Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social
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Item Acary de Passos Oliveira: percursos e contribuições para a formação da antropologia no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-27) Carvalho, Adelino Adilson de; Leitão, Rosani Moreira;; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes;; Vasconcellos; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Vasconcellos, Camilo de Mello; Martins, Dilamar Candida; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Herbetta, Alexandre FerrazIn this work I analyzed the career trajectory of Acary de Passos Oliveira, a sertanista1 and the first director of the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás, with the aim of glimpsing his contributions to the formation of the field of Anthropology in the state of Goiás, as well as understanding the political and social influences that shaped his ideas and actions. In addition to bibliographical consultations and studies, the analysis was based on a documentary review from the perspective of archival ethnography. Documents held by the UFG Anthropological Museum and the Goiás Institute of Prehistory and Anthropology at PUC Goiás, among others, were analyzed. The time frame covers the period from the late 1930s, when Acary de Passos began his work on national programs to integrate Central Brazil, to 1993, the year of his death. Within this time frame, two actions deserve to be highlighted: the creation and consolidation of the UFG Anthropological Museum and the formation of its first ethnographic and archaeological collections. Among other conclusions, this work reveals a multiple and complex trajectory, which paved the way for the construction of the field of museums, anthropology, archaeology and other related areas in the region.Item Acesso à alimentação adequada e saudável no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-15) Castro, Marlon Henrique Costa de; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht;; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; Roim , Talita do Prado BarbosaLong known to the Brazilian population, food insecurity at its different levels is once again plaguing society after years of improvements in policies for access to adequate and healthy food. In mid-2013, but especially after 2019, when a new federal government that excludes hunger from its political agenda takes power, Food Insecurity levels began to grow again across the country. Through a historical recap that covers until the period of the health crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, this academic work will guide us through the actions of international and national bodies and entities, as well as the implementation of public policies that aim to ensure decent nutrition for the Brazilian population, and often fail. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit Brazil in March 2020, the human right to adequate food becomes increasingly difficult to achieve, considering the social and health crises experienced at the time. Considering the results presented by the research “Inquérito Nacional sobre Insegurança Alimentar no Contexto da Pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil” published by Rede PENSSAN in 2021, and the “Efeitos da pandemia na alimentação e na situação da segurança alimentar no Brasil” published by the group of Food for Justice research, from Freie Universität Berlin, in partnership with the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the University of Brasília, in 2021, we will analyze the impacts of political decisions taken before and during the pandemic period – we will use the concepts of biopower and biopolitics to point out how political desire and action is crucial to managing the lives of the population, and the way in which failure can also be a choice and its reasons – to understand and trace how power over life is exercised through by means other than making someone die, treated here as political abandonment, in order to understand which mechanisms are responsible for the exercise of Necropolitics. Finally, the work intends to analyze the reality of the Human Right to Adequate Food in Brazil during the period related to the COVID-19 pandemic and present the impact of political action on this issue, concluding that, in some moments, the emptying of public policies and the 13 negligence in tackling problems of great social impact can come from a place of political control over the biological life of the population.Item Arquivo-monumento ao trabalhador de Goiânia: ressonâncias, ruínas e rastros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-07) Lopes, Pablo; Tamaso, Izabela Maria;; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Pires , Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Borges, Pedro CélioThis work is dedicated to an investigation of the trajectory of the Monument to the Worker in Goiânia, examining its history from its inauguration in 1959 to the present day. The research is guided by the central question: "In what way does the lack of resonance of the Monument to the Worker manifest itself, and how can this be understood in light of the archives that document its trajectory?" To achieve this goal, the research unfolds into specific objectives. Firstly, it seeks to analyze how the lack of resonance of this monument, originally conceived as a tribute to workers, manifests in the