A questão da aparência em Hannah Arendt

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The Question of appearance in Hannah Arend. We will follow here the dismount of metaphysical categories started by Nietszhe which has its sequence in the work The life of the mind of Hannah Arendt. We refer to Nietzsche´s history of metaphysics movements for whom in addition to abolish the “real world” appearance must also be abolished. If , however, for Heidegger Nietzsche´s philosophy is a reaction against metaphysics, which means that for him Nietzsche fails to get free from what motivated his movement, we can say that the end of metaphysics started by Nietszche had profound consequences for philosophy and changed deeply its way of proceeding. Such consequences are analyzed here from Heidegger´s perspective, for whom Nietzsche´s denial of Platonism is positive. For this author, however, one cannot consider that the understanding of every interpretation of the world can be reduced to perpective. We show then that Hannah Arendt, in turn, although she agrees with Heidegger about the relation between being and appearance, says that the authentic existence of the individual is in relation to others, which means that for Arendt appearance has a positive meaning, since it is here that authenticity occurs.



Hannah Arendt, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Crítica à metafísica, Aparência, Critique of metaphysics, Appearance


CORREIA, Adriano. A questão da aparência em Hannah Arendt. Poliética, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 1, p. 7-22, 2013.