Casa-abrigo: solução ou solidão de direitos? Análise da política de abrigamento para mulheres em risco de feminicídio no Distrito Federal
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The dissertation analyzes the implementation arrangements of the shelter policy for women at
risk of femicide in the Federal District (2019-2020) in the light of feminist and human rights
studies of women with the aim of understanding the limits and challenges of this social policy
for prevent femicides. Public gender policies, produced under the frameworks of CEDAW, the
Federal Constitution, the Convention of Belém do Pará and the Maria da Penha Law,
constituted a hermeneutic input to address the “ideals” of housing policies and also to
problematize the shelter of Brasília, as a space for both care and “solitude” of rights. The
theoretical conceptions and provocations of Heleieth Saffioti, Rita Segato, Lourdes Bandeira
and Fabiana Severi constituted the essence of the theoretical framework. The research has a
qualitative approach, containing a theoretical part and a descriptive-exploratory part. The
bibliographic research privileged the categories: gender violence, feminicide and patriarchy.
The documentary research used data on gender violence, feminicide, shelter and public policies to prevent and confront violence against women, in the spheres of district and federal
governance. The field research produced data from semi-structured narrative interviews with
women who had left the shelter in Brasília and public servants in the Federal District. The
analysis of public policy adopted the feminist and interdisciplinary perspectives of human rights and was operationalized according to the human right to care and the premises of the National Pact to Combat Violence against Women (transversality of gender, intersectorality and capillarity). The results reveal that the institutional arrangements of the shelter policy in the Federal District, in the studied period, have similarities and distances with what was
consolidated in Brazil as gender policies.
MENDES, L. E. S. O. Casa-abrigo: solução ou solidão de direitos? Análise da política de abrigamento para mulheres em risco de feminicídio no Distrito Federal. 2021. 195 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.