Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social
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Item Nossa cultura é pequi, frutinha do mato : um estudo sobre as práticas alimentares do povo Akwē(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-04) SCHMIDT, Rosana; SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; Histórias que se entrecruzam: narrativas de Valdon Varjão sobre Barra do Garças(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-03) MURILLO, Aline Lopes; RODRIGUES, Cintya Maria Costa; narratives of the local writers can be thought as texts that convey cultural representations and symbolic productions that references places, people, groups, events, celebrations, customs and knowledge. The literature of these writers is linked to an autobiographical writing that travels between their own experiences and events collected through the testimonies. The analysis of the texts of these authors that record the memories linked to the collective memory discloses one version of the symbolic construction of community from the standpoint of a subject who lived and was involved in local events. Based on this assumption, this research calls into question the literature Valdon Varjão in counterpoint to his biography in order to understand this version of the collective memory of Barra do Garças - MT. By entering in the narratives of this writer, one can perceive how he builds on its literature, a dynamic between the events, groups, customs and images on Barra do Garças - MT.Item Etnografando a Paisagem Sertão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-08) SILVA, Margarida do Amaral; AMARAL, Custódia Selma Sena do; research presents an approach to the fact that the hinterland is a cultural phenomenon that promotes the landscape, giving the Brazil-interior settings. With a view to assessing content endlessly reissued, the handling of stories about the backcountry led an exercise in theoretical and conceptual experimentation. Taking as study material from cuttings of literary exponents as Hugo de Carvalho Ramos, Bernardo Elis, João Acciole, Léo Godoy Otero, Eli Brasiliense, Mário Rizério Leite, Affonso Arinos and Carmo Bernardes, as well as the pictorial work of Issac Alarcão, the travelogue of Augusta de Faro Fleury Curado, and iconographic, cartographic and/or historiographical material about markers on the backwoods as the troops, the car steers, the cattle, the ranch and their own swing, what happened was an opportunity for review of the place and time temporalized spatialized in discursive productions. To expose the composition of the place were covered projections of a fluctuating space and unfinished. To be noticed and be a prospective way, the hinterland is assessed in this study provide the thematic nature (and often dramatic) the achievements of the discursive landscape hinterland. It was necessary to exercise a juxtaposition of content that mediate permeate the place, which unfolds according to the descriptive labels that strengthen the region invented by very different perspectives narratives. More narrowly, it longed to be interpreted as a manifestation of the interior landscape imagined place, multi-experiencied, interactive and pregnant women, which is always becoming.Item Gênero e diversidade: as reitoras da ufg(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-06-09) CALDAS, Terezinha Maria Leite; ALVAREZ, Gabriel Omar; study aims to assess the trajectory of the two women who occupied the Presidency of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) since its founding fifty years ago; focusing on the impediments and/or facilitating factors of the female ascension to the highest University position. Maria do Rosário Cassimiro was the UFG President from 1982 to 1985, and Milca Severino Pereira held the position between 1998 and 2005. This thesis discusses the impediments and facilitating elements of the female career advancement, the gender discrimination at the public arena, the relevancy of people s subjective choices, the legitimacy of male supremacy and served to guide the interpretation of the researched empiric data. The data was acquired through semistructured interviews. And the thesis was written as narrative interview form. The field research pointed to an overvalue of women s paid work, which was recognized by both, being of the highest importance. Therefore, other aspects of their life such as social, emotional and family relations were lived as secondary priority as they made choices renouncing all that could be an obstacle to their professional advancement.Item Estudantes universitárias chefes de família: uma investigação a partir da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-09-13) LOBATO, Iolene Mesquita; LIMA, Nei Clara de; this dissertation I analyze the universe of the studied women, family heads, from a student group of the Federal University of Goiás in order to examine this familiar array beyond demographic and sociologic approaches. This work is justified to evidence, from accomplished studies made for Carmem Barroso (1978), Mary Garcia Castro (1982), Eni de Mesquita Sâmara (2002a), Maria Luiza Marcílio (1993), Ângela Mendes de Almeida (2007) e Mariza Correa (1987), that feminine familiar heads, in general, are associates the population