O campo, para mim, me define quem eu sou”: escolas famílias agrícolas e suas contribuições para a vida de jovens do campo no médio Jequitinhonha – MG
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Esta tesis trata de las trayectorias de vida de los egresados de las Escuelas Familiares Agrarias
(EFAs) de la región del Médio Jequitinhonha, en Minas Gerais. Buscó investigar y analizar
las contribuciones de esas escuelas a la promoción de la vida de los egresados, destacando los
desafíos y las posibilidades de esa práctica educativa, basada en la Pedagogía de la
Alternancia. El estudio se basó en un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando cuestionarios y
entrevistas semiestructuradas, además de analizar Proyectos Político-Pedagógicos (PPPs). Los
sujetos de investigación fueron graduados del Curso Técnico Agropecuario Integrado de
Enseñanza Media, así como profesores, coordinadores, miembros de las asociaciones
patrocinadoras y representantes de instituciones asociadas. El estudio también presentó
reflexiones sobre el Vale do Jequitinhonha, basadas en la cuestión agraria; la juventud rural; y
las interfaces entre la EFA y la Educación Rural. En la investigación, se destacan algunos
resultados, tales como: a) Antes de ingresar en la EFA, los graduados habían vivido una
escolaridad precaria. La EFA les proporcionó acceso, permanencia y conclusión de la
educación básica. La incorporación significó una reducción de la deserción escolar; una
alternativa a la migración estacional para los jóvenes; y una mayor adaptación para los
indígenas. b) Durante su formación, los egresados mejoraron su rendimiento escolar. El
proceso de formación a través de la Pedagogía de la Alternancia (PA) los llevó a conocer y
fortalecer sus vínculos con el campo. c) La convivencia colectiva con sus pares les aportó
experiencias y conocimientos como sujetos sociales y políticos. d) La elaboración de los
Proyectos Profesionales Juveniles (PPJS) en las EFAs reveló retos en la experiencia
estudiantil de los egresados. El alto índice de proyectos no realizados, la falta de autonomía
material y la dificultad de acceso a las políticas públicas generan desaliento y descrédito en la
relación con esa mediación didáctica. Los PPJS que se llevaron a cabo contaron con apoyo
material externo (institucional/familiar); algunos proyectos se retomaron alrededor de una
década después de su formación, tras cumplir condiciones mínimas de inversión. e) La
mayoría de los egresados entrevistados trabaja profesionalmente en el campo, en la
agricultura familiar o a través de otros servicios, considerando también el uso de actividades
polivalentes. En general, fue un desafío para los jóvenes establecerse profesionalmente en el
área en la que se formaron (agricultura) y en la región de Jequitinhonha, debido a la falta de
oportunidades de trabajo y a las dificultades en la agricultura familiar. La mayoría de los
egresados vivieron procesos de migración, alternando entre el campo y la ciudad; f) En cuanto
a la continuidad de sus estudios, se destacó la falta de oferta de cursos en la región y la
carencia de recursos para ello. La mayoría de ellos recurrió a la educación a distancia y a la
formación alternativa para conciliar la educación superior y la actividad profesional; g) La
mayor parte de la participación social de los graduados tiene lugar en asociaciones
comunitarias locales, generalmente en sus comunidades de origen; h) Por último, es necesario
estrechar la relación entre la EFA y los graduados para apoyar el proceso de integración social
de los graduados, proporcionar formación continua y fomentar iniciativas de trabajo e
ingresos solidarios. Los datos muestran lo fundamental que es el trabajo de las EFAs como
espacio de formación de la juventud rural en el Vale do Jequitinhonha, contribuyendo al
fortalecimiento de la educación rural y de la agroecología por medio de la agricultura familiar
campesina, sin dejar de lado los límites y desafíos.
