Os aplicativos educacionais à luz da pedagogia histórico-crítica no ensino e na aprendizagem de matemática
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The present research is a Stricto Sensu Professional Master's dissertation, linked to the research
line Methodological theoretical conceptions and teaching practices, of the Postgraduate
Program in Teaching in Basic Education (PPGEEB) of the Center for Teaching and Research
Applied to Education (Cepae) from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). This study
investigated the use of educational applications for teaching work, in the light of Historical Critical Pedagogy (PHC), in Mathematics classes in the final years of Elementary School (EF).
The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, carried out in the field, with one
teacher and 27 students from a ninth-grade PE class at Escola Maria de Lourdes Estivalet
Teixeira, located in the municipality of Goiatuba, Goiás. The problem question that guided this
research was the following: What are the didactic contributions of educational applications, in
light of PHC, for teaching work in the teaching and learning process of Mathematics in the final
years of EF? The general objective was to analyze the pedagogical possibilities of educational
applications as teaching resources, in the light of PHC, in Mathematics classes in the final years
of EF. To this end, the methodological proposal began the construction of the theoretical
framework, which included several authors, such as: Araújo (2020), Conceição (2018),
Cysneiros (1999), Deslandes, Gomes and Minayo (2009), Gasparin (2012), Giardinetto (2021),
Gil (2008), Lakatos and Marconi (2003), Marsiglia (2011), Marx (1987; 2014), Moraes (2014;
2016, Moraes and Peixoto (2017), Moraes, Bueno and Do Nascimento (2017), Nascimento
(2016), Peixoto and Moraes (2017), Peixoto (2012; 2016; 2022), Petenucci (2008), Saviani and
Duarte (2021), Saviani (2021a; 2021b), Toschi (2005; 2019), Toschi et al. (2010), among
others. For data collection, five types of instruments were used: semi-structured interviews,
questionnaires, participant observation, field diary and assessments. Training was carried out
with the teacher participating in the research on PHC teaching. After curating applications for
cell phones, GeoGebra was chosen to implement a teaching project, and the content worked on
in the classroom was 1st grade Systems of Equations. From the process of pedagogical
discussion throughout the research, the development of the educational product “An approach
to Historical-Critical Pedagogy in Teaching Practice” emerged, resulting in a didactic pedagogical material (e-book). It is presented as a pedagogical support material for
Mathematics teachers in the integration of educational applications in the light of PHC in the
teaching and learning of Mathematics. Therefore, it appears that there were didactic
contributions by offering visual and interactive resources that helped students understand
mathematical content in a more dynamic and interactive way. They also enabled the
personalization of teaching, immediate result to students, in addition to encouraging student
participation, making Mathematics classes more interesting and motivating, increasing interest
and enthusiasm for the subject. The results of this study can contribute to pedagogical practices,
but future research can deepen the investigation and even consider the long-term impact.
Collaboration between schools, teachers, researchers and developers is a possibility to be
DUARTE, P. C. V. Os aplicativos educacionais à luz da pedagogia histórico-crítica no ensino e na aprendizagem de matemática. 2024. 215 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.