FAV - Faculdade de Artes Visuais
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A Faculdade de Artes Visuais (FAV), da Universidade Federal de Goiás, oferece Graduação em: Artes Visuais, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Design de Moda, Design de Interiores, Design de Ambientes, Design Gráfico e Artes Plásticas.
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Item 3x4: fotografia de prisão contemporânea e as representações do corpo encarcerado em duas prisões femininas de Moçambique(Alice Fátima Martins, 2015-06) Sousa, Camila Maissune de; Monteiro, Rosana HorioIn this article, we discuss the representations of the imprisoned body in contemporary photography, seeking to understand how such representations have dialogued with current prison systems and thus yielded a series of discussions about authority and photography ethics. In dialogue with nineteenthcentury prison visuality and the concept of photographic performativity, and taking as starting point the “3x4” (a photographic project that took place in two Mozambican female prisons), we explore the interpretive possibilities offered by photography regarding the incarcerated body.Item A contribuição do ensino das artes visuais para o desenvolvimento de pessoas neurodivergentes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-18) Fernandes, Mariana Martins Teixeira; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaTeaching visual arts is an important tool that offers great benefits for education. Some people have neurocognitive functioning that differs from the expected average. In this course conclusion work I present reflections on neurodivergences and the aim is to understand how the teaching of visual arts contributes to the development of neurodivergent people. Based on my own experiences as a neurodivergent person, I seek, through bibliographical research, to build reflections on the relationship between the teaching of visual arts and neurodivergence, in addition to mapping practices that were and are carried out and that contribute to the development of neurodivergent people.Item A integração entre arquitetura, permacultura e bioconstrução na construção de um futuro sustentável(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-03) Marques, Patrícia Sousa; Tiago, Filemon Alves; Lima, Fabíolla Xavier Rocha FerreiraThis research explores the possibility of meeting human needs in harmony with the environment, using ancient construction techniques as contemporary approaches. Permaculture and bioconstruction are presented as distinctive and necessary ways to deal with spaces, promoting a healthier development in the relationship between humans and the environment. Faced with urban challenges, it is crucial for society to focus on education and seek solutions to problems such as housing deficit, unemployment, and environmental and social degradation. Permaculture emerges as a proposal that aims to reconcile the social, economic, and environmental spheres, transforming the city into a laboratory for sustainable initiatives. The objective is to conceptualize permaculture, Ecovillage communities, and their relationship with architecture. The methodology presents techniques and methods of bioconstruction, followed by the results of the ArqViva Project, an initiative based on the principles of permaculture, bioconstruction, and sustainability. Practices were carried out with the participation of collaborators, volunteers, and residents for the execution of the architectural project and the start of the construction of a daycare center in the urban occupation Alto da Boa Vista, in Aparecida de Goiânia - GO. The results highlight the importance of returning to vernacular practices as a sustainable alternative for construction and the benefits conferred to the community.Item A paisagem urbana da rua 20 em Goiânia: entre memórias, histórias, transformações e disputas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-24) Mahle, Christine Ramos; Ribeiro, Letícia Soares MartinsThis article proposes a discussion about the symbolic, historical, and architectural content of 20th Street, in the Central Sector of Goiânia, and the recent processes that have impacted it. The goal is to analyze some of the transformations that have occurred in its original urban landscape and the resulting erasures. The hypothesis is that the recent availability of properties for sale on this street — including buildings from the city’s construction period — has led to demolitions, uninhabited spaces, and replacements, such as vertical developments, introducing new categories into its contemporary landscape. These changes arise from a lack of knowledge about its original values and, primarily, from the absence of policies aimed at maintaining and revitalizing the historic center. References on the subject and the object of analysis were consulted from both historical and documentary perspectives, along with cartographic studies of the urban space. The historiographic methodology was applied to guide the understanding of the state of the art and to construct the intended discussions. Finally, this article seeks to demonstrate the importance and role of 20th Street in Goiânia’s history and draw attention to the transformations and erasures that have occurred in the landscape of this street, as processes resulting from territorial exploitation policies..Item A rua em fragmentos: sobreposições temporais como narrativas históricas espacializadas em Cuiabá (MT)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-30) Sousa, Melissa de Araujo; Caixeta, Eline Maria Mora Pereira; Ribeiro, Ana Amélia de Paula Mourahis article aims to test an aspect of the master’s research focusing on the formal characteristics that make up Rua 13 de Junho, a transition area between Zones of Historical Interest (ZIH) in Cuiabá. New narratives are designed to study the landscape of this path