Romaria das águas: ambiente, afeto e representações nas praias do rio Araguaia - GO
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
In a canyon in Brazilian vegetation in its interior grew Berohocy - Grande Rio, the sacred
waters of indigenous peoples Iny, whose cosmology is attributed to the river. By not native
people, Berohocy was named Araguaia – or Araras River, and Iny was named Karajá. For
Karajá, Araguaia is a symbolic territory, which affections are built with the environment which
shows the relations of the lived world. And it is also for the State of Goiás because its
occupation is attributed to the territory of Goiás, the first paulistanas´ flags adopted by the
current territory of Goiás. It is a significant natural element for political and territorial
formation to the state of Goiás, and it is also a symbol for the cultural identity for goianos. It is
the main motivator of annual mobility commonly called the "season of camps in Araguaia",
which actors look into its waters the same sacred and symbolic affect which constitutes
Karajá territoriality. On the beaches that emerge from the dynamic drought in Araguaia River
there is a social activity appropriation of the beaches with the spontaneous construction
beach camps. These are structured to accommodate groups of people, usually members
from a family or even from a social group for periods that can reach four months (among
June and September), and it happens since the 1940s. The formation of large banks, ease of
access by many cities, the beautiful setting of the local landscape with elements from fauna
and flora, and fishing waters are the main attractions that contribute to the resumption of the
groups to the annual camps. And this article is about the dynamics of the social mobility of
these camps, built along the beaches that emerge from the Araguaia River / GO for the
practice of leisure and fishing, its environmental dynamics and symbolic meanings,
especially those located in the vicinity of the city of Aruanã / GO. It aims the analysis of the
ownership of the beaches of the river Araguaia / GO, with a view to understanding the
representations that actors (campers) set with the environment (the river) and how this
appropriation may provide grants for environmental planning in land use of the beaches and
in environmental education. Our main goal in this research is to analyze the configuration of
the representations established between the campers and the Araguaia River, in order to
understand how these actors establish their environmental processes of appropriation of the
river, and how these relationships can provide tools for thinking about the environmental
planning of cultural practice of use of the beaches of Araguaia. The work consists of two
main parts.The first - Structural Aspects of the Environment Search: Araguaia River, Public
Policies of Tourism and Environment Appropriation - presents aspects of ownership and
representations, the relationship with the environment in the structure of the camps and its
actors. It is structured into two chapters - the Araguaia River,the characterization of
environment and the historical aspects of the occupation of Araguaia Valley tourism
perspective, and Behavior in representation: an environmental assessment of camps in the
season of beaches in Araguaia River. The second part is about the symbolic-affective
environment of the research tradition, memory, topofilia, and discusses about the symbolic
relationships we propose to read about the camps attempting to understand the meanings
and representations of the river to its actors. It is divided in three chapters - The Pilgrimage
of waters; Fluid memories representations in speech: narratives and emotional relationship
of camp and campers of the Araguaia River, and A port to the polysemy of the camps of
Araguaia River, contradictions, dialogue and synthesis. The latter one summarizes the
discussions throughout the work, proposing actions for planning and for an environmental
education wich consider the relationships and representations that actors build up from the
camps to the river. Considering that the camps in Araguaia River are constituted as a
traditional cultural practice, other contexts are necessary for a planning practice in the
appropriation of the environment, respecting the polysemy that configures the relationship
between society and Berohocy.
RAMOS, Laura Marina Jaime. Romaria das águas: ambiente, afeto e representações nas praias do rio Araguaia - GO. 2011. 84 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.