Programa de Pós-graduação em Medicina Tropical e Saúde Pública
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Item Tétano acidental, um problema de saúde pública susceptível de controle(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2001-12-14) FERREIRA, Denise Milioli; NETTO, Joaquim Caetano de Almeida; tetanus is a millenary disease of high lethal indices, even when proven and effective, low cost prophylactics are available. Several studies have tried to identify the physiopathological process which releases the succession of clinical manifestations of the disease. The objective of these studies is to recognize and make available a new strategy for the treatment of tetanus after exposition to the toxin. The diagnosis of tetanus is eminently clinical. Several factors may occur during the evolution of the disease which complicate its prognosis. The most frequent complications are infections and autonomic dysfunction. Several therapeutic options exist. However, they have a supportive and symptomatic role. This study has as its objective to show the complexity which involves the physiopathological process and treatment of accidental tetanus as well as to emphasize that the only effective way of reducing tetanic mortality is, doubtless, a better vaccine coverage of susceptible individuals. NOTE: Essay with review articles. This is the sum of the first.Item Soroprevalência e genótipos dos vírus das hepatites C e G em pacientes renais crônicos em um centro de diálise em Goiânia-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2002-08-29) Ramos Filho, Ramon; Regina Maria Bringel Martins, Regina Maria Bringel Martins;; Lampe, Elisabeth; Daher, Roberto Ruhman; Martins, Regina Maia BringelPatients with renal failure are at high risk of acquiring viral hepatitis thought blood transfusion, kidney transplant and nosocomial transmission. High prevalence of hepatitis C (HCV) and G (HGV) have been observed among these patients. To assess the prevalence of infection by these viruses in a dialysis unit, 123 patients in Goiânia- Goias were interviewed and blood colleted. They were tested for the presence of antibodies to HCV (anti-HCV) and RNA-HCV, and to detect RNA-HGV. RNA viral positive samples were genotyped. An overall prevalence of 37.4% and 14.6% for hepatitis C and G viruses were found respectively. Patients in hemodyalisis (41.8% and 15.3%) and renal transplanted subjects (33.3% and 16.7%), had higher rates of positivity for the virus C and G when compared to patients in peritoneal dialysis (7.7%). Genotype 1 (54.8%) and 3 (45.2%) of HCV were the most frequently found, and the subtypes 1a and 3a were prevalent. Regarding HGV genotypes 1 (17%), 2 (72%) and 3 (11%) were found, with predominance of subtype 2b. A co-infection by C and G viruses of 3.2% was observed. History of blood transfusions, the duration of end-stage renal disease and co-infection with hepatitis B were risk factors associated with infection by virus C. The patients infected with HGV reported blood transfusion, treatment with a non graduated dentist and sexually transmitted disease as risk factors, beside most of them had been in hemodyalisis. Our data showed a high prevalence for HCV infection in this population, in spite of the screening for blood products and the adoption of universal precautions in dialysis units, and also a high prevalence of HGV in this population was observed.Item Perfil soroepidemiológico da infecção pelo vírus da Hepatite B em pacientes e profissionais de hemodiálise no estado do Tocantins(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2003-03-21) Souza, Karla Prado de; Martins, Regina Maria Bringel; survey was conducted in the hemodialysis population of Tocantins state, Brazil, aiming to assess the prevalence of hepatitis B vírus (HBV) infection, to analyze associated risk factors, and also to investigate this vírus subtypes and genotypes distribution. All patients (n=100) and staff (n=20) were interviewed in the dialysis unit in Araguaína city. Blood samples were collected and serum samples screened for HBV serological markers by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive samples were tested for DNA-HBV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and also for serological subtyping of HBsAg by ELISA. Na overall prevalence of 45% (CI 95%: 35.5-54.8) was found for HBV infection in patients (4% were HBsAg/anti-HBs positive, 2% anti-HBc only and 39% had anti-HBc/anti-HBs markers). Among the 20 staff members, a HBV prevalence of 15% was found (3 were anti-HBc positive). Univariate analysis of risk factors to HBV infection showed that only shift of hemodialysis was associated with HBV positivity in patients. Among the 4 HBsAg-positive smaples, DNA-HBV was detected in 3 samples, which were identified as genotype A by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and one of them could be subtyped as adw2. The present data show a low HBsAg prevalence rate. The finding that shift of hemodialysis was associated with HBV positivity suggests that nosocomial transmission may play a role in the spread of this vírus in the dialysis unit studied.Item Estudo da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite c em pacientes e profissionais da unidade de hemodiálise do estado