Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia
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Item Acurácia da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico e a influência do tamanho do voxel na identificação de lesão de furca em molares superiores(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-08-30) Oliveira, Paula Renata Damaceno; Roriz , Virgílio Moreira;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos; Souza, João Antônio Chaves de; Picoli, Mayara Viandelli Mundim; Roriz, Virgílio MoreiraFurcation lesion, bone loss in the region of the multiradicular teeth, is a big challenge in the treatment of patients with periodontitis. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of CBCT and the influence of voxel size on the identification of furca lesion in upper molars. This was a cross-sectional observational study, which the sample consisted of 120 sites with chronic periodontitis from 12 patients with periodontits, in whom scrapie access surgery and CBCT were indicated for the treatment of periodontal disease. The same periodontist made the clinic diagnostic of presence and absence of furcation lesion, horizontal bone loss and vertical bone loss. The CBCT images were obteined with I-CAT Cone Beam 3D Imaging System - Next Generation (Imaging Sciences International, Hatfiels, PA, USA), with isometric voxel of 0.125 mm 3; FOV of 8 x 8 cm, 120 kV and 5 mA current, and acquisition time of 26.9 s. Subsequently, the images were reformatted in other sizes of voxel (0.200 mm 3 and 0.250 mm 3), and evaluated by three experienced radiologists, previously calibrated. Transurgical, clinical and radiographic measurements were performed in a similar way and at the same sites. Cohen's Kappa, Intraclass Coefficient, McNemar and Wilcoxon tests were performed.The level of significance was set at 5% (p <0.05). In the evaluation of vertical bone loss, the intra-examiner agreement (ICC between 0.805 and 0.916) and inter-examiner (ICC between 0.754 and 0.965) were excellent for vertical bone loss. Regarding the presence or absence of the defect, it was good (k: 0.615) to very good (k: 1,000) in intra-examiner agreement, and was good (kappa between 0.619 and 0.773) for inter-examiner agreement. For horizontal bone loss, it was moderate (k: 0.424) to very good (k: 1,000) in intra-examiner agreement, and moderate (kappa between 0.463 and 0.590) for inter-examiner agreement. The 0.125 mm³ voxel presented the best agreement for all evaluations. Compared with the different sizes of voxel with the gold standard, statistically significant difference (p <0.05) was observed at the distal site, and it was easier for the examiners to diagnose furcation lesions at this site. The CBCT for the diagnosis of incipient furcation defects, showed an accuracy of 75%, demonstrating a greater specificity of the imaging tests in detriment of sensitivity. The clinical evaluation showed a greater sensitivity, 80%, in the detection of furcation defects, showing the importance of a good evaluation for the diagnosis and treatment of patients in this condition. The tomographic measurement at the distal site showed greater proximity with surgical measurement. When tomographic image is required for furcation evaluation, the smaller voxel should be preferred because it presents better results.Item Acurácia de dois tomógrafos na detecção de fraturas radiculares verticais em dentes com retentores metálicos intracanais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-10) Siqueira, Claudeir Felipe de Oliveira; Silva, Brunno Santos de Freitas;; Silva, Fernanda Paula Yamamoto;; Silva, Fernanda Paula Yamamoto; Estrela, Carlos; Leite, André FerreiraVertical root fracture (VRF) is a dental lesion with worse prognosis in dentistry, the diagnosis is made from clinical evaluation, and image exams, clinically the symptoms are signaled and not pathognomonic and even with the introduction of cone beam computed tomography, the metallic artifacts resulting from the images obtained still make it difficult to detect VRF. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of Eagle 3D and i-Cat tomography in the detection of VRF in endodontically treated single-root teeth with post metallic intracanal. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFG under the number 477.315. 30 single-root teeth were endodontically treated and prepared with metal pins. The sample was divided randomly in Control Group (CTL) and Fractured Group (FRT). The fractures were made only in FRT Group by the Universal Test machine, with load cell 500N and speed of 1mm/ min. The teeth were placed in dry jaw and placed in a vessel with distilled water to be purchased as TCFC images by Eagle 3D tomographs (protocol 1: FOV 5X5 cm and voxel: 0.1 mm - protocol 2: FOV 6X8 cm and voxel: 0.16 mm) and i-CAT (protocol 3: FOV 8 × 8 cm and voxel: 0.125 mm - protocol 4: FOV 8 × 8 cm and voxel: 0.2 mm). Two experienced evaluators classified as composite images by absence of fracture or by subjective revisions of an interference of the formation of non-diagnostic artefacts and reconstruction type and efficient in the detection of VRF. The inter-examiner agreement was verified by kappa test. Measurements of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were adopted for each device. The area under the ROC curve was also calculated and compared using the ANOVA. The results indicated that protocols 1 and 3 were more accurate (AUC protocol 1: 0.784 - p <0.05 and AUC protocol 2: 0.729 - p <0.05). According to the subjective evaluation of the examiners, in protocols 1 and 4 of greater interference of the formation of artifacts without diagnosis of VRF and a parasagittal reconstruction was the most efficient for a detection of the fracture line. It is concluded that protocols 1 and 3 highlight a better performance in the detection of VRF and that the size of voxel is a factor that directly influences the accuracy.Item Acurácia de três tomógrafos e dois softwares no diagnóstico de defeitos peri-implantares do tipo deiscência: estudo in vitro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-04) Ferreira, Mário Serra; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos; Roriz, Virgílio Moreira; Rabelo, Luiz Eduardo Gregoris; Sousa, Thiago Oliveira; Gasperini, GiovanniIn evaluating of the peri-implantitis, Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) has the advantage of estimating the bone site in a three-dimensional manner; however, the production of artifacts represents a negative factor against high-density materials. The objective of