Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de História (FH)

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    Por um ensino de história antirracista: possibilidades e perspectivas a partir do livro didático do ensino fundamental II
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-20) Esteves, Anderson Luiz Marques; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Pereira, Robson Mendonça
    In this work we seek to discuss teaching of History from na anti-racist perspective, for which we will use the textbook as a research object. The debate on racial issues is a recurring theme in school Spaces, yet the theoretical and pedagogical bases offerd to teachers and students lack current concepts about racismo. In this sense, we seek to investigate how the textbook reproduces stereotypes presente in Society about Africa, black people, African and Afro Btazilian culture, through images, texts and activities. Against these questions, we propose to discuss some concepts in the form of entries that represent na anti-racist attitude in teaching, in the face of the entire process of marginalizations and exclusion of black people throughout history. With that, the product elaborated at the end of this work, is a samll insert of a textbook, with concepts related to racial themes and na anti-racist teaching posture.
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    A família escrava nos livros didáticos de história
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-24) Almeida, Gabriela Santos; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves; Lemke, Maria; Mello, Juçara da Silva Barbosa de
    This dissertation aimed to analyze how the 7th and 8th grade History textbooks for Elementary School approved by the PNLD of 2020 address issues such as the existence of slave families, slave resistance to captivity, the participation of slaves in social movements and their participation in the abolitionist struggle, based on recent historiographical discussions. First, an overview of the historiography on slavery in Brazil and the main historiographical tendencies on the subject are presented. Next, the content of the textbooks is examined. From the reading and analysis of the books, it can be seen that the great majority of the approved textbooks present and are based on recent historiographical studies, however many do not address, or address very briefly, the existence of slave families. And it is taking into account this gap, that the “Manual Didático – FAMÍLIA E AFETIVIDADE ESCRAVA NO SÉCULO XIX" is proposed. In this material, I have tried to present support texts and suggestions of periodical sources for teachers to approach in class the various types of family constitution and affectivity among slaves. Besides, in this material I also try to present the trajectory of the historiography about the theme in Goiás.
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    História local e ciberespaço: memórias e ensino de história de Turvânia na rede social Instagram
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Rosa, Julientina Maria Ligório; Gomes, Ivan Lima;; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Fonseca, Vivian Luiz; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes
    The present work brings a theoretical-methodological approach to a historical research of analysis through imagery sources, from a cultural perspective, seeking to raise reflections about local history, exploring the ability of photography as a source of memory and documents in the composition of teaching and learning. Of historical knowledge in the work of recovery, resignification and perception of Turvânia's history. My research intends to dialogue with teaching areas beyond the classroom, with the objective of creating some challenges and possibilities to provoke an education of the look to capture some meanings and readings of local history through photographs of the albums of five families that lived in the municipality of Turvânia, in the time frame (1930-1980). Through these anonymous photographs (without the photographer's identification and sometimes without date), some of private representations and others of an official and public nature, we seek to understand the traces, the representation of the social and the meanings related to individual and collective memories. It was necessary to seek the foundation of some theoretical frameworks to understand some concepts and methods for the analysis of these photographs as historical sources. In Turvânia, the city where I work as a History teacher, there is a consensus among education professionals that there is a huge lack of historiography and material to work with local history. In this sense, the culmination of this research will be the creation of a profile on Intagran for a repository of local photographs and some suggestions and possibilities for a methodological experience and dissemination of the research to teachers, students and the community in general.
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    Jogos e cartas sobre a mesa: aprendizagens históricas lúdicas da saúde e das doenças em Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-28) Rodrigues Filho, Lilson Horácio; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Coelho, George Leonardo Seabra
    This research is about the presence of games with history, their importance of yours elements of culture and more particularly about games and board games that care for their history brazilian culture. Your objective is to produce a game that boards the history of health and diseases in Goiás and historical, educational and neuropsychological reflections about games that have the thematic, who can stimulate readers to think their use of games in situations that go beyond leisure. For the elaboration of the research. it was used authors’ bibliographical research of the authors that approach the historiographical and educational themes in the areas of cultural history, history of health and diseases, sectional history, theories of learning, education and psycholog. Still a rising with titles dozens of games was done that approach the history and Brazil's culture, the which ones were cited and described, of form the to serve of guide to meet games that can serve the different interests same inside the history classrooms. Part of the investigation also occurred inside the a little documental, being searched with the games inside the guarantee of the common curricular national base (BNCC), the which ones appear of direct form, regarding the understanding dos games as part of the culture or of indirect form, to the are used as means to if understand too much school knowledges. the research still occurred inside dos national curricular parameters (PCNs) of the area of the education in health, the which ones run or flow over about the need to board the area of the health in the brazilian formal education.
