Banco químico: um jogo de tabuleiro, cartas, dados, compras e vendas para o ensino do conceito de soluções


In this article we propose the development and application of a game using objects that more attract attention of young people: data, letters and tray that are materials easy to achieve and to be modified. With this set the pupils interact with the teacher in the dynamic classroom process, relating the content with the everyday through questions, answers and explanations. Such proposal was applied in a class of 30 pupils of the 2nd year of high school. The results show that the game increased the interest of the pupils for the proposed content, since besides a pleasurable activity the game related was to context of the pupils. With this, the pupils discussed the concepts of concentration, dilution, solubility and molarity with greater ease.



Soluções químicas, Jogos no ensino, Química, Chemicalsolutions, Gamesinteaching, Chemistry


OLIVEIRA, Jorgiano S.; SOARES, Marlón H. F. B.; VAZ, Wesley F. Banco químico: um jogo de tabuleiro, cartas, dados, compras e vendas para o ensino do conceito de soluções. Química Nova na Escola, São Paulo, v. 34, p. 285-293, 2015.