging for productions, and, still, the pandemic and social isolation. However, in the face of all these traps strategically prepared by racism, students recognize the importance of being in this place, knowing that many do not manage to reach this stage of study and recognize the rise that this place gives them, both psychologically and socially. and financially. For all this, they share joy when they are recognized for their academic production, and especially when the mother of one of the students, who is their main reference, shares, with joy, the surprise of the boss when she discovers that her maid's son is doctor. We resorted to the anthropology of emotions to explain the context in which these experiences were shared with the researcher and how they crossed her. To better understand ethnic-racial relations in Brazil, it is essential to recognize the relevance and effectiveness of racism and ethnic-racial discrimination, of which groups, black and indigenous people are the target (DIAS, 2012) and which segregate and exclude them from places , spaces and positions. Affirmative actions are intended to combat the accumulated effects of discrimination practiced against black people, which results in economic, educational, political and sociocultural inequalities.Item Estar dentro do rolê: gênero e sexualidades entre jovens estudantes e universitários na cidade de Goiás (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-05) Prado, Paulo Brito do; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Coelho, Maria Cláudia; Britto, Clóvis Carvalho; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Henning, Carlos EduardoThe present thesis is an incursion made through the anthropological view of the social phenomenon of the rolês produced by young students and university students in specific places in the Historic Center of the city of Goiás between the years 2017 and 2019. In addition to seeing this contemporary phenomenon through the lens of gender, sexuality and youth studies, the research envisaged a methodological and ethnographic proposal interested in crossing the fields of history and anthropology. In the ethnographic work I chose, in addition to the conventional procedures of field research (interviews, dialogue and recording in field diaries), the taking of the drawing (watercolors) and the production of images as a way of recording for the production of the narrative that compose this book. investigation. As a result of deep field research and archives, this work proposed a tour of contemporary Goiás, for its time marks and for the uses made by young students, university students and tourists of its monumentalized spaces by residents, public authorities and Unesco in 2001. Starting from bars or alleys, from Praça do Coreto and its neighboring places, or following the flow of so many people in nights to the sound of funk, university sertanejo, electronic, forró, arrocha and always accompanied by a drink (corote, vodka with ice, wine, beer, liqueurs or other mixtures) I witnessed, on the nights of rolês, different groups of young people mobilize other meanings and attribute other meanings to Goiás, even though they did not leave aside the fame that the city carries and that is related to its past and its history. Together with many people I participated in new entertainment and saw different ways of using the spaces of Goiás in the periods of time in which the rolês and parties took place. All this was evidently accompanied by the romantic setting of a city of small territorial dimensions, guardian of pasts and traditions, illuminated by lamps with a yellowish, poetic, evocative color and that referred to a long historical trajectory characterized by the times of the Colony, the Empire and the Republic. Thinking about the meanings that so many people attributed to the city, about what stimulated them to be in so many spaces of this city and interested in the ethnographic location of Goiás in time and space, I explored some research that preceded this one, covered questions that inspired this investigative proposal, I pointed out some conceptual and methodological problems, walked through its history, showed how the idea of Historic and Heritage City was manufactured and reached some of the many meanings produced by young people who go to rolês in a famous Goiás, center of attention of the local and national and popular media. for many parties. Of course, in this process I had to broaden my previous lens of analysis, at first focused on gender and sexuality, to issues of class and race. In the field and seeing how young people resorted to certain pasts of the city and/or used their history to justify their presence and behavior in the Bandstand, I had no choice but to place myself on the border between History and Anthropology. In this way, this thesis talks about in-between places and borders, mine and those of my interlocutors.Item O que é que tem de realmente importante lá em Chapada dos Negros, além da cicatriz? Processos de enquadramento do patrimônio, estereotipagem e silenciamento de memórias em Arraias-TO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-07-29) Nolasco, Genilson Rosa Severino; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes;; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Magnani, José