A qualitative study of planar piecewise smooth vector fields

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this work we exhibit canonical forms for 2D codimension one piecewise smooth vector Fields (PSVF). All possible orientations and codimension one scenarios were covered. Also the intrinsic objects that characterize each one of the canonical forms were presented. Also we present topological distinct canonical forms for a larger class for symmetric PSVF where the set of fixed points is contained in the variety os discontinuity. Finally we analyze the simultaneous occurrence of sliding and crossing limit cycle in the case where the piecewise linear vector fields presents a continuum of periodic orbits.



Campos de vetores suaves por partes, Formas normais, Campos com simetria, Ciclos limite, Bifurcações, Piecewise smooth vector fields, Normal forms, Symmetric vector fields, Limit cycles, Bifurcation


CARDOSO FILHO, J. L. A qualitative study of planar piecewise smooth vector fields. 2018. 110 f. Tese (Doutorado em Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.