O estágio supervisionado na formação do profissional enfermeiro
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Curricular Supervised Training (CST) is a fundamental tool in nursing education. At this time, the professionals-to-be are given the opportunity to get in contact with the reality in which they are about to be immersed. This study aims at identifying perceptions of the nursing graduate student regarding CST in nursing professional education. This is a qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and exploratory study. Data was collected through questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 20 nursing graduate students, from 2012 to 2013, transferred to Atlas Ti Software. After initial analysis of the interviews with the graduate students, we created a table with categories and sub-categories. Categories: Supervised Training; Perceptions regarding the integration between theory and practice; Disturbing factors for the supervised training; Contributions of the supervised training in nursing education; Relationship between Curricular Supervised Training and National Curricular Guidelines (NCG) and the sub-categories: positive and negative points; general knowledge, competence; insufficient hours; inadequate supervised training field; patient safety; learning opportunities; teaching-learning and guiding tool. The outcomes show that the factors which disturb the development of training were the hours considered insufficient and the training field which was considered inadequate for various practices. The graduate students considered supervised training a guiding tool, which gives them opportunities and confidence to deal with patients, providing them with technical and scientific experience, it prepares professionals-to-be to perform their functions with responsibilities, ethics, leadership, communication and decision-making skills. We conclude that the development of professional competences requires a deeper knowledge of concepts, methods, and goals to be reached. Discussions regarding nursing education are necessary, due to the fact that such courses have spread throughout this country, thus the amount of graduate nurses has increased each new term, and it is necessary an increased quality in the education of these professionals through educators’ reflections. We hope this study could contribute to improve proposals of curricular training to become more integrated with graduation curricula and with more education-labour interaction.
MARCILIO, W. R. S. O estágio supervisionado na formação do profissional enfermeiro. 2015. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.