Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia
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Item Holismo e testabilidade de teorias científicas: uma análise da tese Duhem-Quine(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-10-28) Araújo, Marcus Renato Alves; Stein, Sofia Inês Albornoz;; Stein, Sofia Inês Albornoz; Brito, Adriano Naves de; Araújo, ArthurThis is a study on Duhem-Quine thesis. Its purpose was to investigate epistemological differences and affinities between the holistic positions of Willard Quine and Pierre Duhem. This analysis showed that two quite different interpretations of Duhem-Quine thesis are possible: a weak version, argued by Duhem, and a strong version, more radical, argued by Quine in his article Two dogmas of empiricism. The study of holism, in this perspective, highlighted the importance of this subject to the Philosophy of Science and Language and how this approach can shed light on important philosophical issues, such as the relationship between scientific observations and theories; the thesis of the empirical underdetermination of theories; the theory-ladenness of observation sentences; the theory choice process; the inscrutability of reference; the theory of linguistic learning; among others.Item EDUCAÇÃO E POLÍTICA EM ROUSSEAU, CAMINHOS PARA A CONSTRUÇÃO DA LIBERDADE: UM ESTUDO SOBRE O SENTIDO POLÍTICO DO PROJETO PEDAGÓGICO DO EMÍLIO DE ROUSSEAU(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-11-03) SILVA, Natal Esteves da; REIS, Helena Esser dos; social context described in the Discourse on the origin and the bases of inequality between humans corresponds to the thought of Rousseau on the social-politicial aspect of his contemporaneousness. On the other side, the intention of thinker genebrino of having in Emílio a foretelling element of the Social Contract demonstrates clearly his political engagement. This practical preoccupation considers, not only in this work, but, in his theoretical production in general. So, underlying to the emphasis given to the abstract aspects in his politics writings, there is noticed the sketch of a plan of political action. It s on this presupposition that we ask: what it means to form for the citizenship in the social context described in the Second Speech? How does Emílio respond to that? The treatment of this problem of the education of Rousseau presupposes an analytical movement including three mentioned works. What for its time, demands that it has in hands a compatible connecting thread with them. This connecting thread might not be another but the problematic of the freedom. Since it sets itself up as the point of convergence of antropologic, politically and education of Rousseau thought. In the analysis of relation between freedom and human, we saw that it sets itself up as its difference specific, so essential to its existence and what consists of principal attribute of natural human. While leaving the state of nature this freedom is lost, since the social established relations of inconsistent form have a tendency to abolish it. Being the condition of freedom, essential to his existence, there is imposed on a civil human the necessity of rescuing it, now in a compatible format with social life, in other words, what sets a moral or political freedom up. Although freedom is now demanded, one theats of a convention, it s not in human so natural arrangements to his effectuation. Then, it is necessary build them, and this task falls to the education. While moving by Rousseau s theories, indirectly we reaffirm the theory of the unity of his works. And, straightly, we defend the theory of which, the reason of being of Jean-Jacques Rousseau s educational-philosophic work, Emílio or of the education, it is about building necessary arrangements to society according to Social Contract prescriptions.Item A ARQUEOLOGIA E A CLÍNICA EM MICHEL FOUCAULT: UMA OUTRA HISTÓRIA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-01-19) RIBEIRO, Sandro Henrique; TERNES, José; work, taking L archéologie du savoir as starting point, intends to show the principle basis in Michel Foucault s archeologic analysis, which favors the registration of events in its opening and presents a history of the ideas. As well as an archaeologist, the philosopher digs the soil of a knowledge, place in evidence the layers that were sedimented and avoids the reports of a conventional epistemology, which looks for a justification in rational method, it elects and determines which objects were important in the composition of knowledge area. In Nassaince de la clinique, we can find a marginal history, which is based in different objects and presents another format for the medicine`s history. In this discourse it`s possible to see the records of medical activity, that starting as an attempt of classification for disease phenomenon which in its wild nature, escapes from these formats. The proximity of the eye that sees the disease`s issues with the analytical language and mathematical model of records, it makes possible the emergence of the clinic in an openness area. But it is only with the clinical anatomy medicine gets its strength from positivity, gives