Ensino no curso técnico em enfermagem: metodologias problematizadora e tradicional

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Araújo, Reila Campos Guimarães de

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study aims to demonstrate the features and the importance of questioning the methodology and the traditional methodology in the training of the nursing technician of the National Commercial Training Service (Senac) Rio Verde, Goias. We used a qualitative-quantitative research approach in a convenience sample composed of two classes of students attending the course Cancer Treatment in twelve meetings (classes) for each class, under the analysis of two external observers. To evaluate the characteristics of the teaching methodologies, we used the method of formal assessment of learning; to analyze the perceptions of students regarding the teaching methodologies applied, we used three instruments: script dail y observation, analysis instrument of observers, containing range of values from zero to ten, analyzing five aspects (participation, the syllabus, satisfaction, critical thinking and learning disability), and an anonymous, self -administered at the end of the course to analyze the same aspects. The data were entered into Excel software for further analysis in SPSS 17.0 statistical software. Descriptive analysis (absolute and relative frequency) and comparison tests between groups was performed to detect po ssible differences between the methodologies used. For analysis Chi-square and T tests, the variables were dichotomized. For analyzing qualitative data content analysis was used. Study participants were 53 (98.15%) students. In formal evaluation, there were no differences between the methodologies of questioning and traditional; was no statistically significant difference (p <0.041) for the item "participation" in the questionnaire to students, and the participation was higher in questioning. Scales of values applied by the two observers, was no statistical difference between the two methods (p <0.001). In analyzing the reports of observers, there were differences between the methodologies in all observed items. It is concluded that in this study, with students from technical nursing program Senac- Rio Verde / Goiás that learning occurs similarly in both methodologies; perception of students both methodologies are similar with the exception of the item 'participation', which is larger in the methodology of questioning; the perception of observers to questionable methodology overlaps in several aspects to traditional methodology.



Metodologias de ensino, Técnico em enfermagem, Ensino na saúde, Enfermagem, Teaching methods, Technical nursing, Education in health


ARAÚJO, Reila Campos Guimarães de. Ensino no curso técnico em enfermagem: metodologias problematizadora e tradicional. 2014. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.