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Item Antibiose de fungos do filoplano de plantas de arroz a Magnaporthe oryzae(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2009) Araújo, Leila Garcês de; Mendanha, Raquel Acácio; Gonçalves, Fábio José; Silva, Gisele Barata da; Filippi, Marta Cristina da Corsi; Prabhu, Anne SitaramaRice leaf blast (Magnaporthe oryzae) causes indirect and significant yield losses. Rice leaves are colonized by several microorganisms, including important non-pathogenic fungi involved in biological control. A field experiment was carried out using variety Aimoré in organic agriculture under no-till and conventional planting systems with four cover crops (crotalaria, pigeon pea, sorghum, green manure crop ‘mucuna’), and four replications aiming at selecting phylloplane fungi from rice leaves. Three rice leaves were collected per plot, 70 days after planting for quantifying phylloplane fungi. From the middle third of the leaves 5-cm parts were cut and the adaxial surface was pressed on the culture medium (PDA). After 72 h the number of colony-forming units.cm-2 was assessed. Antibiosis was tested using the paired culture method. We identified 15 fungi, among which, the most frequent ones in no-till system were Sporobolomyces sp., Phoma sp., and Fusarium sp. and under conventional planting system, Sporobolomyces sp., Phoma sp., Penicillium sp., and Cephalosporium sp. were predominant. The number of colony-forming units.cm-2 was significantly higher under no-till than conventional planting system (P < 0.037). Among the 15 phylloplane fungi identified, Epicoccum sp. and Sporobolomyces sp. showed antagonism to M. oryzae.Item Atividade citotóxica do extrato bruto etanólico de Spermacoce poaya A. Saint-Hilaire (Rubiaceae) em células normais e tumorais in vitro(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2011) Mello, Francyelli Mariana dos Santos; Pires, Wanessa Carvalho; Pereira, Flávia de Castro; Lima, Aliny Pereira; Vilanova-Costa, Cesar Augusto Sam Tiago; Kato, Lucilia; Silveira-Lacerda, Elisângela de PaulaSpermacoce poaya is a species that belongs to the family Rubiaceae, tribe Spermacoce, and genus Borreria, popularly known in Brazil as “poaia-do-campo”, “poaia-rasteira”, and “poaia-do-arador”. The infusion is used in cases of bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia. So far, no phytochemical, pharmacological, and/or toxicological studies about this species have been found in the literature. In the present study, we investigated the cytotoxic activity of S. poaya crude extract using the colorimetric assays MTT and trypan blue. The cellular strains HFF-1 and K-562 were exposed for 24 h to different concentrations of the ethanolic crude extract of S. poaya leaves. The results showed that, for normal cells (HFF-1), the crude extract is antiproliferative at the concentrations of 0.001 mg.mL-¹ and 0.1 mg.mL-¹; on the other hand, for the tumor cells (K-562), it showed no cytotoxic effect at the tested concentrations. It is necessary to continue the studies about this plant using other tumor cell lines and, mainly, normal cells, so that its cytotoxic effect can be testified.Item Atividade citotóxica dos extratos de plantas medicinais sobre o epitélio branquial do guaru (Poecilia vivipara Bloch & Schneider, 1801)(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2011) Balestra, Rafael Antônio Machado; Coimbra, Cíntia Maria Silva; Sabóia-Morais, Simone Maria Teixeira deThe present work aimed to characterize the effects of the raw extracts of the plants Eugenia uniflora (Pitanga), Solanum paniculatum (Jurubeba) and Hyptidendron canun, in concentrations of 20, 60 and 100ug/L, in the branquial epithelium of guppy (Poecilia vivipara).The data on the area and perimeter of the branquial filament, frequency, area and perimeter of mithocondria-rich cells of the basal, intermediate and apexis regions of the covering epithelium of the branquial filaments were evaluated. The statistical analysis of these data indicated that the raw ethanolic extracts of S. paniculatum and H. canun, in the tested concentrations, cause damages to the branquial epithelium and to the guppy mithocondria-rich cells. In the other hand, the aqueous raw extract of E.uniflora demonstrated a high cytotoxicity for the guppy’s cells, in general, considering that 100% of the specimens died in the first three hours of exposure.Item Ausência de mutagenicidade de Solanum paniculatum L. em células somáticas de Drosophila melanogaster: SMART/asa(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2009) Ribeiro, Vivian; Vieira, Iara Lúcia Barbosa Fernandes; Passos, Débora Cristina Silva dos; Silva, Elayne Miguel da; Vale, Camila Regina do; Felício, Leandro Prado; Ferreira, Heleno Dias; Vieira, Pabline Marinho; Carvalho, Salvador deThe lyophilized aqueous extract of Solanum paniculatum