this work was to evaluate the accuracy of three CT scanners and two software in the identification and measurement of peri-implant dehiscence defects in vitro. For this, 36 bovine rib models were prepared to receive a Morse taper titanium implant Torq® 13 X 4,0 mm (Conexão, Arujá, São Paulo, Brazil). The ribs were divided into three groups: a group without bone defect as a control (n=12), a group with a dehiscence-like defect from 1.0 mm to 2.5 mm (n=12), and a group with a dehiscence-like defect > 2.5 to 4.15 mm (n=12). Rib blocks were submitted to CBCT using three different devices: Carestream 8100 3D (Carestream Health, Rochester, New York, USA), PreXion 3D (PreXion Inc, San Mateo, California, USA), and Orthopantomogram OP300 (Instrumentarium Kavo Kerr, Tuusula, Finland). These images were imported and processed by two software programs: e-Vol DX (CDT Software, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil) and InVivo (Anatomage, San Jose, California, USA). Two evaluators experienced in identifying bone defects in tomographic images analyzed the presence/absence of a peri-implantitis dehiscence type defect and independently measured the size of the defect using a linear measurement tool using a five-point scale and measured the defect using a linear measurement tool. ROC curve was created to evaluate the accuracy, and the Friedman test was used to analyze the variables between the e-Vol DX and InVivo software. The results demonstrated a 100% accuracy value for defect detection with PreXion and Carestream and 98% for the OP300 across all defect sizes. The area under the curve presented 100% accuracy for InVivo and 99% for the e-Vol DX. Regarding measurement, the software showed a statistically significant difference, following the mean values: reference standard (2.6111), e-Vol DX (1.8542), and InVivo (1.5347). All equipment and software tested showed good accuracy in detecting dehiscence. In the measurement of defects, the e-Vol DX showed better results than the InVivo, but both software underestimated the real measurements.Item Acurácia de três tomógrafos e um programa de redução de artefatos (e-Vol DX) na detecção de fraturas radiculares verticais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-10) Caetano, Aline de Paula Ferreira; Sousa, Thiago Oliveira;; Silva , Maria Alves Garcia Santos;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos; Arruda, Karine Evangelista Martins; Rabelo, Luiz Eduardo Gregoris; Silva, Fernanda Paula Yamamoto; Porto, Olavo Cesar LyraObjective: To test the accuracy of three Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) devices and a CBCT imaging software with artifact reduction filters (e-Vol DX) in the diagnosis of vertical root fractures (VRF) in teeth without filling material, teeth with filling material and teeth with intracanal metallic post. Methods: 45 extracted human monoradicular premolars were divided into three groups according to the clinical condition concerning the root canal filling: 15 without filling material (WF), 15 with gutta-percha (GP) and 15 with intracanal metallic post (MP). The teeth were scanned on three different CT scanners (Kodak 9000® 3D, Orthopantomograph® 300 OP300 and PreXion 3D®) using the maximum resolution available in each device. Every tooth in the sample was artificially fractured and re-scanned under the same pattern. Two examiners evaluated the images using the InVivo (Anatomage) software and the e-Vol DX (CDT) software. The images were evaluated regarding the presence or absence of fracture using a five-point scale. In order to assess the method error, 30% of the images were re-evaluated after a minimum intermission of 15 days from the first evaluation. The intra and inter examiner concordances were obtained using the Kappa coefficient. Diagnostic tests determined the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the images of each CT scanner using both software. Results: The PreXion 3D® CT scanner was the most accurate in all evaluated groups (InVivo: 0.96; e-Vol DX: 0.92). In the WF and MP groups, the PreXion 3D® and OP300 CT scanners demonstrated equivalent accuracy when evaluated in InVivo software (WF: p = 0.2090; MP: p = 0.0950). There was no statistical difference between images analyzed with e-Vol DX (p = 0.8880). Conclusions: The PreXion 3D® CT scanner presents the best accuracy compared to the other CT scanners in both software. For the WF group, there is no difference between the PreXion 3D® and OP300 CT scanners regardless of the software used to evaluate the images. The Kodak 9000® 3D CT scanner presents lower accuracy in the tested groups. The e-Vol DX software does not contribute to a greater accuracy in the diagnosis of VRF.Item Adaptação transcultural, confiabilidade e validade da versão brasileira de pensamentos catastróficos - pais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-12-16) Cavalcante, Julianna Amaral; Costa, Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da;; França, Cristiana Marinho de Jesus; Heck, Elisa Tavares SanabioEste estudo objetivou realizar a adaptação transcultural da versão em inglês da “PainCatastrophizingScale – Parents” para a língua portuguesa do Brasil e avaliar suas propriedades psicométricas em um grupo de crianças com e sem cárie dentária. Estudo observacional transversal realizado com uma amostra de conveniência de 240 pacientes. As propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Catastrofização da Dor – Pais (ECD-P) foram examinadas avaliando a fidedignidade e a validade deste instrumento. A análise fatorial confirmatória evidenciou que o modelo de três fatores, para a ECD-P, apresentou-se marginal, com os seguintes indicadores: qui-quadrado 241,43/62 graus de liberdade (P < 0,001), CMIN/DF 3,89, RMSEA 0,11, NNFI 0,76 e CFI 0,80. O coeficiente de correlação interna (alfa de Cronbach) para os 13 itens da ECD-P foi de 0,83. A análise da correlação item-total indicou que não haveria melhora nesse valor caso se retirasse algum item. O alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,70 (ruminação), 0,62 (ampliação) e 0,76 (desesperança).Houve correlação significante entre os escores obtidos na ECD-P e na DDQ (P < 0,001); o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foi 0,25. Na análise discriminante, observou-se que o escore total da ECD-P diferiu significativamente (P = 0,03, teste t de student) nos grupos de crianças com cárie (28,1 ± 8,3) comparadas às sem cárie (25,4 ± 9,2). Houve correlação significante (P = 0,004) entre o escore total na ECD-P e o número de dentes cariados que cada criança