contingencies and the marked social classes for the poverty. In this in case that, from ethnographic works fields, access, inversely, identities of social levels and educational differentiated and, supported on the Ortner (2007), Heilborn (1993), Dumont (2000) theories, I offer based clippings of the reality in the construction of situated goianas feminine subjective modernity, focusing elements as intellectual autonomy and economic independence in the work market. Such elements configure familiar arrays that place in suspension marked cultural identities for a complex dynamics of life divided between the studies, the professional specialization, new maternities and marriage rearrange, proper models of subjective decisive in the changes of feminine behavior of the Brazilian Center- West.Item Personagens emolduradas: os discursos de gênero e sexualidade no Big Brother Brasil 10(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-09-16) ALMEIDA, Katianne de Sousa; RATTS, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; your eyes and see. There is nothing more incredible than the act of visualizing the innumerous possibilities that are before our eyes: images, they are more than a combination of colors and forms, they produce meanings and, logically, symbols. From this production of images some questions can be raised, such as, what do they want to represent? This dissertation focuses the images transmitted on the television program Big Brother Brazil (BBB) in its tenth edition, which took place in 2010. When I started the research, the question that I, a television spectator and anthropologist, raised were: how are the discourses of femininity, masculinity and homosexuality reproduced? Above all, how the central model was reproduced hegemonic references? These references seem to subordinate, devalue and limit the plural existences of masculinity, femininity and homosexuality. Finally, I perceived that the fieldwork data did not only show the assumptions of normativity and the subjects were not completely framed, there were dislocations. Knowing that nothing is simple in the field of gender and sexuality, there were several tensions. The diversity proposed by the program had its limits. In proposing to denaturalize the BBB, I aimed to understand how an audiovisual product watched by the most varied social groups can influence, sediment or make one reflect on the formal conventions about gender and sexuality.Item “Só fica velha quem não morre cedo” – a gestão do envelhecimento por mulheres idosas em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-15) Faria, Márcia Pimenta; Silva, Telma Camargo da;; Silva, Telma Camargo da; Grossi, Miriam Pillar; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque deThis research investigates the experience of aging in middle-class elderly women in Goiânia, focusing on the possibilities for embodiments. The theoretical basis of the discussion proposed here is the idea of performative embodiment of corporeality (BUTLER, 1993), based on the concept of embodiment (CSORDAS, 1994), seeking to establish relations with the fieldwork in 2011, in gyms in this capital. Special attention is given to issues related to body techniques practiced by these women, the individual management of their own aging process and the construction of feminine identities in old age. We consider the subjectivities, meanings and practices undertaken by them in the life course, paying particular attention to the observed changes in their bodies, the way it influences the configuration of their identities and also to how these women are perceived in their family relationships – gender and intergenerational. This study is located in the field of Anthropology of Aging and Anthropology of the Body.Item Em meio ao lixo, a riscos e estigmas: Construindo um lugar chamado Parque Santa Cruz(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-28) AMARAL, Arthur Pires; SILVA, Telma Camargo da; Manda quem pode, obedece quem (não) tem juízo - corpo, adoecimento mental e intersubjetividade na polícia militar goiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-09-25) Almeida, Cláudia Vicentini Rodrigues de; Silva, Telma Camargo da;; Silva, Telma Camargo da;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Víctora, Ceres GomesThis thesis studies the relationship between mental illness and military police through the analysis of oral narratives. The theoretical bases for this study are the theoreticalmethodological formulations in the field of medical anthropology as studied by Good (1994), Kleinman (1980; 1988; 1995) and others, such as Das et al (1997), Csordas (1994; 1999; 2008), and also Bourdieu (1980) who tried to articulate the individual and socio-cultural dimensions when privileging such notions as experience, social suffering, inter-subjectivity, agency and body. The empirical narrowing of the research privileged corporal and police officers from the Military Police of the State of Goiás (PMGO), males only and in active duty, under psychiatric care by the military institution. The field observations and semi-structured opened interviews took place at the Military Police Hospital of PMGO (HPM), where forensic psychiatric appointments take place as well as psychological care for those who work for the