EA - Escola de Agronomia
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Item Abordagem CTS no ensino médio: um estudo de caso da prática pedagógica de professores de biologia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-21) SILVA, Karolina Martins Almeida e; OLIVEIRA, Leandro Gonçalves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8837912214958454; SHUVARTZ, Marilda; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7325765815766484The object of this research is to apprehend (the) demonstration of science-technology-society (STS) interrelations during biology s teachers pedagogical practice from public school supported by the state of Goiás in Goiânia city. Since this research is about the practice of nine teachers of three schools seeking to highlight the complex relationship between teaching formation and the STS approach it was developed on a case study model. In order to construction of data, official documents which propose secondary school curriculum - exploratory questionnaire, semi structured interview and class notes were analyzed. To make the triangulation of the data possible, four analysis categories were used which are professional profile, aspects of pedagogical practice related to teaching methodologies, conceptions about the STS interrelations and STS demonstrations during pedagogical practice. The analysis also made possible the development of themes to elucidate aspects that are intrinsic to the approach of STS interrelation. The focus on STS interrelations is presented in official documents about secondary education by signs which demonstrate the need of problematizing a contextualized and interdisciplinary education. However, it is still notable some gaps on the approach and on the ambiguous concepts that allows practices that will perturb the achievement of goals of the proposed approach. As regards the concepts of teachers about the STS interrelation, it was elucidated that these interrelations are justified by the salvacionista s association of science, in linear interpretation of progress with technological innovations and therefore guaranteed by scientific-technological neutrality. Concepts that relate the use of technological artifacts as indicative approach of STS interrelation in educational field were also evidenced. Moreover, it was noticed in the teachers testimony, individual motivations that signs clearly the aspects needed to make focus on STS possible, including the need for a change in curriculum facing interdisciplinary practices.Item A abordagem não paramétrica para avaliação da percepção de sustentabilidade do sistema de produção de arroz de terras altas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-08-19) Inga de La Cruz, Elvis Edgard; Figueiredo, Reginaldo Santana; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1098394550647665; Figueiredo, Reginaldo Santana; Ferreira, Carlos Magri; Wander, Alcido ElenorThis study aimed, expand the method of Production Systems Sustainability Perception Rice High -MPSAT Lands. The choice of this method is justified by the fact that it has a good theoretical framework and be easily understood by the actors; however, it lacks nonparametric statistical approach. They were interviewed actors in the production chain of upland rice in Mato Grosso on two occasions, in 2006/07, when the MPSATA and 2014 was developed as part of this research. The methodology transformed the qualitative elements that make up the MPSATA (questions, attributes, indicators, key variables, secondary counselors, primary guiding and sustainability dimensions) for ordinal type and identified the sense of the order of the categories of these elements. Then it verified the significance of matched elements, considering the 2007 and 2014 surveys, with the IBM-SPSS 21. Later the element values were calculated. These elements have as a data source practices and managements carried out along the production chain. The end result of the research was the development of Parametric Method Not for Perception Sustainability Highlands Rice Production System - MPSATA-NP. The results obtained by MPSATA-NP allowed to accept or reject in statistical terms, if there were significant differences between the values of the features found in different eras who were surveyed, revealing that the 221 questions elements, eleven have statistical difference between their medians (three environmental dimension, two of the socioeconomic scale, four in the economic dimension and two territorial dimension). The other sustainability factors have changes compared to paired terms, however, it can´t be said that these elements are in fact different and represent more or less sustainable production conditions. So it follows that not hear significant change in the perception of the actors with respect to the sustainability of the land rice production system in the region.Item Ação de produtos químico in vitro, em mudas e em campo sobre a mancha bacteriana (Xanthomonas perforans e X. gardneri) em tomate para processamento industrial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-02-17) NASCIMENTO, Abadia dos Reis; FERNANDES, Paulo Marçal; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9497281141847296The search of alternative products for tomato bacterial spot has been promoting by the lack of effectiveness registered by the traditional products available. The objective of this work was to evaluate a range of