Das margens para as margens: a poesia marginal-periférica de autoria feminina em práticas de formação do leitor literário em uma escola pública periférica

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research presents a proposal for the formation of literary reading, with students in the basic stage of teaching, from a reading experience with the poetic text, with a view to ensuring aesthetic fruition, since the genre is sometimes devoid of its primary function, when considered a grammatical repository, and is even neglected among experienced readers, given its compositional complexity. The selected literary corpus includes two works, by female authors, part of the contemporary marginal-peripheral movement, namely Águas da Cabaça, by Elizandra Sousa (2013), and Sangria, by Luíza Romão (2017). As an initial hypothesis, it is inferred that the reading experience in the school context, which guarantees aesthetic fruition from a lyricism engaged in ethnic-racial and gender issues, provides a closer relationship with poetic reading based on the identification of students, to consider that the theme proposed by the poets dialogues with the very experience of these students – a context in which they are often inserted, given the peripheral region in which the public school participating in this study is located. Thus, based on Antonio Candido's (1989; 2004) premise that literature is a universal and inalienable right, the theoretical part of the research counts on the contribution of studies related to the formation of the literary reader and to the formation of the poetic text, in the school context, from the propositions of Ligia Averbuck (1986), Marisa Lajolo (1986), Octávio Paz (2012), Regina Zilberman (1986, 2005, 2016) among others. Concomitantly with the theoretical discussion, it is worth observing the normative premises of the Common National Curriculum Base (BRASIL-BNCC, 2018), given its implementation in Brazilian basic education. The analysis of the poems is based on the studies of Alfredo Bosi (1997) and Gilbert Duran (2001), soon after a theoretical discussion on non-hegemonic literary writing, based on the studies of Conceição Evaristo (2009), Gayatri Spivak (2010), Grada Kilomba (2019) and Sueli Carneiro (2019). The practical part of this research, of a qualitative nature, is anchored in the reception method proposed by Aguiar and Bordini (1993). In compliance with the last step of the chosen method, the participants are free to take a stand based on the questionnaires and also through the production of letters sent to the writers. Thus, these data are presented based on the assumptions of João Luis Ceccantini (2016) and Umberto Eco (2010. Finally, it is possible to confirm the initial hypothesis, that is, that the practice of reading through fruition provides a closer relationship with the poetic text, in order to contribute to the process of literary reading training of students, the main objective of this study. The research also has an educational product in audiovisual media entitled “Vozes-Mulheres em eco com a vida-liberdade”. This product is linked to the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Degree Program in Teaching in Basic Education of the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and, therefore, is also available on the website of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education. (https://pos.cepae.ufg.br)



PIRES, Glayce Kelly Cardoso. Das margens para as margens: a poesia marginal-periférica de autoria feminina em práticas de formação do leitor literário em uma escola pública periférica. 2021. 190 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.