between the Old Center – ZIH 1 and the Porto Waterfront – ZIH 2, which contribute to the perception of the transformations of functions over time, as well as to think about the practical impacts that fall on reminiscent materiality. Currently the road is perceived in fragments, a factor that instigates an investigative journey that explores other ways of understanding this landscape. The work begins with some considerations about permanence and modifications, focused on the context of form to understand temporal overlaps. In a second moment, the gaze will be turned to the fissures of everyday life, as a means of seeing beyond what is seen: a reflective process of what the form communicates to us, whether thinking about these “roughnesses” as resistance, or as mismatches in relation to the dynamics of the city. The underused areas, in the section in question, are (old) forms manifested through ruins and vacant lots. These phenomena, by revealing the logic of the formation of the urban nucleus, are the product of possible processes addressed here as a means of provocation. Finally, a counter-cartographic exercise is presented to think about spatiality in a more questioning way, indicating possibilities for historical investigation based on its inflections.Item Os abolicionismos na cidade de Goiás: pluralidades e singularidades nos anos 1880(2013-12) Silva, Thiago Fernando Sant Anna eThis article aims to give visibility to the specific and pluradidades of abolitionism in the city of Goiás in the nineteenth century through their experiences. Politicians, republicans, liberals, conservatives, freemasons, poets, women and slaves helped to build experience in abolitionist Goiás. Far from being a practice restricted to the parliamentary debates, the abolitionism were involved in social experiences. It is worth noting the presence of emancipatory Goiana Society, the newspaper “A Tribuna Livre” and “O Publicador Goyano”, of women and slaves, which marked the abolitionism activities in the City of Goiás.Item Acessibilidade e indicadores de emprego, tempo e distância de viagens: uma análise da região metropolitana de Goiânia(2020-06) Gonzaga, Ana Stéfany da Silva; Kneib, Erika CristineIn the Brazilian metropolis, the occurrence of constant commuting is a feature of great relevance, but also presents great challenges. For the public managers of each of the municipalities that are components of metropolitan areas, it has fundamental importan-ce to know the needs and availability of activities in the territory, as well as the profile of the displacements of their populations. With this, it becomes possible to develop diagnoses consistent with the reality of each municipality and also to understand the functioning of the metropolitan region as a whole. In view of such an approach and having the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG) as an object of study, this work is inserted with the objective of exploring the use of accessibility indicators as tools that help planning and urban management from a concentrated study in characteristics such as the time spent and the distance traveled in trips, as well as the offer of jobs in the several municipalities. Among the results obtained in this work is the identification of characteristics that indicate the lack of priority to public transport in relation to indi-vidual motorized modes, which aggravates the conditions of accessibility and urban mobility in metropolitan relations. In addition, there is a concentration of activities that causes a certain imbalance by contributing to saturation conditions in Goiânia (capital of the state of Goiás) while other municipalities present characteristics of a dormitory city.Item Alecrim: interface de book app infantil de receitas culinárias brasileiras tematizado no folclore nacional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Santos, Alberto Gorayeb; Cardoso, Júlia Gabriela; Almeida, Letícia Gomes Carvalho; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo; Canfield, Daniel de Salles; Antonialli, LeonardoThe distancing and weakening of relationships in the concrete world, especially between parents/guardians and children; the growing overlap of mass culture over folklore and the weakening of contact with the practice of cooking in childhood are some of the problem-issues that gain notoriety with broad access to digital environments, verified in the context of contemporary society. Under the same scenario, however, new digital technologies offer opportunities to integrate the aforementioned problems into practical, stimulating solutions that explore innovative resources. Thus, using a methodological approach adaptable to different Design projects, aligned with the collected theoretical foundation, Alecrim aimed to provide children, together with their parents/guardians, a way to learn Brazilian cuisine by playing. As a result, a functional prototype of an interactive book app interface with a theme focused on elements and representatives of national folklore was developed, involving the application of hypermedia resources, in order to encourage greater family involvement through cultural heritage and experiences in the kitchen, as well as a healthy way to use digital media.Item AlmanaQueer: a história das paradas do orgulho LGBTQIAP+ em um almanaque ilustrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-16) Silva, Carlos Daniel Soares da; Vidal, Victor de Souza; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo; Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Canfield, Daniel de SallesThe project involves the development of an illustrated almanac that explores the history of the emergence of Pride Parades, a significant milestone in the civil rights struggle of the LGBTQIAP+ community, with the Stonewall Riots serving as a precursor event. The story of the parades, their impact, and other thematic branches are narrated