apresentou (Spearman’srho 0,188). Este estudo mostrou que a versão brasileira da PCS-P, denominada ECD-P, apresentou propriedades psicométricas marginais e evidencia que a ECD-P necessita de ajustes para melhorar suas propriedades psicométricas.Item Adenoma pleomórfico de glândulas salivares menores: investigação do potencial neoplásico baseado na apoptose, atividade mucosecretora e proliferação celular(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-14) Ferreira, Jean Carlos Barbosa; Batista, Aline Carvalho; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco;; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Garcia, Robson Rodrigues; Pereira, Claudio MaranhãoPleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common salivary gland tumor, however its etiopathogenesis is unclear, as well as your neoplastic potential. Studies have already been done investigating apoptosis, mucosecretory activity and proliferation cellular, although these studies are controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the neoplastic potential of the PA of minor oral salivary glands measured by apoptosis (Bcl-2, Bax and p53), mucosecretory activity (MUC1), and cellular proliferation (Ki-67). Thirty-one cases of PA of the oral cavity and 4 controls (C) taken from normal oral minor salivary glands were analyzed by immunohistochemistry technique. The proteins were detected utilizing a semi-quantitative method (scores) as follows: (-) negative ≤ 5%, (+) low 6–25%, (++) moderate 26–50% and (+++) high >50% of positive tumour cells. The apoptotic indices were evaluated by the ratio Bcl-2/Bax. Non-parametric comparison and correlation tests were used for analysis. The data showed high staining of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 in both groups (PA= 57.9%; C=67.7%) and an expression significantly lower of pro-apoptotic protein Bax (PA=22.7%; C=97.7%) and MUC1 (PA=14%; C=82.3%) in PA than in C (p<0.001). On the other hand, we observed a similar expression of Ki-67 and p53 proteins (≤ 5%) in both PA and C. In PA, only 2 cases showed the ratio Bcl-2/Bax <1. There was no difference in cellular expression with regard to clinical variables clinical and outcome (p>0.05). The neoplastic potential of PA can be associated with an imbalance in apoptotic processes and a lower index of proliferation cellular and that the mucosecretory activity does not play a significant role in primary PA.Item Adesão de pacientes com câncer oral a um protocolo de preparo odontológico: impacto na interrupção da radioterapia e na sobrevida(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-23) Morais, Marilia Oliveira; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de;; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Mota, Dálete Delalibera Corrêa de Faria; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia SantosTherapeutic modalities for the treatment of oral cancer result in local adverse effects that can cause interruptions of the radiotherapy and consequently to influence in the patient survival. For the reduction and control of the adverse effects, Dental Care Protocol is applied to patients with oral cancer by dental surgeon team before, during and after radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the adhesion of patients with oral cancer to a Dental Care Protocol and its Impact in the interruption and survival. Patients and methods: In this study 133 cases of oral cancer undergoing radiotherapy were selected. The patients were classified according to the period of dental adhesion: no adhesion (group I), adhesion less than or equal to 6 months (group II) and adhesion higher than 6 months (group III). Clinic and pathological aspects, occurrence of interruption of radiotherapy, disease-free survival and overall survival were investigated. Results: The incidence of radiotherapy interruption due to symptoms was statistically significant in group III compared to group I (p = 0.01). The frequency and duration of interruption due to symptoms were not statistically significant between groups. The conclusion of radiotherapy rate was statistically significant in the group that exceeded 6 months of dental adhesion (p = 0.02). Patient’s survival was higher in group III (p = 0.01) when compared to the other groups. Conclusion: The adhesion to a dental care protocol did not have any impact on the radiotherapy interruption due to the occurrence of symptoms, however, patients who had higher adhesion to the Dental Care Protocol showed a higher rate of disease-free survival and overall survival.Item Alterações no planejamento em implantodontia utilizando a tomografia computadorizada volumétrica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-18) Pedroso, Ludmila Assunção de Mello; Garcia, Robson Rodrigues; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos; Torres, Érica Miranda de; Leite, André FerreiraSem resumo em outra línguaItem Ambiente escolar promotor de saúde, qualidade educacional e saúde bucal de adolescentes das capitais brasileiras: estudo com base na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE 2015)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-20) Nery, Newillames Gonçalves; Jordão, Lidia Moraes Ribeiro;; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias;; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Costa, Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da; Novais, Tatiana Oliveira; Weiss, Veruska Prado Alexandre; Faria, Patrícia Corrêa deEvidence about the influence of contextual factors of schools and municipalities on the oral health of adolescents is scarce, with important gaps in relation to the school environment. The aim of this study was to investigate associations between the potential support of schools for oral health promotion, the educational quality of the school and oral health outcomes among adolescents in the Brazilian State Capitals. The study was cross-sectional, with individual and aggregated approaches. Data were obtained from the Brazilian National Adolescent School-Based Health Survey (PeNSE) and the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB), conducted in 2015, in addition to other secondary sources. The individual variables referred to students in the 9th grade of elementary schools: sociodemographic, prevalence of dental pain and oral health-related behaviours (frequencies of dental visits, toothbrushing, and soft drinks and sweets consumption, cigarette and alcoholic beverages experimentation). The contextual variables were related to schools, Brazilian capitals and regions (educational