A certificação social na agroindústria canavieira à luz da teoria crítica do direito
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This dissertation seeks to understand the social context of certification sugarcane
industry, from the theoretical criticism of law, defending the need to treat the rules of
conduct and legal rules, although devoid of state sanction, since the protection of
working conditions brought about by these standards lead to ensure the dignity of
workers as human beings. The social certification is a tool by which companies can
attest that they are socially responsible. In this context, it is urgent question:
standardization of conduct of business rules embedded in a social label has the force
of a rule? The objective of the research is to understand the true scope of the term
"corporate social responsibility", and the specific objectives are: to analyze the
Critical Theory of Law originated in the Frankfurt School; consider corporate social
responsibility as corporate social function, check the instruments social responsibility,
especially the social certification; analyze whether the sugarcane industry has proven
to be socially responsible, and to what extent this has occurred. The research of
nature documentary and bibliographic unsystematic exploratory, we used the
deductive method to investigate the object of study, whose data were primary and
secondary cover for what has been published so far on the subject, in articles,
doctrine, electronic documents, legislation, jurisprudence, among others, being also
say that the object of study is part of a multidisciplinary field involving disciplines of
Law and Business Administration. Data collection was done by means of record
keeping, defining concepts, content analysis of documents, laws, crossover study
data and data collected by other researchers. It was concluded that certification is a
social discourse illusory used simply as a marketing tool to entice the consumer
market, as companies the sugar cane industry that have the social seal have high
labor liabilities in labor courts, which indicates disrespect for and infra-constitutional
legislation. Nevertheless, it is believed that social certification could be effective if
given by the State and by merit.
ARANTES, Ana Paula Lazarino Oliveira. A certificação social na agroindústria canavieira à luz da teoria crítica do direito . 2013. 178 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.