new structure to observation that, in physiological settings, are approximate to the other sensory perceptions, creating a revolution in language and the kind of lookItem A PLURALIDADE HUMANA: CONDIÇÃO E META DA POLÍTICA NO PENSAMENTO DE HANNAH ARENDT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-02) OLIVEIRA, Cícero Josinaldo da Silva; SILVA, Adriano Correia; purpose of the present dissertation is to considere the three theoretical movements which connect the political thought of Hannah Arendt. Thus, we will start discussing from her initial finding to its further development. In this sense, I consider that Hannah Arendt s concept of human plurality performs the three most important moments that become the central concept of her political thought. These moments are: firstly, the historical and ideological deconstruction of the anti-plurality which is presented in our totalitarian domination and our tradition of the political thought; secondly, the explanation of the factual aspect of plurality as human condition manifested in action and, finally, the intent of showing that the political organization circumscribes a privileged space to human plurality, as long as the public sphere is seen as the correspondent space to action.Item A co-pertinência entre Ser e homem no pensamento de Heidegger: em busca da unidade esquecida.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-02) RAMOS, Daniel Rodrigues; KORELC, Martina; together-belongingness (Zusammengehörigkeit) of Be-ing and man is discussed in this dissertation in the style of a Phenomenological reflection the together-belongingness (Zusammengehörigkeit) of Be-ing and man. It treats of a concept which appears explicitily in the phenomenological thought of Martin Heidegger, especially, beginning in the 30s, when he questioned the meaning of Truth according to the history of Be-ing, that is, as enowning (Ereignis). The reflection, however, begins with the presupposition together-belongingness is a notion present in the thought of Heidegger from the outset of the fundamental-ontological development of the question of Be-ing, represented principally by the primary work of 1927, Sein und Zeit. For this reason, the reflection begins discussing the unity of the thought itinerary of Heidegger, showing that the reversal of the thinking (Kehre) of the 30s is responsible for the transformation which establishes the same question of Be-ing in a more originating extent than that of Sein und Zeit. Admitting from the beginning that together-belongingness translates the mutual reference between Be-ing and man, coming from the primordial unity, in dependence upon which both bring about historically their essence, and not a secondary and posterior relation between two self-subsisting poles, the discussion proceeds determining the structures of human existence, by which together-belongingness is considered in the different levels of elaboration of the question of Be-ing. Consequently, the central thrust of the dissertation is summarized in limiting the spatial-temporal ambience of the common reference. In the first place, attention is given to the analyses of the comprehension-interpretation project of human existence and language, according to Sein und Zeit. Then, according to Beiträge zur Philosophie, the same ambience is limited taking into consideration the grounding of Da-sein as the intermediary dimension between man and Be-ing, it being the instance of supportability of happening of Truth. Finally, the projection of human existence is revealed as the leap of Be-ing, in such a manner that movement of realization of the essence of Be-ing is shown as being the same as the consummation of the historical existence of men. Thus, the coming about of the Truth, by which Be-ing is experienced as abysmal grounding, is coordinated with the historical coming about of human existence, granting it, in virtue of the depth of its grounding, a unitary movement of revealing and of hiding the mystery of Be-ing. Being that this coordination is the manifestation of the originating space and time, human existence appears as the establishment of the space-time dimension of the abyss of Being, always in agreement with an historical possibility. In this way, the together-belongingness appears as an historical sending-forth, in the form of a questioning which Be-ing directs to man, but which is consumed in the measure which man responds, or as it may be, assumes the responsibility for the destiny of his existence according to the appeals of Be-ing. Thus, thought, understood as a human faculty during all of the history of metaphysics, is reduced to its essence: that by which man corresponds to the historical appeals of Be-ing. To think consumes the intimate reference of man to Be-ing and, therefore, is the privileged manner of placing in operation human existence in union with Be-ing. By means of thought, therefore, man has understood himself separated from and in front of Be-ing. For that reason, the reflection of this dissertation is a path in search of the forgotten unity between man and Be-ing.Item O que estamos fazendo? Da atualidade de A Condição Humana, de Hannah