Guilherme Cantor; Silva, Cleube Alves da; Cândido, Manuelina Maria Duarte; Hirano, Luis Felipe KojimaThis thesis is the result of research carried out in Arraias, a city located in the southeast region of Tocantins. Its base goal was to understand how the people of Arraias have appropriated the physical traits (FERRAZ, 1997) associated with the colonial past and the enslavement of black people, regarding special attention to the Chapada dos Negros’ ruins. I sought to understand not only the heritage assets, the Chapada dos Negros’ ruins, but mainly how things become or have become heritage in that locality, at the same time that I problematized the limits of heritage public policies. Therefore, the investigative approach was developed through two movements, as Pollack (1989) suggests. Firstly, a “from top to the bottom” movement involving an ethnography of the State’s heritage process and its agents. Second movement was the “from the bottom to the top” view, in which I’ve looked for the subjects’ ethnography, their point of view and enunciation places.Item Uma etnografia sobre memórias e fotografias no terecô: entre possibilidades, interditos e afetos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-09) Freire, Fladney Francisco da Silva; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima;; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Barros, Antonio Evaldo Almeida; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues; Ferreira, Glauco BatistaAlthough they seem like an individual phenomenon, photographs should also be understood as a collective construction. In this study, besides being important in the plot of memory in the context of Terecô of Bacabal (MA), are pieces that set up a timeline of the Spiritist Tent of Umbanda de São Raimundo Nonato, the terreiro of my family. The thesis seeks to provoke a reflection on the limits and potentialities of the image for religion, portraying how it is used in the temple to narrate the trajectory of the terreiro itself and its members. Throughout the study, we approached the context of Terecô in the municipality of Bacabal(MA ) and the genesis of the terreiro, also trying to understand the conception that religious leaders and scholars have about the importance of image in the production of knowledge, without leaving aside the approach to care for the dissemination of these photographs, since religion is historically the target of prejudices. In the terreiro, it is believed that the care with the way these records reach the spaces outside the walls is able to collaborate with the breaking of stereotypes. Part of this care occurs with the contextualization of the record of rituals that will be exposed – considering that images about Afro-Brazilian religions undergo negative historical construction – and preservation of those that are part of the secret/mystery of Terecô, interdicts that are beyond human decision. It is concluded that the dissemination of images is able to help in the construction of a new look at terecô. In the academic field, the research seeks to guide researchers who use the resource of photography on the best way to act in terreiros that have rules on the dissemination of these images. In addition, another perspective begins here, this time from Bacabal, on terecô, until then portrayed predominantly from the axis of Codó (MA) since most of the published texts deal with terreiros located in this city. In the end, it is understood that photography is capable not only of helping the anthropologist to retrieve information observed in the field and serve as an illustrative element to the reader, but also to provide information that supports the construction of knowledge.Item “Vai pono sintido” os saberes das lavadeiras da Cidade de Goiás no saber fazer sabão de bola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-05) Moreira, Gleidson de Oliveira; Tamaso, Izabela Maria;; Pires, Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Oliveir, Alessandro Roberto de; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Oliveira, Alessandro Roberto deThis doctorate dissertation, whose title is Vai pono sintido – os saberes das lavadeiras da Cidade de Goiás no saber fazer sabão de bola (Make sense of this – the lore of the laundresses of the Town of Goiás resulting from their expertise in making soap balls) aims to understand the meanings of that artifact, how it has been manufactured, its components, its makers and the techniques involved in its making; I have explored the ways of manufacturing and using the soap ball by considering the memories of the laundresses of the Town of Goiás (Goiás, Brazil). The methodological procedures that have been employed are: a literature exploration, a primary documents list, interviews, field work (in the Town of Goiás), the ethnography of the material culture, an analysis of the technical processes, of photographic records, video productions and drawings. The research question is this: How is soap ball, an artifact of the material culture, able to convey meaning to the life of women who have been ostracized by a “colonizing” society? The paper hypothesis starts from the resurgence of soap ball, which belongs to a network of knowledge of the peasant life from Goiás, as it is an activity that envelopes