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Item Plínio Marcos: do texto à tela(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-15) Almeida, Alcione Gomes de; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9964594962008164; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; Abdala Júnior, Roberto; Mari, Marcelo; Moura, Paulo Vieira de; Leão, Raimundo Matos deThis paper introduces the renowned author Plínio Marcos focusing on themes of interest such as culture, performance, and cultural performances. The introduction aims to provide a concise yet consistent approach to his life and career, thus discussing his influence on Brazilian culture over the decades and nowadays. The discussion initially considers the temporal framework, and remarks emerge regarding the analysis’ corpus. Plínio's theatrical success attracted filmmakers, leading to adaptations of his plays, short stories, and scripts into movies, including Navalha na carne (1970, 1997), Dois perdidos numa noite suja (1971, 2003), Nenê Bandalho (1971), A rainha diaba (1974), Barra pesada (1977), Barrela: escola de crimes (1994), Querô (2006). The primary purpose of this paper is to systematically analyze the cinematographic corpus in chronological order, prioritizing the adaptations of Plínio’s theatrical plays due to their role in the dramatist’s career. This approach facilitates the equilibrium of this extensive work. When it comes to the Plinian universe, it is essential to observe the social role a character plays; their origins; the relationships built; the dialogues’ linguistic selection; the environment where the plot evolves; the progress of the conflict. Accordingly, there are differences between the films and the original text - suppression, complementation, and update, with the Brazilian society and its period characteristics during filming as a horizon, in addition to the Brazilian film industry, which impacts the production, promotion, and reception. A case in point is the CivilMilitary Dictatorship (1964-1985), which, among other authoritarian policies, implemented violent restrictions on society, the Arts, artists, and other professionals in the field. The results of this investigation corroborate with other authors: the singularity, relevance, and power of Plínio Marcos in Brazilian culture in any period. The Santista author strongly opposed the suppression of the Arts and freedom of speech during the Military regime. He was at risk for isolation and became a prominent resistance figure even after political liberalization, without ever soothing his ideas and dissenting voice. His legacy’s endurance and relevance for contemporary society is a consensus. The theoretical base of Mikhail Bakhtin (1988, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2019, 2020) is essential for the effective development of film analysis, considering the ideas provide density for the adaptation’s study and, therefore, viable possibilities to observe and comprehend cinematographic language. When applying the Bakhtinian repertoire to the films, several concepts are valuable to filmmaking characteristics, the stance of the creators, researchers, and the public, as well as the themes explored, expanding beyond an analytical and critical examination. Thus, the analysis of the corpus is primarily supported by: otherness; the self/other; responsible act; non-alibi; the ethical and the aesthetic; the world of theory; the world of culture; dialogism; responsive understanding; discourse genres; theoreticism (critique of the objectification of historicity that constitutes life); refraction; polyphony; ideology; chronotope (involves spatial and temporal relations, originates from the Greek words crónos, meaning time, and tópos, meaning space).Item Desenhar para conhecer: experimentações como fissuras epistêmicas na antropologia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-28) Almeida, Katianne de Sousa; Ferreira, Glauco Batista; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2193871294419921; Ferreira, Glauco Batista; Bruno, Fabiana; Pinheiro, Patrícia dos Santos; Pires, Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Triana, Bruna Nunes da CostaThe path to constructing a drawn thesis is winding, like any other organic element; it develops gradually. Through conversations with colleagues, professors, and research interlocutors, relationships were intertwined, and they also modified the way I initially thought about the research and the relationship between anthropology and drawing. Just as my drawing followed this branched process of understanding what it would mean to experiment in Anthropology. In two notebooks (notebook 01: drawing concepts and notebook 02: drawing ethnographies) that grow into five brochures, I share the production of thought, to experiment with various languages within the structure of constructing scientific thought, containing drawings, photographs, and poems, since graphic productions expanded along the way. The interest of the research was to highlight drawing as a possible path for ethnographic production, in addition to highlighting it as a pedagogical resource for anthropological training, within the academic disciplinary structure at the university. As I developed the idea of concept drawing, I constructed a graphic narrative about my process as a black woman in graduate school that is fundamentally about articulating anthropological theories and their fissures in the contemporary world. When researching the teaching of Anthropology through drawing, that is, doing an Anthropology of Anthropology, connections, and epistemic ruptures were established between writing and drawing