chemical products by in vitro tests, in experiments seedlings and field experiments. The products studied were: acibenzolar-S-methyl; benzalkonium chloride; phosphite; copper hydroxide, copper oxicloreto; metiram + pyraclostrobin and famoxadone + mancozebe. The in vitro tests were carried out at Embrapa Hortaliça, Brasília-DF, in July of 2007. The bactericide action was evaluated on Xanthomonas perforans and X. gardneri. The trial was in a complete randomized block design with four replications and plot was constituted by a Petri plate impregnated with solidified bacterial suspension. The halo of inhibition formed was evaluated. The experiments with seedlings were carried out with the hybrid Heinz 9553 at the commercial nursery VIVATI in Rio Verde, Goiás, in August to September and November to December of 2008. There were three trials in a complete randomized block design with three replications. The products were sprayed by using CO2 portable sprayer. The inoculation occurred 29 days after sowing, with an isolated of X. gardneri. Disease severity was evaluated on 15 leaflets per plot at 14 and 16 days after inoculation of the first and second experiment, respectively. Data was expressed as percentage of leaf affected by program Quant. It was also suggested a possible interaction between the regulator of growth paclobutrazol and the behavior of certain products in the reduction of the severity of the disease. Two field trials were carried out at the experimental farm of Unilever Bestfoods, in Goiânia-GO, from February to June of 2007 and April to August of 2008. The first was with the hybrid Heinz 9992 in a complete randomized block design, with 15 treatments and three replications, and inoculated with X. perforans. The second was in a split plot completely randobized block design with three replications. Variety (Hypeel 108 and U2006) was ascertained for factor A and the 10 treatments for factor B. Xanthomonas perforans and X. gardneri were inoculated in different moments. In both trials foliage severity, number of fruits with symptoms and yield were evaluated. In the second trial fruits with sun scald was also taken. In the in vitro test, the products to which X. perforans and X. gardneri were sensitive in the recommended dose were the benzalkonium chloride and famoxadone + mancozeb. Methiram + pyraclostrobin had action in the dosage recommended only for X. gardneri. Xanthomonas perforans was sensitive to this product only starting from ten times more. The products of copper base did not have action in the bacteria at the recommended dose, being sensitive only at a hundred time more. For the trials of seedlings it was noticed that metiram + pyraclostrobin, copper oxicloreto, famoxadone + mancozebe, phosphite and copper hydroxide reduced the severity under certain conditions. In the field trials, in generally, acibenzolar-S-methyl and famoxadone + mancozeb lead to the better results.Item Acúmulo de nutrientes em soja transgênica no Cerrado goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-02-27) GONÇALVES, Janine Mesquita; FERNANDES, Eliana Paula; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7324619074753727; SOUZA, Eli Regina Barboza de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7641431808466123The soybean is grown and consumed throughout the world. Brazilian production is concentrated mainly in the Mid-South. However, few studies on the accumulation of nutrients are made for improving the efficiency of production processes. We talk about the best fertilizer and sophisticated defensive, but if the plant does not respond well to all these stimuli do not result in profits for producers and more food for the population. The advent of transgenic cultivars reduced production costs, but the accumulation of nutrients in these plants is unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the accumulation of nutrients in conventional and transgenic cultivars subjected to the same conditions. The experiment was conducted at the Federal Institute Goiano - Urutaí Campus, from 12 November 2010 to 15 April 2011. We collected whole soybean plants at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 days after planting. The plants were taken to the laboratory washed in tap water and divided into stems, leaves, flowers and pods, passed in distilled water, dried in a forced air at 70 ° C and ground in Willey type mill. We analyzed the N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The results were subjected to analysis of variance, means and regression testing. It was concluded that the greatest accumulation of biomass and thus nutrient does not guarantee high yields in soybean.Item Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de linhagens de arroz de terras altas por meio da lógica fuzzy(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-05) Maciel, Douglas de Oliveira; Melo, Patrícia Guimarães Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1508679345970114; Melo, Patrícia Guimarães Santos; Ramos, Paulo Henrique; Botelho, Flavia Barbosa SilvaThe selection of lines for characters of agronomic interest is done with evaluations in different environments. As the environments are diversified and several lines are evaluated, it is expected that the interaction between genotypes by environments will occur, and that it will play an important role in the manifestation of the phenotype. Adaptability and stability studies have been used in breeding programs to help the selection process where the interaction of genotypes by environments has been reported. The evaluation is based on parameters provided by methodologies and requires the breeder's experience, making it difficult as the number of evaluated genotypes increases. Fuzzy logic stands out for allowing the automation of decision making, and also classifying how much a genotype belongs to each set. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotypes in terms of adaptability and stability through fuzzy logic, using data on agronomic characters of upland rice from the breeding program of UFG and partners. Eight lines from the UFG breeding program, ten from UFLA and two commercial cultivars were evaluated for grain yield, plant height and number of days to flowering, in VCU trials at six locations in the state of Goiás in four agricultural years, in the 2017/18 to 2020/21 harvests. The trials varied between locations over the years, totaling thirteen environments for grain yield and plant height, and eight environments for number of days to flowering. The design was complete randomized blocks, with three replications, and plots of four lines of 4 meters, spaced by 0.45 meters. The useful area considered was 3 meters from the central lines. The adaptability and stability analyzes considered a fuzzy controller based on the Eberhart and Russell (1966) method, and a hybrid controller, based on the Lin and Binss (1988) methods, modified by Carneiro (1998) and associated with Eberhart and Russell (1966). Both controllers classified the lines into four sets in terms of performance relative to adaptability and stability (general, poorly adapted, favorable environments, unfavorable environments). The CSD 08004 line showed broad adaptability and stability for plant height and grain yeld, in addition to a pertinence value close to classification as adaptability and general stability for the number of days to flowering. Thus, the CSD 08004 line can be recommended for cultivation in the region of the State of Goiás.Item Adição de pó de aciaria como fonte de micronutrientes e diferentes níveis de calagem em solos de cerrados cultivados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-26) Alves Filho, Anibal Sebastião; Dornelles, Milton Sergio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9601151044965568; Leandro, Wilson Mozena; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9052207260053937; Ximenes, Paulo Alcanfor; Borges, Jácomo Divino; Barros, Rosana Gonçalves; Menezes, Luiz Antônio Silva; Leandro, Wilson MozenaThe savannas reached prominence in the development of corn (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max L.) and processing tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.), Depending on the economic and social importance of these crops. The problems of acid soils and nutrient deficiency in the savannas are common in most soils, but once overcome these obstacles, the cultures exhibit satisfactory development and production. Increasingly it becomes necessary, by the dynamism that modern agriculture provides that alternative mechanisms of replenishment of nutrients to the soil are offered, due to the high cost of fertilizer and high extraction of these elements in each cycle of crops. The use of industrial waste from various sources has shown potential for agricultural use, for purposes of correction of acidosis, addition of macro and micronutrients to the soil or even physical conditioning of the soil, always under careful criteria used to avoiding the environmental contamination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the electric arc furnace dust coming from the steel industry as a source of micronutrients in crops of corn, soybean and tomato at different levels of liming. The tests were conducted in two locations. A field experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of the School of Agronomy and Food Engineering, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Samambaia, in Goiânia-GO, Brazil and other, in a greenhouse at Palmital Farm, municipality of Urutaí-GO, in campus of the Instituto Federal Goiano. During three years, were evaluated in Goiânia-GO, the use of steelmaking dust in corn in rotation with soybean and, in Urutaí-GO, for seven months, the tomato crop in succession with soybeans. The results in both experiments indicated that the levels of heavy metals detected in soil and leaves of the plants analyzed were below the limits considered toxic.Item Adoção de inovações pela agricultura familiar: o caso do cultivo de uvas no estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-21) FARIA, Sandra Santos; WANDER, Alcido Elenor; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8250997651281553This study evaluated the ability of family farmers to adopt innovation. The example innovation chosen was the cultivation of grapes, which represent an ancient practice in some regions, but new to the family farmers of Goiás state. In an increasingly demanding market, the contemporary family farm seeks ways to innovate, either in the search for new markets, or in the production of novel products, is the use of technologies capable of improving the mode of production. To achieve the objectives proposed in this study, we sought methods (indicators) to evaluate the adaptability of farmers against the innovation (cultivation of grapes). These indicators