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Item Rompendo os vínculos, os caminhos do divórcio no Brasil: 1951-1977(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-26) ALMEIDA, Maria Isabel de Moura; SANDES, Noé Freire; SANDES, N. F.Cette enquête se propose d analyser les 26 années (1951-1977), qui ont témoigné du grand affrontement entre les opposants de l institution du divorce au Brésil, parmi lesquels l Eglise Catholique et les défenseurs de sa législation, parmi eux Nelson de Souza Carneiro. Celui-ci a pris toutes les initiatives nécéssaires pour retirer le príncipe de l indissolubilité du mariage de la Constitution Fédérale de 1951 a 1977, année pendant laquelle fut aprouvée la loi nº 6.515/77, appelée Loi du Divorce ou Loi Carneiro. Pendant trois décades (1950, 1960 et 1970), pour lutter éfficacement contre le divorce, l Eglise Catholique à reagi contre les idées modernes qui faisaient en sorte que le mariage perdait de sa rigidité devant l escalade de l individualisme et l apparition de la subjectivité qui de fait, peu à peu avaient um impact dans la vie quotidiénne et les expériences personnelles, réduisant á rien les notions traditionnelles de la famille et du mariage. Les signes des nouveaux comportements et des idées nouvelles peuvent être observés dans des proportions inédites de mobilisation em faveur du divorce, dans la deuxième moitié des anées soixante-dix, a travers des manifestations publiques débats dans la presse écrite et orale. L impact de cette polemique est arrivée jusqu au Parlement qui en pleine dictature militaire a vécu avec la question du divorce, des moments rares de présence et de participation populaire massive dans les couloirs. C était la première fois, depuis l édition de l Acte Constitutionnelle nº 5 que le Congrès votait librement, sens pression, ni imposition du Palais du Planalto. Le gouvernement autoritaire du Président Ernesto Geisel a laissé ouverte la question à la conscience des parlementaires. Ainsi il a crée les conditions nécéssaires pour l approbation du divorce. L Église Catholique a été dans l obligation d accepter, malgré de véhémentes protestations, le dur coup qui a détruit la cohabitation politique qui pendant longtemps avait mis à l écart le divorce de la société brésiliénneItem Guerra simbólica na fronteira: religião e política em Itapuranga - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-06-29) COSTA, Ismar da Silva; SILVA, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; investigación, realizada junto a la Línea de Investigación Historia, Memoria e Imaginarios Sociales del Programa de Posgrado en Historia de la Universidad Federal de Goiás, objetivó apreender y analizar los procesos de formación y transformacíon por los cuales pasaron los campos politico-religiosos en Itapuranga-GO, en los años comprendidos de 1950 a 2000, en lo que denominamos de Guerra Simbólica en la Frontera. Tal recorte temporal se justifica teniendo como primero momento el proceso de ocupación de la región, pasando por los cambios propuestos por Dom Tomás Balduino, asentadas en las premisas de la Teología de la Liberación y, culminando en la rearticulación de esos campos con la inserción de la Renovación Carismática Católica en aquella localidad. La investigación contó con una elaboración teórica de la teoria de los campos, lucha simbólica, en Bourdieu, e imaginario social como Baczko, Balandier, bien como lugares de memoria de Nora. Entre algunos autores brasileños discutimos con Pesavento, Freire, para entender la ciudad como espacios de memoria, Duarte e Maia para comprensión de la frontera. Utilizamos de documentos de la parroquia, memorialísticos, documentos diocesanos, procesos crimenes, fotografías, placas inaugurales, documentos personales, documentos de la administración publica de Itapuranga, acervo del Col. Est. Dep. Jose A. Assis, así como también de encuestas con los vários sujetos envolucrados con la historia no solo de la Iglesia de la Diócesis de Goias, pero de todo un período de la Historia de Brasil, en Itapuranga. La realización de la investigación permitió afirmar que el proceso de mediación de la Iglesia, en Brasil, junto a los movimientos sociales tenían límites puestos por la coyuntura estructural de la Iglesia, la decadencia de la politización del catolicismo vía Teología de la Liberación y la ascensión de la Renovación Carismática Católica, en Itapuranga, son expresivos de ese proceso de rearticulación de las alianzas y propuestas de la Iglesia Católica.Item Ignácio Rangel [manuscrito]: história, política e tecnocracia no Brasil (1930-1960)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-06) FERNANDES, Arissane Dâmaso; PINTO, João Alberto da Costa;ácio Rangel played an important role in the consolidation of so-called conditions of capitalist production in Brazil, mainly in the years 1950-1970. As economic adviser of President Getúlio Vargas (between 1952 and 1954), he participated in the elaboration of projects of Petrobras and Eletrobras, he also headed the Economics Department of the BNDES (which at the time, played the role that years later would be of the Ministry of Planning) and participated in the drafting of the Plan of Goals in government of Juscelino Kubitschek. However, he remains unknown by most historians (and academics in general). The intent of this study is precisely to rescue the historical aspect