many forms of permanence and resistance of the rural world in the urban environment of the Town of Goiás. That soap ball ethnography has aimed to follow, by considering the materials (recipes, ingredients, buckets, wooden rods, lye, caustic soda, pans, knives and spoons), the flow of “things and objects” involved in the technical procedures of the manufacture chain and modulated by rhythms, gestures and movements studied by the Anthropology of Techniques. From my maternal grandmother’s reports on her active participation in that process, I have tried to comprehend those ancient forms of knowledge, whose ancestry lies in the fazedeiras (female makers) of soap balls from the Town of Goiás since colonial days. The text has been arranged in four chapters: the first one, “Ethnography of the things biographed by my grandmother”, displays the stories derived from the objects that constitute the places occupied by the laundresses; in the second one, “Being a poor woman in the Town of Goiás”, there is an interpretation of the biased conceptions based on sex discrimination and ethnocentrism towards the professional laundresses in different periods of history; the third one, “The soap ball and its technique: recipes, ingredients and ways to make it”, regards technique as manufacture; lastly, the fourth chapter, “Notebook of Images”, is a section in which I have used pictures as a way to enlarge the written text by articulating speech, written words and images. I hope this work may contribute to the Academy through its reflections concerning the anthropology of the body and the anthropology of technique.Item “Vai pono sintido” os saberes das lavadeiras da Cidade de Goiás no saber fazer sabão de bola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-05) Moreira, Gleidson de Oliveira; Tamaso, Izabela Maria;; Pires, Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Oliveira, Alessandro Roberto de; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Sautchuk, Carlos EmanuelThis doctorate dissertation, whose title is Vai pono sintido – os saberes das lavadeiras da Cidade de Goiás no saber fazer sabão de bola (Make sense of this – the lore of the laundresses of the Town of Goiás resulting from their expertise in making soap balls) aims to understand the meanings of that artifact, how it has been manufactured, its components, its makers and the techniques involved in its making; I have explored the ways of manufacturing and using the soap ball by considering the memories of the laundresses of the Town of Goiás (Goiás, Brazil). The methodological procedures that have been employed are: a literature exploration, a primary documents list, interviews, field work (in the Town of Goiás), the ethnography of the material culture, an analysis of the technical processes, of photographic records, video productions and drawings. The research question is this: How is soap ball, an artifact of the material culture, able to convey meaning to the life of women who have been ostracized by a “colonizing” society? The paper hypothesis starts from the resurgence of soap ball, which belongs to a network of knowledge of the peasant life from Goiás, as it is an activity that envelopes many forms of permanence and resistance of the rural world in the urban environment of the Town of Goiás. That soap ball ethnography has aimed to follow, by considering the materials (recipes, ingredients, buckets, wooden rods, lye, caustic soda, pans, knives and spoons), the flow of “things and objects” involved in the technical procedures of the manufacture chain and modulated by rhythms, gestures and movements studied by the Anthropology of Techniques. From my maternal grandmother’s reports on her active participation in that process, I have tried to comprehend those ancient forms of knowledge, whose ancestry lies in the fazedeiras (female makers) of soap balls from the Town of Goiás since colonial days. The text has been arranged in four chapters: the first one, “Ethnography of the things biographed by my grandmother”, displays the stories derived from the objects that constitute the places occupied by the laundresses; in the second one, “Being a poor woman in the Town of Goiás”, there is an interpretation of the biased conceptions based on sex discrimination and ethnocentrism towards the professional laundresses in different periods of history; the third one, “The soap ball and its technique: recipes, ingredients and ways to make it”, regards technique as manufacture; lastly, the fourth chapter, “Notebook of Images”, is a section in which I have used pictures as a way to enlarge the written text by articulating speech, written words and images. I hope this work may contribute to the Academy through its reflections concerning the anthropology of the body and the anthropology of technique.Item Sistema agroalimentar e (re)existência: ‘mitos’, discurso político e produção acadêmica Akwẽ-Xerente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-31) Schmidt, Rosana; Baptista, Jean Tiago;; Baptista, Jean Tiago; Mainard, Camila; Oliveira, Lisbeth; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Morais; Souza, Rildo Bento deThe high consumption of industrialized foods and the increase of chronic illness among the Akwẽ are some of the impacts arising from a socio-environmental