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    Professores de História e suas experiências de ensino em meio à pandemia de covid-19 em Goiânia - GO (2020)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-31) Rêgo, Amanda Karla Correa; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi;; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Silva, Luiz Sergio Duarte da; Oliveira, Thiago Augusto Divardim de
    The research presented in this dissertation has as general objective to understand, through online interviews, of qualitative character, guided by semi-structured script, the experiences of history teachers, two schools, one of federal scope and another of state level, located in the municipality of Goiânia, their working conditions and their teaching strategies during the pandemic of covid-19, in 2020. The analysis of normative data will also be made, such as resolutions and decrees for the understanding of how coping plans were structured and the guidelines and support for the introduction of remote education in the face of class stoppage. Knowledge of the didactics of history was used to reflect not only on issues related to the teaching of history, but also on the contingent character of the pandemic in the formation of the historical consciousness of the research subjects. The propositional part involves the creation of a page in the area of history, within the website of the Virtual Laboratory of Degrees, of the Federal University of Goiás, with the objective of providing access, especially for teachers of basic education, to different types of history teaching materials. The first materials that we analyzed, organized and made available on the website were produced during the Covid-19 Pandemic, in the ERE (Emergency Remote Teaching) modality, and establish relationships between past experiences (Black Plague and Vaccine Revolt) with the current pandemic reality and future prospects.
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    Uma casa, nossa história: perspectivas sociomuseólogicas e de educação patrimonial para o Museu Pedro Ludovico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-29) Fernandes, Vanessa Cláudio; Souza, Luciana Christina Cruz e;; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de;; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Costa, Manuela Areias; Souza, Luciana Christina Cruz e
    This research aims, from the perspective of Sociomuseology in line with methodological approach with Heritage Education, associating museums, education and heritage. It is from of this relationship, considering the approaches of the New Museology, to use the Pedro Ludovico house museum as an object. The entire study exposed here is governed by the intention of producing a Thematic notebook that conceives the Pedro Ludovico Museum, in Goiânia-GO, heritage state, far beyond its buildings and objects, but from the social function that must exercise from the perspective of Sociomuseology. Considering aspects of collective memory and cultural of those involved in the workshops that will be proposed in the Thematic Notebook, in order to within the proposed examples, protagonists in the field of heritage, in this case, specifically, heritage of the city. Finally, we will propose a museological current that conceive the Pedro Ludovico Museum far beyond its buildings and objects, but from the social function, which it must exercise in the category of non-formal education. All proposals will be worked within methodological aspects of Heritage Education from the perspective Freirean dialogic. It is expected that the teaching proposals presented will contribute to a challenging education, capable of promoting didactic situations that allow the questioning institutionalized cultural goods, allowing subjects to get to know each other and realize how memory and heritage are both fields of tensions and conflicts fields of identity construction and social formation. That's why they need to be viewed critically. by the awareness of its own history, whether peripheral or not, minority or not, making This way, it is possible to demystify the heritage, emphasizing that it is the result of choices that need to be be questioned and resignified to exercise their social function.
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    A imagem como documento: a história dos africanos e afro-brasileiros por meio das imagens nos livros didáticos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-31) Sirqueira, Karoline Lima; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Ulhoa, Clarissa Adjuto; Nicolini, Cristiano
    This dissertation seeks to understand how images related to African and Afro-Brazilian themes have been addressed in textbooks before and after the implementation of Law 10.639/03, which instituted as mandatory the teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture within the teaching of history. In order to grasp a fuller understanding, it was initially necessary to address the importance of images in the social imaginary as loaded representations and its relationship with the construction of stereotypes – by doing this, we started from a conception of the image as a broad phenomenon, which goes beyond the limits of the textbook. Then, a survey, analysis and description of images of African and Afro-Brazilian themes were carried out in six books; three of them before the Law and three after Law 10.639/03. This comparative tableau aimed at mapping the way through which images were usually selected to address African and Afro-Brazilian themes (for example, if they were repeated before and after the Law, if there was a preference in relation to some type of image etc). After the analysis and description of the images, a cross-referencing of the data obtained among the analyzed books was carried out to verify recurrences and patterns -- mostly the frequency of representations used in the textbooks that were produced by Europeans from the colonial period (ethnocentrism), and correlation between written information and images (context). Through these different axis, we sought beyond the formal aspects of the visual phenomena in order to understand how each book discussed the images in light of the established contents. Finally, as a product, a didactic proposal was implemented, that aimed at presenting a method of analysis for images based on the method proposed by Panofsky for the interpretation of works of art. Four activities with works of art by contemporary black artists were set out to model further activities, with the same proposal through the lenses of a decolonial perspective. Thus, through this didactic proposal, we intended to contribute to the expansion of methodological possibilities in the use of images within the context of teaching history with African and Afro-Brazilian themes.
