Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária (EEC)
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Item Risco de contaminação pela presença de disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos em bacias de captação superficial de água para abastecimento público no estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-21) Pinheiro, Roberta Vieira Nunes; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Pfeiffer, Simone Costa; Formiga, Klebber Martins; Cruvinel, Karla Alcione da SilvaVulnerability models are important tools in the study of water contamination by different soil usage activities. The goal of this research is to evaluate the risk of contamination by the presence of an urban solid waste disposal site (UWDS) within the surface water catchment basins (SWCB) used in the State of Goiás public water supply. An identification and characterization of the SWCBs and UWDSs has been carried out in a geographical identification system using the QGis 2.12.0 – Lyon software. Afterwards the overlapping of this information allowed the identification of all SWCBs which had an UWDS within its limits. A Susceptibility Index (SI) was applied to these SWCBs. The SI was formed by intrinsic characteristics such as the depth of a non-saturated zone, net recharge, aquifer material and topography. Also contributing to the SI was an extrinsic characteristic, soil usage. The comparison and identification of the dominant classes of the SI was done through the calculation of the average vulnerability of each SWCB. The SWCBs, which had the highest risk of water contamination were selected and had the UWDSs in its areas analyzed by six technical parameters: type of UWDS, estimate of waste generation, surface area, slope, SI of the UWDS and its distance to the nearest body of water. Each parameter was classified according to its risk to water contamination and given a scale from 1 to 7. The given values were correlated evaluating the interdependence of the parameters. The use of this method led to the identification of 204 catchment points and its SWCBs and 228 UWDS, out of which 93% were irregular dumping sites. The SI for each of the 43 SWCBs identified in the State in which there was the presence of 69 UWDSs, was then calculated. The average vulnerability for each SWCB allowed the selection of the 9 most vulnerable ones. These were distributed in the high-to-moderate and moderate-to-low classes (SI > 50), which had 18 UWDSs within its limits. A Spearman analysis was done using the coefficients attributed to each parameter of the UWDSs. The analysis permitted the identification of only 2 parameter with significant correlation (surface area and estimate of waste generation). This confirmed the interdependence of the selected characteristics. It also allowed for a risk calculation through the addition of the parameters, which ranged from 15 to 27. These were distributed into three classes (low, medium and high). The high risk UWDS identified were in the cities of: Bom Jesus de Goiás, Itumbiara, Jataí e Rio Verde. The surface area, waste generation and slope were the parameter which most influenced this classification. In conclusion, the vulnerability evaluation proved effective, and of great relevance in the identification of the SWCBs most susceptible to water contamination. It can also be applied to other study areas. In Goiás, the analysis allowed the existing risk calculation for each of the 18 UWDSs out of which 4 were classified as high risk. These were considered priority adequate and remediation sites.Item Proposta de processo decisório para reabilitação das áreas de disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos na região metropolitana de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-26) Melo, Diógenes Aires de; Carvalho, Eraldo Henriques de;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Soares, Alexandre Képler; Reichert, Geraldo Antônio; Carvalho, Eraldo Henriques deOne of the biggest concerns with municipal solid wastes (MSW) is the risk of degradation of final disposal areas (FDA), since many landfills installed as sanitaries, in Goiás State, Brazil, returned to the condition of ilegal dump sites (MP-GO, 2012), and because the technical standards don´t adopt the newest concept of environmental geotechnics (JUCÁ, 2003). It´s necessary evaluate the FDA of MSW and establish the prioritization criterias for the rehabilitation in order to decide about their future. The research aimed the proposition of a multicriteria decision process for the rehabilitation of FDA of MSW in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (MRG). The MRG, composed by 20 municipalities, was choosen because it´s responsible for the generation of 46.85 % of the total of 4,088.23 tonnes/day of MSW of Goias State (SECIMA, 2014b). Three evaluations were carried out in 20 areas: quality evaluation of final disposal, through Landfill Quality Index (LQI) (FARIA, 2002); evaluation of environmental vulnerability, with the elaboration of synthesis map, integrating Topograpic Wetness Index (TWI), Length Slope (LS), Water Table and Soils; and the evaluation of legal restriction of the area uses according with Resolution No 5/2014 of Environmental State Council. The evaluations showed only 4 FDA of Aparecida de Goiânia, Bela Vista de Goiás, Trindade and Senador Canedo Counties obtained LQI greater than 8.01 and they were considered as a sanitary landfills. Most areas has moderate vulnerability and the other areas range between low and very low. Only 4 areas are free of legal restriction of use: Inhumas, Bonfinópolis, Bela Vista de Goiás and Hidrolândia; 2 are subject to agreement: Santo Antônio de Goiás and Brazabrantes; and the other 14 are restricted areas. From the hierarchical structure of the 3 combined and weighted evaluation criteria for each of the 20 alternative-areas, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was performed, which ordered Guapo as the most priority and lastly, Hydrolandia County. The decision about the future of each area indicates in ascending order that the following 14 FDA: Guapó, Caldazinha, Nova Veneza, Caturaí, Nerópolis, Aparecida de Goiânia, Trindade, Senador Canedo, Goianira, Goianápolis, Terezópolis de Goiás, Aragoiânia, Abadia de Goiás e Goiânia, should to be closed and recovered. On the other hand, the FDA´s of Santo Antônio de Goiás, Brazabrantes, Inhumas, Bonfinópolis