in a dynamic manner, also presenting facts, notable figures, and peculiarities about the LGBTQIAP+ community, utilizing editorial design and information design as guiding principles. Following Ravi Passos' methodological approach (2014), a unique, cohesive, functional, and expressive graphic project was developed, featuring a layout rich in illustrations and photographs, culminating in a printed mockup of the almanac. Additionally, theoretical and historical research were conducted regarding the LGBTQIAP+ community and theme, as well as on almanacs as an editorial publication.Item Amarelo e azul/azul e amarelo: um livro ilustrado infantil sobre o potencial criativo na infância(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-11-28) Morello, Alícia Sartori; Rincon, Heloisa Rocha; Hoelzel, Carlos Gustavo; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Vessani, Maria Cecilia Fittipaldi; Hoelzel, Carlos GustavoThis graduation final project is intended to encourage creativity in childhood. Its main theme is how experiences, and contact with the material world can inspire creativity in individuals. Our research is based on creativity, children’s literature, psicology and writing. The final product is a picture book for children, with story, illustrations and editorial project developed by us. With the knowlege acquired we created an immersive narrative which has a message of descovery, imagination and diversity.Item Análise da importância da formação docente específica para o ensino das artes visuais: estudo exploratório em uma escola pública na cidade de Cavalcante-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-01-22) Santos, Alessandra de Faria; Narcizo, Ana Flávia Martins; Neves, Camila Rodrigues; Silva, Santina da Costa; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Cabral, Valéria Fabiane Braga Ferreira; Rosa, Maria de Fátima FrançaThis study aimed to analyze the importance of teacher training for the pedagogical practices of the visual arts discipline, as well as its specific objectives: to know the perceptions and reality of the training of teachers who already work in the discipline of visual arts in the school studied ; evidence pedagogical practices and understand the meanings, limits, challenges and possibilities surrounding the teaching performance in arts. With that, it was discussed about the relevance of having a professional with qualification for this educational purpose, both for the theoretical surveys, as for the experiences in the internships and in the research. Therefore, the qualitative approach was used as a method, this through the following methodological steps: participant observation and records built during the supervised internship period, bibliographic research on authors who have already discussed the theme, field research based on a semistructured interview (via e-mail) with two art teachers in the basic education of a public school in the city of Cavalcante-Goiás. Thus, from the data analysis it was possible to perceive that not unlike the impressions obtained initially in the internship, the educational unit remains with artistic teaching limited to conventional practices, in which specific training in visual arts is not yet a relevant criterion for the dimensioning of educators who work with this discipline. Finally, through the study carried out, it was possible to identify the need to build new practices, to improve what is working and to give more value to teacher education in the visual arts.Item Análise do processo criativo em quadrinhos poético-filosóficos: Antonio Amaral(2013) Silva, Matheus Moura; Franco, Edgar SilveiraIn this article we present the artist Antonio Amaral from Piauí, Brazil, who has as highlight the production of poetic-philosophical comics genre - which are comics necessarily made to estimulate the readers to think, innovative and avant-garde in its form and content. The presupposed theorists seek to approach the criative process of the autor with the described by researchers artists such as Fayga Ostrower, Stephen Natchmanovitch, Rollo May and Cecília Salles. The comics of Amaral are highlighted, also, by its poetic force and hermetic expression, with influences of the expressionism and the abstractionism allied to somewhat dadaist texts.Item Analysis of trip generating developments by space syntax: a case study of Brasília, Brazil(2014-07) Barros, Ana Paula Borba Gonçalves; Kneib, Erika Cristine; Paiva, Mariana de; Tedesco, Giovanna Megumi IshidaEste artigo visa analisar três Polos Geradores de Viagens (PGVs), inseridos em distintas centralidades no Plano Piloto de Brasília, por meio da Sintaxe Espacial. Objetiva-se verificar suas localizações quanto à hierarquia viária, ao potencial de fluxo de movimento (índices sintáticos) e ao volume de tráfego veicular (Volume Médio Diário – VMD), tendo em conta as vias de acesso aos empreendimentos. As centralidades encontradas por meio da aplicação do Método Delphi junto a especialistas serviram de subsídio para a seleção dos PGVs a serem utilizados em análises mais aprofundadas. Como achados, verificou-se que, segundo a Sintaxe Espacial, os PGVs ocupam posições relativamente estratégicas no sistema. Isso ratifica a importância do uso da abordagem como ferramenta de planejamento, podendo ser utilizada para complementar outras estratégias de análise. O fato de a Sintaxe Espacial apresentar o potencial de movimento em sincronia com o fluxo real em determinadas áreas de uma cidade demonstra sua relevância para auxiliar nas escolhas de localização para a implantação de PGVs, quer seja para aproveitar centralidades existentes, quer para impulsionar zonas ainda em fase de consolidação.Item Animação infantil como mecanismo de conscientização educacional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Sena, Maria Luiza Maciel Serva; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes de; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes de; Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Silva, Wagner Bandeira daThe following project aims to create an animation bible for a children's animated series based on Maria Montessori's teaching methods and studies on the representation of Brazilian children in a changing scenario with the use of animals from brazilian native fauna, mutual respect between educator and student as a feasibility for new life experiences and the feasibility of a future pilot episode.Item Animação interativa ambientada na Internet(2015) Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Berardo, Rosa MariaThe article, by means of an exploratory research aimed to identify examples of interactive animations present in the online environment. Classifies and describes the current elements that structure the language of interactive animation on the Internet.Item Animação interativa e discurso narrativo(2020-12) Rocha, Cláudio Aleixo; Mello, Fernando Antonio Oliveirathe present work aims to present the concept of interactive animation and the elements of narrative construction proposed by Gérard Genette. Subsequently, an analysis is presented on how these narrative elements are adapted to the narrative language of interactive animation, whose predominant organization is multilinearity.Item Animais falantes e o que me disseram enquanto eu fazia seus retratos: o fenômeno da antropomorfização dos animais na arte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-24) Santos, Cecilia Teodoro dos; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Oliveira, Wolney Fernandes deThe research: Talking Animals and what they told me while doing their portraits: The phenomenon of anthropomorphization in art aims to investigate the presence of animals on some art subjects and their versatility of representations and narratives to understand how this theme appears on my production and my relationship with anthropomorphic animals on the process of creation of four digital illustrations that explore the ideas of fables, stereotypes, popular sayings, fairy tales and biblical parables.Item Aplicativos educacionais: desenvolvimento de uma interface de aprendizagem colaborativa para crianças(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Ribeiro, Giovana Chauh Neris; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da; Silva, Wagner Bandeira da; Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa; Bandeira, Ana Paula Neres de SantosOver the past few years, the educational landscape has changed several times due to the development of information and communication technologies and the widespread use of the Internet, allowing the integration of many technologies both inside and outside the classroom. Introducing computational logic to children can develop skills such as computational thinking and logical reasoning. These are important skills, especially in today's world, where technology is increasingly present in people's daily lives. They are directly related to the modularity, organization, and reasoning required for problem-solving, and are essential for all professionals in the job market. The introduction of computational logic in early childhood education has encountered some difficulties, taking into account the barriers that begin with teaching students in kindergarten, the lack of tools for children of that age, and the difficulties in organizing classes and obtaining data on students' development, and subsequently the lack of experience with the tools that resulted in a delay in the student's interaction with the digital environment during emergency remote teaching. Although technological advances are clear in people's daily lives, this has not translated easily between students and teachers. To facilitate the integration of computational logic in teaching, this work aims to develop an application for the Android mobile platform. The application focuses on collaborative education among elementary school students. Teachers can create and modify usage scenarios to guide teaching according to the needs of the classroom.Item Arquitectura y olvido: el Jockey Club de Goiás de Paulo Mendes da Rocha(2021-07) Caixeta, Eline Maria Mora Pereira; Mahler, Christine RamosThis paper presents the case of one of Paulo Mendes da Rocha’s works: the Jockey Club of Goiás, located in the interior of Brazil. The object is little explored in publications, lacking a deeper understanding for its material and immaterial values. The approach focuses on the building’s trajectory, contextualizing its design and construction, with a look at the appropriation of space, from the heyday to the decadence of this urban social and sporting equipment, with a view to its conservation and urban reintegration. The aim is to demonstrate its cultural significance, whether through urban scale strategic location, tectonic quality and environmental value. These attributes justify and enable its insertion in the 21s century city with the absorption of new uses related to its original vocation. The discussion opens the way for conservation practices of modern buildings in Brazil, beyond restoration.Item Arquitetura da paisagem/paisagens de arquitetura: o caso recente de Barcelona(2010-12) Caixeta, Eline Maria Moura Pereira; Frota, José Artur D'AlóThe trend identified on Barcelona’s public spaces built throughout the twentieth century latest decades reveals new strategies to both integrate green into the urban network and provide the city a new identity. In these places, the presence of green transcends its pictorial character in order to dialogue with other structural elements of open space, acquiring formal and functional renewed possibilities. These either small or medium interventions entangled with each other to develop along the city territory its urban interstices. Connected as fragments, they are like real parks extended in urban continuum.