in the various ways of producing knowledge in AnthropologyItem Movências, encantarias e retomadas: uma natnografia sobre o corte e a cura dos Kariú Kariri no Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-30) Alves, Lidiane da Conceição; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7816009438312510; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; Nascimento, Rita Gomes do; Anaquiri, Mirna Kambeba Omágua-Yetê; Almeida, Emerson Rubens Mesquita; Mainardi, CamilaAedzé eerãkuara kietse utsohó ay bó dõ métsohó, samy ko tsebuhö bó ayby adjé kuá ay doibáhén tsohoá, ay ery, ma odeihó ninho, tedzy, de, maridzá, tsebuhö,bukémé kó teudiokié ayby ewóá ninho ma dziwichi, kó dõ tedzy, mariarcas hikié ay ery tsohó, ninho Kariú Kariri ayby Maranhão. Ay tsebuhö piwonhé, bó ayby keité ayby natnografia ko wówóá, ay doibáhén, netçoá ko Samy tsohoá ayby tsohó Kariú Kariri, ayby tedzy dõ ery yetçãmidé. Ay swbatekié waruá eridzá tsebuhö fü utsohó bó ayby wówóá ko idzéchi utsohó bí hi, ecudú ay ery mariarcas, ko ay doibáhén kanatsikie obohó tedzy, hiquiá, munankie ko yghé dõ ery tsohó anrá Maranhão, ayby urio ayby tsowana ko tsowanatsi ko ayby pitá dõ yetçamyá anrá wówó anrá Vale do Cariri no Ceará. Tobumi ay dó ká dõ natnografia obohó wówó mó ubyá ay kiçetsoklo utsohó bó kiçetso dó ay anranbuku utsohó ma dezudé dibuihoho-nanhèybá, ko ay bocu bó wodzodzó tokenhé, utsohó bó dziwichi utsohó bó ery tsohó. Anrá neietá dõ ubyá dó, bowró dó ay crody anranbuku peretó ko gytéwó peretó buanga hô dezudé dibuihoho-nanhèybá, dezudé tsohó Kariú Kariri,ydadé wócudú keité dõ celé ma dezudé dibuihoho-nanhèybá, ay dezudé uano ko netçó mó dzi laboi ko gytéwó ay utsohó kanatsikie dezudé lanlan woroy ma odeihó tsohó ninho sancry ayby radda.Item Políticas públicas para a juventude: uma análise da implementação do ProJovem Urbano em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-05-29) Alves, Sandra Regina; Lameirão, Camila Romero; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1401479784897625; Lameirão, Camila Romero; Saddi, Fabiana Cunha; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Bezerra, Heloísa DiasThis research aims to understand the implementation process of the ProJovem Urbano (Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens – the National Program of Youth Inclusion) in the city of Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. In order to reach this objective, a mapping of the Program was realized since its original version in 2005, going by its reformulation in 2008, until 2012, the last year of execution of ProJovem Urbano in Goiânia. To analyse a public policy requires a fine perception of the political, economic and social country's configuration, so that this three fields will guide the explanation of these policies' impact on the young and the society. Thus, the dynamics evolved at the moment of implementation, its institutional spread, its legal stand and the State's action towards the public policies by the concepts of federalism, decentralization and Welfare State, are relevant elements to understand the matter. Brazil's 1988 Constitution was a turning point regarding the public policies decentralization, so that the three government levels started working in cooperation to provide the policies and programs to citizens. Finally, despite being contrasting perspectives, the research favoured the top-down and bottom-up analysis models, for supplying the inspiration in different analytical moments of the Program by means of a methods triangulationItem Luto e ritos de passagem em tempos de Covid-19(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-27) Andrade, José Nilton Alves de; Santos, Nádia Maria Weber; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3929583037339642; Santos, Nádia Maria Weber; Amaral, Roberto Antônio Penedo do; Kushnir, Beatriz; Camargo, Robson Corrêa deThe present master's thesis analyzes how changes occurred in the funeral ritual and in the rites that compose it, during the process of experiencing and elaborating mourning in the context of COVID-19. To this end, authors of culturais performances such as Schechner (1985), Turner (2013), Gennep (2011) are used, as well the philosopher Cassirer (2009). As it is understood that there has been a shift from face to-face wakes to sharing experiences on social networks due to the restrictive sanitary measures imposed during the pandemic, the netnographic method by Kozinets (2014) was chosen here, which investigates the reaction of newspaper readers to the newsworthiness of the growing number of deaths during the pandemic period and the socialization of experiences in virtual memorials created by the newspapers themselves. As a corpus for research, news items posted on the website of the newspapers O Popular, Folha de São Paulo and O Globo were chosen, which denote a recreation of the rites that make up the funeral ritual. As it is understood that there has been a shift from in-person wakes to sharing experiences on social networks due to restrictive health measures imposed during the pandemic, the netnographic method of Kozinets (2014) was chosen here, which investigates the reaction of newspaper readers to the newsworthiness of the growing number of deaths during the pandemic period and the socialization of experiences in virtual memorials created by the newspapers themselves. From the collection of netnographic data, interdisciplinary analyzes were developed and interpreted of these contents from the literature belonging to the theoretical framework of Cultural Performances. As a result, it was noted that even with the attempt to adapt the rites that precede and implement the burial