and Hidrolândia may continue to dispose their wastes since the elaboration and approval of sanitary landfill projects, as determined by the respective Environmental Agency. The FDA of Bela Vista de Goiás will be able to continue as a sanitary landfill. Finally, possible scenarios were indicated for the final disposal future of the MSW of MRG by sending preferably to the 4 shared landfills pointed by the Solid Waste State Plan, private landfill or manual trench landfill for counties with the generation less than 10 tonnes/day, together with the search of new solutions for final destination. It was concluded that not all landfill considered sanitary can continue its activities due to the environmental fragility of the area and non-compliance with the restrictions imposed by the legislation.Item Avaliação da qualidade da água e do sedimento no reservatório de abastecimento público do ribeirão João Leite-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-25) Arantes, Andréia Gomes dos Santos; Hoffmann, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila;; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne; Carrijo, Ivaltemir BarrosThe reservoir João Leite is located upstream of the city of Goiânia (Goiás-Brazil), and has as its sole objective the public water supply to the city of Goiânia and conurbated areas. In view of the constant deterioration of the water resources along the drainage basin, it is necessary to include the sediment quality assessment in order to complement the environmental monitoring protocols. The objective of this research was to evaluate the water and sediment quality of the João Leite reservoir in the rainy season and in the dry season, with the purpose of assisting in the process of water purification that will be distributed to the population, together with other processes operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant. Water and sediment samples were collected at five sampling points during rainy and dry periods during the year 2016. In the sediments were determined grain size, pH, CTC, organic matter, oxygen consumed, total nitrogen, macronutrients, micronutrients and pesticides. The pH, electrical conductivity, water temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen were determined on the surface, medium and bottom, and the concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, TOC and pesticides. Also, acute toxicity tests were performed with lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) for the sediment samples. Concentrations of atrazine, ranging from 0.166 to 0.304 μg.L-1 and from trifluralin (0.200 μg.L-1) were identified in the water samples collected during the dry season. All values found remained within the maximum values allowed by Conama Resolution 357/2005 for Class 2 fresh waters. High concentrations of total iron (190.7 and 196.5 in drought and of manganese (159.7 and 177.2 in drought and from 163 to 179.5 in the rainy season), which may alter the characteristics of water during events of destratification. The acute toxicity tests indicated that, with the bottom sediments of the João Leite reservoir sampled in the regions closest to the bus (P2 and P3), the seeds presented reduced growth, both the root and the hypocotyl. However, the presence of toxic substances has not been identified in the analysis of pesticides capable of causing harmful effects.Item Relações entre precipitação, escoamento e sedimentos suspensos na bacia do Rio das Antas, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-06) Didonet, Thais Teodoro dos Santos Cordeiro; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins;; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Vasco, Joel Roberto Guimarães; Angelim, Renato Resende; Soares, Alexandre KeplerSediments transported by surface runoff and by rivers are essential components in the comprehension of changes in a river basin and the quality of aquatic systems. The high variability of rainfall events, the SSC and the relation between them produce complex behavioral dynamics difficult to interpret but the study of these aspects is a useful and frequently used tool in the quantification of impacts due to erosive and hydrossedimentological processes. The main objective of this study was to characterize and quantify the hydrological, sedimentological and granulometric characteristics of the urban watercourse of the Rio das Antas basin, located in Anápolis, Goiás, wich faces various erosion processes. Continuous monitoring of precipitation, flow rates, sediment concentrations and turbidity was performed using pluviographs, linigraphs, an automatic sampler and a laser granulometer during most of a rainy season, where samples were collected and 14 events were analyzed. Descriptive statistical analyzes, identification of hysteresis patterns, Event Mean Concentration, “first flush” phenomenon effects and grain size distribution and their relationships with precipitations and flow rates were performed. The peak concentration of total sediments reached 3,380 mg L -1 , and approximately 83% were suspended sediments. No “first flush" has been recorded in any event. The highest mean concentration observed for suspended sediments was 1,714.6 mg/m3 and the mean of the events was 1,001.3 mg/m3, values considered to be high when compared to river basin flows, where the highest was 15.49 m 3 s -1 . The maximum flow rates were determinant in the total sediment, however, the same flow range carried very different amounts of suspended sediments during the floods. This behavior suggests that the variation also depends on precipitation characteristics and sediment sources. In the hysteresis analyzes, it can be verified that these sources are located farther from the monitoring point, but are also the river itself, since the most frequent hysteresis loop was "Figure Eight" followed by the"Counter Clock-wise” type. There were complex hysteretic loops characterized by multiple peaks of flow and sediments. The size of particles carried by the flow varies throughout the rainy season. The suspended sediment particles had dimensions between 0.0019 mm and 0.990 mm being characterized as sandy silt material. The small and medium particles were more frequent in final events and larger particles occurred in the middle of the period. Finner particles were more present during the rise of the hydrograph and in the recession phase