Além da metafísica e do niilismosmo: a cosmovisão trágica de Nietzsche
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This dissertation aims to reflect upon the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (18441900),
whose thought is here understood as an attempt to overcome both metaphysics
and nihilism. This study highlights Nietzsche’s appraisal of philosophical thought
endowed with historical sense, faithful to the uninterrupted process of becoming, which
implies a worldview similar to that of Heraclitus. It is argued that Nietzsche's peculiar
position in the history of moral philosophy lies in his critical analysis of the multiplicity
of different moral evaluations always connected with their human, all too human,
sources. Through attention to the circumstances and conditions of the emergence,
development and decline of many ideals, moral values and religious doctrines, we
intend to describe Nietzsche's philosophy as one in rupture with the notion of divine and
immutable values and which de-estabilizes beliefs in absolute truths. In order to
illustrate the nietzschean genealogical method in operation, we investigate phenomena
such as resentment and asceticism, re-inserted into the historical flow and understood
with connection with their physiological, psychological and socio-political basis.
Grounded on extensive literature review of the work of Nietzsche and his commentators
(especially Jaspers, Wotling, Rosset, Giacoia, Moura, Ferraz, among others), it is
argued that Nietzsche’s philosophy surpasses Platonic-Christian split between two
worlds and also overcomes the dualism between body and spirit. The anti-idealistic
philosophy of Nietzsche, critical of moral absolutism and metaphysical supernaturalism,
acts as a "school of suspicion" inviting us to free our thought from subservience,
credulity and uncritical obedience to tradition. This research also explores the theme of
“the death of God" and the collapse of the Judeo-Christian values, and the concomitant
rise of nihilism, in the context of a philosophy that seeks to suggest and open new
avenues for the human adventure, by mobilizing concepts such as amor fati, Over-Man
and "fidelity to the earth." Nietzsche’s thought is not understood only in its critical
potential, shattering traditional idealistic metaphysics, but also as a creator of a tragic
and dyonisian wisdom which stands at the antipodes of both ascetic ideals and nihilistic
MORAES, Eduardo Carli de. Além da metafísica e do niilismosmo: a cosmovisão trágica de Nietzsche. 2013. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.