do Tocantins(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2003-04-25) Luz, Jonio Arruda; Martins, Regina Maria Bringel;; Martins, Regina Maria Bringel; Yoshida, Clara Fumiko Tachibana; Teles, Sheila AraújoHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the main cause of hepatitis in hemodialysis patients. In order to investigate the HCV infection profile in the hemodialysis unit of the Tocantins state, 100 patients and 20 staff were studied, from January to March 2001. After interview, blood samples were collected, sera obtained and tested for anti-HCV antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All samples were also tested for RNA-HCV detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). HCV-RNA positive samples were genotyped by INNO-LiPA. An overall prevalence of 16% (CI 95%: 9.7 – 24.1) was found. Of the 100 patients, 13 (13%) were anti-HCV positive. HCV viremia was present in 14% of patients: 11 anti-HCV positive and 3 anti-HCV negative. Genotyping of HCV RNA positive samples revealed the presence of genotypes 1 (subtype 1a) and 3 (subtype 3a). Analysis of risk factors studied showed that only length of time on hemodialysis was associated with seropositivity. These data suggest the nosocomial transmission of HCV in the dialysis unit studied, emphasizing the need to evaluate strategies of control and prevention followed in this unit. Additionally, HCV RNA detection is necessary for the diagnosis of HCV infection in hemodialysis patients. Genotyping of HCV-RNA positive samples reveled the presence of genotypes 1 (subtype 1a) and 3 (subtype3a).Item Detecção do DNA de Chlamydia trachomatis em espondiloartopatias e artrite reumatóide(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-04-20) Fernandez, Rafael Navarrete; Ximenes, Antonio Carlos; Alves, Maria de Fátima Costa; Chlamydia trachomatis is the bacteria responsible for the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease worldwide. Most of the infections in men and women is asymptomatic and when undiagnosed and untreated may reach the joints causing not only arthritis, but also other acknowledged complications related to the female reproductive system. Objective: To investigate C. trachomatis DNA in the urine and synovial fluid from patients with spondyloarthropathies (SpA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and evaluate serum anti-C. trachomatisIgG and IgM antibodies. Methods: The population consisted of 15 patients with spondyloarthropathies, being nine with undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy (US) and six with reactive arthritis (ReA) (group I), and 15 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (group II). The chlamydial DNA was assessed in synovial fluid and urine samples of all patients by Amplicor PCR. The anti-chlamydial IgG and IgM antibodies were quantified through indirect imunofluorescence (IIF), while 15 patients of group I were typed for HLA-B27 by the use of flow citometry. Social demographical data and all information on sexual behavior and presence of symptoms were collected through a (questionnaire in the form of) an interview. Results: C. trachomatis DNA was found in only one synovial fluid sample from patient with ReA (6,7%). In two patients with RA, chlamydial DNA was identified in the urine sample (13,3%). The anti-chlamydial IgG antibodies were present in eight patients of the population studied; being three patients from group I (20%), and five from group II (33,3%). The greatest titer of this antibody 1/256 was associated with the presence of chlamydial DNA in a patient from group II. The IgM antibody was not detected in any of the samples from both groups. Four individuals from group II (26,7%) were HLA-B27 positive and its presence was 16 related to sacroiliitis. Conclusion: The results in this study show that in patients with spondyloarthropathies and rheumatoid arthritis, presenting a picture of articular activity one might not exclude C. trachomatisas the triggering agent.Item Identificação proteômica, seqüência de nucleotídeos, expressão heteróloga e reatividade imunológica da triose fosfato isomerase de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-05-03) Pereira, Luiz Augusto; Soares, Célia Maria de Almeida;; Soares, Célia Maria de Almeida; Pereira, Maristela; Hahn, Rosane CristineAn antigen of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) was gel isolated and characterized. Endoproteinase Lys-C digested peptides of the purified protein which presented, molecular mass of 29-kDa and pI of 5.8, were subjected to sequence analysis of its amino acids. Search at databases comparing the sequence of amino acids from the three peptides of the native protein, revealed strong homology to triosephosphate isomerase (TPI: E.C. from several sources. The complete cDNA and gene encoding PbTPI were obtained and both contained an open reading frame predicted to encode a 249 amino acid protein that presented all the peptides characterized in the native PbTPI. The Pbtpi gene contained 6 exons interrupted by 5 introns. Analysis performed with the deduced PbTPI suggested its usefulness in providing phylogenetic relatedness, as well as evidenced the correlation between the phylogeny provided by the deduced proteins and introns