Arendt(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-28) LOYOLA, Paulo Ricardo Gontijo; SILVA, Adriano Correia; dissertation aims to reflect upon the present times in the light of the concepts presented by Hannah Arendt in her work The Human Condition, which, by defining man as a conditioned being, examines the categories of active life labor, work and action and their location on the world. Half a century after the book has been published, Arendt s reflection continues up to date and inspiring. Within this period, consume, technology and ecology have changed the world and increased society s complexity. Society, described by Arendt as a subjective sphere of existence, which invades the public realm as well as the private one, has absorbed all social groups and nowadays suffocates the spontaneity of human action, allowing the liberty of choosing what to consume as the only possible liberty. Ecology, which only entered international debate in the last forty years, may change the parameters of the waste economy denounced by Arendt. However, it tends to restrict its concerns to the realm of necessity and increase the network of social demands. Man, which is increasingly away from common sense, has deepened his flight into the self, helped by the technical-scientific progress of humanity. This process represents not only the withdrawal from the world, but also the oblivion of the body, considering that, in order to flight from the world, man needed to depreciate the direct perception of objects by the senses, perception that provides the body interaction with the environment. Paradoxically, by withdrawing into the self, man started a metabolic interaction with the world. Culture, as part of the world, started to be consumed as entertainment, what only has become possible due to the technological development that enhanced mass media after the advent of cinema. The highlight of this process is the virtual reality, which expresses well the dream of escaping to a world created by man. The individual, pushed by the ubiquitous society, seems to have only two choices: either fitting himself for the code of social values and becoming visible only as a consumer, or escaping from other men s eyes, aiming the invisibility of private life. In both cases, his proper human singularity ceases to appear to the world. The replacement of world objectivity by subjectivity inhibits understanding, hiding the meaning of whatever is done. Science and technology are fading out the ancient boundaries of nature, world and mind, which provided the human existence with permanent parameters. More than building the world, man rebuilds himself. Arendt s work, especially the conceptual framework of The Human Condition, invites us to think about the meaning of human activities, something of outermost importance in this beginning of century.Item A força oculta: um estudo sobre a causalidade em hume(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-25) FERREIRA, Ian Nascimento; PALACIOS, José Gonzalo Armijos; goal of this dissertation is to follow the discussion about causation on David Hume s philosophy. First, I try to show how such concept was treated by previous philosophers that might somehow have influenced Hume. I then analyze his contribution to the subject up to the point in which he introduces the idea of necessary connection. The final part of the work is aimed at studying the most important interpretative branches that try to make sense of Hume s ambiguous statements about necessary connection, and the implications the correct understanding of this concept has for his theory of causationItem Estado e economia em Marx(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-28) ROCHA, Renan Gonçalves; PALACIOS, José Gonzalo Armijos; Althusser analyzed the relationship between Economy and the State. According to him, the capitalist State is nothing more than a superstructure determined, unidirectionally, by the Economy, given that, within the mentioned relationship, in capitalism, there is a bottom-line determination [of the State] by the economic basis . (Althusser, 1968: 75) Althusser considers that the conception that the Economy determines the State clarifies and explains better Marx‟s analysis. Nevertheless, this position puts forward at least two important questions: is there, in fact, an unidirectional determination of the modern Economy upon the capitalist State in Marx‟s thought? Is the Economy, in fact, for Marx, the only category that constitutes the basis of the capitalist system as it is supposed by the Althusserian interpretation of Marx? In an effort to solve those questions, it is necessary to investigate the theoretical basis from which Althusser departed Marx‟s own writings. Only in this way it will be possible to determine whether or not his formulation of this unidirectional determination between the Economy and the State holds.Item A noção fregiana de objeto abstrato e a crítica ao psicologismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-02) MAIONE, Vinícius Rodrigues; VELLOSO, Araceli Rosich Soares; objective of this dissertation is to present Gottlob Frege s criticism of psychologism in Mathematics