PMGO. Above all this research tries to answer two mutually implied questions: how a military order appears in the meaning attributed by military policemen to their experience of mental illness since their trained bodies signify identity and masculinity; and, on the other hand, what do the meaning attributed to their experience of illness have to say about individuals inscribed in the military order and about the social relationships dramatized in it.Item Por um Do in antropológico " - Pontos de Cultura e paradigmas nas políticas públicas culturais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-10-01) Nunes, Ariel Ferreira; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar;; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Ahias, Renato; Silva, Joana FernandesThe public cultural policies traditionally increased the high culture and folklore as the main manifestations of Brazilian culture. Since the management of the Minister Gilberto Gil (2003- 2008) we situate changes in the ways of making public policy culture. The main action of this management policy is the implementation of “Cultura Viva” and the “Pontos de Cultura”, operating through the shared management between federal government and civil society. In this work we analyze the implementation of public cultural policy, as well as their modes of organization in social networks and virtual. The ethnography constitutes an open-ended interviews and participant observation in the “Pontos de Cultura”, in their virtual network, and the meetings between “Pontos de Cultura”, local politicians and representatives of the Ministry of Culture, called Teias. Fieldwork focused on the coordinators of the “Pontos de Cultura”, known as ponteiros. These ponteiros are included here as the main organizers of “Pontos de Cultura”, government and society.Item É Deus quem cura: um estudo sobre as curas espirituais na casa Dom Inácio de Loyola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-02-22) Alves, Nilauder Guimarães; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; trabalho tem como objetivo uma investigação sobre o sistema ritual espírita, com ênfase em suas práticas terapêuticas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida num “hospital espiritual”, a Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola, onde atende o médium curador João Teixeira de Faria, conhecido como João de Deus. Identifico um conjunto de prática e crenças religiosas voltadas para o trabalho de cura. A partir da observação da utilização e manipulação de símbolos rituais, descrevo um complexo de expressões performativas verbais e não verbais, constituído de gestos, palavras e movimentos executados pelos praticantes. A análise é estendida às ações que, em um contexto ritual, correspondem a um fenômeno performativo e cujo ordenamento específico e a execução precisa dos atos performativos que permitem a eficácia do ritual de cura.Item Entre a heresia e a reprodução: em busca do cinema goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-23) Vales , Gustavo Henrique dos Santo; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira;; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Silveira, Flávio Leonel Abreu da; Braz, CamiloThe aim of this dissertation is to understand the identity dynamics which mark the contemporary movie universe of Goias. The ethnography‟s use as a method allows me to focus the attention on the everyday social processes that shift the constituents of that social space today. Thus I seek to understand the meanings that guide the symbolic struggle waged by social actors who, throughout practices, discourses and strategies, end up adding identity characters to the Goias cinematographic field. To this end, I reflect on how the actors in this field act to (re)construct and legitimize representations that elect such characters. I consider the inherent nuances to the local and broader contexts, from the idea that identity is fundamentally dynamic and relational.Item Do João Leite para agrovila: deslocamento compulsório das famílias atingidas por um grande projeto na região metropolitana de Goiânia - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-26) Castro, Jordana Fernandes de; Lima, Roberto; Lima, Roberto; Scott, Russel Parry; Rodrigues, Cintya Maria CostaAnthropological studies pertaining to dams in Brazil, from the 1970s, their numbers have considerably increased concomitantly increasing the works of the Brazilian Electricity Sector, which has a prominent place in development strategies designed by the National State. The creation, from the 1940s, the regional development plans, where the regions are to be seen as areas of action and state control for national economic growth through an internal colonialism elects as instruments of this policy the Major Projects Investment (GPIs), projects that is based on the exploitation of natural and human resources in economic logic. The exploitation of these resources and the dismantling of the deployment region of GPI generate perverse effects on the populations affected, presenting itself as a consolidated research strand. In this sense, the research presented here was to object eight families relocated for an agricultural community, as a result of dam construction Ribeirão João Leite, Goiânia, Goiás, between