the amount of particles with dimensions between 0.2 mm e 0.6 mm increased in some events. Particles larger than 0.6 mm were not related to precipitation. It was also observed that the amount of dissolved solids decreases with increasing particle size and may indicate that larger particles have less capacity to absorb/adsorb other pollutants. It is observed that the suspended sediments vary between the events and within the same event and depends on the hydrological behavior, the characteristics of the water body and the type of monitoring.Item Efeito da concentração de fósforo na degradação aeróbia do glifosato em reator de leito fixo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-21) Paiva, Débora Cristina Aguiar Chaves; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne;; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne; Teran, Francisco Javier Cuba; Pimenta, Sandro MoraisThe present work had as objective to investigate the performance of a fixed bed aerobic reactor with biomass adhered in the treatment of waters contaminated with glyphosate and different concentrations of phosphorus. The effect of different phosphorus concentrations on the adsorption kinetics of glyphosate in a support medium was evaluated by means of the determination of the exhaust curve in a system composed of an adsorption column filled with expanded clay. The glyphosate solution used was commercial product based on Glyphosate Di-ammonium salt 445 g.L-1 (370 g.L-1 equivalent acid) and ultra purified water, with final glyphosate concentration of 8 mg.L-1. Concentrations of 0.8 mg.L-1 were used in the adsorbent assays; 8 mg.L-1; and 16 mg.L-1, and the pH values adopted were: 4; 7 and 10. The results obtained demonstrate the influence of both pH and phosphate ions on the adsorption of glyphosate in expanded clay, where the adsorption kinetics showed the influence of both parameters, in general, on higher concentrations of phosphate ions. The effect of different concentrations of phosphorus on glyphosate biodegradation kinetics was evaluated by means of temporal profiles of the glyphosate and phosphorus concentration decay in the same system used in the adsorption tests with aerobic sludge inoculation in the expanded clay. The glyphosate solution was the same as that used in the 15 mg.L-1 adsorption assays, evaluating the degradation in the presence of concentrations of 2.15 mg.L- 1; 5.37 mg.L-1; 10.75 mg.L-1; 16.12 mg.L-1; 21.5 mg.L-1; 43 mg.L-1 phosphorus. The results demonstrate the influence of phosphate ions on the degradation kinetics of glyphosate in expanded clay. It is possible to observe that glyphosate treatment efficiency increased as phosphorus concentrations increased, indicating that kinetics of degradation was directly associated to kinetics adsorptive. The data were analyzed by means of multiple regression, which was able to verify with 95% confidence the effect of the phosphorus (p <0.05) on the degradation process.Item Eficiência de solo vegetado com bambu barriga de Buda (Bambusa tuldoides cv. ventricosa), família Poaceae, na remoção do hormônio 17α-etinilestradiol de um efluente sanitário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-21) Barrero, Lullyane de Queiroz Rodrigues; Godoi, Emiliano Lôbo de;; Almeida, Rogério de Araújo;; Kopp, Kátia Alcione; Silva Neto, Carlos de Melo e; Ucker, Fernando Ernesto; Hoffmann, Nora Katia Saavedra del AguilaThe endocrine disrupting compound 17 α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), present in female contraceptives, after consumption, is eliminated by urine and goes into the sewer system. Conventional sewage treatment methods cannot properly remove such chemical which is then carried into the receiving bodies, where they are capable of mimicking, antagonizing or negatively altering steroids levels of various aquatic organisms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usage potential of soil covered with Buddhas's Belly bamboo (Bambusa tuldoides cv. ventricosa) in removing EE2 from sewage. For this, 760 mL of sanitary sewage containing 2 mg EE2/L; 2.5 mg EE2/L; 3 mg EE2/L and 3.5 mg EE2/L, were applied in 10L plastic pots, with grown Buddha's Belly bamboo plants. The drained fluid from each pot was collected, measured and subjected to EE2 concentration analysis. The efficiency of EE2 load (concentration times volume) removal was calculated and the treatments were compared. The efficiency of EE2 removal was 80.22%; 87.44%; 89.65% and 95.33% respectively for sewage with EE2 concentrations of 2 mg/L; 2.5 mg/L; 3 mg/L and 3.5 mg/L. The efficiency of EE2 removal by soil covered with bamboo increased as the concentration of hormone increased.Item Remoção de 17α-etinilestradiol por meio de fotocatálise em reator de leito fluidizado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-22) Martins, Fernanda Lisboa; Teran, Francisco Javier Cuba;; Teran, Francisco Javier Cuba; Santiago, Mariângela Fontes; Cuba, Renata Medici FrayneThis work compared the efficiency of removing the 17-α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) through advanced oxidative processes (POA) and granular activated carbon adsorption (CAG). EE2 is a synthetic female hormone common in domestic sewage and effluent from pharmaceutical industries. This hormone is a type of emerging pollutant that causes endocrine disruption in living beings even in concentrations of nanograms order. The EE2 removal was analyzed in a prototype of a 10 L reactor, with upward flow CAG fluidized bed, using four lamps emitting ultraviolet radiation, with batch time of 2 hours in each process. Photolysis showed 5% of efficiency, while photocatalysis removed 87% of EE2. The adsorption processes in CAG and titanium dioxide immobilized at CAG removed 82 and 89%, respectively.Item Influência de parâmetros morfométricos e do uso e ocupação da terra na densidade de cianobactérias em bacias hidrográficas de captação de água para abastecimento público(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-26) Souza, Cláudia Alves de; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Nogueira, Ina de SouzaThe quality of water and the development of cyanobacteria in water courses results from the use and occupation of land and the physical parameters of the river basin. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study the water quality and the influence of physical-chemical, morphometric, land use and occupation and soil loss on the development of cyanobacteria in 15 water catchment basins for public water supply, in the period from 2007 to 2016. To evaluate the correlation between the parameters, the non-parametric regression model Kernel Regression with Mixed Data Types was used, at a significance level of 10% with p-value <0.1. The IQAACP and IQACWQI were applied to evaluate the water quality of the abstraction sources. For IQACWQI, 86% of the basins were classified in the categories between excellent and regular; and only the stream Lajes and the stream Veredas were classified in at least one period in the categories poor or very poor. For IQAACP, the IQA1 of the hydrographic basins analyzed for the first main component was explained by between 29% and 54%. The reduction of the average density of cyanobacteria promoted lower values of IQA1, and therefore, better water quality. The IQAp values were lower in relation to the IQA1, improving water quality. The most significant parameters in the definition of water quality for the first main component were: dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, ammoniacal nitrogen and turbidity. The correlation of cyanobacteria density was positive with pasture and urban area and negative with APP vegetation. Positive correlations were found between cyanobacteria density and physico-chemical parameters (chlorophyll a, pheophytin, water temperature, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate and dissolved inorganic nitrogen). Among dissolved solids and cyanobacteria density, negative correlation was found for the Meia Ponte basin and positive for the Samambaia stream basin. Given this scenario, it is necessary to restore the natural vegetation areas in APP and reduce the anthropic areas, ensuring availability and quality of water for public supply.Item Comparação de métodos empírico-teóricos de estimativa de evapotranspiração de referência ao modelo de Penman- Monteith(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-29) Silva, Sérgio Soares da; Soares, Alexandre Kepler;; Soares, Alexandre Kepler; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro MartinsThe reference evapotranspiration is a fundamental parameter in the calculation of the water balance of watersheds or region as well as in determining the actual evapotranspiration of a crop or vegetation. This climatic parameter also serves as a basis for the determination of the volume and moment of irrigation of a crop. The objective of this research was on daily and monthly basis to evaluate the performance and perform the calibration methods of Hargreaves-Samani, Blaney-Criddle and Thornthwaite original and modified. The verification of performance of the models, both in their original and calibrated forms, was by comparison to the Penman-Monteith FAO 56 method. To evaluate the performance of the methods were used the correlation coefficient (r), the index of agreement (d), the confidence index (c), the mean absolute error (MAE), the mean square error (MSE), the mean square root error (RMSE), the maximum error (ME) and the coefficient of determination (R2). For this research, a series of data of ten years has been used from January 2007 to December 2016, and the first five years were used to evaluate and calibrate the methods and the last five years used to validate the adjusted methods. The meteorological data used come from a conventional station belonging to the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET), located in the southwest of the state of Goiás, more precisely in the city of Jataí-GO. The validation of calibration was performed only by the Hargreaves-Samani and Blaney-Criddle models, because they had the best adjustments over the standard Penman-Monteith FAO-56 method.Item Otimização multiobjetivo da operação de sistemas de distribuição de água com bombas de rotação variável(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-29) Santos, Layara de Paula Sousa; Soares, Alexandre Kepler;; Soares, Alexandre Kepler;; Araújo, José Vicente Granato de; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Vasco, Joel Roberto GuimarãesFaced with urban population growth and the importance of water as a limited natural resource, there is a need to implement techniques to reduce the operational costs of water distribution systems and ensure adequate supply. The optimization of pump operation can be used to meet the demands of consumption with a lower energy cost, in addition to maximizing hydraulic reliability. In this work, a hybrid optimization / simulation model was developed based on the multiobjective genetic algorithms and the EPANET hydraulic simulator. The NSGA II (Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) method was used to optimize the operation of variable rotation pumps, that is, the decision variables of the problem were the rotation of the pumps for each hour throughout the day. A modification of the original EPANET hydraulic simulator, which does not correctly compute the efficiency of variable-speed pumps, was employed so that the power of each pump, and consequently the cost of electric power, was calculated correctly. The representation of the system in the model was done by means of the configuration of the hypothetical network called ANYTOWN in the EPANET and implementation of the Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm, determination of the penalty coefficients and determination of genetic parameters and operators (population, generation number, mutation probability and probability of recombination). The validity test of the developed model was obtained through simulations performed with the input data, including the patterns of variation of the speed of rotation of the pumps. Non-dominated solutions (Pareto Front) were obtained considering first the negative pressure penalty at the nodes and, subsequently, the negative pressure penalties at the nodes and the closure / shutdown of tubes and / or pumps. All points found represent optimal operating solutions for the system considering the period of the last 24 hours for calculating the objective functions. The results obtained for the two previously defined objectives demonstrate the effectiveness of the model, since mainly with adoption of penalty 2, presents adequate pressures at the nodes and adequate water level in the reservoir, with the consequent saving of electric energy