and Logic. Our working hypothesis is that Frege s criticism is based on his notion of an "abstract object". In order to investigate this hypothesis we will contrast the pre and post paradox phases of Fregean s philosophy. We will try to show that there is a continuity between these two periods, and that this continuity depends on Frege s insistence in maintaining the notion of an "abstract object", even if in a somewhat weakened version. Our dissertation will be divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, we will make a brief characterization of psychologism in order to circumscribe the exact focus of Frege s criticism. In the second chapter we will discuss the notion of an "abstract object" in the pre-paradox period of Frege s philosophy and its connection to Frege s main concern: that of defining number upon a pure logical basis. Eventually, in the third chapter, we will show how, even without a logically unassailable method of introducing logical objects, due to Russell s paradox, the philosopher does not give up his main theses concerning the nature of logic and mathematics. They are still grounded on the notion of an "abstract object", even thought in a somewhat feebler form.Item Heidegger e o problema das noções de sujeito e mundo em confronto com o pro-blema da realidade em ser e tempo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-09) CASTRO, Paula Roberta de; KORELC, Martina;, our propose is to explain why Heidegger urges the question of being and what s the meaning of his fundamental ontology project in Being and Time. As first reference we ve got the metaphysical question what is the being? to know how, for Heidegger, this question was not well strived or just forgotten on philosophical tradition. The problems that Heidegger finds in tradition are about the absence of questioning the being and lack of ontological difference, also from application and distortion of concepts considered truths but not well inquired. According to that, some ideas from Descartes were exploited here under Heidegger s view, mostly concerning to the thoughtless heritage of substance concept to base what he appoint as res cogitans and res extensa. Our main propose is to show how Heidegger understands where Descartes mistakes in that, and what he offers to us as alternative to that way of thinking central concepts, like subject and world, to modern philosophy. In order to do that, we explain some of Heidegger s concepts, like being-in-the-world, worldliness, to make clear in which sense Heidegger argues that it s wrong considerer subject and world just as simply given beings. In discussions to objections we treat the issue of nature and history, within Dostal s thought, like a relation that makes possible questioning the nature of being. At this point, we want to analyze at which extent can Dasein or not worldly the nature. With that, it raises a discussion about the dependence of the nature from reality or not, with regard to Dasein. We also exposed a question about the possibility of Dasein get the same way of being characteristic of an ego, within hermeneutic questioning under a presumed vicious cycle. This point of view is made in reference of Ricoeur, who maintains that there is a very similar posture in Heidegger of a typical modern attitude when the questioning makes a retrospective and anticipative reference from being to man. We recapture at final regards Heidegger s view about the question of reality, if it is something independent or not from Dasein. In spite of taking account the dependence from the concept of understanding and the sense of being, united to Dasein s existence, Heidegger doesn t sees himself fitting to some kind of idealism or relativism. We will see how important is to get the result from interpretation of Dasein s being and worldliness to understand Heidegger s position concerning to reality problem, as well to know how the idealist thinking or relativist would be an outgo from principles gotten to establish what are subject and world to the point of view of modernity.Item O conceito de ação no pensamento filosófico e político de Hannah Arendt(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-22) CARVALHO, Diego Avelino de Moraes; SILVA, Adriano Correia; dissertation is aimed at analyzing Hannah Arendt's concept of Action, and consequently Power, and at showing how these two concepts are essential to the constitution of a genuine Public Space, where freedom and politics reign. I intend to divide it into three general parts, each containing pedagogically necessary subdivisions. On the first part, I will analyze Arendt's distinction between the three central categories for the understanding of modern times: labor, work and action. The action, seen as a pre-politics subjective realm, is the theoretical core of this chapter, along with how the action, side by side with speech, happens on human relations, on an inter-subjective realm. The second part talks about the unfolding of Action throughout the history of mankind, pointing out its many different interpretations, misconceptions and refutations over the centuries. Finally, the third part is set on the analysis of