the years 2002 and 2009. The objective of the study is to understand the process of moving to an unknown location and the process of social transformation resulting from this relocation. The data presented are the result of the method of participating observation and documentary research in the archives of the Sanitation Company of Goiás S / A - SANEAGO, responsible for the work and analyzed with the help of theoretical texts on the subject of large dams. Keywords: Dam Ribeirão João Leite. Displacement Compulsory. Grande Project Investment (GPI).Item Noções de saúde e doença na tradição de Orixá e o papel do sacrifício(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-06) Souza, Robson Max de Oliveira; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes;; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza SoaresThe present work intends to approach the notion of health in religions connected to the Cult of the Orishas, based on the fundamental concepts of their religious and cultural tradition in its conception of person. Makes an ethnographic presentation of Candomblé of Ketu nation, originating from the Yoruba ethnic group, which arrived in Brazil on batches of enslaved Africans, especially from the nineteenth century and the tradition of the Orishas, originating from African priests of Yoruba, came to Brazil there are about 20 years. The elements that compose the Orishas religion, necessary to understand the vision of health and disease and the therapeutic process for healing, as the offerings and sacrifices, are placed into the body of the work as a necessary path for the approximation to this universe.Item Religião e sofrimento: ressonâncias patrimoniais no discurso religioso em Ouro Preto (MG)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-17) Amorim, Alexandre de Paula; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira;; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Laraia, Roque de Barros; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes daThis dissertation is the result of an ethnographic experience in the city of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. The text presented constitutes an intellectual effort that aims to understand and describe ethnographically suffering as a hermeneutic construction, which is caught in the discourse of religious Ouro Preto, as a phenomenon historically inherited and its interface with the historic and cultural heritage of city. Based on the discourse of religious evangelicals and Catholics, the focus of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship that the interviewees establish the historical and cultural heritage, in particular, the historical narratives about the suffering of slaves and how these narratives influence their representations of suffering.Item Desde nuestras miradas: a comunicação e a produção audiovisual indígena construindo o estado plurinacional na Bolívia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-10-17) Costa, Warley Borges de Miranda; Pechinha, Mônica Thereza Soares;; Pechinha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Nogueira, Mônica Celeida Rabelo; Ratts, Alecsandro José PrudêncioThis work focuses on the relationship of indigenous audiovisual production in Bolivia with construction of the plurinational state. For this, research was mainly developed with a look at the practices, discourses and activities associated with indigenous video production of Centro de Formación y Realización Cinematográfica (CEFREC) and Coordinadora Audiovisual Indigena Originaria de Bolivia (CAIB). In 1996 both institutions shaped the National Plan of Indigenous Communication (Plan Nacional de Comunicación Audiovisual Indígena) with five national indigenous organizations of greater amplitude. This dissertation shows the convergence between these organizations, despite having different views on national policy; it’s managed to achieve a strategy of indigenous communication which reached a production and a significant spread in the country and communities, in addition to articulating a continental indigenous communications network.Item Identidades em performance: abuelas em fronteiras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-11-29) Penha, Bruna; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; paper work brings to discussion the Paraguayan women as a polissemic and ambiguous symbol. Migrant grandmothers, who live in the twin cities of Ponta Porã and Pedro Juan Caballero, are our interlocutor. Those cities constitute the dry frontier between Brazil and Paraguay; they are cosmopolitan and peripheral. There, rurality and urbanity, as well as the localization and the globalization, encounter themselves. The main topics of this work are the gender, age and identitary frontiers which those women cross. Each of the frontiers just mentioned is ambiguous in its constitution and in the way it is acted. They are narrated by the grandmothers and make possible to achieve some comprehension on the way those women perform their identities. They also make explicit some of the many social, cultural and political spheres in the personal and transnational relationship in that transfrontier.Item Nas redes dos alternativos – mercado, sexualidade e produção de diferenças na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-13) Neiva, Giórgia