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    Guia de possibilidades para o uso da música no ensino de História: a relação interdisciplinar entre música e história a partir das dissertações do Profhistória
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-06-24) Santos, Wesley Herculano dos; Salomon, Marlon Jeison;; Salomon, Marlon Jeison; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de; Oliveira, Vitor Hugo Abranche de
    This work presents a discussion about the use of music in the teaching of history, with emphasis on the possibilities found in ProfHistória's dissertations. To this end, it was first necessary to work on concepts related to history and music, as well as with some possibilities of association between the two areas, with an emphasis on the use of music in the teaching of history. Occupies an importance There is space in the text for the presentation of some authors interested in the research on the history of music in Brazil. From there, the possibilities of interactions between music and history in the school environment are verified from the exhibition of works with this theme, especially within the dissertations prepared for ProfHistória. In these works, we observe that music, in most cases, is used as an object of study, or even as a source for history. In addition, the work of this dissertation presents a Guide of possibilities for the use of music in the teaching of history, in order to contribute mainly to teachers who do not fully master the musical language. In this guide, some concepts necessary for understanding the proposed tool are presented. It exposes the possibilities of uses of music in the teaching of history found in the researched dissertations and other proposals related to the theme.
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    Desconstruindo a “ideologia de gênero” por meio do ensino de História: famílias para além do reacionarismo da Brasil paralelo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-07-29) Freitas Júnior, Renilson Pereira de; Maciel, David;; Maciel, David; Seffner, Fernando; Oliveira, Alcilene Cavalcante de; Schmidt, Benito Bisso
    This work evaluates the “gender ideology” discourse in the education scenario based on the concept of contemporary family configuration. The video-documentary Geração sem gênero and the article O que é uma família? Surpreenda-se com a explicação filosófica were analyzed. Both productions were created by Brasil Paralelo, which is a Brazilian audiovisual company, known for producing contents with a far-right political bias. The main objective is to show to high school students that the contemporary family configurations are a result of profound historic transformations that have taken place in Western societies. It is proposed that the historicization and understanding of the family can be a counterpoint to the reactionary discourse that claims the nuclear family as the only “natural” model. Therefore, it was developed a didactic method divided into three stages for the teaching of history: (1) a reading of texts; (2) a talking circle in the classroom and, (3) a quiz game.