the resizing which the concept of action has suffered throughout the late modern period, mostly after the revolutions, especially the French and American ones, pointing to a new political horizon.Item A relação entre a teoria física e o desejo na filosofia política de Hobbes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-04) SILVA, Maria de Lourdes; PALACIOS, José Gonzalo Armijos; dissertation tries to show the relationship between the physical and the political theories of Thomas Hobbes. This is possible because Hobbes made no distinction between the way in which physical bodies and humans move: every body moves as a result of the action of another body. When a body is affected by another, movements or conatus appear within itself that can manifest externally, determining its trajectory. In man, those conatus appear in the form of sentiments: desire or aversion. The conatus desire or aversion unchain other passions such as fear, courage, hope, despair etc. However, it is those conatus that play the role of determining choices and human behavior. Given the force of those passions, the State has to exert the tremendous power that Hobbes allows to the sovereign. This dissertation will try to make those relationships clearItem Immanuel Kant e a construção contemporânea da paz perpétua(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-04) VIEIRA, Patrick Di Almeida; HECK, José Nicolau; this present work, it will be attempted an inquirement on the theorization of a world federative system idealized by the german philosopher Immanuel Kant. Within this frame, will be investigate the solution accomplished for the coexistence issue of a myriad of states and its disagreement. Kant developed a philosophy of history witch predicts a steady evolution of companionship founded by the use of reason. And it, on one hand, would warrant the expectation of a peaceful resolution of conflicts were philosophycly possible throughout the development of a federative organism capable to mediate conflicts. This work is focused on Kant s ideas contained in the text: Perpetual Peace . For the german philosopher, the so-called perpetual peace lies on the edge of time or yet an objective to be followed by the states due to a disposition for the progress that leads to the accomplishment of a so-called higher political virtue. It is intended to assess the weight of Kant s ideas for contemporary liberal democracy and the present debate on human rights within current liberal democracies. It is brought forward yet that Kant is still relevant for contemporary liberal democracy in the sense of developing solutions for political tension that arises on the horizon of a newly born century.Item O sentido transcendental do outro na fenomenologia Husserliana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-17) SILVEIRA, Alice Catarina de Barros Morais da; KORELC, Martina; our text we present a discussion about the sense of Other to transcendental subjectivity, through a dialogue with husserlian phenomenology, aiming to evidence its elements and constituent aspects. Therefore, we begin with the approach and enlightenement of phenomenologic method, as a fundament of primary and rigorous philosophy. From its gradual briefing, we follow expliciting structures of pure consciousness, which led us to the disclosure, constitution and unity of the transcendental subject. Then we dedicated to the unveiling of the Self totality, through reducing sphere of ownness. An overriding moment of introducing the problem of the Other under primordiality, that passes through a tonic of constitution of world objectivity and taking consciousness of the self. Ultimately, we turn our attention to transcendental levels of constitution of the Other, describing the processes of capturing by analogy, pairing and imagination; concluding with a reflection concerning the unity of husserlian theory of transcendental intersubjectivity.Item O Conceito de Existência em Ser e Tempo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-28) SILVA, Eliana Borges da; KORELC, Martina; work discusses the concept of existence, presented in major work of Martin Heidegger, Being and time. This concept will be characterized as the singular way of being of the man, named in the context of Being and time, Dasein. Thus, we address the issue in four stages. At first, we present a brief exposition of Heidegger s ontological project, necessary for a correct understanding of all this work. At this time, should be highlighted why Dasein figure as the privileged being and, thus, thematized throughout the book. In the second phase, the theme being developed is the existence as a new way of understanding the entity that exists always in relation with being. Since, in Being and time, Heidegger abandons the older categories that only apply to entities other than ourselves, and forge the existential expression to refer to the characteristics of Dasein. In the third step we will address the opening of existence as the place where the manifestation of being is given, as will e shown that the decay is the instance that characterizes the improper existence, but through the anguish it can choose to be