positions in the cognate genes. The immunological reactivity of PbTPI was examined. The complete coding cDNA of PbTPI was over expressed in an Escherichia coli host to produce high levels of recombinant fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST) that has been purified by affinity chromatography. The purified recombinant TPI was recognized by sera of patients with confirmed Paracoccidioidomycosis and not by sera of healthy individuals. Thus, recombinant PbTPI can be a valuable addition to the still small arsenal of P. brasiliensis immunoreactive proteins, which could be tested for incorporation in assays for serodiagnosis of the disease.Item Atividade larvicida e caracterização molecular dos princípios ativos de Magonia pubescens St.Hil. (Sapindaceae) e de Copaifera reticulata Ducke (Leguminosae), visando ao controle de Aedes aegypti(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-12-02) Silva, Heloisa Helena Garcia da; Silva, lonizete Garcia da; Silva, lonizete Garcia da; Rodrigues Filho, Edson; Santos, Regina Maria Geris dos; Rodrigues, Maria do Rosário; Bezerra, Jose Clecildo BarretoDengue is an acute viral disease of great importance to the public health, and its high incidence in the tropical countries is intimately related to the presence of the main vector, the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Throughout the years, attempts to control the vector have been based on the application of synthetic chemical insecticides, which have already began to produce undesirable effects. The modification of the susceptibility and the emergence of generations resistant mosquitoes besides fast proliferation stimulated studies about the activity of natural products on the larvae of A. aegypti, as an alternative measure for control. In this work, phytochemicals studies were accomplished by larvicidal activity of the plants Magonia pubescens St. Hil. (Sapindaceae) and Copaifera reticulata Ducke (Leguminosae), with the purpose of isolating fractions and/or pure substances with insecticide potential. After collection of peels of the M. pubescens stem and C. reticulata oil-resin in natura, extracts obtained were submitted to bioassays, guided-purification and structural identification. For the larvicidal activity assays, 3rd instar larvae of A. aegypti were used. They were obtained from cyclic colony maintained by ten years, at 28±1°C, 80±5% of relative humidity and 12 h photoperiod. Twenty larvae were used for each concentration and the bioassays were carried out in 5 replicate, in an acclimatized ambient similar to colony growth. Control assays were conducted using the same number of larvae in a dimethylsulphoxide and distilled water solution. The mortality of larvae was measured after 24 and 48 h. Fractions, subfractions and pure substances with larvicidal activity, obtained from those procedures, were monitored chemically through thin layer chromatography and analyzed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and 13C, and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The identified active substance in the M. pubescens was a tannin (C45H36O18 and molecular mass of 864.77 Da) which presented LC50 of 3.1 ppm; from the C. reticulata the acid 3-acetoxi-labda-8(17),13-dien-15-oic was isolated (C22H34O4, and molecular mass of 362 Da) with LC50 of 0.8 ppm. These two active substances presented lethal concentrations with potential use in the actions to control of the A. aegypti.Item Detecção e genotipagem do papilomavirus humano em amostra do colo do útero de adolescentes do Distrito Sanitário Noroeste do município de Goiânia, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-03-31) Daud, Lyana Elias Santos; Alves, Maria de Fátima Costa;; Alves, Maria de Fátima Costa; Martins, Regina Maria Bringel; Villa, Luísa LinaBackground: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a strong predictor for cervical cancer development. Some HPV types are considered at high-risk and associated with pre-malignant lesions and cervical cancer. Genital HPV infection is highly prevalent in sexually active young women. Actually PGMY09/11 primer system associated with Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), hibridization or DNA sequencing is one of the most sensitive methods for detecting and typing HPV-DNA in genital samples. Objectives: To detect and identify HPV-DNA genotypes in genital specimens among sexually active female adolescents from Distrito Sanitário Noroeste, Goiânia. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study among 432 sexually active female adolescents (15-19 years), randomly selected at Distrito Sanitário Noroeste, Goiânia, and served by the Family Health Program. HPV-DNA was detected by PCR assay, in endocervical samples, using the PGMY09/11 consensus primer set. The presence of amplifiable DNA was assessed with -globin primers (PCO3/PCO4). Amplicons generated with PGMY primers were typed with the line blot assay (PGMY-line blot) and RFLP. Results: HPV-DNA was detected in 121 samples yielding a 28% prevalence (95% CI 23.8- 32.5). All samples yielded a -globin amplimer, confirming the DNA adequacy. Thirty different HPV genotypes were identified, the high risk genotypes frequently found being: HPV-16 (6,7%); followed by HPV-51 (5,1%); HPV-31 (4,6%); HPV-52 (4,2%) and HPV-18 (3,5%). PGMY-line blot test identified 54 cases of infection caused by multiple genotypes. The genotypes 16, 51, 18, 53 and 52 were the most frequently associated with cervical co- infection with multiple HPV types. Conclusions: A high prevalence of HPV-DNA was found and a broad spectrum of HPV genotypes was identified, predominantly high risk HPV genotypes. A high frequency of multiple HPV infections was found in the studied population.Item Meningites Bacterianas Agudas em crianças e adolescentes: Fatores de risco para óbito ou seqüelas precoces(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-11-26) NEVES, Jane Marcia Brito das; NETTO, Joaquim Caetano de Almeida; To identify possible risk factors associate with poor prognosis among children and teenagers with acute bacterial meningitis Methods: Prevalence study with casecontrol analysis by review of medical records of patients aged 1 month to 19 years admitted to Tropical Disease Hospital in Goiânia Goiás with acute bacterial meningitis from 1 january 1998 to 31 december 2001 Patients who died or had one or more neurological sequelae at discharge were cosidered cases and patients with the same diagnosis but discharged with healthy recoveries as controls Risk factors for adverse outcome such as age sex proceeding area period between onset of symptoms and hospital admission history of antibiotic use etiologic agent meningeous signs level of consciousness convulsion circulatory and respiratory distress and laboratory values including peripheral white blood cels counts cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein level CSF glucose level and CSF white blood cels count were analysed Univariate analysis and logistics regression was used to evaluate the association between death or neurologic sequelae (depedents variables) and each risk factors (independent variable) Results: Of the 409 children and 117 teenagers admitted during the period of study 430 discharged with healthy recoveries 43 (8,2%) died and 53 (10,1%) had at least one sequelae at discharge (motor deficit, seizure hydrocephalus hearing impairment, cranial nerve deficits cerebral palsy and ataxia) Age < 24 months circulatory and respiratory distress torpor or coma seizure absence of meningeous signs proceeding area and peripheral white blood cels count < 5000/ mm³ were associated with poor prognosis However, age <24 months respiratory distress and torpor or coma were independently associated with adverse outcome Conclusion: Age < 24 months respiratory distress and torpor or coma were the main risk factors independently associated with poor prognosis Early identification of the all risk factors is very important to select the patients who need special care during of stay in hospital and after discharge at least until school ageItem Envolvimento de células ER-MP58+ na produção de IL-12 em linfonodos drenantes da infecção inicial por leishmania major em camundongos BALB/c(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006) Cardoso, Ludimila Paula Vaz; Lima, Glória Maria Collet de Araújo;; Oliveira, Milton Adriano Pelli de; development of a Th1 immune response is the key event to prevent Leishmania infection and is linked with the IL-12 production by monocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages and neutrophils. The IL-12 signal induces the increase of IFN-γ production by T cells, favoring the profile of the Th1 immune response and the resistance phenotype to the infection. In the vertebrate host, the leishmania inhabits in cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), which is also responsible for the elimination of the parasite. The participation of immature cells of MPS in the initial production of IL-12 has been discussed. It was demonstrated recently that a population of mononuclear phagocytes, derived from bone marrow culture and expressing the marker ER-HR3 produced great amount of IL-12p40 after stimulation in vitro with procyclic or metacyclic promastigotes of L. (L.) major. The initial production of IL-12 by MPS cells is under investigation. It is unclear the role of mononuclear phagocytes, in different stages of maturation, in the production of IL-12p40 in vivo. In this work, we evaluated the involvement of MPS cells, in different stage of maturation, with the IL-12p40 production in vivo in draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice after 48 h of infection with L. (L.) major. Our results showed that CD31+ cells (mononuclear phagocytes precursors) were absent in the draining lymph nodes of the subcutaneously footpad injection and that the number of ER-MP58+ (immature mononuclear phagocytes), ER-HR3+ cells (mononuclear phagocytes in the intermediate stage of maturation) and 33D1+ (mature phagocytes) increase in the period of 48 h after infection. We showed, also, that ER-MP58+ responsible for great part of the draining lymph nodes IL-12 production 48 h after infection with stationary-phase promastigotes of L. (L.) major in mice BALB/c. We suggested that, in vivo, the ER-MP58+ population, together with other cellular populations, known as IL-12 producers, ER-MP58+ cell has an important role in the inflammation induced by the parasitic inoculum.Item Ação leishmanicida de extratos de plantas no desenvolvimento de promastigotas de Leishmania amazonensis e estudo do perfil metabólico utilizando a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE).(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) MENDES, Josireny Mariano; BEZERRA, José Clecildo Barreto; million new cases of Leishmaniose occur annually in the tropical and subtropical areas of the globe, with a estimate of twelve million people currently infected in world and three hundred and fifty million under infection risk. The Leishmania sort, responsible for the disease, understands many diverse and complex species that present resistance to the drugs used in its treatment, beyond the characteristics undesirable. The effectiveness of the control and treatment of a parasitic disease depends on the detailed knowledge of the cycle of life, metabolism and biology in general of the parasite. The World Health Organization, associated with other agencies of research has stimulated the extract inquiry new of native plants as alternative for the treatment and combat of the parasitic disease In this work one standardized techniques of studies biochemists through liquid chromatography high performace (HPLC) evaluating organic acid excretion and consumption of in promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis and became fullfilled biotests with Magonia pubescens (tingui) and Glycyrrhisa glabra (alcaçuz) in the concentrations of 25 50 and 100 mg.L-1 The acid had been detected following: lactate oxalate citrate -Ketoglutarate succinate fumarate malate and propionate demonstrated activities in the glycolytic pathway cycle of Krebs and respiratory chain Both the tested extracts had presented leishmanicid action with better effect for Glycyrrisa glabra 100 mg.L-1 and Magonia pubescens 25 mg.L-1 The Glycyrrisa glabra had better action in the stationary phase of growth to opposes it of Magonia pubescens that better acted in the logaritmic phase Chemical components of plants can act directly or indirectly in the metabolism of the parasite affecting essential metabolic pathwaysItem Descontaminação de canetas odontológicas de alta rotação em unidades básicas de saúde no município de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) PEREIRA, Renata Silva; TIPPLE, Anaclara Ferreira Veiga;; REIS, Cleomenes; control is considered an essential matter for the safety of patients and professionals The high speed handpiece is a frequently used device during its function it produces aerosols which potentiales microbial dissemination Besides its decontamination is quite polemic According to previous survey carried through in the main health care providers of Goiânia city it is observed a huge utilization of the 70% ethylic alcohol in the disinfection procedures of the high speed handpiece substituting other sterilization methods This study aimed to identify the routine of the high speed handpiece decontamination at the main health care providers in Goiânia city and to verify the bactericide and fungicide action of 70% ethylic alcohol in the high speed handpiece decontamination according to the adopted routine It was realized in seven Center of Integral Attendance to Health which offer dentistry attendance to the population in general of Goiânia city Two different quizzes were applied The first one was for the technician responsible for the high speed handpiece processing and the second one for the dentists in their respective centers The data was analyzed with Epi Info 2000 software version 3.3.2 and presented in a descriptive way For the microbiology analysis 70 samples of 19 high speed handpieces were collected at the seven main health care providers under study The collection was realized with sterile swab all over the high speed handpiece that were surface ready to be used after the disinfection procedure with the 70% ethylic alcohol between appointments There was no interference in the routine of the main health care providers due to the high speed handpiece procedure during in the collection data At all the main health care providers it was observed unsuitable procedures of the high speed handpiece which endanger its quality The procedures related to the suitable decontamination process to high speed handpiece were not realized by any technician responsible for its processing which transgress the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It is worth pointing out that the high speed handpiece are semicritical devices and require sterilization between uses It was identified the presence of potentially pathogenic microorganisms on the high speed handpiece surface after the use of 70% ethylic alcohol The growth in culture of Gram positive coccus was verified in 29 (41,5%) samples, yeast in eight (11,4%) and Gram positive coccus associated with yeast in nine (12,8%) The consequences of the lack of standardization in the high speed handpiece processing go beyond the non-obtainment of the expected effect to the 70% ethylic alcohol and can result into risks for those responsible for the sterilization for dentists and mainly for the patientsItem Avaliação moluscicida das plantas Pterodon emarginatus Vogel 1837, Magonia pubescens St. Hil, e Croton urucurana Baill 1864, sobre Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) e