of the theory rangeliana, which, while presenting an interpretation of Brazilian reality had a specific goal: to intervene in reality through analysis that sought effective proposal of action. The central objective of this study is, thus, understand political-institutional performance and the significance of the trajectory of Ignacio Rangel to the history of Brazil.Item Sertão Planaltino: cultura, religiosidade e política no cadinho da modernização (1950 - 1964)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-15) MAGALHÃES, Luiz Ricardo; SILVA, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; is a work which narrates the problems of changes seen in the backcountry culture of the Central Brazil and, for this, it goes forward on the ethics domain that had presided these changes. We concern here about the impacts reflected in the cultural environment when an extreme transition was occurring. The observed facts were caused by the movements of construction of Brazil s new federal capital at territories belonging to three municipalities of Goiás: Planaltina, Luziânia e Formosa. Searching for the meanings inscribed in the acceleration of history, the hallmark of this movement, we focus the effort of reflection on the observed singularities. Facts such as the interruption and then resumption of a major regional popular party, the Folia do Divino Espírito Santo, have instigated this analysis. The point was not to stick to the party itself, an ethnographic work that has been contemplated by interesting researches, such as from Lara Santos de Amorim and Inês Zats, but to rescue the story that deals with the dramas experienced by the people of the hinterland, called here Planaltina (the concept of mining of Zoroastro Artiaga, an intellectual of Goiás) who, in a very personal way, developed their own responses before the demands of having to adapt himself to a reality submitted to the requirements of quick changes. In the context of transformations, which if viewed through the prism of culture, could be classified as overwhelming, was imposed to the locals the presence of an exuberant city that was a symbol of modernity. Brasília, in its symbolic dimension, was not only the greatest icon of architectural modernism in Brazil, but the representation of the long cherished desire of the running of the country for its inclusion in the club of so-called developed nations. Around the zero point of this invention, which a long time ago has been defined as ideal, the previous community life, which was often classified as nothing or almost nothing, was forced to articulate a profusion of new concepts brought by the changes. To work with the culture, we appealed to literary, journalistic and memories sources. We hope, therefore, to have collaborated to satisfy desires for this reflection could reach the only foreshadowed hinterland historical significance.Item Os donos da terra: a disputa pelo destino da fronteira - aluta dos posseiros de Trombas e Formoso 1950/1960(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-31) MAIA, Cláudio Lopes; BORGES, Barsanufo Gomides; the decade of 1950 and in the first half of 1960, the middle north of Goiás was a place where occurred many fights for the land. This work seeks to discuss one of those movements which became known as the squatting fight of Trombas and Formoso. In this work it went through the various stages of that fight and it is analysed how in the process of the land dispute the squatting consolidated a group and created a common notion about the right to the land. In Trombas, the fight for the land made a group and conceived a solidarity which was mediated by the experience of the exploration lived by the peasants in the former period to their displacement for that small village of the north of Goiás. In that fight was also present the Brazilian Communist Party that by the very particular condition of its militants who were in Trombas was responsible for the consolidation of an alliance with the peasant ,structured in the claim for the land and in the consolidation of an autonomy of the movement. This work seeks to contribute with the debate on the border expansion and the capacity that the process had in Brazil to create spaces of dispute for the land by which groups and different interests were contended.Item Goiânia Metrópole: sonho, vigília e despertar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-28) MEDEIROS, Wilton de Araujo; SILVA, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; history of Goiânia initially it is studied by the academy in the years of 1970, having a considerable increase of volume in the years of 1990 in ahead. This work has as object the Goiânia Metropolis, e is inserted between that they search to produce narratives on Goiânia from what the personages had left as written registers. Therefore these personages had left its marks in history, the concretion of the forms of the city and in the elaboration in ways to see it. Then for the dream of the metropolis, we have a ―dreamed metropolis‖, whose futures, elaborations and concepts they are inherent. For the Vigil, we have a ―city-border‖, whose personages they have looks dislocateds for the exterior of the city this is a city deserts, spread how oil spots. In the time to wake up, we have a ―thought city‖, in which its personages look for to elaborate it in its proper