Teleologia e moralidade em Kant e Fichte

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The present article aims at reconstructing the transformation of Kant’s theory of teleological judgment in Fichte’s Doctrine of ethics. As will be shown, Fichte read the Kantian doctrine about teleological judgment and moral teleology as a contribution to an ethical theory which does not only investigate the principle of pure practical reason and the question of its validity, but also the conditions of the applicability of the principle. Thus, Fichte incorporates the theory of reflective judgment into practical philosophy. In the first part of the article, the principal elements of Kant’s conception of teleological judgment in the third Critique will be remembered. The second part expounds the “deduction of the reality and applicability of the principle of morality” in the second part of Fichte’s Doctrine of ethics, showing that Fichte there adopts central concepts of the Kantian theory of reflective judgment, in order to make explicit necessary presuppositions of moral acting. The final part argues that the Fichtean theory of the conditions of the applicability of the moral law does not only include a new systematic localization of teleology, but also transforms the Kantian conception of nature and of the relation between nature and freedom.



Teoria kantiana do juízo teleológico, Doutrina dos costumes de Fichte, Incorporação da teleologia na filosofia prática, Aplicabilidade da lei moral, Relação entre liberdade e natureza, Kantian doctrine about teleological judgment, Ficht´s Doctrineof ethics, Incorporation of the theory of reflective judgment into practical philosophy, Applicability of the moral law, Relation between nature and freedom


KLOTZ, Hans Christian. Moralidade e teleologia em Kant e Fichte. Studia Kantiana, Lagoa Nova, n. 9, p. 187-200, 2009.