Avaliação e financiamento de Instituições de Educação Superior: uma comparação dos governos FHC e LULA

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This study makes an analysis of the actions related to the evaluation and financing process of the Higher Education Institutions (IES) implemented in Brazil in the governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) and Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva (Lula). It can be affirmed that the two governments used the two sources, evaluation and financing, sometimes tightly connecting them, as a strategy to reach their objectives. It was sought, in both periods: to promote an expansion in the quantity of students registered in higher education, with a proportional reduction in the public sector; to institute an environment of competition between private IES and also within the public IES; to lead the public IES to search for sources of non government funding; to sign management contracts with public IES; and to promote a ranking of the IES by means of the National Examination of Courses (ENC-provão) - and, later, of the National Examination of Students Performance (ENADE).



Avaliação, Políticas de educação superior, Financiamento, Evaluation, Higher education policy, Financing


AMARAL, Nelson Cardoso. Avaliação e financiamento de Instituições de Educação Superior: uma comparação dos governos FHC e LULA. Atos de Pesquisa em Educação, Blumenau, v. 4, n. 3, p. 321-336, set./dez. 2009.