terms. In elapsing of the analysis of documents produced for these personages, well some authors are come whose ideas and concepts are possible to illuminate reflections, therefore do not want themselves to join all the documents to an only theory or preconceived idea. Between the secular clipping 1933/1973, it is intended to extend the horizon of analysis regularly studied until the years of 1940, to introduce new questions and to insert new personages, problematizando a plot consolidated of quarrels on the history of this city. In these three studied periods, with the categories and concepts elaborated for the personages in its proper time we can today constitute our narratives. In the time between 1933/1973, we want to wide the horizon of analysis useally studied until the years of 1940, bring new questions and insert new characters, questioning a story consolidated of discussions about the history of Goiânia. In all these three periods studied in this work, through categories and concepts elaborated by the characters-authors, Will be constructed a ―historical conscience‖ about the long hiatus in which figured a compulsion to repetition of the tense relationship betwenn urbanism and urbanizarion in Goiânia, until, elaborated the conditions, became possible the moment of its ―awake‖.Item Religiosidade e devoção: as festas do Divino e do Rosário em Monte do Carmo e em Natividade - TO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-10) MESSIAS, Noeci Carvalho; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; the purpose of scrutinizing the specifics of some of the religious parties, elected as the locus of this research, two festivals: the Holy Spirit and Our Lady of the Rosary on Monte do Carmo and Natividade; towns from the gold cycle, in the eighteenth century and belonging to former northern Goias, current state of Tocantins. Studies on religious parties and has been increasingly developed in the historiography. Thus, this research aims to highlight the everyday experiences of popular religious devotion held annually in both cities. Such events are expressed through a diverse set of rituals pertaining to the cycle of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and Holy Ghost. Also intends to show that such demonstrations represent and reinforce the ritualistic social systems and hierarchical, and a joint incorporation of both elements of modernity and traditional. The research encourages the reader to reflect as parties transplanted from Europe and Afrique to colonial Brazil can be perpetuated until the present time, becoming an important event in local communities, allowing the strengthening of family ties and contributing to the construction and reconstruction of identities local and regional. To support the construction and reconstruction of scientific study enrolled to documentary sources of public and private archives, documents, manuscripts of brotherhood, official letters, journals, oral testimony. As a source of bibliographic support, we use texts from various scholars dealing with the issue in Brazil, Goiás and Tocantins. By doing a comparative analysis it was observed that although the historical origin of the festivities of the Holy Spirit is the same, the paths taken by two different cities experiencing the ritualistic practices, although similar. Many of the existing elements in the celebrations of the Holy Spirit of Monte do Carmo not exist in the Natividade and vice versa. However, it is interesting how an "invented tradition" by a white elite in the colonial period, aiming to provide, among other things, the conversion of the Negroes to Catholicism, can be reinterpreted and reformulated later by a community, going to represent the identity of community.Item Arquivo, Museu, Contemporâneo. A fabricação do conceito de Arte Contemporânea no museu de Arte de Santa Catarina-Masc/SC(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-18) PINTO, Suely Lima de Assis; OLIVEIRA, Marco Antonio Assfalk de; present study analyzes, in the ambit of the Art Museum from Santa Catarina (MASC), the theoretical pathway between the work of Contemporary Art and the dynamics of the called Art system undertaken at the inside part of the institution . It is verified the theory of Art from the theoretician practices, which inserted in the context of the institutions, may define the statute of what Art is and what Art is not. For both authors such as: Cauquelin (2005a, 2005b), Millet (1997), Archer (2001), Gonçalves (2004), Freire (1999) were used as theoretical apparatus. Concerning about the field InterArt theory, it is investigated the relations between Contemporary Art and its process of patrimonialization understood from the changes that got effective in contemporary artistic production, constituting the deconstruction of the artistic object or its frailty as object of art. Take into account the History field and Interart Theory, the studies have analyzed the Modern and Contemporary Art objects and its circularity in institutions from the following: the concept of Art, the concept of archive, the concept of memory and from the document as blank for the work. Authors such as Nora (1993), Huyssen (1996), Freud (1997), Birman (2006), Mezan (1989) have contributed with the notion of memory allied to the the process of forgetfulness and to the museum as an institution of memory. It is also