quality of the school – measured by IDEB, Human Development Index - HDI and Gini Index). The analyses were carried out in three steps. In step 1, the Oral Health Promoting School Environment (OHPSE) indicator was obtained using the Categorical Principal Components Analysis (CATPCA), to measure the potential support of school environment for oral health promotion in public and private schools of the capitals. Bivariate associations (Chi-square test) between OHPSE and contextual variables were verified. In step 2, associations between OHPSE (explanatory variable) and dental pain and oral health-related behaviours (outcome variables) were tested in two-level multi-level mixed-effects Poisson regression. And in step 3, with data aggregated by capitals, associations were verified between IDEB and the outcomes: the OHPSE indicator and its dimensions (in public schools), dental pain and oral health-related risk behaviours. In all steps, the level of significance was 5%. The results were: Step 1 - There was a higher frequency of schools with higher OHPSE in the public schools (58.1%), and in regions and capitals with a lower Gini Index (52.8% / 55.7%) and higher HDI (57.4% / 61.0%), respectively. Step 2 - In the adjusted model, private and public schools with higher OHPSE had 6%, 6% and 4% lower prevalence rates of a “low frequency of annual dental visits” [PR = 0.94 (95%CI 0.90; 0.99)], “high weekly soft drinks consumption” [PR = 0.94 (95%CI 0.89; 0.99)] and “high weekly sweets consumption” [PR = 0.96 (95%CI 0.93; 1.00)], respectively. Schools with intermediate OHPSE had 12% and 8% higher prevalence ratios of a “low daily toothbrushing frequency” [PR = 1.12 (95%CI 1.03; 1.23)] and “cigarette experimentation” [PR = 1.08 (95%CI 1.01; 1.16)]. OHPSE was not associated with dental pain and "alcoholic beverages experimentation". Step 3: IDEB correlated with the OHPSE dimension referred to within-school aspects, with “low daily toothbrushing frequency” and with “low frequency of annual dental visits”. In the adjusted regression model, capitals with the higher IDEB were associated with “low daily toothbrushing frequency” [B = 1.560 (95% CI 0.360; 2.760), p = 0.013; β = 0.519]. It was concluded that were associations between the potential support of school environment for oral health promotion and some oral health outcomes of adolescents in the Brazilian capitals. Higher potentials for oral health promotion (in private and public schools) were related to more favorable behaviours regarding dental visits and consumption of food with added sugars, and less favorable for toothbrushing frequency and cigarette experimentation, while better educational quality (in public schools) was related to low toothbrushing frequency among adolescents. Inequalities among schools regarding oral health promotion were also found, indicating the need to reorient public policies for the oral health of schoolchildren.Item Análise comparativa do volume de tecido dental removido no acesso endodôntico convencional e guiado em molares superiores(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-22) Loureiro, Marco Antonio Zaiden; Siqueira, Patricia Correia de;; Decurcio, Daniel de Almeida;; Estrela, Carlos; Alencar, Ana Helena Gonçalves de; Decurcio, Daniel de AlmeidaObjective: To compare the volume of dental tissue removed after guided and conventional endodontic access in maxillary molars. Material and Method: Twenty first and second upper human extracted molars were selected and submitted to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The teeth were divided into two groups: conventional endodontic access (G1) and guided endodontic access (G2). The DICOM files obtained by the CBCT examination were transferred to InVesalius® software to calculate the initial volume (IV) of each tooth. The teeth of the G2 were scanned with the 3SHAPE® device for the planning of the guides, and the same ones printed in Straumann® CARES® P30 3D printer. The accesses in the G1 group were realized with spherical diamond tips and Endo Z drill in high rotation, and in group G2 spherical diamond tips were used in high rotation and drills of 1,3mm in engine of implantology. New CBCT tests were performed after the endodontic accesses to calculate the final volume of each sample unit (FV). The volume of dental tissue removed (VR) was calculated by the formula: VR = IV-FV. Volumes between groups were compared by Student's T-test for independent samples. Results: There was a mean volume reduction of 62.526 mm³ (5.86%) in conventional access and 45.677 mm³ (4.11%) in guided access, with difference between groups (p = 0.004). Conclusion: Guided endodontic access in extracted human upper molars preserves a larger volume of dental tissue when compared to conventional endodontic access.Item Análise da hibridização dentinária na alteração cromática coronária frente ao uso de cimentos obturadores do canal radicular e cimento portland(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-22) Chaves, Lucas Silva; Estrela, Carlos;; Estrela, Carlos; Decurcio, Daniel de Almeida; Guedes, Orlando AguirreObjective: This study evaluated the influence of dentin hybridization in the coronary chromatic alteration of bovine teeth when using different endodontic cements based on calcium silicate and Portland cement. Material and method: 200 bovine central incisors were divided into two groups: G1 with the presence of dentin hybridization and G2 without the presence of dentin hybridization. The teeth were subjected to colorimetric analysis using the Easyshade spectrophotometer at four different times: determining the color of the dental substrate before root canal filling; seven days after root canal filling, sixty days after root canal filling and one hundred eighty days after root canal filling. The data were tabulated and evaluated for normality and homogeneity by the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests, respectively. Two-way analysis of variance was performed, with Sidak's post-test for multiple comparisons, with a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05). Results: Dentin hybridization influenced the coronary chromatic alteration of Sealapex cement after 7 days and in Bio-C Sealer and AH Plus cements after 60 days, but all endodontic cements caused clinically noticeable chromatic changes after 7 days, 60 days and 180 days, independent of hybridization. After 7 days, the AH Plus endodontic cement obtained the highest ΔE * when hybridized and the Endofill endodontic cement obtained the highest ΔE * when not hybridized. After 60 