Museus, ações educativas e prática arqueológica no Brasil contemporâneo: dilemas, escolhas e experimentações

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In this article I present a panel regarding the relationship among education, museums, and the archeological practice in a contemporary Brazil, according to the findings that the increase in archeological research has brought specific potentiality and challenges to this relationship. I also identify the main dilemmas faced in the construction of educational processes based on archeological heritage and propose ways of overcoming them with projects that have involved actions of dissemination and awareness, integrated educational actions and the development of archeology’s musealization processes, emphasizing the Transnordestina Railroad Heritage Educational Program, and the participatory planning of the “Alto Sertão” museum in Bahia.



Educação, Museus, Arqueologia, Educação patrimonial, Planejamento museológico, Education, Museums, Archaeology, Heritage education, Museum planning


WICHERS, Camila A. de Moraes. Museus, ações educativas e prática arqueológica no Brasil contemporâneo: dilemas, escolhas e experimentações. Revista Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, Brasília, DF, v. 3, n. 6, p. 119-134, mar./abr. 2015.