assessed their ability to manage their activities and entrepreneurship (administrative indicators), to establish the vineyard according to the agronomic recommendations (agronomic indicators), to cover the costs for vineyard establishment (financial indicators) and also assess in which stage of the adoption process each farmer can be allocated in (stages of innovation indicator). The family farmers of Goiás state, with or without support from the government, as the technical or financial resources available to finance this new crop, did not intimidated themselves and faced challenges, expressing optimism for the coming years. It was found that most family farmers of Goiás state included in the survey are able to adopt this innovation.Item Adoção de tecnologias de diagnóstico do solo em agricultura de precisão por produtores de soja em Goiás e Distrito Federal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-21) Pinto, Heverton Eustaquio; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias Paes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3436824386339415; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1596947832723945; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1596947832723945; Alcântara Neto, Waldomiro; Silva, Aluisio Goulart; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Quintela, Eliane DiasThe use of technology in production has become the main driver for the competitiveness of agricultural businesses. Investigating the process of technological adoption in a society that presents a heterogeneous technological structure is essential for a harmonious modernization process on the field. The present study investigates the process of adopting technologies in precision agriculture in the states of Goiás and Federal District, in Central Brazil. By means of primary data, the characterization of farm usage, its conditioning factors for adoption and their interactions, through estimation of econometric models. In view of the 15 years of commercial availability in Brazil of the main technologies in precision agriculture, soybean producers in the region have been adopting this set of technologies, on average, for 5 years. The use of management practices, previous experience with technologies, participation in cooperative networks were important conditioning factors for adoption, as well as their time of adopting technologies in agronomic diagnoses. The use of these technologies is initially interrelated, however, when interacting with the size of farm, with time of adoption of soil diagnoses technologies, grid soil sample and remote censoring become substitutes. The data show that the larger farm size, the greater the substitution effect. Policies that aim at the formation of cooperatives and implementation of technical infrastructure of communication should be implemented for the adoption and diffusion of technologies in precision agriculture, thus acting by these indications, public sector can foment the modernizing process in the field.Item A adoção do manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) em Cristalina-Goiás-Brasil: uma análise sob a perspectiva da tomada de decisão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-27) Santos, Fernando Augusto dos; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4783250D3; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias Paes; Wander, Alcido ElenorThis study analyzes the importance production costs knowledge for decision-making in adopting the technology of integrated pest management - IPM for sustainable and rational agricultural production. In order to identify key characteristics of farmers, this study applies a survey to a sample of irrigation farmers in the Cristalina-GO region (N = 60), in such a way that qualitative data are explored for the case of analytical categories. The analysis revealed that the farmers of the Cristalina-GO region aware of the importance of knowing the structure are agricultural production costs, the IPM is a useful technology, but of doubtful viability. There are strong reports that the producer needs more training, guidance and dissemination of more sustainable practices. Despite the provision in the IPM adoption, the attitude towards the risk of economic damage to crops has been mostly prioritized the agrochemical preventive control and somehow caused changes in the agro-ecosystem (myriad effects). The results suggest to consider rationality as the basis for decision making, and use IPM and other sustainable technologies to maximize profit by adding value to production; the spread of the IPM should be expanded. This study presents results for the direct questioning of farmers about their environmental awareness with background on its economic health. Open the question of the ac - tual non-use of IPM in everyday reasons. It shows that the irrigation farmers at Cristalina-GO dominate the preventive use of agrochemicals.Item Adubação de mudas de baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.), em viveiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-08) PACHECO, Abílio Rodrigues; BORGES, Jácomo Divino; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6694312790302062Producing seedlings of good quality is an important step in the process of planting forest species. Addition of lime and fertilizers contribute in obtaining good quality seedlings, however, information is limited on fertilization and nutrition of