analysed the transformation from Florianópolis Modern Art Museum (MAMF) in Santa Catarina Art Museum (MASC), in 1970s decade, process which gets effective from the reflections on the issues which build the Contemporary transformations and the actors considered relevant to the transformation process from MASC: For the transformation analysis, reflections about museum collection issues are presented: What collection is and thought, the documental dimension that closes it and the dimension of archive concept, which means, the notion of archive which gets effective from Mal D Archive in Derrida (2001) e Roudinesco (2006) and the process of filing, by which the museum takes place: The excess, the absence, the deletion, the forgetfulness, caused by the institution and in the institutionalization of archive. In parallel with the theoretical studies, it was carried out a diagnostic-visit to sixteen Art Museums around six Brazilian states. It was defined as analysis object MASC by presenting the features of a museum which possesses Modern Art and Contemporary Art museum collection, due to the singularity of its creation process.Item Breves danças à margem - A constituição de uma história artística da dança em Goiânia (1982-1986)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-11-10) RIBEIRO, Luciana Gomes; NORONHA, Marcio Pizarro; thesis investigated theoretical and methodological possibilities on the field of study of the Arts, in order to build a history of dance in the city of Goiânia. The body in dance was considered as the place in which this history happens, while different and interconnected concepts of the body, art and dance, and their historiographies, support this statement. Understanding the unique configuration of the dance phenomenon and its attention/tension as history, a more critical and conceptual approach was chosen using theories on the field of conceptual history, and history of oblivion, and from that point to invention, uncertainty and unpredictability. This pathway proved to be a key factor on the identification of the dance events being held in Goiânia between the years of 1982 and 1986. Therefore, to better understand these events, the dance history between 1973 and 1988 was investigated. This period of time was marked by the creation of the first institutions for the practice of dance in Goiânia and the outbreak of a new dance scene on the city. It was also a time of great invention and creation on this area in Goiânia, which prompted the city to an exclusive and active dialogue with the dance scenario in Brazil and internationally. The sources and documents studied pointed out interesting occurrences on the dance aesthetics of that time, highlighting its insertions and hierarchies. Some of the people and artwork of that time were prominent and produced other significant developments, very distinct from what was admitted by them, or even expected from them. Local postures and dance movements bearing traces of audacity and singularity were being created at that time, showing that a new kind of dance was emerging. The association made with this whole new dance scene is that of a production beyond Nietzsche, that does not necessarily is a dichotomy or an act of overcoming tradition, but an explosion. Dance on the void, created via its process-operation of existence. Artistic temporality, where history exists.Item Cultura histórica e História ensinada em Goiás (1846 - 1934)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-11-19) RIBEIRO, Miriam Bianca Amaral; SANDES, Noé Freire; SANDES, N. F.This thesis investigates the history of the Teaching of History in Goiás, covering the period extending between the creation of the School of Goiás, in 1846, and the publication of the work Goyaz, Heart of Brazil, Ophelia Socrates Monteiro do Nascimento in 1934, first history textbook for children of Goiás. With reference to the concept of historical culture, the relationship between work history and Goias in Brazil, History of Education History and taught history. This was possible from the consideration of the possibility of a history taught inside and outside the classroom, which led to the examination of the existing school in Goias and history taught in it, at all levels of schooling, as well as the history taught to those who had never entered such a room, but walked the streets, watched or participated in parades, celebrations and events, he heard bells or gun salutes memorial bells, monuments found or read or heard news reports and comments, or even followed the same burial or rested on holidays. Our aim was also to identify the birth of the History of Goiás in the context of the history taught in the state as a whole, which in fact was possible through research. The sources addressed were raised at the Historical Archive Office and the State Literary Goiás, where collections were consulted newspapers, official documents and bibliographies.Item Carisma e Poder: Categorias elementares da retórica da igreja universal do reino de Deus(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-04-15) RODRIGUES, Jadir Goncalves; BORGES, Barsanufo Gomides; this research, we proposed to study the expansion and consolidation process of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in the troubled social context in Brazil during the period between 1977 and 2007, analyzing the abstract and