Direitos humanos, sociedade do espetáculo e (in)efetividade das políticas públicas: uma reflexão sobre as consequências constitucionais da espetacularização das políticas públicas voltadas à promoção dos direitos humano-fundamentais
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This thesis has the objective of analysis of the shortcomings of the legal means to control the decision-making process with regard to public policies for the promotion and implementation of human-fundamental rights, addressing specifically the problems brought by the phenomenon of "spectacle of policy "on constitutionally proper execution of such public policies. It argues that the legal and constitutional mechanisms to control the legality and effectiveness of such policies are unable to identify and evaluate the role that the media and use media of government actions - aimed at improving approval rates and electoral performance of governments - have the definition in the implementation of such policies, due to the low interdisciplinary permeability of the current juspublicist paradigm to the language of communication science and policies, regarding in particular the current 'culture of the spectacle' which we live and, consequently, the policies culture of the spectacle based on the perspective of the influence that the mass media and networked media have on public opinion, being an important variable considered in the actions and decisions of managers and public administrators. It starts with the criticism of the current theoretical frameworks of Public Law, Constitutional Theory and Theory of Fundamental Rights, as well as reflective and interdisciplinary analysis on the current role of media in political and social life, to explicit, as a central outcome of the investigation, the contradictions and gaps in the current legal and constitutional control instruments of public policy, in ensuring of link them to what's supposed to be the legitimizing goal of all of them: the promotion of human-fundamental rights.
ASSIS, Alline Neves de. Direitos humanos, sociedade do espetáculo e (in)efetividade das políticas públicas: uma reflexão sobre as consequências constitucionais da espetacularização das políticas públicas voltadas à promoção dos direitos humano-fundamentais. 2016. 150 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.