for social networks, the absence of a staging and close experience, with contact physical, within religious perspectives, makes acceptance difficult and prevents cycles from being closed and transitions made in the way expected.Item Corpos dissonantes: próteses, performances e imaginário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-16) Bandeira, Ana Paula Neres de Santana; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4747115499551611; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; Bordini, Andréia de Lima; Costa, Vanderlei Balbino da; Lima, Marilini Dorneles de; Christino, DanielThe movement for more social inclusion has brought in creased visibility to people with disabilities in various everyday contexts. Some disabilities, such as intellectual and sensory impairments, may go unnoticed, while physical disabilities, being more visible, draw attention and challenge cultural norms about the perfect body. The presence of these dissonant bodies using prosthetics or assistive technologies often elicits reactions and questions, highlighting the complexity of perceptions regarding bodily diversity and constructing a whole repertoire that shapes the imagination of both people with and without disabilities. This thesis explores the construction of this imagination through representations of the bodies of individuals with physical disabilities in artistic, sports, and social performances. The research emphasizes technological advancements in prosthetics and assistive technologies, challenging conventional conceptions about the lives of these individuals. Inspired by a music video by artist Viktoria Modesta and a performance at the 2016 Paralympics, the thesis examines how these representations impact the collective imagination. The methodology includes studies of cultural performances, interviews with different groups (individuals with and without disabilities, artists, and athletes with disabilities), and analyses of prosthetized bodies. Cultural performance studies, based on Turner and Schechner, elucidate the construction of imagination in everyday interactions and in artistic and sports events, categorizing ethical, aesthetic, and scientific dimensions interpreted through both the canonical and dissonant perspectives on people with disabilities. Dialogue with Turner reveals the social barriers faced by these individuals, while Schechner's approach highlights the presence of performance in sports and the arts. Through a content analysis of the interviews conducted, the work examines the relationship between bodies and prosthetics, identifying them as elements that influence collective perception and the formation of stigmas and social norms. Le Breton's sociological approach highlights the body as a social, cultural, and symbolic phenomenon. Authors such as Thomson, Goffman, and Malu Fontes contribute to understanding human corporeality and its symbolic representation in society. The conclusion emphasizes the persistence of prejudiced and stigmatizing attitudes, underscoring the importance of active listening to understand the diversity of imaginaries about the body with a disability and promoting inclusive narratives to build a more just and equal society.Item Relação civil militar na Guiné-Bissau (2000-2020)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-27) Bissindé , Cam-Naté Augusto; Botelho, João Carlos Amoroso; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5318293368816272; Botelho, João Carlos Amoroso; Pfrimer, Matheus Hoffmann; Pereira, Analúcia DanileviczGiven a context of extreme political, economic and social instability in Guinea-Bissau, it is intended, through this dissertation, to study the cycles of interventions of the Armed Forces in everyday political life over the last two decades. The work seeks to study, deliberately, how the successive blows took place, and what impacts the society reaped. The work is divided into three parts, in addition to the introduction and final considerations. In the first part, some concepts related to the theme of civil-military relationship are addressed, to bring together the thought of experts on the subject and dialogue about the approaches they present. In the second part, the emphasis is on the historical contextualization of the formation of the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau in a context marked by the national liberation struggle against Portuguese colonialism. The third and final part deals specifically with the 2014 general election, analyzing the expectations and political frustrations marked by the political-party crisis. Also in the last part was made the analysis of interviews.Item O trabalho de técnicos/as em eletrotécnica: identidade e trajetória profissional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-13) Borges, Daiane Raila Parrião; Nunes, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Marques, Rogério dos Santos Bueno; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de OliveiraThis dissertation analyzes the work of technicians in electrotechnics and the elements that allowed the construction of their identities and their professional trajectories, considering how the first contact with the profession was made until their professionalization from the training in the subsequent technical course in Electrotechnical. The relationship between training, professionalization in the technical course in electrotechnics at IFG, Campi Goiânia and the labor market in Goiania. The methodology comprises the use of various research techniques, quantitative and qualitative, on the same research object, which is the construction of identity and the professional