public sphere. Secondly, it aims to explore the enunciative archives, such as photographs, reports, and postcards, that document the history of the monument. These archives are essential for understanding how the various narratives about the Monument to the Worker are constructed and perpetuated over time. The core purpose of this research is to uncover the social and cultural dynamics that permeate this monument, identifying its interactions with collective memory, urban identity, and processes of forgetting. Through this analysis, the study seeks to shed light on the complex relationships between society, memory, and the material elements that convey the history of this monument. By exploring this theme, the study not only provides an understanding of the biography of the Monument to the Worker but also contributes to broader reflections on the relationship between monuments in the city of Goiânia and their resonances.Item Arquivos da insistência: narrativas biográficas de entendidas, maduras e lésbicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-02) Silva, Isabella Gonzaga Guimarães; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima;; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Kofes, Maria Suely; Gonçalves, ElianeThis dissertation is the result of an ethnography of the biographical narratives of 4 women homosexuals aged between 51 and 70 years old and who record their sexual itinerations since categories such as “madura”, “entendida”, and “lésbicas”. The complex arrangements were covered temporalities put into circulation by them when they problematize the way their sexual and gender performances are constructed over time. When counting their modes of subjectivation articulate an ethnographic theory about the different relationships between subjectivity and truth in different cultural formations, making their existences are like seismographs of subjectivities in transit. Taking the narratives from themselves since the moments in which they underline the way in which they constituted themselves as subjects from a temporality of the impossible, it is suggested that their existences compose an archive of insistences and a radical imagination.Item As dimensões do estudante trabalhador: uma etnografia da Educação de Jovens e Adultos na periferia de Senador Canedo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-01) Silva, Everton Lamare Costa Melo e; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio;; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Pereira, Mariana Cunha; Damascena, Adriane Alvaro; Silva, David Junior de Souza; Herbetta, Alexandre FerrazThis doctoral thesis is the result of ethnographic research situated in the line of studies in Anthropology of Education. Through an investigative immersion in the educational modality of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), at the Vovó Dulce municipal school, located in the city of Senador Canedo-GO, I seek to understand the varied dimensions: historical, social and cultural, of student workers: subjects of this research, and what its relationships are with education, associating it with the demands of work. To achieve these objectives, the first chapter establishes an analysis of the specificities of the social, historical and geographical area of the region where the school is located. In the second chapter, an observation of the formation and development process of the school institution in question is carried out. Finally, in the third chapter, the voices of these student-worker-subjects are presented, about their trajectories and perspectives, together with reports of my observations during fieldwork. What was observed, at the end of this research, is how other issues that intersect in the relationships between education and work, such as the categories of class, gender, race, housing and migration, or even affective issues, are decisive for understanding the realities of these subjects, giving a complex structure of meanings and meanings to these dimensions.Item As margens vão à luta: o modo Maíra como resistência tentehar nas relações da T.I Cana Brava/Guajajara com a BR-226 no Centro-Sul do Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-11) Gomes, Dhiogo Rezende; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar;; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Caballero, Indira Nahomi Viana; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Garcia, Uirá Felippe; Apurinã , FranciscoThis thesis deals with interethnic relations within the Cana Brava Indigenous Land, crossed by BR-226 in the Center-South region of Maranhão. In this context, the Tentehar-Guajajara present themselves as producing a policy of approximation to control and resist the impacts of the highway as a developmental project, in the face of changes and transformations in the world system. A set of agencies and strategies are presented that were established on a cosmological basis in the mythical times of the creation of their people, matured in four centuries of contact with colonization and national society. In this process of indigenous agency in the present, the Tentehar carry their references to the struggle in the myths of the founding of their people by the demiurge Maíra and his twin sons, Maíra’yr and Mucura’yr. Tentehar historicity is based on ancestry, valuing the struggles fought by the ancients, following a chain of historical times conjectured by the indigenous