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    O processo de construção do Museu Virtual de Ceilândia-DF como possibilidade para o ensino de História
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-28) Oliveira, Vinícius José Duarte de; Langaro, Jiani Fernando;; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Silva, Dalva Maria de Oliveira; Silva Júnior, Astrogildo Fernandes da Silva; Nicolini, Cristiano
    Teaching History is also teaching its research method. However, in Basic Education, the theoretical and methodological foundations about History, along with all the political-ideological disputes around what should be remembered or forgotten, are commonly neglected, contributing to a passive attitude of students towards an apparently static historical knowledge. Considering this scenario, this action-research proposed the construction of the Virtual Museum of Ceilândia along with students of the first year of high school at Centro Educacional 06 in Ceilândia, Distrito Federal. This construction took place through remote teaching and in stages carried out throughout the first semester of 2021. First, the students answered to a form about their relationship with the city. Then, they remotely visited the JK Memorial and the Casa da Memória Viva da Ceilândia. Subsequently, they interviewed their relatives and collected objects for the Museum's collection. Finally, they organized the Virtual Museum of Ceilândia. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the process of construction of this Museum as a means for students to understand the foundations of historical research and also the intentions and disputes around historical narratives from their own practical experience. Considering the answers present in the questionnaires, together with the contributions of the students during the classes, this objective was achieved. The Virtual Museum of Ceilândia integrates the propositional part of this Dissertation and is available on the website:
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    Ditadura militar em tempos negacionistas: uma análise do tema em livros didáticos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-18) Fernandes, Gabriel Dias; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes;; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes; Carvalho, Alessandra; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de
    The dissertation has as its object the analysis of school narratives about the military dictatorship in History textbooks for elementary school, specifically for the 9th grade. The three collections with the highest adoption among those approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático e do Material Didático (PNLD) of 2020 for the 2020-2024 quadrennium were analyzed: História, Sociedade & Cidadania (2018), Projeto Araribá – História (2018) and Vontade de Saber - História (2018). It seeks to understand the approach of the military dictatorship from four categories: nomenclatures, antecedents of the coup, relations between State and human rights and transition. It was intended to understand whether the theme is addressed in line with current historiographical debates, which encompass the memory and history of the present time, from a political scenario that strengthened relativist and negationist biases. The methodology adopted was the narrative analysis of textbooks, under the light of the elected categories, as well as the relationships with the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) and the PNLD. It was understood that the fabric of a school narrative is endowed with complexity and meets multiple interests, where even if there are no serious distortions, textbooks can establish broader debates on the subject. Thus, a Didactic Notebook is presented to evaluate the theme "military dictatorship" in textbooks, contemplating the dimensions of memory, understanding of the theme from conceptual discussions and suggestions for approaches to sensitive themes in history classes.
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    As lésbicas estão na história!! rediscutindo as narrativas escolares sobre a ditadura civil-militar
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-19) França, Nayla Flavianne Borges Carvalho; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria; Marques, Ana Maria; Coelho, Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras
    I try to re-discuss the narratives about lesbians in the historical production about the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). I seek to understand the processes of (in)visibility of lesbian trajectories and their cultural productions in the dictatorial context, analyzing the production of repressive policies and censorship practices applied to sexualities and gender behaviors. I investigate and analyze the biographical trajectories of Cassandra Rios and Leci Brandão in order to demonstrate the political action of the dictatorship in the production of restrictions and the resistance of homosexual populations. As a basis for this analysis, I use the lesbian theory of Adrienne Rich and Monique Wittig, from which I try to highlight the mechanisms of power and the silencing productions of non-heterosexual existences. I also investigate the recurrent marginalization and erasure of lesbian existence in historical and school narratives, exposing mechanisms of coercion in the production of knowledge. The methodology adopted was the bibliographic analysis of documentary sources, such as publications in newsletters, newspaper excerpts, interviews and cultural products and the dialogue with the historiographical production of the lesbian field. I conclude that there is a political process of erasing the history of lesbians in historiographical production and in school narratives, characterized by the production of a supposed “naturalness” of heterosexuality, understood as a system of power, from which lesbian existences and other understandings of sexuality and gender are excluded from traditional narratives in History Teaching. In the propositional part, I present a Thematic Notebook, in e-book format, with didactic sequences to assist in the reconstruction of school historical narratives. The Thematic Booklet presents ten options for pedagogical paths that can be used by teachers for the construction of plural narratives, dialoguing about the historicity of constructions about gender and sexualities.
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    Música, decolonialidade e ensino de história: perspectivas a partir do rap indígena
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-10) Faria, Aurélio Inácio; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes;; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes; Reznik, Luís; Meneguello, Cristina
    The dissertation has as its object of study the use of music in teaching indigenous history. It proposes the use of rap for the study of indigenous themes in the teaching of history of basic education, from the perspective of decolonial studies. It aims to identify the state of the art in studies related to the teaching of history and the use of music as well as indigenous themes in ProfHistória, evaluating its possibilities among different languages, focusing on the potential of indigenous rap as a didactic-methodological instrument and content generator center. The intention is to contextualize a differentiated proposal for the use of indigenous themes in history teaching based on decolonial studies to assist in the knowledge and appreciation of indigenous history, in addition to sensitizing students about the importance of studying indigenous themes and giving visibility to this culture through music. From the discussions carried out in a literature review, the propositional part will involve a didactic booklet with guidelines and suggestions for teachers, as well as intertextual studies and reflections to be applied together to students involving the use of indigenous rap. The didactic proposal has the specific purpose of providing history teachers with a suitable teaching material to think about the approach to indigenous themes through music (indigenous rap), in accordance with the prerogatives proposed from the “Law 11.645/2008” and of decolonial debates.