days, the AH Plus endodontic cement obtained the highest ΔE * when hybridized and non-hybridized. After 180 days, Sealapex endodontic cement obtained the highest ΔE * when hybridized and AH Plus endodontic cement obtained the highest ΔE * when not hybridized. Conclusion: All endodontic cements caused clinically perceptible chromatic changes in the endodontically treated teeth after 7 days, 60 days and 180 days, regardless of dentin hybridization. The studied endodontic cements behaved in different ways regarding a coronary chromatic alteration, being difficult to predict a unique behavior.Item Análise das jurisprudências sobre alegado erro odontológico em tratamentos ortodônticos no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-20) Picoli, Fernando Fortes; Prado, Mauro Machado do;; Silva, Rhonan Ferreira da;; Silva, Rhonan Ferreira da;; Paranhos, Luiz Eduardo; Valladares Neto, José; Li, An Tien; Decúrcio, Daniel de AlmeidaOnce the dentist is inserted in a social context, his professional performance is mediated by laws that may require compensation, as financial claims, for the damages caused to the patients. The literature has pointed out a significant increase in the lawsuits that dentists are involved, being orthodontics among the specialties most enrolled in these litigations. This study aimed to analyze the judicial decisions on second instance that involved Orthodontics in alleged dental error in Brazil. An online search was done on the virtual pages of the Courts of Justice of the Brazilian states and the Federal District, searching for decisions that were published until December 31st, and that had the orthodontic treatment as central focus. The following keywords were used in the search: erro AND odontológico; erro AND odontologia; ortodontia; aparelho AND dentário; dentário; ortodôntico. Data regarding the profile of the parties, monetary amounts involved, contractual obligation, type of civil liability considered and the judgments of judicial decisions were collected. A total of 319 judgments that were in line with the scope of research were found, and in 38.6% of them, the main reason for initiating the lawsuit was dissatisfaction with the orthodontic treatment. In 52.4% of the cases, there was absolution of the dentist. The conviction in the first instance and the fact that orthodontic treatment was considered as a contractual obligation of result had a statistically significant influence (p <0.05) on the conviction frequencies of the professionals in the second instance. Through this study, it can be concluded that, in Brazil, most patients who demand dentists for malpractice in orthodontic therapy claimed to be dissatisfied with the treatment outcome. The conviction on the singular jury decision and the contractual obligation of the Orthodontics influenced the frequency of second-degree convictions.Item Análise das propriedades mecânicas, grau de conversão e profundidade de polimerização de resinas compostas polimerizadas com diferentes unidades fotoativadoras de LED(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-24) Almeida, Laís da Mata; Veríssimo, Crisnicaw;; Veríssimo, Crisnicaw; Lopes, Lawrence Gonzaga; Soares, Carlos JoséThis study analyzed the irradiance and spectrum by emission spectrophotometry (MARC-RC), characterized the light beams (Beam Profile), as well as determined the Knoop microhardness (KHN), the modulus of elasticity (GPa), the degree of conversion ( %), the flexural strength of 3 points (MPa) and the polymerization depth with elasticity modulus of a composite (Filtek Z350 XT) photopolymerized with 5 different types of LED curing units. Of these, three types were not certified by ANVISA and Inmetro, Dental Wireless (E1), Li A180 (E2) and Lyang Ya (E3), and two with certification, VALO Cordless - Ultradent (VL) and Elipar Deep-Cure L - 3 Oral Care (EL). The characterization was carried out by determining irradiance (mW / cm²), emission spectrum (mW / cm² / nm) and radiant exposure (J / cm²) using the MARC Resin Calibrator (MARC-RC, BlueLight). The Beam Profile of the different photoactivating units was made by means of a laser beam profile reader (Beam Profile). 50 specimens were produced for testing microhardness and modulus of elasticity. Each experimental group was polymerized with a photoactivator unit. Microhardness (KHN) was obtained by averaging five indentations on each surface. The modulus of elasticity was obtained by measuring the major and minor diagonals of each indentation. The degree of conversion was obtained by the FTIR / ATR test with 25 specimens. The 3-point flexural strength test (n = 50) was performed using a load in the center of the sample with a constant speed of 0.5 mm / min until fracture. The maximum load was recorded in Newtons. The depth of polymerization of the restoration was evaluated by Knoop microhardness using the average indentations in the regions: mesial, center and distal of healthy human molars prepared in Class II and restored using an oblique incremental technique. The modulus of elasticity of the polymerization depth of the restoration was obtained in the same way as the previous microhardness test. The test data were subjected to the normality test (Shapiro-wilk) followed by Factor analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA), Two-factor analysis of variance (Two-way ANOVA), Tukey HSD test (α = 0, 05) and multiple linear regression. In all tests, the groups showed statistically significant differences between them (p <0.001). The non-certified units (E1, E2 and E3) presented nonhomogeneous light beam profiles with concentrated irradiance in the center of the active tips. E3 showed greater irradiance when compared to the other photoactivating units. VL and EL showed larger diameters between the different photoactivating units. In the microhardness (KHN) and elastic modulus (GPa) tests, VL presented the highest mean values in both and E1, the lowest mean values. VL showed higher values of degree of conversion (%) when compared to EL and E3. The highest values of flexural strength (MPa) were E3 when compared to the other groups, being statistically similar to the VL and E2 groups. At depths closer to the pulp wall, lower mean values of microhardness and modulus of elasticity were obtained. And, the highest mean values of microhardness and modulus of elasticity were found in the occlusal regions (1mm). The interaction between microhardness and modulus of elasticity showed a very strong and proportional positive correlation according to the different depths tested. The analysis of the