people themselves to the detriment of linear and dominant Western chronologies. This tentahar way of being-doing brings together all the plasticity of these people, weaving a policy of resistance, moving between retreats and controlled approaches under the Maíra way, observers of the limits with the karaiw (non-indigenous), from the first colonial contacts, through the conflicts in the demarcation of land and the expulsion of invading villages, until the establishment of the pe pihun – black road, the highway in the 21st century, a time in which the margins are fightingItem As mulheres na luta contra a ditadura militar: Maria Augusta Thomaz e outras memórias(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06-01) Sousa, Ana Luiza de Oliveira e; Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues;; Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Silva, Adriano CorrêaThis paper discusses the construction of the memory of women who fought against the military dictatorship of 1964, having as a conductor axis the memory of Mary Augusta Thomas, who was a philosophy student at PUC-SP and MOLIPO member. She was killed in 1973 and her remains are still missing to this day. Here, I question whether the gender binaries influence or not the construction of the memory of Maria Augusta Thomaz and other women present in this research.Item Bairro nortista (Jussara-GO): a migração e a (re)construção de um lugar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-28) Silva, Hilda Freitas; Tamaso, Izabela Maria;; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão deThis work contemplates the migration and (re) construction of place, within the process that oscillates between rural and urban. The place is the Northern District, located in Jussara, interior of the state of Goiás. The research was done with a group of 50 adults. These people are chosen because they have a memory and experiences of time spent in the Northern District and / or the northeastern states. The interest of this research arises from the perception of the marginality of official recognition of participation of these neighborhood residents in the formation of the city, as well as the constant attribution of other residents of other neighborhoods that the Northern District is a dangerous and therefore bad place. of living. In this sense, this research builds and ethnographic analysis of the aforementioned neighborhood to know the daily lives of the people who live there. It can be observed preliminarily that it is formed by families that are neighbors and friends of some decades, in which they themselves demonstrate and say that there is a good place to live, undoing or refuting the official narrative in force in the city. For this context, I use anthropological theory as a support for research, and I already use Yi-Fu-Tuan (1983, p.182) when he says that "specific importance changes over time, while general importance remains." Given this, it is understood that this work is of general importance, as it fits in a context of migration, without intervention and direct incentive from the government; and specific, as the people involved have singularities that built and rebuilt a place, a movement that sometimes explodes official history. Thus, the study embraces both time in the diachronic perspective, as well as synchronic. This is justified because history is not ignored throughout the ages, nor is it ignoring the present perspective of living. Thus, the process of constructing the senses of places and valuing experiences are used to understand the uses and customs of residents, as well as to approach the understanding of the anthropological constitution of their memories and identities.Item Os “Braga da Pontezinha”: os mutirões como encontros que reafirmam pertencimentos ao lugar e à família(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-15) Moura, Veralúcia Pimenta de; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira;; Dias , Luciana de Oliveira; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Rosa , WaldemirThe text of this dissertation begins with a description of my own experience, since I have lived for 20 years in Pontezinha, a rural area inside the town of Santo Antônio do Descoberto, state of Goiás - Brazil, where the research was carried out. In order to talk about my “affection” for Braga da Pontezinha and also my interest in developing this paper, the studies of Marilyn Strathern and Jeanne Favret-Saada helped me to live this “ethnographic experience” considering the concepts of “immersion in the field” (STRATHERN, 2014) and “to be affected” (FAVRET-SAADA, 2005). Inspired by these authors, the narratives of the interlocutors were gathered in the scope of the research and the trajectory of the people from slave laborers in the gold mines of Santa Luzia in the first half of the 19th century until their arrival at Pontezinha. It is on the banks of the Córrego Fundo that the site “Os Braga” first appears. Taking into account the indications of ethnography, I reintroduce its citizens, as since after the Corumbá IV Dam in 2006, they started to be recognized by the municipality and by the Concessionaire as a “traditional community”. The CORPO formal association, since 1988, is presented from the perspective of the lack of water issue and from its conflicts with the Community. On the trail of the ethnographic reports, I reformulate the research question and reflect about the “mutirões” in the current scenario as a form of resistance from Braga to several interferences, in order to preserve the unity of the family and of the place. Final considerations allow to highlight some similarities between quilombos and “mutirões” then make a comparison between them with the habitus (BOURDIEU, 2010) and the “campesinidade” (WOORTMANN, 1990).Item Calças jeans como suporte para pensar o consumo – uma etnografia na Feira Hippie de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-29) Silvestre, Bruno Souza; Souza, Maria Luiza Rodrigues;; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Marques Filho, AdairFrom an ethnography on Feira Hippie of Goiânia, the largest free market in Latin America, this dissertation seeks to raise some aspects linked to the popular fashion consumption in Brazil. Starting from the approaches proposed by the anthropology of consumption and theories of material culture, this ethnography had the jeans as the main focus. Seeking to analyze the relationship between product and consumer established at the Feira Hippie of Goiânia, this dissertation depart of a description of the market as a whole and then analyze the product sold in the market. The relationships established between the jeans as a global product and the market as a local event are the focus of the work.Item Caligrafia marginal: pichação, performance e patrimônio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-09) Rodrigues, Livia Nunes Borges; Tamaso, Izabela Maria;; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Pereira, Alexandre BarbosaThis research does a general approach about the urban interventions, giving priority to the actions ephemeral (graffiti and pichação), how arise each of these practices, their disparities in Brazil, and the actions taken by the Government for combat them, with enphasis in pichação. The pichação is a practice of marginal and oppositional character that has become an integral part of complex societies. For the government, as well as for a large portion of Brazilian society that action is taken as a crime, but for those who are included in this marginal culture, the act of tagging can be interpreted as a socialization tool communication, leisure, art, call to memory etc. Among the various perspectives of analysis contained in pichação, this work sought to explore how this urban offensive action can be interpreted under the bias of performative act. In addition, it sought to understand how graffiti artists and other residents of Goiânia/GO, deal with the elements arranged in the urban space, emphasizing the architectural constructions of social value.Item Caminhos da memória: na rua de significados se encontra a cozinha de pit dogs(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-15) Martins, Gabriel Sulino; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht;; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Roim, Talita Prado Barbosa; Lima Filho, Manuel FerreiraThe present dissertation aims to present an analysis of the sociocultural context of workers and consumers who are interlocutors related to the cuisine of “Pit Dog” on Rua 10 in Goiânia. To carry out this qualitative research, ethnography will be used as a lived experience, adapting according to the situation, to identify the variables around this relationship between subjects and cuisine, based on theories that refer to the anthropology of consumption, food and urban throughout the dissertation . The research strategy, through cyberspace and face-to-face space, due to the current context of transition between the pandemic period and an endemic one in our society. From this, this text presents the conditions for the research, experienced field factors, relationships between the researcher and the interlocutors, information obtained in the text that lead to the construction of the notion of memory, tradition, identity and street. These aspects are related to the cuisine of “Pit Dog”, such as being on Rua 10, in Goiânia, changing and adapting to the movement of the city. Thus, the main object of research, the kitchen of “Pit Dog”.Item Caminhos e sujeitos no adoecimento e na cura entre os Akwẽ Xerente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-31) Ferreira, Ariel David; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes;; Souza, Marta Rovery de; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Herbetta, Alexandre FerrazThis work aims to discuss, understand and interpret processes and subjects involved in the health, and sickness of Akwẽ Xerente. Taking as a basis the “haze” category used by the group to designate a series of symptoms, discomforts and pains that a Xerente can feel is observed its ability to integrate narratives and experiences of sickness beyond the biomedical perspective. I work the diversity of subjects and therapeutic itineraries used by the group to alleviate and solve their discomforts, pains, sickness and afflictions. In this context, the narratives of patients and health professionals serves as the means of assessing the public health service that is offered to the group.Item "O carro de boi é a minha vida": técnicas e expressões culturais entre carapinas e carreiros no interior de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-26) Oliveira, Túlio Fernando Mendanha de; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira;; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Oliveira, Alessandro Roberto