A dinâmica da paisagem no estado do Amapá: análise socioambiental para o eixo de influência das rodovias BR-156 e BR-210
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This thesis is dedicated to study the dynamics of the landscape in Amapá state. More specifically,
on the area comprised in a polygon band of 50 km on the axis of influence of BR-156 and BR-210
Highways. This polygonal covers 3,81 millions hectares and it was defined in the research based
on criteria and spacial patterns that evidence anthropic activities. The main objective of this thesis
is to analyze the dynamics of the landscape as a performance scenario and articulation of diferent
intervening actors involved in the expansion of the economic frontier in the axis of influence of the
BR-156 and BR-210 Highways from Amapá state. The specific objectives are to characterize the
landscape based on geographic and socioeconomic aspects; to distinguish the role and performance
of the actors involved in dynamics of Amapá landscape, to understand the transformation of the
landscape from the spacial patterns of occupation and the physical environmental aspects involved
in Amapá Forest area and Cerrado in the axis of influence as well to introduce the trends and
perspectives of the spacial configuration in the studied area. Considering the fronts of occupation
dinamize the landscape of Amapá state and they cross the axis of BR-156 and BR-210 Highways
from south to north and from east to west, the thesis presents three hypotheses: 1) the expansion of
agricultural and environmental frontier occurs, concomitantly, on Forest and Cerrado áreas of
Amapá; 2) the rural settlements constitue and represent the greatest anthropic pressure on the
Forest landscape and 3) the polygon’s area influence analyzed tends to be completely incorporated
by the intervening actors captained by the new fronts of soyculture and logging. From the
theoretical and methodological point of view, it was used the landscape as a category of
Geography, important and fundamental for the environmental and spacial analysis, since it allows
to understand the different processes of transformation arising from the articulation betweensociety and nature. The methodological procedures were developed from the production and
crossing of quantitative and qualitative data generated by techniques of Remote Sensing and
Geoprocessing, using secondary data collected with the various government agencies and technical
reports and management plans. This research produced several multitemporal mappings trough
satellite and radar images to analize the patterns and the space dynamics in the influence axis of
BR-156 and BR-210 highways, from 1991th to 2015th years, and they evidence the acting and the
perspectives of new economical fronts – wood and soyculture – in the changing and dinamic of
landscape units along the polygon. The fronts of exploration and the fronts of expansion act in
parallel and at the same time, however, the greater intensity of the antropic activity and of
conversion of area happens in the unit of Cerrado landscape. About 2.2% of the total area of the
Forest landscape unit has been converted into a shallow cut for agriculture, mainly in Rural
Settlements, Indigenous Lands and Livestock Projects, intervening actors that have been losing
prominence in recent years to the increasing forest degradation caused by logging. Sojiculture
appears recently in the state scene, associated with forestry already installed since the 1980th, as
protagonist in the transformation of the landscape of 12% of the Cerrado.
RAUBER, A. L. A dinâmica da paisagem no estado do Amapá: análise socioambiental para o eixo de influência das rodovias BR-156 e BR-210. 2019. 229 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.