Movimento #MariellePresente em tempos de net-ativismo: as redes, a indignação e as lutas na afirmação da cidadania
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The present research investigates the constitution of a movement with net activist action #MariellePresente that emerged in digital networks in March 2018. What was prevented from murder by Councilor Marielle Franco of PSOL-RJ, 38 years old and his driver Anderson Pedro Gomes, 39, in downtown Rio de Janeiro, on the night of March 14, 2018. The crime generated great national and international commotion. Fifteen hours after the homicide, a hashtag most cited on Twitter's worldwide Trend Topic #marielle. The digital network recorded 289 million tweets about a congressman. Among the main hashtags used in reference to the crime were #mariellepresent, #noasiasalto and #mariellevive. On March 15, the streets of Brazil were captured by thousands of protesters outraged by the genocide of black people and women, who organized and structured themselves through conversation on the network. Therefore, the present study has as its research object the hashtag #mariellepresent as it symbolizes the emergence of a social movement that only exists as a result of the dialogue and interactions allowed by Internet 2.0 digital networks. Thus, the study aims to understand the #MariellePresente net-activist movement while providing new modes of interaction between actuals social, technologies, territories and networks. The specific objectives are: (1) to study a Twitter conversation using the hashtag #MariellePresente, (2) to understand the digital communicative process while driving network action and interaction, as well as (3) to understand how the communicative ecosystem of digital networks modifies as power relations and social action. Through NodeXL software it was possible to collect tweets using a hashtag. To answer the questions asked to the object, a methodological approach used was the Social Network Analysis (ARS), from the conversion into network. ARS is a theoretical-methodological perspective that studies social structures and human groupings (RECUERO, 2014). Therefore, it allows the researcher to “map, build and observe a cartographic redefinition from the conversation by understanding how we can influence this conversation from the observed structure” (RECUERO, 2014, p. 201).
CARDOSO, E. M. F. Movimento #MariellePresente em tempos de net-ativismo: as redes, a indignação e as lutas na afirmação da cidadania. 2020. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.