de; Menezes, Renata de Castro; Sautchuk, Carlos Emanuel; Lima, Nei Clara deIn this thesis I have analyzed the ways the oxen cart parade and the convoy pilgrimage that have been taking place during the traditional Festa do Divino Pai Eterno (Divino Pai Eterno’s Festival), in Trindade (GO), may be interpreted from the oxen cart perspective, from its historical basis to the varied techniques of its build and to the taming of the convoy oxen, which have permitted me to identify a set of cultural repertoires specific to cosmologies, ontologies and modus vivendi of country districts of Goiás, where rural features are currently associated to urban features by a group of relating hybridity factors. At the first part of the work, I have drawn my attention to the oxen cart parade in Araçu (GO) and to the convoy pilgrimage in honor of Pai Eterno (Eternal Father), which has been held in Trindade (GO) since the midnineteenth century. I have made a description of the parade and the journey I undertook with the convoy in 2019, in which I try to show how such parade articulates habits, traditions and organizational modes, beyond the sacred issue. That has led me to consider oxen carts as a central analysis category. Furthermore, by a historiographical approach, I have tried to show the origins and the widespread use of oxen cart in many historical periods, from its origin to its introduction in Goiás and its large participation in people’s daily life. In the third part, I have focused on my own research analysis, which were carried out with woodworkers specialized in the build of oxen carts, known as carapinas. In that topic, their build techniques have proved to generate a heuristic polysemy of anthropological meanings that I have tried to analyze more profoundly. In the following chapter, I have described the choosing and training (taming) stages of the convoy oxen so as to realize that such moments also articulate techniques and cosmogonies that involve the typical way of living of Goiás country populations. In the last part of this thesis, I have shown how labor represents a didactical and pedagogical power for the carapina and the carreiro (oxen cart craftspeople and oxen cart conductors), how oxen carts currently stir other social categories and even the political agenda. At last, I have displayed how oxen carts and oxen cart conductors may be seen as a living heritage for the concrete cultural traits and even the intangible knowledge that they hold.Item Cartografia etnográfica de memórias desobedientes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-11-27) Boita, Tony Willian; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes;; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Bruno, Maria Cristina de OliveiraThe present work seeks to reflect on the memories of disobedient sexualities in exile. To do this, it searches from a cartography, map memory indicators and museums that address memories of non- normative sexualities. It is intended to reflect on traumatic memories and their influence on exiled memories. Finally, the aim is to present the actions developed in the Favela Museum, with the LGBT Memory Project in MUF, developed in 2015 from the intersectional cuts of gender, race and class. Together, we seek to debate the space of the memories of the Brazilian LGBT community and non-normative sexualities around the world.Item Classificar é preciso? Uma análise sobre as representações do rural e urbano no distrito de Cruzeiro dos Peixotos em Uberlândia - MG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-16) Nazareth, Carolina Cadima Fernandes; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht;; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes da; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Frúgoli Junior, HeitorThe present dissertation analyze the representation between the rural and urban in one district in the city of Uberlândia (MG) calling as Cruzeiro dos Peixotos, For this, the analyze was realize in three moments, first, by analyze of local history and the bibliographic of the theme in the Social Science. The last two chapter of the study covers the urban representation, through of the rural work, by Folia de Reis. For this, analyses beteween the “inside” and “the outside” (or “others”), was constantly addressed. Finally, this work search, through the district, understand and explain what specific classification limit places which are located in the “inset” rural/urban, and the analyze of the native representation are fundamental for understand the possibility of this transit between this two possible universe of the district. Terms like hybridity and continuun will be addressed.Item Com o peito cheio de pó: uma etnografia sobre a negação do adoecimento de trabalhadores do amianto na cidade de Minaçu (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-17) Amaral, Arthur Pires; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares;; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Víctora, Ceres Gomes; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Nunes, Jordão HortaThis doctoral thesis starts from the problematization of the risks involved in working with asbestos, in an international perspective, casting the comparison with the empirical case of Minaçu, a Brazilian city that was founded and consolidated due to the asbestos mining industry – represented here by S.A. Minerações Associadas (SAMA). The ethnography held in