cercaricida sobre Schistosoma mansoni (Sambon, 1907)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) CORRÊA, Marinês Conceição Rieth; BEZERRA, José Clecildo Barreto; molluscicide and cercaricide action of the Pterodon emarginatus plants Magonia pubescens and Croton urucurana found in the Brazilian scrubland center-west region and in other Brazilian regions where the schistosomose is endemic was evaluated separately in laboratories The brute etanolic extracto obtained after the dilution in water were tested over the Biomphalaria glabrata snails intermediary host of Schistosoma mansoni The evaluation of the bioactivity was done from the initial concentration of 100ppm over adult snails and those ones which died in the adult phase had their concentrations reduced at 50 25 and 12.5ppm successively The molluscicide effect was evaluated over the snails development phasis over the laying of eggs and over the ovigery masses hatching The extracts that did not show bioactivity on 100ppm did not have their concentrations decreased The P emarginatus extract did not demonstrate bioactivity over the snails the laying of eggs the ovigery masses hatching and the liberation of cercaries Showing the cercaricide effect five hours after the start of the experiment whereas the controlling group survived for 36 hours over the same conditions The M pubescens extract demonstrated 100% of bioactivity on the four concentrations utilized and in all the snails development phasis with the exception of the ovigery masses hatching The cercaricide effect was 100% on the 100 and 50ppm concentrations within fifteen minutes 100% on 25ppm within 30 minutes and 100% on 12.5ppm within two hours whereas the controlling group survived for 36 hours at the same conditions With the C urucurana extract the bioactivity was of 26.6% on the 100ppm concentration within 24 hours of an exposition over adult snails On the 50 25 and 12.5ppm concentrations it was not showed bioactivity over the adult and young snails the laying of eggs and the ovigery masses hatching It was presented bioactivity with newly-developed snails on the three concentrations tested after 24 hours of exposition With the cercaries the deaths were observed from the fifteen minutes on the 100 and 50ppm concentrations two hours on 25ppm and five hours on 12.5ppm, and in the controlling group they survived 36 hours at the same conditions The snails which survived to the P emarginatus e C urucurana extracts showed an increasing on the laying of eggs number when compared to the controlling groupItem Avaliação do processo de descontaminação de brocas odontológicas e seu impacto no controle de infecção(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) ANDERS, Patrícia Staciarini; TIPPLE, Anaclara Ferreira Veiga;; PIMENTA, Fabiana Cristina; to describe the process of decontamination of burs to assess the microbial contamination of burs after-processing that were available to the use to isolate and to identify the possible microorganisms Methods: This study was conducted in 110 private dental offices of the central area of Goiânia-Goiás during the period of March/2004 to August/2005 using a check-list measure of dry heat sterilizer temperature and microbial burs tests The burs were seeded in brain heart infusion broth incubated at 37ºC for 20 days and subcultured on specific agar to isolate microorganisms The isolates were identified by micro/macroscopic characteristics subcultured on specific agar biochemical/enzymatic test and automation technique (MicroScan ®) Results:A total of 110 burs were evaluated and 35 (31.8%) were contaminated Fungi were detected in 13 (30.2%) burs [Aspergillus sp (27.9%) and Micelia (2.3%)]; Gram-positive cocci (staphylococci) represented 13 (30.2%) isolates [2.3% Staphylococcus aureus and 27.9% (12) coagulase negative staphylococci] nine (20.9%) isolates were Gram-positive bacilli and eight (18,6%) fastidioso microorganisms Considering the obtained results some factors detected could be interfered in the burs sterilization ineficiency: enzymatic detergent inadequate use abrasive products use inadequate dry heat sterilization time and temperature multiple use burs kits and interruption the asseptical chain after sterilization Conclusion: The frequency of contaminated burs was high (31.8%) and it was detected failures in operational steps of burs processing and/or after sterilizationItem Lagochilascaríase Experimental em Camundongos A/J e B10.A(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) PRUDENTE, Mariana Félix de Souza; LINO JÚNIOR, Ruy de Souza;; CARVALHAES, Mara Silvia; is an infection caused by a parasite from the genus Lagochilascaris and the species is Lagochilascaris minor Leiper 1909 Campos et al (1992) described its experimental evolutive cycle using a model constituted by mice as intermediate hosts and by domestic cats as definitive hosts The availability of murine strains with different genetic characteristics has favored the study of host-parasite relationships which are crucial to the establishment of susceptibility or resistance to infection The aim of this work was to evaluate parasitological histological serological and survival parameters in experimental infection with L. minor in isogenic B10.A and A/J mice to