de Aquino; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; França, Isadora Lins; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Souza, Maria Luiza RodriguesThis Master’s dissertation is an ethnographic study about two alternative nightclubs at Setor Sul, in the city of Goiania, Goiás. These are places that host alternative people (emic category), ie, subjects that are not suffice in unbending definitions as to the identity and sexuality. At such leisure environments, there is greater sexual fluidity, covering subjects from heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual, to those who don’t define their sexuality and selfdeclare as “unlabeled”. Thus, the understanding of the category alternative is also expanded to the places, since they are not part of the hegemonic circuit of night leisure. Moreover, these places are not identified as "GLS" (gays, lesbians and friendly) although they are not strictly heterosexual too. Such establishments admit 18-to-30-year-old people – with some incidence of older people – irrespective of sex and who also enjoy alternative music, which lines off the "underground scene" as to be outside of the mainstream musical axis. Therefore, this youth sociability aims to build his own style in order to escape of the fashion industry impositions and sexual identity labels. This attitude is consistent with the current dynamism of sexual and gender social movements that question the dichotomies, dualities and binarisms, as well as the naturalization of compulsory heterosexuality. Thus, the networks of alternative subjects show that there are no true or false acts of gender, bringing to question whether heterosexuality is a regulatory fiction.Item Nem tudo é possível, e muita coisa é obrigatória: um estudo da prática do swing em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-13) Silveira, Raphael Moraes da; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Gregori, Maria Filomena; Silva, Telma Camargo daThis paper aims to examine the relationship between consumption and social tags of the dif-ference in a swing club in Goiânia. What is this social practice called swing? What good is consumed in a swing club? During dynamic ritual that happens in the club, what are the social markers hyperbolized/subverted by the public? And which are triggered by these subjects as a way to distinguish between them? These questions were answered through an ethnography, or participant observation. This insertion in my field is problematic in the first chapter, after a first look at swing practice. Ethnography also includes flyers of parties as well as elements found on the club website - themes of the second chapter - used mainly to think they are the speeches that the creators of the house have about the place and practice. Finally, it brought the uses that subjects make the club, the native categories - permeated by social tags - and their performances.Item Los alternativos del barrio Puerto. Una mirada etnográfica sobre mercado y visibilidad gay en Valparaíso, Chile(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-14) Azócar, R.; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Carrara, Sérgio Luis; Souza, María Luiza Rodrigues; Mello, LuizValparaíso es la capital de la región del mismo nombre, en la costa central de Chile. El barrio Puerto, espacio fundacional de la ciudad y cercano a las instalaciones portuarias, fue adquiriendo fama de barrio de ocio, entretención, diversidad y tolerancia. Las mismas características que hoy dan espacio a lugares de diversión para la comunidad más diversa de la ciudad, espacio de habitación para jóvenes y familias de profesionales en casas con alto valor patrimonial, impulsado principalmente por la característica de Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad, con la cual UNESCO reconoce a Valparaíso desde el año 2003, condición que conserva hasta hoy. En esta ciudad se encuentra la discoteca Pagano, que con casi quince de existencia es reconocida como un espacio para aquellos “alternativos” que no tenían un lugar u oferta particular en otras zonas de la ciudad. Un espacio de reunión protegido de los ojos acusadores, represores y cuestionadores, que como pasó a ser con lo años, fue adquiriendo el estatus de leyenda urbana por las historias que se tejían en torno a sus performances encarnadas por llamativas mujeres de zapatos altos, trajes multicolores y vistosas plumas. Pagano se fue convirtiendo en un centro de la diversión gay de la zona, A pesar de contar con otros espacios de ocio tipificados para este público específico, ellos fueron perdiendo protagonismo delante de este pequeño y oscuro local de la esquina de calles Clave y Blanco. Es aquí dónde el mirar antropológico se vuelve esencial en el rescate de estas historias marcadas por el propio devenir social y político del país post dictadura militar, y van configurando consigo un acervo de gran relevancia para la conformación de una identidad gay local y nacional. En este espacio de apertura y tolerancia es donde existen historias de personas y lugares que permiten reflexionar sobre diversidad, integración, resumidos en la idea de visibilidad, a través de las posibilidades entregadas por un mercado catalizador de necesidades y demandas sociales.