concrete elements that enabled the phenomenal growth of this religious institution in a scenario of crisis and profound changes in the Brazilian social universe. We aimed at discussing the several steps in the process of consolidation of UCKG, investigating how, in an environment of religious dispute, the doctrinal discourse of the UCKG leaders was capable of drawing up a new model of religiosity and, simultaneously, enabled this religious denomination to constitute an impressive capital asset. The dissemination of a religious doctrine essentially based on the triad prosperity, exorcism, and divine healing presented excellent results in the Brazilian social context in the period under study. Furthermore, it forged concrete circumstances that enabled UCKG leaders to dispute power positions in the Brazilian social structure. During this process, the mass media ownership was of fundamental importance for UCKG leaders and so was the rhetorically orchestrated power, understood as the effective access property and control of mechanisms of influence, convincement, and social manipulation. Thanks to a scenario of generalized crisis, UCKG leaders were able to disseminate their doctrine, mainly due to the use of mechanisms to access and control properties, wielding their power over part of the society. With this thesis we intend to contribute towards the academic discussion that deals with the expansion and consolidation, in the Brazilian religious and patrimonial universe, of the brand UCKG, emphasizing its capacity to create spaces both in the religious field and in the business environment.Item O processo de dessacralização da morte e a instalação de cemitérios no Seridó, séculos XIX e XX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-03) SANTOS, Alcineia Rodrigues dos; BORGES, Maria Elizia; beginning of this research lies at the wish of understanding the relation among the population from the region of Seridó, the death and the dead when cholera morbus, smallpox and yellow fever‟s epidemic outbreak exterminated part of the population from that region, causing deep modifications in the funeral culture. Thus, our aim is to analyze how this epidemic impact contributed to a changing action towards people‟s funeral habits and attitudes concerning death and the dead in Seridó as from 1850. During the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, the attitudes of the inhabitants from the Province of Rio Grande do Norte regarding life‟s finite limit were based on the familiarity between the living and the dead, which led to a relation characterized by rituals after the death and the burial inside churches. This procedure was largely used by the Catholic Christians and it allowed a close contact between the dead and the living because when the congregation was inside the church they would walk around, sit and pray on the grave. The impact of the epidemic was fundamental to change the funeral culture. The diseases were responsible for a high mortality rate and consequently the burial inside the churches turned out being unfeasible because there was no time enough to the bodies‟ decomposition. As a result, the hygienist discourse that, under European influence, struggled against the ad sanctos burial was enhanced in order to prevent from other diseases and in favor of public hygiene. Under this perspective, a secularizing process takes place in Seridó, alike other Brazilian regions such as in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It is this process we want to comprehend, based on official documents produced by the Presidents of the Province and Municipal Counties, wills and parochial obituary registers, besides visual resources like ground plans, photographs and videos, so that the secularized cemeteries of the region are analyzed.Item Patrício: a construção da imagem de um Santo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-04-18) SANTOS, Dominique Vieira Coelho dos; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; books dedicated to the life and career of Saint Patrick seem not to take narrative problems into consideration or at least not to focus on them. The main subject in this particular field is the real or historical Patrick, in contrast to the fictional. The authors of these works try to overcome the gap between referent and representation, transcending then in order to find a hidden meaning in the past. Part of the so-called Patrician problem is related to this need of being forced to choose between real and representation. Patrick s history is analyzed differently in this research; we are more interested in understanding the representations than to transcend them. By reading some of the most important documents related to Patrick, we found three different images about him: 1) the auto-image of the Ego Patricius peccator rusticissimus, present in the Confessio and Epistola, both from the fifth century, the earliest texts to be written in Ireland we have; 2) Patrick, the apostle of all Irish people, from Muirchú s master piece Vita Sancti Patricii, written in the seventh century, associated with propaganda and political disputes between monastic houses in Ireland; 3) Patrick, the first man to visit the Purgatorium, from the Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii Apostoli Hibernensis, written by H. of Saltrey in the twelfth century. Real and representation