compare the different responses and determine susceptibility or resistance to infection Isogenic B10.A and A/J mice were each inoculated with 2000 infecting L minor eggs using esophagian sonde Three infected mice and one non-infected mouse were sacrificed from 15 to 180 days after infection (DAI) aiming analysis Groups with 22 male B10.A mice and 19 A/J mice were inoculated and the percentage of survival was analyzed during one-year period After mice sacrifice and skin removal the quantity of subcutaneous and muscular nodules was determined Larvae removed from nodules were measured in length and width (Paçô e Campos 1998) The obtention of antigen from crude secreted and excreted products from L minor larvae and the detection of IgM IgG IgA and IgE antibodies were performed according to Freitas (2003)Fragments from lungs liver lymph nodes and spleen were fixed and processed by method of inclusion in paraffin and stained by hematoxiline-eosin Luna stain and Masson Tricrome stain The semi-quantitative analysis of intensity of the inflammatory process and characterization of cell types were performed The percentage of B10.A and A/J mice survival were 33,3% and 90% respectively A/J mice presented higher number of encysted larvae in the superficial subcutaneous tissue until 150 DAI Only at 45 and 60 DAI larvae removed from A/J mice were significantly bigger than larvae removed from B10.A mice The pattern of pulmonary lesions in both mice strains was characterized by focal inflammatory infiltrated forming granulomas with mononuclear cell predominance The A/J mice presented lower inflammatory intensity The liver spleen and lymph nodes presented inflammatory reactional aspect in both strains The seric levels of IgG from A/J and B10.A mice increased during infection with no difference between strains At 45 DAI B10.A mice presented high level of seric IgM and IgA against the antigens from secreted and excreted products (SE) from larvae While A/J mice presented high production of seric IgA against antigens from crude extract between 90 and 180 DAI There were not detected considerable levels of seric IgE in infected animals Analyzing these results we conclude that the pulmonary lesions and the survival percentage clearly demonstrated the different evolution of susceptible and resistant experimental infection in mice Relating the number of subcutaneous nodules size of encysted larvae serology and anatomopathological lesions of liver spleen and lymph nodes the differences found between Lagochilascariasis resistant and susceptible strains are discreteItem Análise bioquímica e equilíbrio ácido-base em Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818), hospedeiro intermediário do Schistosoma mansoni (Sambon, 1907), sob a exposição ao Stryphnodendron polyphyllum (Martius, 1837), planta moluscicida do Cerrado brasileiro.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) FERREIRA, Cirlane Silva; BEZERRA, José Clecildo Barreto; state of Goiás represents a high risk to schistosomiasis stablishment area The presence of the intermediate host Biomphalaria sp added to high migration levels of people from endemic regions of the country are evidences that favour the installation of this disease life cycle In this state of Goiás there are reports of high parasitary intensity and even cases of paraplegia associated with schistosomiasis. The Stryphnodendron polyphyllum (Martius 1837) known locally as Barbatimão de folha pequena is reported as a molluscicide plant This paper assesses the activity of gross bark extracts from S polyphyllum on the metabolism and on the acid-alkaline balance of B glabrata The mollusks were exposed to the extract at 25 and 50 mg/L concentrations for 24 hours and compared to a control group The concentrations of glucose calcium urea proteins and the activity of the following enzymes dehydrogenases lactate and aminotransferases were estimated using the spectrophotometry method The organic acids citrate propionate α- cetoglutarate succinate acetate malate fumarate pyruvate and lactate were detected and quantified using the liquid chromatography method Of all the organic acids found in the hemolymph, only citrate and propionate presented a significant alteration The acid-alkaline balance was verified by measuring the concentrations found in the pH oxygen carbonic gas carbonate ions and oxygen saturation using Radiomiter equipment The S polyphyllum extract tested proved effective due to celular toxicity on B glabrata(Say 1818) Alterations verified in the biochemical dosages reflect the metabolic disturbances in the hemolymph of the mollusk The Cirlane Silva Ferreira x extract interference caused an increase in the levels of glucose urea calcium aspartate alanine aminotransferases and carbonic gas pressure simultaneously causing a decrease in the levels of lactate dehydrogenase pH oxygen pressure carbonate ions and oxygen saturation This study confirms the bioactivity of the S polyphyllum aqueous extract on B glabrata One of the main contributions of the methodology used is that it enabled observation after direct contact with the extract that proved bioactivity on the metabolism of the mollusk The analysis of the aqueous extract taken from the bark of the barbatimão may be the basis for new and less