L. (jurubeba) leaves, a medicinal plant widely used by people as diuretic, in liver and spleen treatments, against fever and inflammation, underwent the SMART/wing test in somatic cells of Drosophila melanogaster for the evaluation of its mutagenic potential. We used three different concentrations of the leaf extract (2.5 mg.mL-1, 6.25 mg.mL-1, and 10 mg.mL-1), doxorubicin (DXR) as positive control, and distilled water with 5% sucrose as negative control. We employed three lineages of Drosophila in this experiment, flr³, ORR, and mwh. The larvae derived from the standard cross (ST: flr³ females x mwh males) and the high bioactivation cross (HB: ORR females x mwh males) were chronically treated and the wings of the emerging adults were analyzed. Our results showed no mutagenic activity of S. paniculatum L. ST or HB crosses.Item Crescimento de uma floresta estacional semidecídua secundária sob manejo em relação a fatores ambientais, em Pirenópolis, Goiás(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2010) Venturoli, Fábio; Fagg, Christopher William; Fagg, Jeanine Maria FelfiliIn this study, we evaluated the growth of tree species in a seasonal semideciduous secondary forest in Pirenópolis, Goiás, Brazil, and its relationship with environmental factors using the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). We used a randomized block design with four silvicultural treatments. After four years, we evaluated the diameter increment of the species according to the slope and canopy openness in each treatment. The results showed that the diameter of the trees species studied increased differently depending on the silvicultural treatments and, in general, the treatments stimulated the diameter growth of the species, not rejecting the hypothesis tested. A great part of the species had higher diameter increment associated with lower shading, corresponding to the plots that underwent silvicultural treatments. We suggest further studies on the different populations separately, so that the technical management of seasonal forests can be improved and spread as a strategy to conserve these highly endangered environments, which are very important in the national timber market due to the presence of many species with high-value timber that have been explored intensively in natural environments.Item Crescimento e alocação de fitomassa de cinco gramíneas forrageiras em condições de Cerrado(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2009) Portes, Tomás de Aquino; Carvalho, Sabrina Isabel Costa deForage grasses are dominant species in Brazilian pastures, among which we can mention Brachiaria decumbens, B. brizantha cv. Marandu, Panicum maximum cv. Colonião, Tanzania, and Mombaça. The present study was carried out to better understand the growth of these forage species as well the partitioning of dry mass among the different organs of the canopy at different stages of their development. A completely randomized block design was used with five treatments and four repetitions. B. decumbens produced the highest number of tillers (NT). Mombaça produced the highest total dry mass (TDM) up to 55 days after emergence (DAE), but from 62 DAE on the productions of all the species did not differ statistically. Mombaça had the highest leaf area index (LAI). The allocation of phytomass incorporated as stem dry matter (SDM) was higher than that allocated to the production of dry matter of green leaves (DMGL), from 41 DAE for B. decumbens, P. maximum cv. Colonião and Tanzania, 55 DAE for cv. Mombaça, and 62 DAE for B. brizantha. The maximum instantaneous crop growth rates (CGR) were achieved at 62 DAE: B. decumbens - 37.1 g m-2 day-1, B. brizantha - 49.2 g m-2 day-1, P. maximum cv. Colonião - 54.7 g m-2 day-1, cv. Tanzania - 55.7 g m-2 day-1, cv. Mombaça - 45.4 g m-2 day-1.Item Estrutura populacional de Butia purpurascens Glassman (Arecaceae) em duas áreas de Cerrado sensu stricto no estado de Goiás(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2011) Guilherme, Frederico Augusto Guimarães; Oliveira, Ariane SouzaThis study aimed at describing and comparing the structure of Butia purpurascens (palmeirajataí) populations in two sites of Cerrado sensu stricto (Lajeado and 41st Brazilian Military Zone), both located in Jataí, Goiás, Brazil. For each site, we marked a 1-ha sample plot, subdivided in 100 m2 and 400 m2 plots, in which we registered the number of individuals, their height, and the circumference at 30 cm from the ground level of those presenting exposed stem. The populations were divided into four height classes: 0.1-1.0 m; 1.1-2.0 m; 2.1-3.0 m; > 3.0 m. In Lajeado, the age distribution showed an exponential decrease, while the 41st Military Zone had a higher number of individuals and more adults. The spatial distribution determined by the Morisita index indicated an aggregated pattern for both populations