This thesis deals with trajectories of graduates of the Agricultural Family Schools (EFA) in the region of Médio Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais. It sought to study and analyze the contributions of these schools in promoting the lives of graduates, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of this educational practice based on the Pedagogy of Alternation. The study was based on a qualitative approach, using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, as well as the analysis of Political-Pedagogical Projects (PPPs). The subjects of the search were graduates of the Integrated High School of Agriculture and Livestock, as well as teachers, coordinators, members of the sponsoring associations, and representatives of partner institutions. The study also presented reflections on the Vale do Jequitinhonha, based on the agrarian question; rural youth; and interfaces between EFA and Rural Education. In the research, some results are highlighted, such as: a) Before joining the EFA, the graduates experienced precarious schooling. EFA provided them with access, permanence, and completion of elementary education. Joining this school has meant a reduction in the number of school dropouts, an alternative to seasonal migration for young people, and greater adaptation for Indigenous people. b) During their training, the graduates improved their academic performance. The process of training through the Pedagogy of Alternation (PA) led them to get to know and strengthen their ties with the countryside. c) Living together with their peers provided them with experiences and knowledge as social and political subjects. d) The preparation of the Young People's Professional Projects (PPJs) in the EFAs revealed challenges in the graduates' student experience. The high rate of non-implementation of projects, the lack of material autonomy, and the difficulty of access to public policies generate discouragement and discredit about this didactic mediation. The PPJs that were carried out relied on external material support (institutional/family); some projects were resumed about a decade after graduation, after meeting minimum investment conditions. e) Most of the graduates interviewed work professionally in the countryside, in family farming, or through other services, also considering the use of proactive activities. In general, it has been difficult for young people to establish themselves professionally in the field in which they were trained (agriculture) and in the region of Jequitinhonha, due to the lack of job opportunities and difficulties in family farming. Most of the graduates have experienced migration processes, alternating between the countryside and the city; f) In terms of continuing their studies, the lack of courses offered in the region and the lack of resources for this purpose stood out. Most of them turned to distance learning and alternative training to reconcile higher education and professional activity; g) most of the graduates' social participation takes place in local community associations, usually in their communities of origin; h) finally, the relationship between EFA and the graduates needs to be strengthened to support the graduates' social integration process, to provide continuing education and to promote work and income initiatives in solidarity. The data show how fundamental the work of the EFAs is as a training ground for rural youth in the Vale do Jequitinhonha, contributing to the strengthening of rural education and agroecology through peasant family farming, without overlooking the limits and challenges.
This thesis deals with trajectories of graduates of the Agricultural Family Schools (EFA) in the region of Médio Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais. It sought to study and analyze the contributions of these schools in promoting the lives of graduates, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of this educational practice based on the Pedagogy of Alternation. The study was based on a qualitative approach, using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, as well as the analysis of Political-Pedagogical Projects (PPPs). The subjects of the search were graduates of the Integrated High School of Agriculture and Livestock, as well as teachers, coordinators, members of the sponsoring associations, and representatives of partner institutions. The study also presented reflections on the Vale do Jequitinhonha, based on the agrarian question; rural youth; and interfaces between EFA and Rural Education. In the research, some results are highlighted, such as: a) Before joining the EFA, the graduates experienced precarious schooling. EFA provided them with access, permanence, and completion of elementary education. Joining this school has meant a reduction in the number of school dropouts, an alternative to seasonal migration for young people, and greater adaptation for Indigenous people. b) During their training, the graduates improved their academic performance. The process of training through the Pedagogy of Alternation (PA) led them to get to know and strengthen their ties with the countryside. c) Living together with their peers provided them with experiences and knowledge as social and political subjects. d) The preparation of the Young People's Professional Projects (PPJs) in the EFAs revealed challenges in the graduates' student experience. The high rate of non-implementation of projects, the lack of material autonomy, and the difficulty of access to public policies generate discouragement and discredit about this didactic mediation. The PPJs that were carried out relied on external material support (institutional/family); some projects were resumed about a decade after graduation, after meeting minimum investment conditions. e) Most of the graduates interviewed work professionally in the countryside, in family farming, or through other services, also considering the use of proactive activities. In general, it has been difficult for young people to establish themselves professionally in the field in which they were trained (agriculture) and in the region of Jequitinhonha, due to the lack of job opportunities and difficulties in family farming. Most of the graduates have experienced migration processes, alternating between the countryside and the city; f) In terms of continuing their studies, the lack of courses offered in the region and the lack of resources for this purpose stood out. Most of them turned to distance learning and alternative training to reconcile higher education and professional activity; g) most of the graduates' social participation takes place in local community associations, usually in their communities of origin; h) finally, the relationship between EFA and the graduates needs to be strengthened to support the graduates' social integration process, to provide continuing education and to promote work and income initiatives in solidarity. The data show how fundamental the work of the EFAs is as a training ground for rural youth in the Vale do Jequitinhonha, contributing to the strengthening of rural education and agroecology through peasant family farming, without overlooking the limits and challenges.
FREITAS, Gilmar Vieira. O campo, para mim, me define quem eu sou”: escolas famílias agrícolas e suas contribuições para a vida de jovens do campo no médio Jequitinhonha – MG. 2024. 419 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.