tests indicated that between microhardness (KHN) and depth of the restoration, a weak positive correlation was obtained and there was no association with irradiance (mW / cm²). The modulus of elasticity (GPa) was not related to the depth of the restoration and to the irradiance (mW / cm²).Item Análise das relações de poder na política nacional de saúde bucal: o dito e o visto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-04-08) ANDRADE, Flávia Reis de; MARCELO, Vânia Cristina; order to consolidate the principles underlying the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) and with the aim of acting on evidence arising out of epidemiological research in dental health, the Ministry for Health decided to structure the National Policy for Dental Health (NPDH). This study sets out to analyze the power relationships in the drawing up of the NPDH. It is a descriptive study which uses the qualitative method as its approach. The data was obtained through individual semi-structured interviews with 15 participants. The content analysis technique was used for the interpretative examination of the material transcribed. The following categories emerged: participant actors, type of participation, initial outline, (re)discussion lists, political context, present impasses and perspectives. The participant actors were divided into two groups: individual and collective. The former, a coherent group, was made up of people who identified with the victorious political project of the 2002 presidential elections, and who had undoubtedly struggled to build the SUS. It was the task of the second group to give approval to what the first had expounded. The interviewees were influential in the shaping of the NPDH, both through the research they undertook (academy) and through the movements in which they participated (services, militancy). It is impossible to define precisely the moment when the drawing up of the NPDH started, as it was a slow process taking place over at least a quarter of a century. The most visible milestone for the beginning of the broad official and unofficial debates which outlined the Policy, was the result of a series of reflections starting with the Movement for Sanitary Reform. Thus, the NPDH is made up of a set of deliberations arising out of different moments of discussion, but especially the meeting held in the Municipality of São Paulo, following on the election results of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva s campaign for Presidency of the Republic in 2002. This meeting defined the proposal presented to the members of the Governmental Transition Commission and it marked the beginning of a period of intense normative work by the Health Ministry s Advisory Commission to the National Coordination of Dental Health. This resulted in the drawing up of a document entitled Guidelines on the National Policy for Dental Health , ratified by the 3rd National Conference on Dental Health. The NPDH now presents symptoms of growth as well as those of early degeneration. As potential internal weaknesses, one can cite the improper management of financial resources in particular and the growing tendency of the NPDH to be characterized as a provider of specialized odontological services. However, the greatest preoccupation is that the people who did not in fact participate in drawing up the Policy (for lack of opportunity) are today the pillars of its consolidation. Those who try to understand the process of drawing up the NPDH frequently come up against the nouns group and consensus. This therefore shows a clear approximation to the Arendtian concept of power. However, the present preoccupying indexes of the internal degeneration of the Advisory Commission would point towards another form of power in the implantation phase of the National Policy for Dental Health.Item Análise de medidas faciais utilizadas na determinação da largura dos dentes anteriores superiores(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-14) Daher, Mariana Rodrigues Gil; Torres, Érica Miranda de;; Torres, Érica Miranda de; Barata , Terezinha de Jesus Esteves; Cardoso, Paula de CarvalhoThe aim of this study was to evaluate dental and facial anthropometric measures that may assist in planning aesthetic smile, especially in determining the width of the maxillary anterior teeth from the facial measurements. Volunteers who had their faces photographed in a standardized manner in postural position and during smiling were selected. Through a reading software images (ImageJ, USA) to measure calibration was made: interpupillary width (LIP); intercantal width (LIC); eye width (LO); face width (LF); interalar width at rest (LIAR); intercomissura width at rest (LICR); width interalar during smiling (LIAS); width intercomissura during smiling (LICs) and distance between the distal of canines during smiling (DCCaparente). Molding of the upper arch was performed to obtain plaster models, in which were measured the distance between the distal of canines obtained by the sum of the individual widths of the maxillary anterior teeth (DCCreal); between the cusp tips of canines (DCCcúspide); and the distance between the distal canine (DCCcurva). The 96 volunteers, 41 males and 55 females, had the measures compared by Student's t test, and statistically significant differences (p <0,001), except for LIC, with higher values for males. By means of the Pearson Correlation test correlations between facial and dental measurements were tested. Significant correlations (p <0,05) were found, however weak, for males: DCCcurva / LF (r = 0,32); DCCaparente / LF (r = 0,37); DCCaparente / LICR (r = 0,35); DCCaparente / LICs (r = 0,43); and for females: DCCaparente / LICR (r = 0,36). The measurements were divided by the dental facial measurements, and vice versa, in order to calculate reasons. The reasons DCCaparente: LICR (0,82) and LICR: DCCaparente (1,22) were statistically similar in males and females (p> 0,05). It was concluded that facial anthropometric measurements may aid in determining the width of the front teeth in front aspect photographs (DCCaparente), which indicates the existence of aesthetic harmony between the parts of the face and teeth. However, these ratios should not be used for exact, mathematical form, but as aids in planning aesthetic smile, since few significant correlations between measures were weak.Item Análise do perfil epidemiológico, clínico e patológico de pacientes com líquen plano oral(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-01-27) Lima, Sara Lia Gonçalves de; Arantes, Diego