studied, although in the 41st Military Zone this pattern was more evident, suggesting some limitation in the dispersion processes. Factors such as tree density, fire, presence of cattle, competition with alien grasses, and extraction of palm leaves may have been contributing to the demographic differences of the species registered in both sites under study.Item Estudo da atividade citotóxica do extrato bruto etanólico de Psychotria prunifolia (Rubiaceae) em células tumorais e normais in vitro(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2011) Pires, Wanessa Carvalho; Mello, Francyelli Mariana dos Santos; Batista, Mariana Pedrosa; Pereira, Flávia de Castro; Lima, Aliny Pereira; Vilanova-Costa, Cesar Augusto Sam Tiago; Kato, Lucilia; Silveira-Lacerda, Elisângela de PaulaThe use of medicinal plants has become a widely accepted therapeutic alternative by the population and it has been also growing in the medical community, provided that their biological activities, efficacy, and safety have been scientifically investigated and proved. Therefore we investigated the cytotoxic potential of the crude ethanolic extract of Psychotria prunifolia in tumor and normal cells, used as the control for tumor cells. To do this, we used two independent tests: the MTT and trypan blue. The results suggest that this plant presents cytotoxic activity in tumor cells, although this activity could also be observed in normal cells. Thus, it is necessary to perform more detailed studies, since the plant has proved promising with regard to antitumor activity.Item Influência de Cecropia pachystachya na incidência de ácaros (Arachnida, Acari) e de Leptopharsa heveae (Insecta, Hemiptera) em cultivo de seringueira(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2010) Daud, Rodrigo Damasco; Silva, Eduardo Rodrigo Oliveira da; Feres, Reinaldo José FazzioCecropia pachystachya is a plant native to the states of Mato Grosso and São Paulo, usually found in rubber tree plantations. The goals of this study were to verify: a) whether the presence of C. pachystachya in rubber tree plantations influences the occurrence of mites in rubber trees; b) whether it can be used as a reservoir of predaceous mites; c) whether it serves as an alternative host for Leptopharsa heveae during the natural senescence of rubber trees. This study was conducted in two rubber tree plantations in São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. One of them had numerous naturally growing individuals of C. pachystachya, while the other was free of spontaneous plants. We registered high richness of predaceous mites on C. pachystachya, but only 37.5% of them were found on rubber trees, which reveals low displacement rate of mites between the plants. Among the species that were common to both plants, only the predaceous Zetzellia agistzellia and the phytophagous mites Allonychus brasiliensis and Eutetranychus banksi were influenced by the presence of C. pachystachya. The incidence of L. heveae did not differ between the plantations under study and, moreover, C. pachystachya was not used as an alternative host by this insect, since no individuals were registered on its leaves during the natural senescence of rubber trees.Item Morfologia de frutos e sementes e desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Dyckia goehringii Gross & Rauh (Bromeliaceae)(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2009) Duarte, Edson Ferreira; Carneiro, Iraídes Fernandes; Rezende, Maria HelenaThe knowledge on the reproductive structures and seedling morphology of Bromeliaceae helps understand their propagation strategies better. The aim of this study was to describe the morphology of fruits and seeds as well as seedling development of Dyckia goehringii Gross & Rauh (Bromeliaceae). The fruits are loculicidal and polyspermic capsules, whereas the seeds are ellipsoid and covered by integuments involving an amylaceous endosperm, which contains a small embryo. During the cryptoepigeous emergence, the cotyledon remains inside the seed with a haustorial function. The seed germination process, considered as a protrusion of the cotiledonary sheath, took place four or five days after seeds were sown. Root hairs, primary root, and adventitious roots originated at the base of the cotiledonary sheath. The first leaf emerged from a cleft of the cotyledonary sheath 7 days after germination, and the second one emerged 8 days after germination. The results allowed us to understand the fruit organizational structure, germination process, development of seedlings, and duration of each stage. This information is important for accomplishing germination tests, grading seedling vigor, and understanding the species reproductive ecology.Item Musgos (Bryophyta) do Parque Estadual da Serra dos Pireneus, Goiás, Brasil(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2010) Sousa, Mariella