problem caused by the hegemonic model of development. This study observes the agri-food system in the discourse of (re)existence of the Akwẽ people, under an anthropological view of their own (re)existing relations and practices. It also positions women and men in the food system, and evidences an epistemology in the face of the dynamics of this system. The research starts from the dialogue started in 2010, and since 2018 from personal and virtual data, resulting from interactions with the Akwẽ. The dialogue was conducted with leaders, such as men and women elders, teachers, and political leaders, inhabitants of the Xerente Indigenous Land in the State of Tocantins, Brazil. The observation was structured from genres of discourse, such as myths/narratives/stories, political discourse and academic and/or bibliographic production. The emphasis on food revealed reciprocity in the relationships and practices of nature, based on ontology, in place, in time, in reality and in the concreteness of existence. These relationships express cultural singularities, such as their social morphology and cosmology; its food system, mainly by existing, resistant or abandoned plantations and collections and its culinary recipes. Finally, the different narrative dimensions highlight akwẽ dispositions and motivations in the process of leading the life well and with self-sustenance.Item Sob a ótica das misturas caleidoscópicas: as narrativas em torno da ocupação histórica dos Kayapó meridionais no sul de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-13) Junqueira, Gabriela Gonçalves; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes;; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Nunes, Eduardo Soares; Dornelles, Soraia Sales; Cândido, Manuelina Maria Duarte; Rodrigue, Robson AntônioDuring the XVIII and XIX centuries, the area known today as the Southern Goiás was the stage of conviviality and the numerous contact strategies with alterity. This area has been an historic territory of Kayapó occupation described by historiography narrative as “gentile Cayapó”. The present work aims to analyze the anthropological, historical and archeological narratives, especially those narra-tives from two major archeological projects of Goiás - the Anhanguera project and the archeological project of Goiás – in order to comprehend the ways in which those indigenous people are figuring in those narratives. Departing from historical, archeological and anthropological facts, we aim to revise rigid and monolithic models that were privileged by interpretations of those populations. The inter-disciplinary, intercultural and interepistemic dialogue (BANIWA, 2019), privileging the native's cat-egories, offer other possible perspectives and interpretations to indigenous history, valuing the con-scious actions of those historical subjects. Departing from the ethnographic projection, the theoreti-cal methodological framework of the present thesis, the objective is to trace parallels between South-ern Kayapó documentation descriptions and the ethnographies of the Jê populations to achieve better comprehension of some of their practices and symbolism impregnated in their actions. In addition to practices, some interpretative models employed to understand the contacts of those populations with the exterior world are discussed. The concept of mixture (NUNES, 2010), intended as a native frame-work for interaction with alterity, in addition to the varying possibilities derived from the image of a kaleidoscope, inspire the proposal of a new interpretative framework named as Kaleidoscopic Mix-tures. Considering the multiples relations with the exterior world those indigenous people would be capable to incorporate and acquire alternate possible perspectives – non-kayapó-human and non-human – and conscious activate according to practical or contingency necessities, a cycle not based on repetition, but in alternation, focusing anti-hybridity. The proposal will function as a new inter-pretative framework of historical and archeological narratives and documentations in order to build a reflexive and anthropological comprehension of those people, suggesting new concepts and inter-pretations that will act as mediators in the comprehension of past cultural multiplicity and dynamics of those indigenous people.Item Pedagogias quilombolas – considerações sobre as possibilidades de uma educação escolar quilombola em Minas Gerais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-15) Leal, Francy Eide Nunes; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz;; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Mainardi, Camila; Pereira, Mariana Cunha; Landa, Mariano Báez; Costa, Kênia GonçalvesThis thesis is the result of a collective construction with quilombola educators. It was written through various voices, writings, and bodies, with the focus on problematizing, from na anthropological perspective, processes and situations involving quilombola school education in Minas Gerais (Brazil). The objective was to analyze the elaboration process of the current legislation on the subject, the conflicts arising from and implicit in this process, the institutionalization of the state bureaucracy in Minas Gerais, and the possible advances observable from the “school