trajectory of the electrical technician. The following were used in this sense: 1) literature review relevant to the object of study, sociology of professions, sociology of work, identity and professional trajectory, analyzing gender, race and class issues that circumscribe the world of work and operate in the professional trajectory of electrical technicians; 2) quantitative analysis of governmental databases on the socioeconomic profile of professionals in electrotechnics, through the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) of the labor and employment department of the Ministry of Economy (ME), the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); 3) construction of the script for the interview, starting with the identification of the people who collaborated with the research; 4) creation of the interview script and a survey, to carry out the interviews. The "snowball" method of selection of respondents was used, which consists of indicating other people by the first respondent. I constructed an intentional sample to subsidize a qualitative analysis, based on semi-structured interviews, until reaching saturation. The world of work has undergone numerous transformations over the decades that have enabled the emergence of new professions and consequently new challenges for professionals. Commonly, electrical technician professions are associated with the profile of an autonomous and untrained professional who works through experience. In this sense, the research addresses the professional trajectory of the electrical technician, how this professional's professionalization occurs; It is a profession that requires at least technical training to work. Electrotechnical technicians must have at least the training in the technical course on the profession in question, the expertise, the specialized knowledge of the field of action and the authorization of the jurisdictions and institutions responsible for regulating the profession. As a highlight of jurisdiction related to this profession, we have Decree nº 90.922, of February 6, 1985, which dealt in the 4th article with the attributions of 2nd degree industrial technicians, exercise of the profession and inspection. Federal institutions play an important role in training young people for the job market through the subsequent technical course in electrical engineering. However, even after training and entering the job market, individuals intend to continue studying by enrolling in higher education courses for female engineersItem Acary de Passos Oliveira: percursos e contribuições para a formação da antropologia no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-27) Carvalho, Adelino Adilson de; Leitão, Rosani Moreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1983245441436723; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1268440854810735; Vasconcellos; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Vasconcellos, Camilo de Mello; Martins, Dilamar Candida; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Herbetta, Alexandre FerrazIn this work I analyzed the career trajectory of Acary de Passos Oliveira, a sertanista1 and the first director of the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás, with the aim of glimpsing his contributions to the formation of the field of Anthropology in the state of Goiás, as well as understanding the political and social influences that shaped his ideas and actions. In addition to bibliographical consultations and studies, the analysis was based on a documentary review from the perspective of archival ethnography. Documents held by the UFG Anthropological Museum and the Goiás Institute of Prehistory and Anthropology at PUC Goiás, among others, were analyzed. The time frame covers the period from the late 1930s, when Acary de Passos began his work on national programs to integrate Central Brazil, to 1993, the year of his death. Within this time frame, two actions deserve to be highlighted: the creation and consolidation of the UFG Anthropological Museum and the formation of its first ethnographic and archaeological collections. Among other conclusions, this work reveals a multiple and complex trajectory, which paved the way for the construction of the field of museums, anthropology, archaeology and other related areas in the region.Item Fronteiras de gênero: performances de corpos vestidos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-29) Casoni, Violeta Arvin; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7270892768281076; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Oliveira, Victor Hugo Neves de; Alvarez, Silvia Lamadrid; Piva, Carolina BrandãoPartiendo de la ropa y la práctica del vestir como ejes movilizadores del diálogo, es que esta investigación busca profundizar en el lugar que tiene la vestimenta en Performances de género desde las vivencias de mujeres trans y travestis situadas en el Estado de Goiás. En el acto de recordar lo que se vivió y se vive desde temporalidades en espiral, en una memoria viva, de un cuerpo presente, un cuerpo en performance, son compartidas historias, situaciones, estrategias y afectos involucrados en el acto de vestir que performa femineidades. Por medio de las Performances Culturales, los Feminismos Negros y Transfeministas, junto a los estudios de Memoria y los estudios Decoloniales, desmembramos está práctica del cotidiano. Una práctica que tradicionalmente es investida de frivolidad, banalidad, ceñida a la vida privada, asociada a lo femenino y, por tanto, objeto de un poder que censura, excluye y reprime creando mecanismos de marginalización y precarización de la vida. Sosteniendo que lo personal