Abrahão Rodrigues de; Gomes-Klein, Vera LúciaThis work was carried out in Parque Estadual da Serra dos Pireneus, Goiás, Brazil, aiming at making a list of bryophyte species found there, as well as updating the already existent list. In this region, 68 moss species (Bryophyta) were registered, distributed in 27 families and 44 genera, among which, 21 species are new occurrences in the state of Goiás.Item Nova ocorrência para a flora do estado de Goiás: Bacopa scabra (Benth.) Descole & Borsini var. scabra (Gratiolaceae)(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2012) Souza, Luzia Francisca de; Guilherme, Frederico Augusto GuimarãesBacopa scabra (Benth.) Descole & Borsine has two Brazilians varieties: laxiflora (occur in nine states) and scabra (three states). The variety scabra is recorded for the first time to Goiás state, contributing to increase of the genetic diversity and extends its occurrence area to Brazil. This work presents descriptions of species and varieties.Item Prevalência de hemoglobinas variantes em estudo realizado no estado de Goiás(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2010) Cardoso, Hígor Chagas; Oliveira, Josianne Martins de; Bastos, Celso da Cunha; Lacerda, Elisângela de Paula SilveiraHemoglobin variants are the most common human genetic abnormalities in Brazil, affecting family and governmental economies. Taking into consideration that the population of the state of Goiás is composed of different ethnic groups, this study aimed at evaluating the prevalence of hemoglobin variants in a sample of this population that was assessed during a scientific event at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. The prevalence of heterozygous hemoglobin “S” was 4.4% and heterozygous hemoglobin “C” was 1.0%. After this research, the participants of the study were given an explanation of the importance of hemoglobinopathy diagnosis. The results obtained point out the need to implement preventive public health care and specific monitoring of patients with hemoglobinopathies in the state of Goiás, as well as the relevance of extension activities of university for the community.Item Queimadas podem alterar as assembléias de anuros? O caso das veredas na Estação ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2011) Côrtes, Lara Gomes; Bastos, Rogério Pereira; Morais, Alessandro Ribeiro deThe effects of fire in wildlife have been studied mainly in birds and mammals. Studies that tested the influence of fire on amphibians are scarce, and this gap is even greater for the species of the Brazilian Savanna. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that the fires affect the pattern of co-occurrence and, consequently, the composition of anuran species. This study was conducted at the Ecological Station of Serra Geral do Tocantins, in which veredas environments had been burned (n = 3) or not (n = 3) were selected. We sampled anuran species in November/2010, through searches of breeding sites. Herein, we found 11 anuran species that are distributed in five families. The species richness between burned and unburned veredas were similar. We observed that the pattern of co-occurrence of the species did not differ from that expected by chance and species composition between burned and unburned veredas were similar. Unlike other studies, we found that the anuran assemblage studied did not suffer negative influence of fire, since the ecological characteristics of species favor the persistence of these species in burned environments.Item O uso de grupos indicadores como atalho para a conservação da biodiversidade(Vera Lúcia Gomes Klein, 2010) Trindade Filho, Joaquim; Loyola, Rafael DiasGiven the current biodiversity crisis, exercises that identify indicator groups capable of representing the whole diversity of a region have become indispensable to develop strategies for effective conservation actions. These groups help to guide actions, reducing time for decision making. Irrespective of the applied indicator groups, all current conservation strategies are based upon the conceptual framework of Systematic Conservation Planning, in which the selection of areas to be preserved must meet the criterion of complementarity. Furthermore, current strategies must take into consideration different aspects of biodiversity (e.g. functional diversity), as well as species richness. In this article, we review and discuss the numerous applications of indicator groups as a shortcut to the proposition of integrated conservation plans. We also present practical suggestions to implement indicator groups aiming at the conservation of different aspects of biodiversity. Whenever supported by ecological theory, the use of indicator groups provides fundamental scientific basis for decisions regarding the targeting of efforts to establish areas for biodiversity conservation.