this city evidenced and built herself under the avoidance and embarrassment of the locals to a dialogue about asbestos-related illness of SAMA employees and former employees. This situation reflects the collusion between Science, Industry and State, as instances of power responsible for raising doubts about the dangers of toxic substances that, at Minaçu, become entangled in the mining company’s strategies of: (i) concealment of the risks involved in working with asbestos, and (ii) manipulation of the former employees’ medical reports. By means of the anthropological concept of social suffering, the ethnography brings to light narratives and experiences of illness and death of asbestos workers at Minaçu, in their (ineffective) searches by diagnosis, treatment and medical-legal recognition. Finally, it demonstrates how the illness process of SAMA workers, whose asbestos-related diseases were never recognized by the mining company, are subsumed and assimilated to the “normal”, “ordinary” routine of the everyday life in that city. This situation produces a deep sense of loneliness among the sick and their relatives that, added to socioeconomic and institutional power relations, prevent the local ethical, political and civil engagement that would lead to its effective public complaint.Item Com quantos paus se faz uma boneca? – “entalhes” de uma etnografia da boneca de madeira karajá(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-08-15) Araújo , Gustavo de Oliveira; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira;; Pereira , Edmundo Marcelo Mendes; Hirano , Luis Felipe KojimaEl trabajo que presento, bajo el título COM QUANTOS PAUS SE FAZ UMA BONECA? – “ENTALHES” DE UMA ETNOGRAFIA DA BONECA DE MADEIRA KARAJÁ tiene como objetivo hacer un ejercicio etnográfico sobre la elaboración y confección de estos artefactos y su relación con la sociedad no indígena, así como su presencia en colecciones de museos etnográficos. Por lo tanto, he dividido la escritura en cuatro etapas: en la primera trato de hacer una historia del Museo Antropológico de la UFG y su relación con los karajá y su cultura material. En la segunda, a partir de una definición/delimitación teórica y metodológica, demuestro el estado del arte de la cultura material de Karajá, especificamiente em lo que si refiere a las muñecas de madera. En el tercer capítulo hay una escritura más etnográfica, en el que "transcribo" mi experiencia en el campo y documento cómo hacer muñecas de madera. Por último, en el cuarto capítulo, presento las piezas que representan la colección del Museo Antropológico, haciendo un ejercicio de documentación museológica en relación con los objetos artefactos de este estudio.Item “Combinamos de não morrer”: transfobia, racismo e resistência à necropolítica entre pessoas trans negras em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-22) Rêgo, Yordanna Lara Pereira; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de;; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Oliveira, Megg Rayara de; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Ratts, Alecsandro José PrudêncioThis dissertation anthropologically works on the articulation between racism and transphobia from the standing point of narratives of black, transgender and transvestite people living in the state of Goiás. It brings as goal to interpret the relations between racism and the transphobia as techniques of governance of bodies and transgender black existences. To understand the intercrossings of such subjects, the intersectionality is the main theoric/methodologic tool used, as, beyond proposing the expansion in possibilities of dialogs in several areas of knowledge, it allows a debate beyond the hierarchical oppressions, searching to achieve and analyze the singularities that are established in each experience narrated. In this regard, it leaves the concept of necropolitics, once the studied narratives allow to question the place of the State in the production and reproduction of violences within their bodies and the difficulties that they face to access some public policies. In special those that refer to their social name and/or ratification of their civil records, once the search of acknowledgment not only of their names, also mean, for the interlocutors, their gender identities. In the end, this work aims to outline the destabilizing potency of the established resistencies by these people in front of such social and cultural processes.Item Comunidade do Ferreiro (GO): a terra, a luta e o sagrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-17) Morais, Lucinete Aparecida de; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira;; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Moura, Marlene Castro Ossami de; Silva, Joana Aparecida FernandesThis thesis presents the issue of land , the struggle and the cultural heritage in the town of Ferreiro(GO) , historic site listed by IPHAN in the city of Goiás and experienced by settlers community - the Settlement Project Serra Dourada . The documentary sources added to the ethnographic method allowed to identify the representations and appropriations of the place through the social organization of production, the festivals , the sacred , politics and community memories. The outline of this work took into consideration the daily practices of the Ferreiro community and the desire to signify them for good collective life around the earth and the sacred .