ground”, such as the elaboration of counter-colonial pedagogical practices, a central element in the thesis. Besides the analysis of secondary data, I also carried out an ethnography in the Fazenda Passagem Funda State School and followed events in which quilombola intellectuals and teachers spoke about the issue. Thus, it became evident that the implementation of “quilombola schools” instead of “schools in the quilombos” requires a long process of community resistance in face of the existing tensions inside the school spaces and territories, which are permeated by foreign policies and values. The progressive overcoming of these tensions, as we have seen, has been occurring with the recognition of quilombola teachers, as a particular category, and the access of quilombolas to universities, which materialize the possibility of building a differentiated quilombola school education – anti-racist, autonomous, counter-colonial, and collectively promoted by the communities.Item Trioká xohã – Caminhar guerreiro: a retomada dos Pataxó de Gerú Tucunã(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-07) Gonçalves, Antônio Augusto Oliveira; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares;; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Tugny, Rosângela Pereira de; Mainardi, Camila; Oliveira, Alessandro Roberto de; Carvalho, Maria Rosário Gonçalves deThis thesis focuses on the retaking of the Pataxó in Gerú Tucunã, in the municipality of Açucena (MG) – Vale do Rio Doce. The people of Tucunã went through a series of walks between the extreme south of Bahia and Tucunã: from mother village of Barra Velha (BA) they moved in the late 1970s to the Fazenda Guarani Indigenous Land, in Carmésia (MG); from there they moved to Aracruz, Espírito Santo, where they lived with Tupinikim people from the Pau-Brasil village. They returned to Minas in the 1980s and took a new walk, in 2010, from Fazenda Guarani to the territory of Tucunã, where they were looking for fertile land for their swiddens and for reforestation. Populating the socius with plant species is a necessary condition to attract the presence of caboclos in the territory, seeking spiritual protection from their ancestors, one of the main reasons that moved the Pataxó warriors to Açucena. In this complex intertwining of the branches (ramas) with the old trunks (troncos velhos), of the Pataxó of today with their ancestors, the warrior walk (trioká xohã) of the people of Tucunã emerges. Trioká brings back what drives it, that is, the spirituality of the caboclos, the return to the warrior’s language (the Patxôhã), the walks and stories of the ancients. Following the trail of the old trunks (troncos velhos), we come across certain narratives and elders spread out in different pataxí’p (pataxó villages) who tell them to relatives and researchers. The Pataxó of Tucunã themselves carried this ethnography to other Pataxó territories, in Mirapé, Barra Velha and Naô Xohã. When walking along these paths, it is seen that the awãkã’p (Pataxó stories), less than closed in on themselves, circulate in certain people, in the pataxí’p and through txihi (Pataxó) spirituality. Not everyone knows all the narratives, it is necessary to wander in a web of sociality and spokespersons authorized to narrate them. I seek to describe, through these different paths, the forms of resistance in the retaking, the trioká xohã of the Pataxó.Item Sofrendo, cantando, chorando, bebendo: um estudo antropológico entre a música sertaneja e a banda sinaloense(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-10-26) França, Matheus Gonçalves; Tamaso, Izabela Maria;; Tamaso, zabela Maria; Raposo, Paulo; Dias, Juliana Braz; Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues; Hirano, Luis Felipe KojimaThe present study aims to carry out an anthropological comparison effort between música sertaneja (Brazil) and banda sinaloense (Mexico), seeking to understand to what extent these two musical styles are closer and far apart in cultural, discursive and also in relation to social practices – especially those of sociability – that take place in their respective contexts, with a focus on the subjective experience in relation to these cultural repertoires. Through ethnographic research carried out in the cities of Goiânia (GO) and Oaxaca de Juárez (Oaxaca), I sought to explore on this dimension of the experience of subjects with music, especially with regard to the emotions provoked by them as a way of marking and producing differences. In this sense, through fieldwork carried out in bars, nightclubs, private parties and large-scale concerts in terms of audience and musical production, the field of cultural performances becomes an important element of observation and analysis. In the two cases studied here, discourse practices on the love suffering are evident as constitutive of an ethos that characterizes both musical styles, whether in the content of the songs, especially the lyrics, or in the speeches of interlocutors. In the same way, discourses around social markers of difference such as gender, sexuality, regionality and race show contentiousness around the limits - and ruptures - of representation and social representativity in the field of music, especially that pointed out as "massive” or “commercial”.