are two sides of the same coin. Thus, without any clear-cut distinction in this sense and not looking for a pure past, a different approach of the documents is given. Instead of thinking about the authors of these references as liars and fiction-makers, we try to comprehend the portrait of Patrick they elaborated. These representations along with those from Confessio and Epistola are crucial for the process of building the image of Patrick as a Saint.Item A (RE)INVENÇÃO DO FIM: lugares, ritos e secularização da morte em Goiás no século XIX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-08-10) SILVA, Deuzair José da; BORGES, Maria Elizia; A presença Camba-Chiquitano na fronteira Brasil-Bolívia (1938-1987): identidades, migrações e práticas culturais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-18) SILVA, Giovani José da; SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; presente tesis tiene por el objeto de estudio la trayectoria etno-histórica de una población indígena, ubicada ahora en la periferia de la casa del distrito municipal de Corumbá, en el Estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, Brasil. Saliendo de consideraciones teóricas sobre los acercamientos y alejamientos entre la Historia Indígena y Antropología, en el uso de fuentes orales, este trabajo comienza mirando la historia de los ancestrales de los Kamba, los Chiquitano, empezando por uma revisión bibliográfica em que se verificó que materiales escritos prácticamente todavia no existen (o grabados en cualquier otro tipo de apoyo) con respecto al grupo. Recuperando los eventos principales a lo largo del tiempo con los Chiquitano, aparecen personajes y tramas que involucraron el proceso histórico de migración y marcaron la presencia de los Camba-Chiquitano (autodenominación del grupo) en la frontera Brasil-Bolivia. Con eso, el objetivo central se vuelve a la percepción y la comprensión de cómo los Kamba, desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, elaboraron identidades y prácticas culturales y qué estrategias fueran adoptadas por el grupo que les garantizaron la supervivencia física y cultural hasta los días actuales, en un área transnacional. En esta elaboración están presentes elementos importantes, tales como la memoria social, las fronteras, las culturas de migración y las identidades étnicas y nacionales, aquí analizados en perspectiva histórica.Item Fronteira cultural: a alteridade maranhense no sudeste do Pará (1970-2008)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-11-29) SILVA, Idelma Santiago da; GARCIA, Olga Rosa Cabrera; theme of this work is the cultural frontier as a space os interactions and inconsistency in the process of repossession of migrants in southeast Pará, in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century. He discusses the experience of otherness in the differentiation and sociocultural hierarchy that has built the ethnic category as Maranhão. It is an interpretation of the representations and socio-historical conditions which make/made ethnicization possible this process of maranhenses in the southeast of Pará. In this context, there are the narratives of colonization and regionalization in order to power arrangements on relations and social representations. The socio-spatial interactions and experiences of otherness are dramatized in the struggle for memory and migration of repossession. Therefore, the struggle of representation involves processes of domination and exclusion, as well as the cultural inscription of otherness as insurgent force, undertaken by groups in a position of inferiority, which aims at the empowerment and participation in history. It is a work of cultural history, with an interdisciplinary approach and the sources of the research object. The theoretical perspective adopted in reference to cultural studies and post-colonial history and the everyday. The sources taken for analysis and description compose a diverse corpus and his questioning was based on intellectual propositions of each chapter and the strategy of discourse analysis in the perspective of social dialogue. Among the sources used, stood out from the press materials, works memoirs, oral narratives and anecdotal texts in the public domain.Item O ascetismo revolucionário do Movimento 26 de Julho: o sacrifício e o corpo na Revolução Cubana (1952 a 1958)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-11-13) TEIXEIRA, Rafael Saddi; SILVA, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; goal of this thesis is to understand the imagined and subjective meaning of the action of the cuban revolutionary of the 26th July movement during insurrection rebellion (fight ou dispute)(1952 to 1958). Our hypothesis is that this social action was marked by political revolutionary asceticism, that is, by one kind of action in that the agent feels as an instrument of pure and noble values of the revolutionary cause. The ascetic revolutionary is quite different from the pragmatic revolutionary since its action is not faced as a rational way to reach the aim systematically desired. On the contrary, its action is, mainly, a task to be accomplished. We analyzed, from this point, the revolutionary sacrifice as a way of bringing back to the corrupted world the pure and noble values and we noticed how the ideal of the body was presented in the discourses of the Cuban rebellions.