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    Xenofobia contra nordestinos e nortistas nas escolas: a história como propositora de vivência intercultural
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-21) Ramos, Valéria Bueno de Castro; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Bicalho, Poliene Soares dos Santos; Langaro, Jiane Fernado
    Brazil has a history of xenophobia against northeastern and northern migrants in society and this phenomenon is also reproduced in school spaces. This research aimed to discuss the concepts of migration, xenophobia and interculturality in the scope of the discipline of History through a bibliographical review capable of understanding how these concepts could contribute to mitigate discrimination against individuals due to their place of birth, in schools. It sought to identify and create methodological possibilities capable of establishing a critical dialogue between teachers and students about the relationships of different cultures in Brazil. For this purpose, an exploratory research method was adopted based on the collection of migration data in the enrollment of students in the First Grade of High School at Colégio Estadual Deputado Manoel Mendonça, in the city of Hidrolândia - GO in 2021, conducting online questionnaires with students and teachers and the analysis of migration data contained in the latest census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) for the Center-West Region, the state of Goiás and the city of Hidrolândia. Having verified the xenophobia at school and the interest of students and teachers in learning how to combat this discrimination, we set out to create a textbook in the form of an interactive, interdisciplinary and intercultural e-book, based on the subject of History, which would help the teacher in combating xenophobia in the classroom.
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    Lembranças de um pouso de tropeiros: balaio de recordações como recurso para o ensino da História local e regional
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-01-28) Paula Neta, Maria Lina de; Campos, Yussef Daiberd Salomão de;; Campos, Yussef Daiberd Salomão de; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Souza, Luciana Cruz e; Nogueira, Antônio Gilberto Ramos
    The teaching of Goiás’s history, concerning both its districts and its regions, is essential for the people who live there, and it requires especial attention from teachers. Considering that factor and the desire to develop meaningful teaching strategies, this study aims to structure a Basket of Memories (Balaio de Recordações) as a teaching mechanism articulating one’s perception of human beings as the agents of history. We have collected reflections about the building of that educational tool, based on the reminiscences of a center for travelling merchants (tropeiros), from which the municipality of Inhumas, Goiás, has arisen. Our research on literature and documents has given way to reflections about regional concepts, observing the connects both history and memory to heritage education, precisely what has been identified as “new pedagogy of heritage”, characterized by the rupture of traditional aspects of culture transmission and based on Paulo Freire’s ideas and their freeing and dialogical qualities. We expect the teaching mechanism we have put forward will contribute to a challenging teaching, one that is capable of promoting learning situations that enable the understanding of cultural assets and identities, allowing subjects to know themselves and critically comprehend the world by becoming aware of their own history. We believe it is possible to clarify what heritage is by highlighting that it is the result of choices that must be discussed. The Basket of Memories is formed of objects related to the context of the tropeiros, and it is an element that incites our students to become aware of the place where they live. It is in heritage that the combination of region, history and memory is manifested in an expressive, by helping constructing and reconstructing the present.
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    O que a história ensina sobre as epidemias no Brasil? Orientações didáticas para o ensino fundamental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-16) Costa, Leandro Garcia; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Nazareno, Elias; Silv, Leicy Francisca Brandão da
    This research aims to develop didactic guidelines for teaching the history of diseases in Elementary School through a bibliographic list and analysis of textbooks that make up the National Textbook Plan, the PNLD of the year 2019. The analysis proposed by this the dissertation focuses on the history books of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of elementary school, in which the incidence, even if incipient, of thematic approaches to diseases through historical narratives focused on the history of Brazil was verified. The analysis of textbooks allowed the composition of a database, providing an understanding of the diseases and epidemics that plagued Brazil over time. This history of diseases in the history of Brazil, fostered the composition of the propositional part, consisting of didactic guidelines that will help teachers and students in teaching the subject in history classes. It was also investigated how the history of diseases appears in national curricula, such as the National Curriculum Base (BNCC), National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs) and the Curriculum Document of Goiás (DC/GO), in order to understand how these resume influence directly in the composition of textbooks present in the National Textbook Program for public schools throughout Brazil. In the discussions on the history of diseases and in the preparation of didactic guidelines, an analysis of Covid-19 was included, paying attention to its impacts on contemporary Brazilian society.