As comunidades quilombolas e o direito ao etnodesenvolvimento: uma análise sobre a implementação do projeto Baunilha do cerrado na comunidade Kalunga-GO
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Quilombola peoples are black people who came from Africa to be enslaved in Brazil. Through their courageous and strategic tackling resistance, they were able to survive all sorts of human rights violations for more than three centuries of enslavement, and currently guide their struggle in / for the full recognition of rights. In its turn, ethnodevelopment argues that traditional peoples and communities are capable of self-management, considering their aspirations and cultures, and thus emerges as an alternative route to traditional economic development, the basis of which was, above all, the exploitation of black lives. This research aims to analyze the rights of quilombola peoples and communities, under the concept of Ethnodevelopment, from the implementation of the Cerrado Vanilla project, carried out in the Kalunga quilombola community, located in Cavalcante-GO. In this context, it intends to answer the following question: how - and if - does the Vanilla of the Cerrado Project relate to ethnodevelopment practices? The research has as main theoretical references Jacob Gorender and Batalla. To this end, the work was divided into three chapters. The first presents a historical contextualization of blacks and quilombolas, from the African diaspora to their formal recognition, spanning the Brazilian economic cycles, the constitution of quilombos as resistance, the long trajectory for abolition, the social recognition of black people and, finally, the Kalunga resistance, which is part of the debate on the struggle and resistance of slavery in Brazil. In the second chapter, the right to ethno-development and its challenges for the realization of Fair Trade is discussed, without forgetting to address the discussions about development and ethno-development in Brazil and territoriality as a precondition for the reach of ethno-development. Then, comments are made about national and international regulations that deal with ethnodevelopment and the construction of Fair Trade - as a potential alternative for quilombola peoples. In the third chapter, the intention is to demonstrate, through the analysis of a specific case, the application of the discussions in the previous chapters, notably from the project Baunilha do Cerrado, implemented in the Kalunga quilombola community, emphasizing its limits and possibilities. For the construction of this research, a qualitative approach was used, using interdisciplinary and documentary bibliographic sources, especially with regard to the norms applicable to the theme, as well as the project Baunilha do Cerrado, seeking to identify the context, complexity and the correlation of subjects, to answer the emancipation possibilities defined in the problem and to verify if quilombola peoples and communities are, in fact, achieving the right to ethnodevelopment. Ultimately, it was possible to understand that the entire process of enslavement of black people led to serious socioeconomic consequences for Brazil, which still exist, in some way, up to the present day, and that most projects supposedly linked to ethnodevelopment, such as In the case of Cerrado Vanilla, they are nothing more than the reproduction of a new form of domination, founded on the same traditional logic of development, which insists on excluding the participation of the subjects involved.
AMORIM, L. P. As comunidades quilombolas e o direito ao etnodesenvolvimento: uma análise sobre a implementação do projeto Baunilha do cerrado na comunidade Kalunga-GO. 2020. 152 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.