es político, es que argumentamos que se trata de una práctica compleja que atraviesa las fronteras entre lo público y lo privado, siendo insuficiente para abordar a los sujetos. Desde un encuentro entre la cisgeneridad y la transgeneridad femenina se accionan performances que dan cuenta de sensibilidades, estrategias, dolores, ambigüedades, afirmaciones, resistencias, alegrías y una serie de movimientos que atraviesan de manera compleja la dicotomía en el día a día de la vida mundana de existencias plurales, amplias y ancestrales. De este modo, las prácticas del vestir de mujeres trans y travestis provocan en el cotidiano de sus días a días una ruptura con los parámetros normativos de la categoría género, siendo parte de un régimen heteroCisnormado, blanco, burgués y capacitistaItem Acesso à alimentação adequada e saudável no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-15) Castro, Marlon Henrique Costa de; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9655194212314066; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; Roim , Talita do Prado BarbosaLong known to the Brazilian population, food insecurity at its different levels is once again plaguing society after years of improvements in policies for access to adequate and healthy food. In mid-2013, but especially after 2019, when a new federal government that excludes hunger from its political agenda takes power, Food Insecurity levels began to grow again across the country. Through a historical recap that covers until the period of the health crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, this academic work will guide us through the actions of international and national bodies and entities, as well as the implementation of public policies that aim to ensure decent nutrition for the Brazilian population, and often fail. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit Brazil in March 2020, the human right to adequate food becomes increasingly difficult to achieve, considering the social and health crises experienced at the time. Considering the results presented by the research “Inquérito Nacional sobre Insegurança Alimentar no Contexto da Pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil” published by Rede PENSSAN in 2021, and the “Efeitos da pandemia na alimentação e na situação da segurança alimentar no Brasil” published by the group of Food for Justice research, from Freie Universität Berlin, in partnership with the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the University of Brasília, in 2021, we will analyze the impacts of political decisions taken before and during the pandemic period – we will use the concepts of biopower and biopolitics to point out how political desire and action is crucial to managing the lives of the population, and the way in which failure can also be a choice and its reasons – to understand and trace how power over life is exercised through by means other than making someone die, treated here as political abandonment, in order to understand which mechanisms are responsible for the exercise of Necropolitics. Finally, the work intends to analyze the reality of the Human Right to Adequate Food in Brazil during the period related to the COVID-19 pandemic and present the impact of political action on this issue, concluding that, in some moments, the emptying of public policies and the 13 negligence in tackling problems of great social impact can come from a place of political control over the biological life of the population.Item O desenvolvimento da doutrina brasileira de cooperação civil-militar: da MINUSTAH à Segurança Pública(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-26) Coelho, Dalila Luiza; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1358433023080116; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; Marques, Adriana Aparecida; Pfrimer, Matheus HoffmannThis study analyzes the development and characteristics of the Brazilian doctrine of Civil-Military Coordination (CIMIC) and its relationship with the Brazilian military's role in domestic politics. It relies on an academic literature that discusses how participation in Peace Operations can negatively affect the relationship between the Armed Forces and civilians in troop-contributing countries through the development of techniques and discourses that enable military expansion into civilian life. Drawing on this literature, we ask how this occurs. To answer this question, we analyze the Brazilian CIMIC doctrine and the expansion of the Armed Forces into the field of Public Security. The study relies on academic literature discussing the lessons learned from MINUSTAH within the scope of GLO and Pacification operations, as well as on studies about the subsequent implementation of practices experienced abroad in Brazil as a reference. To analyze the trajectory of the CIMIC concept, we analyzed primary sources, particularly the Final Employment Reports of the Contingents, as well as semi-structured interviews with two military personnel who participated in MINUSTAH. The results lead to the conclusion that the way the concept was constructed in the doctrine, the elements that compose it, and the interest in using it in domestic operations indicate that CIMIC can aid the military in the process of expanding into national politics. This work contributes both to the literature addressing the impacts of peace missions and to the discussions on civil-military relations.Item Os tambores afro-brasileiro que repercutem na cidade de Goiânia-Goiás e suas significações(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-22) Damacena, Diego Amaral Loures; Corrêa Júnior, Sebastião Rios; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7078983629857043; Silva, Renata de Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9684039080990993; Silva, Renata de Lima; Cruvinel, Flavia Maria; Carvalho, Cleber de SousaDrums are a powerful symbol of African cultural heritage, resonating throughout all regions of Brazil in various contexts and occasions. From this perception arise the following questions: in which spaces in the city of Goiânia do Afro-Brazilian drums resonate? What do these drums symbolize? Who plays them? How are they played? What is played? Finally, what is the significance of this drumming for the surrounding community? Thus, this dissertation is the result of a research process on the presence of drums and Afro-Brazilian rhythms in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. For this purpose, four contexts were selected in which drums and Black music play a central and significant role, whether in a festive, educational, religious, or artistic capacity, or, in most cases, encompassing more than one of these aspects. The Cultural Association Coró de Pau, the Núcleo Coletivo 22, the Ilê Ase Alaketu Omi Osulufon, and the event Batucagê were the researched locations. This dissertation is theoretically supported by the works of Zeca Ligiéro (2011), Kabengele Mununga (2006), Kazadi wa Mukuna (2006), José Jorge de Carvalho (2003), José Ramos Tinhorão (2008), among others. The development of the investigation involved field research and musical analysis, focusingon the ways in which drums are used, the Afro-Brazilian rhythms practiced, and their purposes, with the aim of documenting, recognizing, and valuing the African contribution to the city of Goiânia, as well as broadening the perspective and understanding of Afro-Brazilian music and culture.Item Fotografias como recursos narrativos nas publicações dos dossiês do patrimônio imaterial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-09) Duailibe, Nayala Nunes; Tamaso , Izabela Maria; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3452984712174788; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Morais, Sara Santos; Gonçalves, Renata Sá; Veiga, Felipe Berocan; Hirano, Luis Felipe KojimaIt is worth considering the importance of photographs for the documentation and recording of various forms of intangible heritage, as well as their relevance in the dissemination and appreciation of the cultural practices and traditions of different groups. This thesis analyzes the use of photographic images as a tool in the construction and representation of heritage, questioning how these images shape the understanding of the meaning of heritage. The thesis also highlights the existing gap regarding the role of photographs in the documentation and preservation of intangible heritage, and how they can be used in the context of public policies. The objectives of the thesis are to identify heritage photographs in the narratives of intangible heritage, to analyze the ethnographic sense of heritage processes in relation to the use of photography, and to demonstrate how photographs are used in the publications of the IPHAN files. The work presents an ethnography, which discusses the aspects of anthropological research, the selection methodology of files and photographic images, as well as the proposal of a method with photographs. In the third chapter, the thesis discusses the use of photographs as narrative strategies in intangible heritage records, highlighting the relationship between photography and Anthropology and the collective memory embodied in images. Analysis of the intangible heritage files is presented, focusing on the Wajãpi and Roda de Capoeira files produced by IPHAN. The objective is to understand how narratives are built through the photographs present in these documents and how cultural forms are recorded. The thesis emphasizes the epistemological dimension of the use of images in intangible heritage and addresses the relevance of public heritage policies that use images as central resources in their approach.Item Viva o Zé Pereira! Viva o Carnaval! Vida e Formas expressivas na Obra de Arte de Francisco Corrêa Vasques(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-03) Faria, Marcelo Fecunde de; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9964594962008164; Camargo; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; Gonçalves, Jean Carlos; Marzano, Andrea Barbosa; Oliveira, Vânia Dolores Estevam de; Souza, Silvia Cristina Martins deThis thesis proposes to reconfigure the historical and scenic trajectory of the comic thing in O Zé Pereira Carnavalesco, written and produced by Francisco Corrêa Vasques (1839- 1992) and acted on the stage of the Teatro Fênix Dramatica in Rio de Janeiro in 1869. The documentary corpus of this research consists of Vasques’ comic scenes written from 1839 to 1892, statements produced in periodicals on the database of the Brazilian Digital Library (National Library), and the images and literary texts that reflect the context and scope of Vasques’ work beyond his lifetime. The universe of the Brazilian theater and that of Carnaval in its constant changes help the analysis aimed at this work, evincing the relation of Vasques’ scene with the carnival party and the popular manifestations that emerged in the scenes with their parodies and songs. Traits that are fundamental in building characters, scripts, and a way of staging in search of carnivalized laughter. The theoretical axis of this research is based on references in the theories of Bakhtin’s Circle and its understandings of dialogy and carnivalization, in dialogue with Nicolas Evreinov’s (1879-1953) fundamental concept of theatricality. Initially, this research addresses the cosmology of carnivalization and its essential conception of the memory of the genre, reflecting on how works of art may be able to enable different readings in its time and in several periods in view of its dialogical nature and artistic essence. This narrative focuses on the figure of Francisco Corrêa Vasques and his creations, contemplating his stylistics and enunciative choices in the Brazilian sociocultural environment. Throughout this study, the researched statements show that the aforementioned comic scene and its great technical simplicity became a success with the public and reverberated in historical time, creating a network connecting past and future and being the target of comments from chroniclers, journalists, and literary critics decades later, entering the Carnaval musical culture itself. This cosmology enables us to understand that theatrical performance becomes an evaluative and dialogical event that expands, ricochets, resonates, sings in a longer time, gathers traces and signs of its readers, and creates new waves of expressive possibilities. This inventory leads us to the comings and goings of the relation between art, context, and its processes. Carnaval, the ultimate symbol of joy and the state of opposition between the normativity of everyday life and the other life that emerges in this party, entered the Brazilian theater, transforming it and re-signifying new directions. Thus, in addition to its inventory, this research celebrates and echoes the encounter of theater with Carnaval and life and vice versa, problematizing the work of art in the ravines of its time. And long live Zé Pereira!Item Psicanálise e arte: performances do eu em Jogo de cena(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-22) Ferreira, Ezequiel Martins; Nogueira, Lisandro Magalhães; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6994570742767643; Nogueira, Lisandro Magalhães; Bezerra, Cláudio Roberto de Araújo; Nunes, Alexandre Silva; Amaral, Roberto Antônio Penêdo do; Christino, DanielThe proposal to relate the theories of Cultural Performances with Psychoanalysis was carried out based on the film by director Eduardo Coutinho, Play of Scene, taken, here, as a film within the limits of the documentary that carries traces of performance art, and evokes elements that point to the subjectivity behind the characters. In this, the objective is to elucidate the way in which this subjectivity appears in Coutinho's device, where the register of the imaginary prevails. The concepts of narcissism and the image of I are taken, and, extracted from the participants' testimonies, the significant extracts that are repeated and that point to a failure, at the same time that it expresses, as a mask, a another scene, in which something beyond the imaginary appears. Thus, as a result, the proposal given in the invitation, which is to crystallize an image of I in the form of characters, stumbles upon the reality of the scene itself.Item Princesinhas, guerreiros e batalhas discursivas: educação de gênero como projeto (neo)conservador(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-29) Freitas, Lídia dos Santos Ferreira de; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7078667432523349; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Nunes, Maria José Fontelas Rosado; Santos, Rayani Mariano dos; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Gonçalves, ElianeEsta investigación doctoral en Antropología Social, centrada principalmente en textos públicos obtenidos en diversas plataformas, tanto digitales como físicas, buscó analizar discursos y perspectivas de género en libros infantiles y materiales pedagógicos producidos por segmentos de los cristianismos pentecostalizados. La fundamentación teórica se basó en las teorías de género y feministas, así como en la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del Análisis del Discurso. El alcance del análisis consideró el contexto más amplio de las actuales controversias sobre género, el avance de valores e ideas de derecha y extrema derecha, y la reacción conservadora ante el progreso de las agendas feministas y los activismos queer, especialmente desde el repertorio discursivo de la "ideología de género". Buscando responder a la pregunta sobre cuáles serían los elementos fundamentales constituyentes de la tecnología conservadora de género operacionalizada en la educación no formal de niños presente en el campo de los cristianismos pentecostalizados, la investigación de los materiales reveló una estética y patrones discursivos comunes, fundamentados en una visión de género dualista, esencialista, cis-heterosexista, disciplinadora, moralista y reproductivista. El análisis también evidenció la existencia de un proyecto organizado de educación conservadora de género para niños en los espacios de estos cristianismos conservadores, con énfasis, principalmente, en identidades y performances de género, desde una perspectiva construccionista (el género debe ser enseñado a los niños desde una matriz cristiana-conservadora), conformada en un discurso esencialista (el género está dado y no puede ser modificado). Hay, por lo tanto, una ambigüedad que es característica del patrón discursivo de las nuevas derechas conservadoras y que forma parte de su potencia. La investigación también señala la necesidad de que los investigadores del campo de los estudios de género revisiten el supuesto de que habría, en los segmentos analizados en esta tesis, una perspectiva puramente "antigénero". Lo que parece haber es un proceso de disputa por los sentidos de la categoría "género". Destaco, por último, que el fenómeno es relativamente reciente, intensificándose a partir de la segunda década del siglo XX, lo que justifica la relevancia y actualidad de esta investigación.Item Domingo na praia para além do baculejo: transatlanticidade, divisão racial na cidade / do espaço e juventudes negras na Praia do Poço da Draga em Fortaleza (CE)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-18) Freitas, Paulo Henrique Ferreira de; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0348844638764982; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Hirano, Luís Felipe Kojima; Pinho, Osmundo de AraújoThis research identifies, embodies and presents sketches of cartographies, narratives and photographs of the urban space under the banks of the peripheral beaches of Fortaleza (CE) with a focus on Praia do Poço da Draga. It starts from a physical and existential understanding of the Black Atlantic interpreted by researchers who focus on the construction of black-African diasporas to address experiences constructed and modified by the black presence in coastal cities, specifically here, Fortaleza. The approach to the research field was carried out through participant observation, interviews and through collaborations with young black artists in the areas of music, poetry and visual arts in Fortaleza, which highlights representations of sociability, relationships of belonging and transgressions of young black people in the city and in urban spaces. The approach carried out through an intense presence in the field, interviews and collaborative participation during the research highlights the representations of sociability, relationships of belonging and transgressions of young black people in the city of Fortaleza. It is possible in this ethnography to make visible a debate about black youth in the plural contexts of their daily experiences in relation to the right to the city and more specifically, the right to the beach and leisure, art and culture, not limited to interpretations about the genocide of black youth as strict concept to rights violations in police approaches, extermination and mass incarceration practiced by the Brazilian State against young black people, but filling gaps and silences around racism and its strategies for maintaining power in large Brazilian citiesItem Kalunga cidadão: uma análise antropológica da extensão universitária da Universidade Federal de Goiás nas comunidades quilombolas Kalunga(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-03) Gabry, Ulisses José; Omar Alvarez, Gabriel; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Omar Alvarez, Gabriel; Soares, Carlos Alberto Caroso; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Dias, Luciana de OliveiraThis paper aims to contribute to the debate on the work of the Federal University of Goiás in the Kalunga Quilombola Communities through university extension. To this end, an anthropological analysis of UFG's university extension work in the Kalunga territory was carried out, starting with the extension program "Kalunga Cidadão: Promoção da Igualdade Racial na Comunidade Rural Quilombola Kalunga de Cavalcante, Monte Alegre e Teresina - Goiás" (Kalunga Citizen: Promotion of Racial Equality in the Kalunga Rural Quilombola Community of Cavalcante, Monte Alegre and Teresina - Goiás). It was found that the university's extension practice with the population has been built up over a long period of time by faculty members who, by having their research and teaching trajectories intersect with those of the communities, seek to contribute to the demands of the Kalunga Communities through university extension.Item As margens vão à luta: o modo Maíra como resistência tentehar nas relações da T.I Cana Brava/Guajajara com a BR-226 no Centro-Sul do Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-11) Gomes, Dhiogo Rezende; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5311157252579292; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Caballero, Indira Nahomi Viana; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Garcia, Uirá Felippe; Apurinã , FranciscoThis thesis deals with interethnic relations within the Cana Brava Indigenous Land, crossed by BR-226 in the Center-South region of Maranhão. In this context, the Tentehar-Guajajara present themselves as producing a policy of approximation to control and resist the impacts of the highway as a developmental project, in the face of changes and transformations in the world system. A set of agencies and strategies are presented that were established on a cosmological basis in the mythical times of the creation of their people, matured in four centuries of contact with colonization and national society. In this process of indigenous agency in the present, the Tentehar carry their references to the struggle in the myths of the founding of their people by the demiurge Maíra and his twin sons, Maíra’yr and Mucura’yr. Tentehar historicity is based on ancestry, valuing the struggles fought by the ancients, following a chain of historical times conjectured by the indigenous people themselves to the detriment of linear and dominant Western chronologies. This tentahar way of being-doing brings together all the plasticity of these people, weaving a policy of resistance, moving between retreats and controlled approaches under the Maíra way, observers of the limits with the karaiw (non-indigenous), from the first colonial contacts, through the conflicts in the demarcation of land and the expulsion of invading villages, until the establishment of the pe pihun – black road, the highway in the 21st century, a time in which the margins are fighting