Antônio Costa;; Batista, Aline Carvalho;; Batista, Aline Carvalho; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Leite, Angélica Ferreira Oton; Costa, Nádia do Lago; Ferreira, Alexandre BellottiINTRODUCTION: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an immunomediated disease whose diagnosis and treatment can be challenging for clinicians and pathologists. OBJECTIVE: This case series aimed to evaluate the epidemiological, clinical and pathological profile of patients with OLP according to the criteria established by the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP/2016). METHODOLOGY: Sampling was initially established from the analysis of the annotations of the medical records and histopathological reports of patients diagnosed with OLP at the Centro Goiano de Doenças da Boca (CGDB) from 1998 to 2018. Subsequently, the clinical and demographic data of the patients lesions (location and clinical characteristics of the lesion) and the microscopic characterization of the specimens followed the criteria proposed by AAOMP / 2016. In addition, patients were invited to follow up and apply the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) instrument to assess quality of life. Statistical analysis was descriptive with absolute and relative values and the Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess the normality of the data collected in the OHIP-14 and then the groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: This case series (n=41) consisted mainly of women (n=29; 70.7%) with a mean age of 45 (±13.6) years. The buccal mucosa (68.2%) was the most affected site. Reticular (n=23; 56.1%) and erosive (n=14; 34.3%) OLP were the most frequent. According to OHIP-14, individuals with OLP at multiple sites of the oral cavity had worse values in the handicap domain (p=0.03). In addition, those patients who did not respond to corticosteroids had higher scores in the psychological discomfort domain (p=0.04). CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study using the AAOMP/2016 criteria are similar to other case series and retrospective studies reported in the literature, where OLP is more common in middle-aged women in reticular form. In addition, OLP, in its most severe clinical forms, seems to influence patients' quality of life.Item Análise do uso do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido (TCLE) por cirurgiões-dentistas que executam tratamento restaurador(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-04) Rodrigues, Lívia Graziele; Souza, João Batista de;; Silva, Rhonan Ferreira da;; Silva, Rhonan Ferreira da; Barata, Terezinha de Jesus Esteves; Silva, Ricardo Henrique Alves daThe aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of dentists that perform restorative treatment about the Consent Informed (CI) used in your dental clinical practice and to collect data that would allow subsidize the construction of an CI that can be used in this practice dental. For this, a structured questionnaire was applied to Dentists who perform restorative treatment in order to make a diagnosis of use of relationship and knowledge of the importance of informed consent. After distributing 731 questionnaires, 179 professionals returned these questionnaires. Of the respondents, 169 said that the discipline of forensic dentistry was studied for them at graduation, 128 studied the subject of Ethics and Law for graduate school, 139 received lessons on the importance and composition of CI in restorative practice, and 171 of them claim give verbal explanations of treatment for patients. However, 67 of these professionals do not use the CI, but 165 of all respondents believe that the use of this document may endorse the Dentists in a possible lawsuit. When asked about what information should be explicit in the CI, 157 of these professionals felt it necessary to contain the risks inherent in the type of treatment; 150, the limitations of the case; 138, the obligations of the patient; 85, treatment costs and 76 stages of the restorative treatment. The Dentists also said they talk to their patients about risks or needs associated with restorative treatment, and 143 professionals talk about tooth sensitivity; 140, need for endodontic treatment; 141, risk of restoration fracture / facet; 127, decay; 71, pulp necrosis and 66 dental darkening. These findings showed that although many of the interviewees possess some level of knowledge of the importance of the use of this document, 67 professionals do not use in their clinical practice. However, most of them fulfills the requirements of the Consumer Protection Code (CDC) and the Dental Code of Ethics (CEO), providing verbal explanations of treatment to patients.Item Análise microscópica e da imunoexpressão dos marcadores de proliferação celular Ki-67 e Ciclina B1 no epitélio gengival de pacientes sob terapia com nifedipina(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-02-28) Castro, Luciano Alberto de; Batista, Aline Carvalho; Mendonca, Elismauro Francisco de;; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Guimarães, Maria do Carmo Machado; Guilherme, Adérico SantanaDrug induced gingival overgrowth (DIGO) is an adverse effect associated with the chronic use of three main drugs: phenytoin, an anticonvulsant, cyclosporin, an immunosuppressant drug and the pharmacological agents known as calcium channel blockers (CCB). Nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker, which because of its strong vessel dilating action has become widely used in cardiotherapy, in particular for the control of arterial hypertension. The aim of this study is to evaluate the microscopic characteristics and the epithelial proliferation index of gingival tissue in patients undergoing chronic treatment with nifedipine. To do so, twenty samples of gingival tissue of patients undergoing chronic treatment with nifedipine were obtained. The majority of these patients did not present clinically detectable gingival overgrowth. For comparative purposes, nine samples of gingival tissues of healthy patients who did not use drugs associated with gingival overgrowth (control) were used. The samples were microscopically analyzed using hematoxylin-eosin staining, to determine the size of the epithelial rete pegs. To carry out the epithelial proliferation index evaluation, a cellular identification of the Ki-67 and B1 Cyclin proteins was done using the immunohistochemical technique (streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase), as well as the quantification of positive cells (+cells) in mm².The results showed that the epithelial tissue of nifedipine users has considerably longer rete pegs that of the control group (Mann-Whitney, p=0.02). However, with regard to the proliferating activity of the keratinocytes, no significant difference was observed between the two groups (Mann-Whitney, p>0.05). The findings show that the microscopic alterations observed in the epithelium of nifedipine users are not caused by the mitotic activity of the keratinocytes but taking data from the literature into consideration, it is suggested that this increase might be caused by an inhibition of apoptosis rate of these same cells.Item Análise topográfica e histológica de enxertos de mucosa ceratinizada removidos com mucótomo ou bisturi convencional: estudo ex-vivo em mandíbula suína.