and increased hydraulic reliability.Item Avaliação da remoção de bisfenol-a por adsorção em carvão ativado produzido da borra de café(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-02-26) Alves, Andreia Cristina Fonseca; Oliveira, Sérgio Botelho de;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Ostroski, Indianara Conceição; Gil, Eric de SouzaBisphenol-A (BPA) is an emerging pollutant potentially capable of interfering with the endocrine system of living things. Employed mainly in the industry, in the production of resins, packaging and polycarbonate monomers, its main sources in the environment are effluent discharges. Since the conventional treatment systems used in Brazil can’t remove a series of pollutants, the use of activated carbon is one of the alternatives fairly used for this purpose. Its production from alternative materials is becoming more and more frequent, as agroindustrial wastes, object of numerous studies of the production of activated carbon. The coffee grounds are one of these residues that has been used generating good carbonaceous adsorbents. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the activated carbon produced from the coffee grounds, in the adsorption of BPA in aqueous medium. Water vapor (CAH), KOH (CAK), K2CO3 (CAKC) and ZnCl2 (CAZn) were used as the activating agente characterized by analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), N2 adsorption and desorption, elemental composition (CHNS-O) and determination of zero charge potential. For the selection of the best coal, a preliminary adsorption test was carried out with the adsorbents produced, with the coffee grounds and a commercial coal for comparative purposes. The effect of the initial pH of the solution was also evaluated. The kinetic adsorption studies at the concentrations of 5, 20 and 30 mg/L of BPA were adjusted to the pseudo-firstorder and pseudo-second order models. The nature of the process was studied by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Among the developed coals, the CAK and CAKC presented low production yield and were not submitted to the adsorption tests. The CHNS-O, XRD, FTIR and N2 adsorption/desorption analyzes of CAH and CAZn generated results close to those reported in the literature. In terms of specific surface area, the CAH proved to be out of the expected. The CAZn had an area of 1,038.51 m²/g. Of the materials tested, the CAH didn’t present adsorptive capacity, while the CAZn was the one with the best performance, with little variation in efficiency when the pH of the medium changed. The use of coffee grounds as bioadsorbent wasn’t promising, being 86 percentage points below the efficiency of CAZn. Adsorption kinetics revealed a relatively slow process at the concentrations studied, reaching equilibrium after 720 minutes. The kinetic data for the three systems presented a fractional order close to 2, thus indicating a better fit for the pseudo-second order model. The equilibrium data were better adjusted to the Langmuir model, assuming that the CAZn has a homogeneous surface with adsorption occurring in monolayer. The maximum adsorption capacity of BPA according to the same model was 123.22 mg/g. The results showed that CAZn can be considered a promising promoter in the removal of BPA, indicating coffee grounds as an alternative raw material for the production of activated carbon with the potential to remove emerging pollutants such as BPA in water.Item Modelagem da qualidade da água em um trecho do rio dos Bois, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-03-01) Soares, Samara Silva; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Soares, Alexandre Kepler; Cruvinel, Karla Alcione da SilvaWater modeling is a great tool for water resources management, since it allows a simulation of future water sources, better defining the capacity of assimilation through the limits of source releases for extractions of certain fugacies to subsidize the licensing of service with the competent entities. Thus, the main objective of the present work was the model for dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), pH, temperature, organic nitrogen (Norg) and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4) through numerical simulations with the The QUALQKW e evaluates the quality of dry blood dry-larvae of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in a stretch of the BoisGoiás river, to verify how the water quality conditions of the study stretch with the quality classes of the solution CONAMA 357/2005. "In order to do so, the quality monitoring data and the hydraulic nature of the study were obtained in four years, in October and November of 2015 and in January and March of 2016, thus, the input data for the QUAL2Kw model. the two campaigns were carried out in February and September 2017 to conduct the ecotoxicity tests and the physical-chemical and microbiological results as well as trace metal analysis. In general, the calibration parameters are adjustable, especially for a solution of The date is most recent in 2015, where OD accounts persist below 5 mg / L over a long stretch and the BOD and NH4 also do not conform to the legal approach of CONAMA Resolution 357/05 In most of the series, BOD remained above 5 mg / L for at least 5 km in length, disagree with the legislation for exceeding the distance of the mixing zone, located on average at 1.5 ± 0.5 km from the point of l In the second half of 2015, uncertainty analyzes were performed for the OD, where only 9.4% of the simulations are more important than 5 mg / L and sensitivity analyzes by the Monte Carlo Simulation. the coefficient of deoxygenation and reapersion, in each of the sample channels, evidencing a significance of the reuse coefficient in the determination of OD concentrations. The quality and the ecotoxicity of the water of the section studied in February and September of 2017, after the effluent discharge point, was carried out in some of its parameters of water and some metals during the year as a whole, iron, lead and water. Cancer, and consequently, the success of seafood in the development of zebrafish embryos. Thus, the present work was done with the model QUAL2Kw presented as a good tool for the execution of nominal tests in the value of 0,808 ± 0,005 for all the sample management. The Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis demonstrates that it is possible