Razão Comunicativa e Educação: Uma relação didático-metodológica do estudo da razão dialógica em Jürgen Habermas, com a erística segundo Arthur Schopenhauer

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The pedagogy of communicative action, as it is a field in theoretical development, and with epistemological parameters that aim to rationally clarify the foundations, methodologies and paths of intersubjectivity, requires an empirical understanding of the current educational reality. Thus, in this work, the parameters of communicative action were studied, according to Jürgen Habermas, relating the action models with the responses of teachers who volunteered to answer a questionnaire about their communicative actions. In the relationship between content and the student body. As there is a need to have material that guides pedagogical communication in this proposal, an educational product was suggested that will serve as a template for these communicative mechanisms, taking greater advantage of the intelligence of students in regular education. Because communication is a rational and collective order, the study of communicative action helps to create possibilities for the didactic use of speech in relation to the teaching-learning process, with the appropriate science content. In the first part of this same study, it is understood that rationalizing under communicative agreements, constituting structures that highlight paths to the proposed veracity, avoiding eristic paths. In the second part, the reflection is to introductoryly address aspects of eristics that move away from the principles of veracity in favor of conveniences, ideologies and dogmas. The Habermesian models will be adapted as a form of technical guidance, based on the analyzes of the teachers who contributed to this research, as well as contrasting with the eristic stratagems investigated in Schopenhauer's philosophy, explained in the third part that highlights the parameters of the pedagogy of communicative action. The use of speech, in an appropriate way, combined with didactic theories and conducted according to Habermesian models, is the basis for an attempt to found a pedagogy of communicative action that can be used during the teaching-learning process, which is the product proposal educational in the last part of this work.This educational product, in E-book format, provides pedagogical models of communicative actions and rationalizable ideals to guide both speech and is accessible for use by professionals. This practical theoretical research resulted in a work entitled “Communicative Reason and Education: A didactic-methodological relationship of the study of dialogical reason in Jürgen Habermas, with eristics according to Arthur Schopenhauer”, developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at CEPAE/UFG. The product is available in the appendices and accessible in the UFG dissertation database entitled: Communicative action introducing didactic pedagogical aspects in the communicative relationship between teachers and students of an instructional nature, containing elucidative aspects obtained after theoretical readings of Habermasian action models, and analyzes of interviews collected by volunteers in the field of education, using the discursive/textual genre. Thus, the results were promising after attempts to use it in regular education classes.



FERREIRA, E. M. Razão comunicativa e educação: uma relação didáticometodológica do estudo da razão dialógica em Jürgen Habermas, com a erística segundo Arthur Schopenhauer. 2024. 247 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) – Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.