Paradesportos de precisão na Educação de Jovens e Adultos: uma abordagem intercultural
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Para-sports, as an expression of the culture of physical practices of people with disabilities, can enrich Physical Education classes in Youth and Adult Education
(EJA). Given its insufficient space in the curriculum and the lack of studies on the subject, the research is justified by the absence of systematized pedagogical
proposals that promote the teaching of this culture and physical practices. Thus, this work proposes to reflect on the following problem: what is the relevance of teaching
precision parasports in Physical Education classes in EJA? The main objective was to analyze the intervention proposal with precision parasports for EJA students. The
specific objectives aim to identify and analyze the knowledge of Physical Education teachers who work in Basic Education about parasports, in addition to determining
the modalities and strategies addressed in their classes; identify and analyze the knowledge of EJA students about parasports; and analyze the limits and potentialities
of a pedagogical intervention with precision parasports in Physical Education classes. The methodology is qualitative, of the action research type. Online questionnaires
were applied to 55 elementary school Physical Education teachers. In addition, an intervention proposal was developed in a Municipal School in Goiânia, with precision
parasports modalities built on an intercultural approach. This stage included the participation of 23 students from the 1st to 4th grade of elementary school in EJA,
aged between 41 and 71 years. The research is anchored in the perspective of intercultural education and cultural curriculum, including authors such as Candau
(2011; 2016), Neira (2016a; 2016b), Walsh (2007; 2009) and others. The results indicate that teachers recognize the use of parasports as a tool to promote inclusion
and develop empathy, using different methods such as experiences, games and seminars. The most worked modalities were sitting volleyball, goalball and bocce,
facing challenges such as the lack of adequate materials and teacher preparation. In the case of EJA students, ableist attitudes were initially observed, but experiences
with parasports resulted in greater engagement and changes in perceptions about people with disabilities. Structural challenges were noted, reinforcing the need for
greater public funding. The intervention highlighted the relevance of precision parasports for this audience, contributing to Physical Education in EJA. This
dissertation, developed in the Professional Master's Program in Teaching in Basic Education at CEPAE/UFG, resulted in the didactic sequence "Precision parasports in
Physical Education classes: An Intercultural Proposal". The e-book offers suggestions for activities on precision parasports and discusses topics related to the
culture of people with disabilities and is available free of charge in the CAPES repository and on the CIAR (Integrated Center for Networked Learning) website.
Ensino , Inclusão , Interculturalidade , Paradesporto , EJA , Teaching , Inclusion , Interculturality , Para-sports
FRAGA, N. F. Paradesportos de precisão na Educação de Jovens e Adultos: uma abordagem intercultural. 2024. 267 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.