Eurico Calixto de Godoi na formação da arquitetura moderna em Goiânia
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The dissertation presents a study concerning the presence of the architectural work of Eurico Calixto de Godoi in the developing of the modern architecture in Goiania, through the analysis of the possible historical links between the urban landscape and the formation process of the history of modern Brazilian architecture. The study extends through the documentation and cataloguing of his entire production between the years 1950 and 1980, and the analysis of the most significant examples between 1950 and 1960 decades. Initially it outlines the historical path of modernity, in witch the language of modern architecture develops as a response to the social and political demands of the period. By taking this route as a background context, the study of the architect's legacy unfolds at one hand by the exposure of his biography from childhood to his formal professional influences in buildings: Ministério da Educação e Cultura; Conjunto Residencial Parque Guinle; Conjunto Residencial Prefeito Mendes de Morais, Pedregulho e a Estação de Hidroaviões. On the other hand, the split is based on the use of the formal elements of the architecture developed at the Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura e Urbanismo do Brasil, so called “arquitetura carioca” and also on the pioneer buildings of modern Brazilian architecture, as were prepared and articulated from partnerships between Lúcio Costa, Gregori Warchavchik, Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, Affonso Reidy and Jorge Moreira. It also identifies the formal and poetic components of the modern language of the buildings, the significant examples of the architect's work and highlights the connections and characteristic features of Modern Brazilian architecture belonging to the school of Rio de Janeiro. The work also formulates the question about the possible identity in the architect´s production reflecting the symbolic formation of Goiania´s landscape as a place of modern memory, especially for its leading role in the city's inclusion in the scenario of modern architecture in Brazil. Lastly, as a final consideration, there is a brief reflection on modern architecture as a relevant possibility of this memory to its preservation.
Modernidade , Arquitetura , Goiânia , Eurico Calixto de Godoi , Patrimônio , Biografia de arquitetos na história da arquitetura , Moderna história da arquitetura e da cidade , Cultura arquitetônica , Preservação , Goiânia , Modernity , Modern architecture , Eurico Calixto de Godoi , Patrimony , Biography of architects in history of architecture , History of architecture and the city , Architectural culture
OLIVEIRA, Simone Borges Camargo de. Eurico Calixto de Godoi na formação da arquitetura moderna em Goiânia. 2016. 253 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia,