Programa de Pós-graduação em Direitos Humanos
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Item Violência de gênero e direitos humanos: um estudo do atendimento dos crimes de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher na 1ª DEAM de Goiânia (2010-2023)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-31) Alves, Glauco Leão Ferreira; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de; Sofiati, Flavio Munhoz; Ferreira, Maria Meire de Carvalho; Silva, Guilherme Borges daWomen who are victims of gender-based violence need public policies so that basic human rights are actually implemented. In this way, the objective was to bring to the academic debate the assistance, which occurred between 2010 and 2023, to crimes of domestic and family violence at the 1st Specialized Police Station for Women's Assistance in Goiânia - DEAM, based on discursive textual analysis about the feelings, anxieties, limitations and dilemmas of the civil police officers from this police station. Based on the research entitled Public Security Agents as Subjects of Rights, from the Human Rights Center of the Federal University of Goiás, a questionnaire was applied, in 2023, to 22 professionals who work or worked at this police station: agents, clerks, delegates and psychologists, in a quantitative-qualitative approach. In relation to the theoretical framework that supported this thesis, the theme of violence was approached, from an interdisciplinary perspective, consolidating the importance of the role of the street-level bureaucrat as an agent for transforming an unequal, sexist, violent and prejudiced reality. In this sense, data analysis demonstrated the need for constant training of these civil police officers who are on the front line in the fight against violations of women's rights. The training we are talking about must focus on gender relations and social markers of difference, because it was also noted that there is little institutional appreciation for the police officers who are assigned to this police unit. It is essential to pay attention to the mental health of these professionals who deal with violence on a daily basis and who support a workload increased by the low police force. The lack of motivation and illness of these police officers, who at certain times, see themselves more as subjects of duties than of rights, can negatively reflect on the care provided to victims at DEAM, in contrast to the reason for the existence of this police station: to empower women to break the cycle of violence.Item A pobreza como alvo na modernização da assistência social: estudo de caso da adoção do portal Meu INSS para o acesso ao BPC(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Costa, Caroline Levergger; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz;; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz; Serau Junior, Marco Aurélio; Pagliaro, Heitor de CarvalhoThis dissertation analyzes the use of information and communication technologies for access to social rights, especially welfare rights, and deals specifically with how technology is being used to access the Continuous Cash Benefit. It aims to answer whether modernization has generated social progress or resulted in increased vulnerability of the recipients of this public policy. It also investigates whether the use of modernization may be occurring as a veiled fiscal adjustment measure, that is, not formally declared, to reduce access to the benefit. The methodological approach used was a literature review and a documentary analysis of secondary data and empirical research produced on the subject. The INSS DIGITAL program was evaluated based on five analysis criteria: greater coverage and possibility of service, simplification of processes and increased transparency, speed in responding to requests, quality of procedural analysis and fewer demands and savings to public coffers. It was observed that the difficulties in accessing rights, arising from modernization, do not simply stem from technology, but from the way it has been applied by States to mediate their relationship with the vulnerable population and that there are already proposals formulated so that this modernization is compatible with human rights. It was found that historical factors in the evolution of social assistance and the country's own characteristics, as well as the existence of a fiscal adjustment policy, influenced the way in which technologies were incorporated by the State in the provision of services to citizens. In the case of access to the Continuous Cash Benefit, it was found that the modernization of access, as it occurred, did not represent for the vulnerable population an expansion of rights or even an improvement of public service, but reproduced a barrier to be overcome by the citizen and acted as a factor of repression of administrative expenses (fiscal adjustment) even with the payment of benefits, which has grown more slowly since its implementation.Item O direito à água frente à mercantilização: um estudo do acesso à água pelas pessoas em situação de rua em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-01) Farias, Fernanda Sales França de; Silva, José Antônio Tietzmann e;; Silva, José Antônio Tietzmann e; Correa, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho; Oliveira, Dijaci David deAlthough the theme of water concerns environmental issues, it is possible to see the relevance of economic discourse in this context. It appears that, on the one hand, we have the recognition of water as a human right, but, on the other, there was its commodification, from the moment it was declared as a good of economic value. So, the research intends to study how the conception of water as a commodity impacts its access by the homeless population, since, when assigning an economic value to a good, its access, consequently, will be determined by having economical means of obtaining it. For this, the bibliographical and documentary research technique was proposed as a methodology, as a means of studying the process of recognizing water as a human right and discussions about water as a commodity. In addition, the empirical research technique was used with an observational procedure method with interviews with homeless people in Centro, Campinas and Universitário neighborhoods in Goiânia, public servants from CentroPop and Serviço Especializado em Abordagem Social, as well as volunteers from non-governmental organizations (Invisível GO, Grupo de Regeneração Chico Xavier and Tio Cleobaldo). Finally, the research outlines a profile of access to water by the group studied, demonstrating that access is insufficient, given the few public water points in the city and is even more difficult when it comes to access to water for hygiene. Furthermore, the stigma suffered by this population stands out and also how inaccessibility to water is one of the various ways in which discourses that make these people invisible and dehumanize are materialized.Item A proteção internacional do trabalho humano como resistência aos avanços do ideal político das forças do livre mercado: o “negociado sobre o legislado” na visão da OIT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-18) Gratão, Carlos Eduardo Andrade; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz;; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz; Serau Junior , Marco Aurélio; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; Azevedo Neto, Platon Teixeira deLaw no. 13.467/2017, which implemented the so-called Labor Reform, was one of the expressions of neoliberal ideology in the country as it was guided by an interpretation of labor relations as commodities to be priced by free market forces, with minimal or even no intervention by public forces in defense of the most vulnerable party in the contractual relationship, the worker. This law gave the opposing parties, the capitalists and the workers, the power to decide their disputes based on the free disposition of their will, despite the existence of legislation protecting human labor produced under a different political aegis. This precept became known as "negotiated over legislated", possibly inspired by classical liberalism, and therefore contrary to the understanding of the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Committee on Freedom of Association and Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, whose understanding of labour relations is anchored in political and civilizational frameworks of social justice. Since the hypothesis is that this legal innovation substantially harms human rights, this research was dedicated to demonstrating that the neoliberal political ideal is contrary to social human rights in the form of decent work and that the Brazilian law is incompatible with the ILO's understanding. To this end, the research deals with neoliberalism, its way of acting against the welfare state, democracy and social human rights, by prescribing the preponderance of freedom rights and denying social justice. The research also shows that social, economic and cultural rights have the same philosophical origins as civil and political rights, and examines the justification for the bill presented by the rapporteur in the Chamber of Deputies, as well as some of the statements made by Congressmen during the debates in Parliament. Moreover, it also presents some data on trade unions in the post-reform period, from 2017 onwards, identifying that there has been a weakening of trade union entities, such as the withdrawal of the union tax without any transition period or adaptation rules and the creation of a series of new types of employee contracts, based on the ideal of individual freedom, which fragment the professional category and weaken the social solidarity that is indispensable for the strength of trade union action. Some cases analyzed by the Committee on Freedom of Association were examined in order to verify the interpretative parameter regarding the possibility of collective bargaining to reduce rights provided for by law, as well as statements made by the Committee of Experts specifically regarding the Labor Reform in the period from 2018 to 2023. In the end, the hypotheses were confirmed, in the sense that Law no. 13.467/2017 proved to be a true pro-business public policy, sought to weaken not only the legislation protecting human labor, but also the resistance structures of the working class, in addition to being incompatible with the ILO's understanding. Another important conclusion from a sociological point of view is that the centrality of work has long since lost ground in society to individual freedom under the political designs of neoliberalism. It was documentary and bibliographical research. The justification for the bill presented in the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate were examined, as well as fragments of the deputies' debates using shorthand notes, all obtained from the Chamber of Deputies website. We also examined data on unions in the post-reform period already collected by REMIR – Network for Studies and Interdisciplinary Monitoring of Labor Reform, from the Unicamp Institute of Economics, and by CESIT – Center for Union Studies in Labor Economics, which It is made up of representatives from this Institute of Economics and DIEESE. The research had access to ILO documents from the years 1948, 1949, 1980 and 1981, regarding the preparatory acts for the adoption of ILO Conventions 98 and 154, which were obtained after requesting the ILO library through the email to The decisions of the Committee on Freedom of Association and the statements made by the Committee of Experts are data accessible through websites and documents published by the ILO, also accessible on the internet.Item O papel da Polícia Civil e da Segurança Pública na prevenção da violência praticada por crianças e adolescente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-10) Oliveira, Danilo Fabiano Carvalho e; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado;; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado; Santos, Nivaldo dos; Silva, Arício Vieira da; Pagliaro, Heitor de Carvalho; Sandes, Wilquerson FelizardoUsing a multidisciplinary approach, which integrates concepts from Criminal Law, Human Rights, Psychology and Political Science, this Doctoral Thesis examined how the collection, analysis and interpretation of information by Police Intelligence can contribute to identifying factors of risk, anticipate criminal trends and target preventive interventions proactively and efficiently. By exploring this theme, we sought not only to expand the understanding of the role of the Civil Police in preventing child and youth crime, but also to provide subsidies for the improvement of public policies and police practices aimed at this purpose. In this sense, the objective of this thesis was to seek to understand the following question: what is the role of the judicial police, in the broader field of public policies for the promotion and guarantee of fundamental rights, full protection and combating the violation of rights that do they directly violate human rights in childhood and youth? With this aim, this study was divided into three axes, namely: 1. How the police perceive themselves (what the judicial police officer thinks they should do); 2. What the police actually do; 3. The role, normatively prescribed by the Judiciary Police (Civil Police), in the production of public policies in favor of children and youth, in particular, with regard to this role, or rather, the non-recurrence of criminal acts. To this end, this Doctoral research adopted a methodological approach that combined bibliographic review, document analysis and discursive analysis based on participant observation. Experiences and practices of the Civil Police of the State of Goiás were examined, as well as interviews with police officers, public security managers, criminology experts and other key actors. The purpose of this methodological use was to capture perceptions and insights into the role and potential of Civil Police Intelligence in preventing criminal acts committed by children and adolescents. Through this process, the expected results were achieved, confirming the research hypothesis; in other words, that the Civil Police institution contributes peculiar and extremely important data that, if treated with strategic intelligence, brought to the attention of the State through public security managers, and also recognized, could contribute to efficient public policies and the prevention of infractions and crimes committed by those at fault. Furthermore, the research showed that the use of Civil Police Intelligence is not limited only to the repression of crimes, but also encompasses educational and preventive actions. This is seen through awareness and training programs. The police can act in primary prevention, educating young people about the risks and consequences of involvement in criminal activities. Investments in technology, personnel training and systems integration are essential to ensure the effectiveness of these strategies in the long term. Therefore, it is possible to reduce juvenile delinquency rates and promote a safer and healthier environment for society as a whole.Item O direito humano à água face à realidade do saneamento básico no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-29) Parreira, Lucas Silverio; Silva, José Antonio Tietzmann e;; Silva, José Antônio Tietzmann e; Araújo, Luciane Martins de; Tibiriçá, Luciana GonçalvesThe present dissertation aims to investigate the human right to water in the context of Brazilian basic sanitation, through studies of public policies developed to provide access to basic sanitation and how its inefficiency can lead to various rights violations, as well as harmful consequences for society and the State. On another note, the intention was to address how public policies related to basic sanitation impact other rights and guarantees already established domestically and internationally, as an expression of human rights. To do so, the relevant regulations were considered, especially the National Basic Sanitation Policy Law - Law 11.445/2007 - with the changes introduced by what is conventionally referred to as the "New Sanitation Framework," given by Federal Law 14.026/2020, as well as its regulatory decrees (Decree 11.466/2023 and Decree 11.467/2023). The dissertation initially deals with establishing a dialogue between human rights and access to basic sanitation operations, in addition to the economic aspect to be considered in basic sanitation operations in the Brazilian state, especially in the state of Goiás. Therefore, based on the results obtained, it was observed that the Regulatory Framework for Basic Sanitation, updated by Federal Law No. 14.026/2020, has as its main objective the goal of providing 99% of the population with drinking water and 90% with sewage collection and treatment by 2033. However, this regulation has opened up real possibilities for the provision of these services by the private sector, even to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The universalization of basic sanitation operations, especially concerning access to clean and safe water, must be redirected to ensure access to water and basic sanitation services, regardless of the subjective conditions of the users, by consolidating basic sanitation as a fundamental human right, with the clear and precise notation that the underprivileged public should be served regardless of whether the service is provided by the public or private sector, as it is an essential public service.Item (Re)Pensando a proteção dos Direitos Humanos: uma análise amefricana e decolonial do caso Simone Diniz vs Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-22) Pires, Thiago Aparecido; Rosa, Cleudes Maria Tavares;; Corrêa, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho;; Corrêa, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho; Rosa , Cleudes Maria Tavares; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista; Silva, Elson Santos; Silva, Rosemary Francisca NevesHow can the actions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in the case of Simone André Diniz v. Brazil influence Brazil's legal and racial dynamics? This work starts from the problem presented, based on the reality of Latin America and Brazil, realities marked by colonization and slavery, which not only left their mark, but also structured the societies, institutions and power in which they were established for centuries. Even with the formal overcoming of colonialism and slavery, their effects still remain with coloniality and racism. This work therefore mobilizes the categories of "decoloniality" and "amefricanity" as a way of combating these effects. In conducting this research, we used the qualitative research technique, documentary analysis and bibliographical research, especially with regard to the documents issued by the IACHR in relation to the Simone Diniz vs Brazil case. We also used dialectical hermeneutics as a theoretical basis and resource to help analyze the case. As a result, we believe that the IACHR's greatest contribution is the dissemination of a culture of respect for human rights, using the category of amefricanity as a starting point for the protection of such rights and as an analytical lens that influences the actions of public authorities, in order to consider the reality of black women in the production and application of government policies, the creation of laws and the administration of justice.Item A Implementação da Racionalidade Neoliberal pelas Decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal em Matéria Trabalhista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-10) Rodrigues, Liliane Meireles Filgueiras; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz;; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz; Serau Junior, Marco Aurélio; Santos Neto, Arnaldo BastosThis research was dedicated to verifying the implementation of neoliberal rationality through the decisions of the Federal Supreme Court in labor matters. It was an inductive, interdisciplinary study involving a social phenomenon (neoliberalism) and labor law issues, encompassing labor law as an expression of human rights of a social nature. It consists of bibliographical and documentary research. It begins with a brief history of the neoliberal movement, showing its position on the role of labor in the globalist economy. It was shown that neoliberal rationality, from the beginning of its formation, advocates the molding of legislation, jurisprudence and the division of labor to the needs of economic development. The understanding of relevant neoliberal intellectuals and their dissemination around the world was discussed. It was shown how this rationality is indirectly imposed by international organizations (such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank), as well as the recommendations of the Washington Consensus in relation to work (fragmentation of labor rights and deregulation of work). To this end, we used works by Brown, Dardot and Laval, Eucken, Hayek, Biavach and Moosa. The second chapter shows how labor protection originated, what its objective was, what economic conditions gave rise to it and how this protection developed until the 1988 Federal Constitution. It also shows that the Labor Court emerged in a political context that was more protective of workers. To this end, we briefly discuss how the work relationship in Brazil, since colonization, has been articulated between two economically and socially unequal parties, giving rise to: Labor Law as a branch of law necessary to regulate this relationship between unequal parties; and Labor Justice, as a specialized court, faster and aware of the specificity of the work relationship, the principles that regulate it and the social function of labor law. It was also discussed how the 1988 Federal Constitution, which followed a period of great repression in Brazil, introduced the paradigm of Social Humanist Constitutionalism to the country, giving constitutional status to the human being and to work, and providing for normative principles of a humanist, democratic and social nature (several of which are included in the branch of labor law). It was shown how Labor Law emerged as an expression of human rights of a social nature, since it appeared as a pioneering legal branch in the protection of a socially and economically subordinate class. It discusses the profound cultural crisis faced by the democratic transition resulting from the 1988 Constitution, given the implementation of neoliberal rationality in Brazil since the 1990s (more incisively after Dilma Rousseff's impeachment in 2016), especially in the area of labor law. To this end, it was based especially on the works of Bomfim, Delgado, Maior and Martins. Finally, by analyzing binding decisions by the Federal Supreme Court in major labor matters after 2016, it was found that this Court has been contributing to the implementation of neoliberal rationality in Brazil, ultimately cooperating to weaken labor unions, make labor rights more flexible, deregulate work and reduce the role of the state and the Labor Court, in opposition to the ideals of social welfare established in the 1988 Federal Constitution. To this end, ten binding STF decisions were chosen and analyzed. In order to verify the flexibilization of labor rights resulting from collective bargaining, in which Theme 1046 (established in ARE 1121633) was applied by the TST, a search was carried out on the search engine of the TST's website. Research carried out by DIEESE, CUT, CNJ (among other institutions) was also analyzed in order to verify the weakening of workers' unions, the precariousness of work and the speed of the Labor Court.Item Mudança de paradigmas na execução das medidas de segurança em Goiás: o PAILI como possibilidade de política pública substitutiva do tradicional modelo manicomial no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-25) Silva, Beatriz Borges e; Bevilacqua, Solon;; ; Bevilacqua, Solon; Cardoso, Franciele Silva; Costa, Carmem LúciaThis dissertation aims to carry out a comparative study between the national panorama of the application of security measures in Brazil, marked by the traditional asylum model, and the reality of Goiás with the treatment offered by the Programa de Atenção Integral ao Louco Infrator (PAILI) for people who suffer from mental disorder and commit crimes. It is intended to investigate the changes brought by PAILI, from its implementation in 2006, in the execution of security measures in the State of Goiás, from the perspective of defending the Human Rights of its patients in the light of the Law n. 10.216/2001 (Psychiatric Reform Law), aiming to identify the program's differences, as well as its effectiveness as a health and public safety policy in order to verify whether it can become an alternative to the treatment carried out by Custody and Psychiatric Treatment Hospitals (HCTPs), which function as a rule in the application of security measures in Brazil. In order to do so, interdisciplinary bibliographic and documentary research were used and also data analysis. Furthermore, questions from areas such as Law, Criminology, Sociology, History, Psychiatry and Psychology were considered, to contextualize the relationship between crime and madness, as well as the stigmas arising from it, which endorse the idea of the madman's dangerousness and support the maintenance of the institution. of the judicial asylum in a repressive nature of security measures to the detriment of therapeutic ones. Furthermore, throughout the research, based on the comparison of the national and Goiás scenarios, the aim is to verify the feasibility of treatment beyond hospitalization in total institutions, seeking a balance between guaranteeing public safety and preserving rights. fundamental elements of these individuals who, often, are forgotten by the State within the walls of judicial asylums, having their dignity and freedom constantly violated.Item Entre o silêncio e o acanhamento: o racismo institucional no âmbito dos cursos de formação da magistratura federal entre 2007 e 2019(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-09) Souza, Rodrigo Gonçalves de; Borges, Fernanda da Silva;; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de;; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Fontenele, Alysson Maia; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Huerta, José Zaragoza; Cardoso, Franciele SilvaThis research aimed to understand how racial issues have been incorporated into the training of federal judges in recent years and in what way the silencing of racial themes has given way to a timid confrontation within the Judiciary. This study seeks to answer the following question: why has the issue of race been silenced for so long in the professional training of judges, and to this day, is it still treated with restraint? To understand why the issue was silenced for so long in the training of judges, the hypothesis worked with was that, despite advances in the black movement, institutional racism persisted within the institutions that make up the justice system until recently. The theoretical support for this investigation relied on a black epistemology, notably in the works of Silvio Almeida, Adilson Moreira, Antônio Sérgio Guimarães, Aparecida Bento, and Nilma Gomes. The categories addressed were individual, institutional, and structural racism, racism as discourse, prejudice, discrimination, and whiteness, as well as other categories such as color, stereotype, stigma, and intersectionality. This study approached racism from a socio-economic perspective, recognizing it as a form of discrimination based on perceived physical and cultural characteristics as inferior or undesirable, spanning from individual manifestations to structural dimensions. It also explored the social construction of race linked to culture and symbolic practices, discussing the relationship with racism and its connection to racial stereotypes. In discussing the relationship between racism and social exclusion, the importance of technically defining prejudice, discrimination, and stigma was emphasized. The underrepresentation of Black individuals in the judiciary was analyzed considering the need for a racial debate in legal education and the impacts of the lack of diversity in the justice system. Methodologically, a bibliographic survey and documentary analysis were conducted (iconographic elements, official quantitative data, economic and social indicators). It is concluded that racism within the Judiciary imposed a prolonged suppression of race in institutional discussions and points to gradual but still limited progress in addressing racial issues, emphasizing the influence of the black movement and the need for more effective anti-racist pedagogical practices and programs. Furthermore, training in racial studies is essential for the judiciary to respond to social tensions and promote racial equalityItem Direito à Memória: construção de novas narrativas sobre a experiência Tapuia do Carretão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-06) Tapuia, Eunice Pirkodi Caetano Moraes; Leitão, Rosani Moreira;; Leitão, Rosani Moreira; Resende , Tânia Ferreira de; Silva, Lorranne Gomes da; Correia, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho; Borges, Mônica VelosoEl trabajo abordó la historia y la memoria del pueblo Tapuia do Carretão (GO) y sus conexiones con las prácticas de educación intercultural desarrolladas en el Colegio Estadual Indígena Cacique José Borges. La comunidad Tapuia del Carretão resulta de siglos de persecución, esclavización y masacres llevadas a cabo por la corona portuguesa y más recientemente por el estado brasileño. A pesar de la gran manifestación de resistencia, sufrieron y sufren un violento proceso de borramiento, paralelo a la construcción de imágenes estereotipadas negativas atribuidas a personas pertenecientes a esta comunidad. Entendiendo que la escuela desde una perspectiva intercultural y como un espacio que debe ser apropiado por la comunidad como lugar de fortalecimiento político y reconstrucción de su identidad, busco contribuir con proyectos pedagógicos de la escuela el fin de documentar y fortalecer la memoria y la historia Tapuia, a partir de sus propias experiencias, deshaciendo estereotipos negativos originados en una herencia colonial que persiste y se reproduce hoy, construyendo imágenes de control que atribuyen al pueblo Tapuia un lugar de inferioridad. La investigación se basa en estudios bibliográficos, revisión y análisis de documentos y trabajo de campo etnográfico y colaborativo realizado en propia comunidadItem A fronteira entre a produtividade e a qualidade de vida do servidor: uma análise da segurança pública goiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-31) Valverde, Marcos Cesar Silva; Silva, Elson Santos;; Bevilacqua, Solon;; Bevilacqua, Solon; Silva , Elson Santos; Corrêa, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho; Marques, Vinicius Pinheiro; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa deThis study examines the relationship between productivity and the quality of life of police officers in the public security sector of Goiás, Brazil. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the research explores the impact of human rights, public management, and technology on this relationship. The study employs a mixed-methods methodology, incorporating document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups to investigate specific challenges faced by police officers, such as inadequate material infrastructure, moral harassment, and physical risks associated with their duties. The findings highlight a significant correlation between officers' perceived quality of life and their productivity. Officers reporting better working conditions and lower instances of moral harassment tend to exhibit higher productivity levels. The study suggests that public policies aimed at promoting the mental and physical health of police officers are crucial for enhancing public security effectiveness. Furthermore, the analysis underscores the need for more efficient resource management and robust institutional support to address the identified challenges. Improvements in working conditions, including the provision of adequate equipment and regular training, are recommended as essential measures to foster a more effective and humane public security environment in Goiás.Item Capitalismo de vigilância e proteção de dados pessoais: análise do Google Privacy Sandbox à luz dos direitos humanos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-11-06) Xavier, Marcelo Augusto Pedreira; Bevilacqua, Sólon;; Bevilacqua, Solon; Cukla, Anselmo Rafael; Franco, Thiago CardosoThis study examines how self-regulatory practices for the protection of personal data implemented in the Google Chrome browser, with the Privacy Sandbox, impact human rights. In this sense, the main objective of the work is to investigate whether the use of information technologies involved in behavioral tracking can provoke violations of freedoms, rights, and individual guarantees related to digital informational privacy. Building upon the theoretical and normative framework and through documentary, argumentative, and discourse analysis, the study sought to verify whether the measures of the sandbox will indeed enhance user experience. Additionally, to assess the impacts of this private self-regulation, an empirical study is conducted to promote a diagnosis of consent practices and the use of cookies on the highesttraffic websites in Brazil. This includes a survey of data from the Brazilian regulatory flow with an emphasis on data regulation. The research follows the hypothetical-deductive method, and the results demonstrate the validity of the hypothesis that Google's proposals do not reduce the collection and use of behavioral personal data. Such information will continue to be extensively gathered by companies that exploit surveillance capitalism, which has wide prevalence, as shown in the diagnosis. Data on the impacts of data regulation and actions of informational literacy worldwide indicate that state intervention can be enhanced by combining regulations with public policies that encourage technological appropriation as part of digital inclusion, aiming to develop society's critical awareness regarding privacy in the virtual environment.