to present the results in a probabilistic way, knowing or assuming risks that are disregarded by the deterministic approach.Item Monitoramento e modelagem da quantidade de água subterrânea na bacia do Córrego Botafogo, Goiânia, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-03-29) Romero, Vanessa; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins;; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Soares, Alexandre Kepler; Araújo, José Vicente Granato deThe development of this research aimed to evaluate the behavior of the groundwater in the catchment area of the Botafogo stream in Goiânia / Goiás, through the monitoring and mathematical modeling of the free aquifer, using data from the level of the sheet, measured in the period of drought and rain, between May / 2016 and June / 2017. Monitoring was performed by measuring the groundwater level with the Water Tape electric meter in monitoring wells distributed throughout the basin. These piezometric level data helped to obtain the observed hydraulic loads and constituted input data for interpolation of the hydraulic load that entered as an initial condition in the modeling of the water table of the study área. Comparing the results of the dry period contemplated in 2016 and 2017 by this study, we noticed a greater fluctuation of groundwater level. The load contour condition defined in the calibration of the hydraulic conductivity of the Botafogo basin was of local flow, making possible the estimation of the recharge and the calculation of the outflow in the basin in permanent regime. In the transient flow regime, it was observed that, with the increase of hydraulic conductivity, the level of the water table rose, in the zone downstream of the Botafogo basin, but remained continuous over time, in terms of the highest value calibrated for the parameter storage (0.48 m³/day). Therefore, the fluctuation of the groundwater level in the catchment area of the Botafogo basin can be reflected both in the recharge caused by the precipitation and in the variation of the hydraulic load (the increase of which tends to degrade the water table).Item Decaimento da concentração de cloro residual livre nas redes de abastecimento de água(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-13) Oliveira, Luciano de; Hoffmann, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila;; Hoffman, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila; Teran, Francisco Javier Cuba; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Santos, Felipe Corrêa Veloso dos; Pfeiffer, Simone CostaThe chlorination process is the most used to promote disinfection of water intended for human consumption. During the course of chlorinated water in the supply systems, the concentration of free residual chlorine (FRC), whose reaction rate depends on the characteristics of the natural water, occurs. In this work, we studied the decay of the FRC concentration related to the reactions in the liquid mass in two types of water, of subterranean and superficial origin, with different concentrations of organic matter, with the perspective of the influence of the water travel time, dependent on consumption scenarios in real distribution networks, whose supply modules are characterized by low population density and that operate under the initial demand conditions predicted in the projects. The effect of temperature and total organic carbon on the values of mass decay kinetic constants (k b ), used in mathematical models that simulate water quality, was considered. The results showed that the variation of the kb values is directly proportional to the water temperature and the TOC. For initial concentrations close to 1.00 mg.L -1 , the values of the kinetic constants for waters from surface water sources maintained in the temperature ranges of 20 to 21 °C and 30 to 31 °C were respectively 0.0888 day -1 and 0.1200 day -1 for samples collected at the ETA filter output of the DAIAsystem and TOC value of 0.4798 mg.L -1 and equal to and 0.1680 day -1 and 0.3024 day -1 for the samples collected at the filter outputs of the Piancó and TOC system ETA of 0.8750 mg.L - . In samples of groundwater with TOC of 0.1740 mg.L -1 , maintained at the same temperature 1 ranges, the kinetic coefficients were 0.0264 day -1 and 0.0480 day -1 , respectively. Experiments for temperature between 30 and 31 °C and near test duration showed a significant difference in chlorine decay behavior in filtered water samples collected at conventional treatment plants, which showed a residual chlorine loss percentage of 64.81% in relation to the initial concentration of 1.08 mg.L -1 of disinfectant (ETA DAIA) and 33.65% in relation to the initial concentration of 1.05 mg.L -1 of disinfectant (ETA Piancó). Raw water samples from the underground spring lost 14.33% of the initial concentration of 1.04 mg.L -1 . The travel times for the most critical nodes and the minimum disinfectant concentrations at the entrance of the supply modules to comply with the legislation were 40 hours and 0.27-0.28 mg.L -1 for the distribution networks of the condominium Valley of the Birds and 144 hours and 0.30-0.36 mg.L -1 for the condominium Terras Alphaville.Item Simulação computacional de escoamentos bidimensionais sobre turbinas eólicas de eixo vertical(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-08-31) Faria, Geovanne Silva; Mariano, Felipe Pamplona;; Mariano, Felipe Pamplona; Kinoshita, Denise; Vasco, Joel Roberto GuimarãesThe Brazilian energy matrix is highly focused on hydroelectric plants, that have been affected by lack of rain and long drought periods. It’s necessary to invest on alternative kinds of energy. The wind energy is an option, since Brazil presents winds with suitable velocity for energy generation, less than 5% of the Brazilian energy power grid is composed by wind turbines. The present work aims to contribute to the alternative energy generation industry, having as objective the study and analysis of flow condition over airfoils of vertical axis wind turbines. The simulation of flow over airfoils were performed using the Pseudo-Spectral Fourier method together with the Immersed Boundary method for discretization of the spatial domain, and the Runge-Kutta method of fourth order for discretization of the time domain. Both instantaneous and mean values were recorded for the lift (Cl) and drag coefficient (Cd), as well as the fields of