A importância da vitamina C através dos tempos


The first synthesis in the laboratory of a vitamin was carried out 70 years ago. This vitamin, ascorbic acid, had an undisputable importance in society before and after the elucidation of its chemical structure and its preparation in the laboratory. This paper presents scientific, historic and everyday aspects of vitamin C, attempting to explore chemical and biological concepts in a contextualized way, according to the National Curricular Parameters. Information is provided with the goal of being a basis for the chemistry teacher to propose an interdisciplinary project related to vitamin C, together with teachers of other subjects.



Ácido ascórbico, Vitamina C, Escorbuto, Cotidiano, Ascorbic acid, Vitamin C, Scurvy, Everyday


FIORUCCI, Antônio Rogério; SOARES, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa; CAVALHEIRO, Éder Tadeu Gomes. A importância da vitamina C através dos tempos. Química Nova na Escola, São Paulo, v. 17, p. 3-7, maio 2003.