at their own since it do not run away to be faced with their true condition. Finally, at the last moment of our thesis, the aim is to explain how the phenomenon of death and conscience allow the fundamental openness of Dasein to its own existence.Item Democracia e liberdade a legitimidade do governo, segundo Jean-Jacques Rousseau(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-28) ALVES, Vital Francisco Celestino; REIS, Helena Esser dos; though Rousseau had stated that democracy is a gods regime and that such form of government is surrounded by difficulties, mainly regarding its conservation, Rousseau notably is not an oppose of this model, but he recognizes and points out the most recurrent problems of the democratic government. Nevertheless, as he carries out the exceptional function of a legislator in Corsica, when he operates the transition between the political theory and the practice, he surprised us suggesting that country should govern itself democratically. With this at sight, the present dissertation aims at investigating the issue: Democracy and Liberty the legitimacy of the government, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau . In this sense, it will investigate three topics, which are considered essential for the understanding of the object of this research. First, the political fundamentals for the sustaining of the concept of sovereignty, that is, this study will investigate the social pact and the notion of liberty; second, it will examine the political difficulties of the government, or else, it will focus in dealing with two actions: the one which decrees and the one which institutes the government; and this research will highlight the tensions in the relation between the private and the general will, and finally, it will analyze the legitimacy of the democracy, that is, it will analyze the rousseauist concept of democracy, the conditions of possibility to have this model of government established and its practical execution from The Corsican Constitution Project experience. The investigation of these three topics has allowed it to verify that the legitimacy of democracy depends, mainly, on its configuration as the source of the sovereign or of the legitimate body politic, leading its actions accordingly to the general will.Item Liberdade e Natureza : o problema da finitude e infinitude da vontade na Introdução da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-30) RAMALHO, Julia Sebba; SILVA, Márcia Zebina Araújo da; study is an analysis of the development of the concept of free will in the introduction of Hegel's Philosophy of Law. In this text, Hegel discusses the concept of will in three figures (Gestalt) or three levels (Stufen), which are the natural will, free will and free will in and of itself. The first two figures reveal finitely freedom, while the latter expresses it so infinite. Therefore, the analysis of the development of these levels will focus on the problem of finitude and infinitude of manifestation and realization of freedom in the objective world of the spirit. The problem of this theme, in fact, is that the will, as a moment (Moment) of self-determination of free spirit, by its nature has the presupposition and starting point. Thus, to investigate the issue of freedom of the will in their different ways of expression, is to investigate, first of all, the relationship between freedom and nature, or rather, is to investigate the relationship between self-determination of the will with its contents volitional natural such as desires and inclinations. Therefore, the analysis of this thesis uses the theming of Hegel made in the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, where the philosopher addresses the relationship between speculative nature and free spirit. The interpretative hypothesis argues that this work is the assertion that the problem of the finitude of freedom does not respect the fact that the will to self-determine content for natural, therefore, in Hegel, we can find a holistic consideration of the relationship between freedom and nature. Therefore, both the finite modes of development of freedom of will, and in its full and infinite mode, wanting to seek satisfaction is determined by content coming from nature, without thereby cease to be free and autonomous. Thus, this paper will seek to show that Hegel's conception of free will is not a purist design, which sought to establish the world's human spirit by exclusion of its relationship with the natural.Item A Semiótica Geral de Nelson Goodman(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-30) BARBOSA, Carlos Eduardo Silva; PORTO, André da Silva; work concerns of the notation concept by Nelson Goodman in the book Languages of Art. From a general approach to the language notion, the concept of notation is presented as an intermediary between the verbal languages and general communication. Goodman proposes an interesting theory about notation, whose principle relates to the need at providing means to identify plays. In this work the concept of Goodman and the criteria used to define the notational structure is going to be discussed and exemplified. Then this approach is applied in discussions case, music, chemistry, painting, electronic diagram, floor plan, especially in the "literature" of the (brazilian) movimento concretistaItem O Realismo modal de David Lewis: uma opção pragmática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-30) ROCHA, Renato Mendes; VELLOSO, Araceli Rosich Soares; this dissertation we will defend Lewis Modal Realism (LMR), i.e., the metaphysical hypothesis about the real existence of a plurality of worlds. We will try to show the pragmatic character of Lewis arguments in support of this metaphysics of possible worlds. In this sense, we approximate Lewis (1986) and Quine (1960) and we aim to show that Lewis uses criteria for taking ontological decisions similar to those defended by Quine. These criteria are: simplicity of formulation, theoretical economy and distrust in purely intuitive criteria as only guide for Philosophy. To accomplish our intention, we divided the text in three chapters. In the first we present the philosophical benefits of LMR that demonstrate the theoretical utility of possible-worlds talk. These benefits are related to important concepts in Philosophy of Language and Epistemology, such as, Modality, Counterfactuals and a uniform treatment to Properties and Propositions. The second chapter is divided into two parts. At first we present the philosophical background we believe is related to Lewis philosophy. A neo-humean scenario and the resumption of metaphysics discussion in contemporary analytic philosophy compose this background. In the second part we present three fundamental thesis formulate by Lewis the consistence of his Modal Realism: concreteness, isolation and plenitude. In the third and latter chapter we discuss two criticism of LMR: (a) David Armstrong & Peter Forrest (1984) and (b) Susan Haack (1977). Each of these papers present criticism from distinct points of view. The first aims to identify a paradox in the metaphysics of possible worlds, and the latter focuses on semantics aspects of LMR. Finally, we show Lewis reply to objection (a) and that argument (b) could be inserted as an incredulous stare on LMR, and that it consists on a petition principi.Item Hannah Arendt e o caso da política: do diálogo com a tradição à crítica do social(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-31) Barbosa, Daniel Silva; Silva, Adriano Correia;; Correia, Adriano; Reis, Helena Esser dos; Carvalho, José Sérgio Fonseca deThis work examines the configuration of the modern society from the perspective of Hannah Arendt’ conceptions of the rise of society (or the social) and analyzes the repercussion and the consequences of that event for the politics. The emergency of society and the social question deflagrated the decadence of politics, and hence transformed it in the strict sphere of administration and government. In view of this, we reconsidered, of the Arendt’s point of view, the conflict among philosophy and politics, of which our tradition of political thought emerged, whose legacy for the Western was a numberless of prejudices in relation to the politics. We reconsidered yet the secondary character of the vita activa, from that traditional point of view. Such elements were important for the evaluation of our current judgments about politics, to which are added other prejudices originating from our more recent and disastrous political experiences, among the ones the most serious are the totalitarian regimes. These elements constitute the first chapter, whose central point are the Arendt’s dialogue and confrontation with tradition, that constitutes to us the condition sine qua non to think the other problems. Soon afterwards, in the second chapter, we judged pertinent to examine the activities of the vita activa and their location, the real domains where occur these activities, considering that the modern age, when promoting the activity of the labor to the highest dignity, turned stiller inoperative the experiences most esteemed in Antiquity: the political activity of the speech and the action. In the third chapter, in the first session, we examined what we named types of human associations, in order to search elements with which we were able to, in the next session, understand the new organization denominated society or what characterizes the social. The basic question was: what is the social? Where it is located? Another aspect analyzed was the social question that, for Arendt, was putted as main motto of the revolutionary movements in France and finally causes the bankrupt of the only modern attempts of establishing the power and the freedom. The reason for the which we ask about what is the social was linked to our hypothesis according to which the more alienated are ourselves in this sphere less we are capable to distinguish what is and which the sense of the politics and of the freedom – and, more important: what is in question when happens the decline of the politics? Finally, in the fourth and last chapter, we discussed – starting from the indication of the decline of politics and of his topos – the public-political domain: the place, or the non place, of the freedom in the current mass societies.