toxic as well as less costly alternative for the control of schistosomiasis in Brazil, where the savannah is vast and financial resources are often scarce in the health sectorItem Aspectos psicopatológicos na hanseníase e nas reações hansênicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) JUNQUEIRA, Alessandra Vidal e; NETTO, Joaquim Caetano de Almeida;; CAIXETA, Leonardo Ferreira; s disease (leprosy) is an endemic infectious disease in underdeveloped countries Disease s burden and reaction episodes can lead to anxious and depressive symptoms relatively frequent although poorly explored in leprosy To 90 patients presenting leprosy and 30 without the disease, but under the same environmental stress conditions in Goiânia-GO Brazil were applied the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) Patients with leprosy were distributed in three groups of 30: group 1 without reactions; group 2: outpatients with reactions; group 3: inpatients with reactions The group 4 was composed by individuals without the disease Higher scores were found in leprosy patients than in the group without the disease with statistically significant differences specially between groups 3 and 4 Leprosy patients without reactions had lower scores (60%) Depressive symptoms were more common in reactions 83.3% in outpatients and 96.7% in medical inpatients The most symptoms found were anxiety depression lack of labor capacity and insomnia We concluded that anxious and depressive symptoms were more frequent in leprosy patients mainly in those with severe reactionsItem Fenotipagem de bactérias isoladas em hemoculturas de pacientes admitidos na unidade clínica de terapia intensiva de um hospital escola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) LEÃO, Lara Stefânia Netto de Oliveira; PIMENTA, Fabiana Cristina; In hospitals the bloodstream infections represent a serious complication in critical patients The detection of bacteria in blood cultures is considered an important diagnosis instrument This study aimed to detect and characterize bacteria from blood of clinical intensive care unit admitted patients of a teaching hospital in Goiânia-Goiás in the period of April/2003 to April/2004 Methods: The blood samples were seeded in brean heart infusion broth (Bacto - BD Diagnostic Systems/ USA) incubated until 7 days at 37oC and subcultived on chocolate agar to isolated microorganisms The isolated bacteria were identified by biochemical / enzymatic test and automation technique The identification and antimicrobial susceptibility profile were performed by MicroScan ® system. Results: A total of 304 blood cultures of 195 patients were evaluated Forty-nine (16.1%) bloods cultures were positive The Gram-positive cocci represented 47.7% of isolated and Gram-negative rods 50.0% One (2.3%) coryneform bacilli were isolated The most prevalent specie was Pseudomonas stutzeri (18.2%) The Gram-positive cocci and enterobacterias showed higher resistance rate against ampicillin; 66.7% of staphylococci were oxacillin resistant and 77.8% of pseudomonas were resistant aztreonam Vancomycin and linezolid were the most active agents for Gram-positive cocci and the carbapenems for Gram-negative rods Conclusion: The frequency of positive blood cultures was 16.1% with a similar distribution of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria that showed high resistance rate against antimicrobial agents Due to the impact of bloodstream infection in the hospital context others studies are necessary to support measure of prevention and controlItem Diagnóstico pós-natal da toxoplasmose congênita através da detecção de anticorpos das classes IgG, IgM E IgA ANTI-Toxoplasma gondii(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) RODRIGUES, Isolina Maria Xavier; CASTRO, Ana Maria de;; AVELINO, Mariza Martins; DISTRIBUIÇÃO GEOGRÁFICA E INDICADORES ENTOMOLÓGICOS DE TRIATOMÍNEOS SINANTRÓPICOS, CAPTURADOS NO ESTADO DE GOIÁS, BRASIL.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-03-31) OLIVEIRA, Antonio Wilson Soares de; SILVA, Ionizete Garcia da; Chagas disease occurs from the United States to Patagonia, affecting about 16 million peopleThis disease was always associated with poverty conditions which are represented by the primitive houses made out of wood and mud The incidence of this infection in Brazil was estimated at a hundred thousand annual new cases in the end of the seventies and has a prevalence of 4,2% in the rural population The highest rates were found in Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul with the seroprevalence of 8,8% following by Goiás (7,4%) and Bahia (5,4%) In Goiás within 2000 and 2003 249.868 home units were investigated and 51.570 triatomíneos were captured with 335 specimens infected by T. cruzi The peridomiciliar infestation was significantly bigger than the intradomiciliar by the species Triatoma sordida following by Panstrongylus megistus The inverse was observed with the species Rhodnius neglectus Panstrongylus geniculatus and Triatoma pseudomaculata (p <0,018) There was not significant difference in the infestations intra and peridomiciliar by the species Panstrongylus diasi Triatoma costalimai and Triatoma williami Only one specimen of Triatoma infestans was captured in the year 2000