Aleitamento materno – efeito de intervenção educativa com equipe de enfermagem na orientação à nutrizes

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Breastfeeding is a biological and natural act, but it is not instinctive, so educational activities promoted by health professionals to nursing mothers during the postpartum hospitalization, may prevent weaning. The study aims to verify the knowledge of the nursing staff about the management of breast-feeding before and after the educational activity, to evaluate the application of the active methodology and the effects of the guidelines of nursing mothers. A quantitative study of pre and post intervention and educational activity, shows a convenience sample of participants from the nursing staff and 48 nursing mothers at a maternity ward of a university hospital. Data was collected from January to March of 2014. The nursing staff, 76.7% were nursing technicians and 23.3% were nurses; 96.7% were female; 46.7% were between 41-50 years of age and length of service, 43.3% were between 11-20 years old. From the 43.3% who did training, 50.0% had an up to date course on breastfeeding before 2000 and 50% before 2013. In the educational activity, the active methodology that favored knowledge with significant increase of the average pretest and posttest of 56.2% to 87.4%, p <0.001 was used. The nursing mothers were in the age group between 20 and 30 years; with up to three living children and 100% with prior history in nursing. There was a decrease from 43% to 16% of nursing mothers who breastfed their newborn within thefirst hour of life. However, there has been progress in guidance on the importance ofbreastfeeding from 5.6% to 44%; as the proper position of the newborn increased by 73.9% to 100%; support of nursing breastfeeding increased from 28.6% to 60%. The effects of guidelines for nursing mothers, the data showed that after training the nursing staff showed a slight increase in this performance in developed educational activities with 48 postpartum lactating nursing mothers. However, it was also identified the need to expand the monitoring of the nursing staff to measure the effectiveness of the guidelines. The study found that the institution has partial adherence to government programs on breastfeeding. Recently, there was a pact with the Stork Network that requires team conducts on health and evidence-based practices, so it is necessary to continue the education, to develop protocols to assist mothers and newborns and the adoption of routines already recommended by the humanization of childbirth program and the birth- in the delivery room, to encourage breastfeeding in the first hour of life and create groups of lactating women, in order to achieve the goals set by Incentive Friendly Hospital program.



RAMOS, Lilia Cardoso de. Aleitamento materno – efeito de intervenção educativa com equipe de enfermagem na orientação à nutrizes. 2014. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.