vorticity, pressure and velocity for the flow over the airfoils with distinctive characteristics of form and angle of attack. It is concluded that with this first experiment, by refining the mesh, the values for Cl and Cd get close to the references. Posteriorly, it was imposed the movement of rotation of one vertical axis wind turbine, and simulated the flow over this turbine blades, when it was recorded both the instantaneous and mean values of the lift, drag and power coefficient, as well as the fields of vorticity, pressure and velocity for different values of velocities of turbine rotation for the airfoils NACA 0008 and NACA 4308. It was possible to conclude by analyzing the values of power coefficient (Cp), Cl and Cd obtained through simulation with the turbines that the airfoil NACA 0008 can be utilized for energy generation, since the airfoil NACA 4308 cannot be utilized in the adopted speed ranges.Item Análise de estimativas de precipitação por satélite e de diferentes métodos de preenchimento de falhas para a região do Sudeste Goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-19) Duarte, Luíza Virgínia; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins;; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Ferreira, Nilson ClementinoPrecise estimation and monitoring of rainfall occurrence patterns are essential for the modeling of hydrological systems and the planning and management of water resources in various sectors of society. Failures in data series records may compromise studies in practical applications. Advances in precipitation physics are imperative to improve numerical models and rely heavily on testing new hypotheses for actual precipitation measurements, and improved predictions are deeply intertwined with the ability to measure precipitation. In this sense, the quality of satellite precipitation products has been significantly improved in the last decades, especially with the emergence of the missions: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) that comes as a successor to the TRMM mission in order to provide better global estimates of high quality and precipitation resolution. The objective of this study was to compare precipitation estimates generated by the GPM satellite with data observed on land in order to test the effectiveness of these rainfall estimates in relation to temporal and spatial patterns and to compare these data with traditional methods of filling data for the generation of complete series of data. The methods of comparison were applied for mean rainfall in the Meia Ponte and Rio dos Bois basins of the State of Goiás for daily, monthly and annual scales, and the failure completion methods were analyzed for the same region in daily and monthly data. The results were satisfactory for the monthly and annual analyzes in the region of the two basins and the daily precipitation data, due to their greater variability, they require more studies to refine the techniques in order to obtain better results.Item A governança da água no comitê da bacia hidrográfica do rio Paranaíba(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-30) Castilho, Jefferson Henrique Morais; Kopp, Katia Alcione;; Teixeira, Denilson;; Teixeira, Denilson; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Godoi, Emiliano LôboWater governance configures the establishment of processes and mechanisms by which different social groups articulate their objectives and decisions on how to manage water resources. This research aimed to analyze the contributions of the Paranaíba River Basin Committee (CBHRP) to water governance and to elucidate its weaknesses and potentialities. To this end, an investigation of the implementation process, trajectory and performance of the CBHRP and its implications for the multilevel water governance process was carried out, as well as to evaluate the water governance stage in the committee, based on the guiding principles of good governance of water resources. . From these tools it was possible to highlight the following potentialities: CBHRP is well structured, with plural, transparent participation and based on the legal provisions contained in PNRH, in addition to conducting self- assessment of its management. Among the weaknesses, we can mention: lack of integration between state and district policies, institutional fragmentation and lack of human and financial resources granted to contribute to the establishment of water resources policies; partial compliance with the principles of equity and inclusion and accountability. Given the above, it is concluded that the CBHRP, despite the weaknesses evidenced, is an effective space for mobilization and participatory practices with regard to water resources policies. It has good transparency and effective legal provisions that make up good governance of water resources.Item Produção de materiais adsorventes para remoção de nitrato em meio aquoso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-30) Araujo, Sara Sales de; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne;; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne; Ostroski, Indianara Conceição; Scalize, Paulo SérgioNitrate contamination of surface and groundwater resources has been evident over the years, as high concentrations can cause adverse health reactions such as methemoglobinemia in newborns. In the study carried out in different Brazilian states, nitrate concentration levels above the maximum allowed for potability standards were determined, highlighted as 10mg. L-1 in the consolidation nº 5 of the Ministry of Health. In this context, there was an intensification of studies on the adsorption process using activated bichars and biosorbents, produced from agroindustrial residues to remove nitrate in aqueous medium. The use of corn cob as a precursor is favorable since the imminent generation of these residues. In this study, corncob was chemically modified with P.A. hydrochloric acid to obtain biosorbent (BS), activated biochar of oxidizing atmosphere (BCO) and activated biochar of inert atmosphere (BCI). For the prepared adsorbent materials their characteristics were determined, such as the zero charge point (pHpzc) assay which revealed for BS and BCO pHpzc 2.1, while the BCI was 6.3. In the Forrier Transform Infrared (FTIR) assay the adsorbent materials showed characteristic groups, such as carboxylic (3400 cm-1), methyl, methylene and methoxyls (2900cm-1), carbonyls (1700cm-1), aromatic rings (1600cm-1). Also, the adsorption conditions were optimized regarding the solution pH and adsorbent dosage, revealing solution pH of 2.0 for BS and BCO, and pH of 6 for BCI, and 0,75 g for BS and BCO, 1g for BCI. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics were determined, and Langmuir isotherm was better adapted for BS and Freundlich for BCO and BCI. The kinetics were pseudofirst order for BS and pseudo-second order for BCI and BCO. For the materials presented, removals were 6.16 mg.g -1 for BS, 13.33 mg.g -1 for BCO and 15.54 mg.g -1 for BCI.Item Recuperação de microalgas em lagoa de maturação por meio de floculação alcalina(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-10-11) Marinho, Paulo Henrique Oliveira; Hoffmann, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila;; Hoffman, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila; Teran, Francisco Javier Cuba; Rios, Fernanda PoschThe biomass produced by microalgae can be used to various ends. Given the cost demanded to its cultivation and biomass harvest, the conventional liquid medium separation mechanisms are not viable. In face of that, alkaline flocculation, with the cultivation in wastewater, has the potential to overcome the limitations on energy and nutritional costs. The present study aimed to test the alkaline flocculation followed by sedimentation in maturation ponds from ETE Goianira (in the city of Goianira, Goiás), as well as the lipid content obtained from the generated sediment. Three different bases were used to induce pH to the desired value (NaOH, CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2) in five pH ranges (8, 9, 10, 11 and 12). Ca(OH)2 presented the best efficiencies, reaching an average >70%, although the use of this base implicated on a higher sediment volume, which may be a limiting factor. The NaOH showed efficiency >40%, producing smaller amount of sludge and, consequently, higher lipid/sedimentation ratio. During the tests, NaCO3 was not feasible to induction of alkaline flocculation. In general, the achieved efficiencies were consistent with what is presented in the literature. The efficiencies were below trials conducted with cultivation of isolated genera or species, or in a controlled environment. A total lipid of 125 and 286 mg.L-1 were extracted in the use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2, respectively. There are evidences that the presence of other microorganisms may interfere with the achieved efficiency, reducing the efficiency on the microalgae biomass recovery, but without making alkaline flocculation unfeasible. The alkaline flocculation could be used to biomass recovery in maturation pond, with margin for efficiency improvement. The method can be used as a treatment, since it seems to reduce the concentration of orthophosphates, calcium and magnesium, microalgae and other negatively charged microorganisms.Item Avaliação de estações de tratamento de água do tipo ciclo completo em função da ocorrência de cistos de Giardia e Oocistos de Cryptosporidium(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-01-23) Silva, Débora Pereira da; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Carneiro, Lilian Carla; Albuquerque, António João Carvalho deThe protozoa Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. are etiological agents responsible for the transmission of gastroenteritis mainly due to the consumption of contaminated water. The (oo)cysts are resistant to harsh environmental conditions, as well as to most of the physicochemical processes used at Water Treatment Plants (WTP). Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the seasonal occurrence and removal of these protozoa in WTPs with complete cycle technology of the State of Goiás. Among the 15 analyzed according to the variables: Escherichia coli in raw water; filtered water turbidity and pasture area in the catchment area; The Cerrado Stream was selected for the supply of Sanclerlândia (WTP I) and Santana Stream de São Luís de Montes Belos (WTP II), managed by the Saneago delegate, since the predominance of pasture indicates a risk of cryptosporidiosis outbreaks. These indicators (Cryptosporidium spp. and pasture area) showed a positive correlation (p = 0.0461). Six samples of raw and filtered water were collected for protozoan determination using the Membrane Filtration method and analysis of the physical parameters turbidity and pH in accordance with the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. In the initial precision tests with ultrapure water, the tests met the USEPA (2012) criteria for Giardia (78.13% ± 0%) and Cryptosporidium (60.63% ± 32.65%), however, in raw water the recovery was lower due to turbidity. In the seasonal monitoring, the raw water from the superficial water source presented pathogen concentrations with maximum values of 50 cysts / L and 200 oocysts / L, and the maximum removal efficiency of Cryptosporidium was 99.69% and 98.75% in WTP I and II, respectively. The filter material of the quick filters of WTP I have well graded particle size (Tef = 0.60mm; Cu = 2.15), which promoted better filter performance in relation to the turbidity of the filtered effluent. WTP II quick filters made of uniform material (Tef = 0.61mm; Cu = 1.623) presented average turbidity parameter concentration of 0.35 NTU and 0.33 NTU in the dry and rainy season, thus the filtered water with lower Turbidity aims to prevent the spread of disease and can improve the efficiency of pathogen removal. In the mass balance, the influence of the steps preceding the filtration process was analyzed in relation to the physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The increase in raw water turbidity during the rainy season did not affect the filtered water, and this parameter ranged from 0.34 - 0.93 NTU in WTP I and 0.28 - 1.27 NTU in WTP II. The removal efficiency was higher than 99%, regarding turbidity, total coliforms and E. coli parameters. It can be concluded that WTP I and II presented pathogen removal efficiency below 99%, reported in the literature, which highlights the importance of studying the distribution of protozoa in the aquatic environment of the State of Goiás and the respective sources of contamination. , as well as the need to implement technologies to improve water treatment and ensure protozoa inactivation.