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-14) Santos, Kleber Vinícius Rodrigues dos; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues;; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues; Leles, José Luiz Rodrigues; Roriz, Virgilio MoreiraTo evaluate the surface and tissue quality of EMC obtained by the technique with conventional scalpel and mucotome. Methods: This is an experimental in vitro/ex vivo study. Six swine hemi-mandibles that had a favorable keratinized tissue condition were used for specimen removal in the anterior region of the mandible. Specimens were obtained using mucotome and conventional scalpel. For the purpose of greater precision, the procedure for removing specimens from the jaws was performed by a specialized and previously trained dental surgeon, offering the same conditions for graft removal by both techniques. random drawing to determine the technique to be performed for tissue removal. The specimens were prepared according to the protocols pre-established by the laboratories and then they were taken for analysis in optical microscopy to evaluate the epithelium and connective tissue and in scanning electron microscopy for analysis of topography and 3D profilometry. Results: Two areas were analyzed per sample with dimensions of 1920 x 2560 μm. It was possible to notice the presence of keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue and dense connective tissue modeled on the tissue slides removed with mucotome and scalpel. In the tissues removed with mucotome, there is a linearity in the tissue base and in the thickness of the tissue as a whole, presence of submucosa, fibrous connective tissue that is ideal for the success of the graft Differences in the surface of the samples removed by the two techniques were observed when to compare the images obtained through the two types of microscopy. Conclusion: Keratinized mucosa grafts when removed by the mucotome technique present greater uniformity and lower presence of undesirable cells compared to the scalpel technique, favoring a greater chance of success in surgical procedures for soft tissue grafting.Item Análise tridimensional das dimensões da nasofaringe e orofaringe por diferentes métodos de mensuração e softwares(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-03) Torres, Hianne Miranda de; Valladares Neto, José;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos;; Silva, Maria Alves Garcia Santos; Silva, Fernanda Paula Yamamoto; Vasconcelos, Carla de Faria; Guerra, Eliete Neves da Silva; Ruellas, Antônio Carlos de OliveiraIntroduction: The need to assess the pharyngeal airway space (PAS) during diagnosis and planning for orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgeries led to the development of several measurement methods. However, the variability of methods and softwares limits comparisons of results derived from different studies. Thus, this study aimed to test measurement methods for the assessment of the nasopharynx and oropharynx using two different softwares. Methods: Forty cone beam computed tomographies (CBCTs) were selected from an image database of patients aged between 20-50 years, with the purpose of diagnosis or planning for orthodontic treatment with skeletal relationship Class I. A resin prototype of the nasopharynx and oropharynx was fabricated and served as gold standard to evaluate the accuracy of the results indicated by the software used. Two examiners performed measured the CBCTs independently. The sub regions of the nasopharynx and oropharynx were measured volumetrically according to the limits of five different measurement methods (3 methods for nasopharynx and 2 methods for oropharynx) and using two softwares (InVivoDental and Dolphin3D). The minimum area and the location of the minimum area were measured. The intra-rater and inter-rater agreement for measurements in the different methods and softwares were calculated using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). ANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare the measurements of the 3 methods for the nasopharynx. The comparison of the 2 methods for the oropharynx and of the 2 softwares were performed using paired t-test. Statistical tests were performed at the 5% significance level using the software SPSS 22.0. Results: The intra-rater ICC ranged from 0.58 to 0.99. The inter-rater ICC ranged from 0.95 to 1.00. There was a statistically significant difference for the nasopharynx volume in the 3 methods of both softwares (P = 0.001). Both methods for oropharynx assessment were different considering the volume in both softwares (P = 0.001), the minimum area and location of the minimum area for software InVivoDental (P = 0.001). The two softwares showed statistically significant difference in the volume considering the nasopharynx and oropharynx methods (P < 0.05), except for the method 1 of the nasopharynx. There was also a difference for the minimum area in the method 5 of the oropharynx (P = 0.001), as well as to the location of the minimum area for all the nasopharynx and oropharynx methods (P < 0.05), except the method 4 of the oropharynx. When considering the prototype measurements as a reference, Dolphin3D software showed higher values theand InVivoDental software showed lower. Conclusion: The two softwares were reliable for the measurement of the variables assessed in this study. Different measurement methods could not be compared for the evaluation of the nasopharynx and oropharynx volumes. The results of volume and the location of the minimum area could not be compared between InVivoDental and Dolphin3D softwares. Dolphin3D software overestimate the volumetric values of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, while the InVivoDental software underestimate measurements.