native species of savannah. The objective of this study was to evaluate growth response of baru seedlings (Dipteryx alata Vog.) to organic and mineral fertilizers. Seedlings were produced in plastic bags with a diameter of 20 cm x 30 cm and capacity of four liters of substrate. Clay Dark Red Latosol collected from subsoil (20 cm depth) from Federal District of Planaltina, DF was used. The first experiment was conducted in complete randomized blocks, with eleven treatments in a factorial arrangement (4X2), with three replications (composed of seedlings coming from different matrix) and plots consisted of three seedlings. The treatments tested were E0+D0, E10+D0, E20+D0, E30+D0, E0+D1, E0+D2, E0+ALL, E10+D1, E10+D2, E10+ALL and E20+D1, where: E0, E10, E20 and E30 are doses of cattle manure varied from 0 to 30% in relation to final volume of mixed subsoil; D1 and D2 are traditional rates of chemical fertilizers, and D2 is double of D1 and D1 equivalent to dolomitic lime incorporated in the subsoil (0,5 g L-1) + P (150 mg L-1) + K (200 mg L-1) + Zn (5 mg L-1) + Cu (5 mg L-1) + Mn (5 mg L-1) + B (1 mg L-1) + Mo (0,5 mg L-1) + N (50 mg recipient-1 month-1, diluted in water); P and K were applied in the form of triple superphosphate and potassium chloride, respectively, Zn, Cu and Mn in the form of sulfates, B and Mo in the forms of borax and sodium molibidate, respectively.; ALL is symbol of slow release fertilizer in six months (2.4 g recipient-1 after emergence of seedlings and five months of age), contain N (15%), P2O5 (10%), K2O (10%), Ca (3,5), Mg (1,5%), S (3%), B (0,02%), Cu (0,05%), Fe (0,5%), Mn (0,1%), Zn (0,05%) and Mo (0,004%). In others experiments (1, 2, 3, and 4) baru seedlings were submitted to four rates of dolomitic lime (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g L-1 of substrate), P (0, 150, 300 and 600 mg L-1), K (0,100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) and N (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg seedling-1 month-1), in combination with two rates of cattle manure (10% and 20% in relation to final volume of mixture with subsoil). These experiments were conducted in complete randomized blocks in a factorial arrangement (4x2), with three replications (composed of seedlings coming from different matrix) and plots consisted of three seedlings. Source of N was urea (45% N), P triple superphosphate (45% P2O5), and K potassium chloride (60% K2O), respectively. After eight month of seedlings age following observations were made: Stem diameter of 5 cm height, plant height, top dry matter, soil and leaves chemical analysis for each treatment combination. In the first experiment, baru seedlings presented positive response to addition of traditional chemical fertilizers (rates D1 and D2) and slow release (ALL). Organic manure improved growth of seedlings with the addition of 20% and 30% cattle manure, however there was no difference between two rates. All treatments tested permitted production of seedlings of good quality for commercial sale and planting in the field, except of control treatment without fertilization (E0%+D0) and which received only 10% cattle manure with addition of subsoil (E10%+D0). Organic manure (20% cattle manure) and mineral fertilizers (D1, D2 and ALL) increased fertility of the substrate and leaf concentrations of N, P, K, S and Zn. In the experiments 1 and 4, seedlings presented positive growth to cattle manure incorporated in the subsoil, rate 20% better than rate 10%. Incorporation of cattle manure in the subsoil in the dose of 20%, supplied adequate fertilization in the substrate and foliar nutrition for growth and mineral nutrition of baru seedlings. In the presence of cattle manure incorporated in the subsoil in the 10 and 20% rates, seedling growth response was negative with the addition of potassium and there was no response with the addition of lime and phosphorus. Nitrogen topdressing monthly gave positive response to growth and height, stem diameter, top dry weight, when applied after incorporation of cattle manure in the subsoil in the dose of 10%, but response was positive in relation to height with rate of 20% cattle manure.Item Adubação orgânica e mineral na introdução do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica l.) em sistema agroflorestal: atributos químicos do solo e desempenho agronômico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-05-26) Moreira, Ranieri Ramadham Lino de Souza; Leandro, Wilson Mozena; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9052207260053937; Collier, Leonardo Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7449368697500123; Collier, Leonardo Santos; Silva, Átila Reis da; Brasil, Eliana Paula FernandesShaded cultivation of coffee (Coffea sp.) is a common practice from its center of origin, being currently used to add value to agroforestry systems, with slow maturation and selective harvesting of grains, shading can provide a better quality drink. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different sources of fertilizers, of organic and mineral nature, on the chemical attributes of the soil, in addition to monitoring the initial development of coffee cultureintercropped with banana (Musa sp.) and baruzeiro (Dipteryx alata ), into na agroforestry in the cerrado of Goiás. The work was carried out at the agronomy school of the Federal University of Goiás, located in Goiânia, Goiás, in a LATOSSOLO VERMELHO acriférrico típico. The experimental design was a randomized block, with 5 blocks and 5 treatments, with the control without maintenance fertilizer, an organic compound of its own formulation, cattle manure, chicken litter and commercial phosphate mineral fertilizer. The Arabica variety, cultivar MGS Paraiso 2, was used, and the soil was corrected and fertilized in a pit, with chemical analyzes of the soil before and at the end of the experiment. The following coffee development analyzes were performed: height, stem diameter, number of branches and evaluation with a chlorophyll meter. Plant height, fruit production and diameter at breast height (DBH) were measured in baru trees and the circumference of the pseudostem in banana plants. There was no significant difference between treatments for height, stem diameter and chlorophyll for coffee plants. The control treatment did not meet the demand for the number of branches criterion, which is directly linked to coffee productivity. The baruzeiro and banana trees were indifferent to the handling carried out on the coffee trees. The initial development of coffee was not hindered by a system intercropped and shaded, and also did not respond to organic fertilization during the study period.Item Adubação orgânica em sistema agroflorestal: atributos químicos e físicos do solo e desempenho das espécies consorciadas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-25) Andrade, Carlos Augusto Oliveira de; Leandro, Wilson Mozena; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9052207260053937; Collier, Leonardo Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7449368697500123; Collier, Leonardo Santos; Calil, Francine Neves; Flores, Rilner Alves; Freitas, Gilson Araújo de; Silva, Átila Reis daThe insertion of barueiros in the production systems through agroforestry system SAFs can promote the integration of rural areas in the Cerrado, especially when combined with crops of high relevance for farmers in this region, preserving natural resources and providing additional income for producers. Due to the integration of different crops, whether through consortia, successions or crop rotation, the demand for nutrients can be intensified, causing greater dependence on mineral fertilizers, which increases production costs. Organic fertilization can be a lower cost strategy to supply the nutrient demand for SAFs, in addition to contributing to the maintenance of the system's sustainability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in different doses of organic compost in the chemical and physical attributes of the soil and in the development of crops grown in an agroforestry system in the Cerrado of Goiás. The experiment was conducted in a SAF composed of barueiros, divided into six rows of 14 trees, with banana trees and agricultural crops grown between the rows. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions. The treatments consisted of four doses of organic compost (5, 10, 20 and 40 Mg ha-1), a treatment with mineral fertilization, plus the control without fertilization. The chemical and physical attributes of the soil, the agronomic performance of cowpea and banana and the growth of cassava and baru trees were evaluated. The applications of organic compost promote positive changes in the chemical attributes of the soil, especially in the first layers, with increased levels of MOS, P, K and Mg compared to mineral fertilization. During the studied period, the doses of organic compost and mineral fertilization did not affect the physical attributes of the soil to a depth of 0.20 m. The organic compost formed by energy cane biomass and cattle manure shows potential as an organic fertilizer in the cultivation of cowpea and banana cultivated in an agroforestry system, being able to substitute at 100% the mineral fertilization in the nutrition of these cultures. Doses 20 and 40 Mg ha-1 of organic compost provided the greatest increases in the vegetative performance of cassava, equivalent to mineral fertilization. During the period studied, mineral fertilization and doses of organic compost did not affect baru growth.Item Adubação potássica via solo e foliar na produção e qualidade da fibra do algodoeiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-08-15) FREITAS, Roberto José de; LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9052207260053937Cotton as a crop in Brazil has undergone significant changes in production technology and geographical location in recent years. Cultivation has shifted from traditional producing zones in the southeast of Brazil and the south region of the State of Goiás to the cerrados of the country's central-western region and the western part of Bahia. These technological changes were triggered by the adoption of exotic cultivars (American and Australian), with higher yield potential, better fiber quality, but also greater nutritional requirements. During this process, more demanding cultivars were consequently adopted, concurrently with the occupation of soils of lower natural fertility. During this period, a productivity increase in excess of 100% was verified. The conjunction of these factors has disorganized the fertilization recommendation practices adopted for this crop, since they were no longer adequately supported by the existing calibrations, generated under different soil conditions and at a different technological level. The use of fertilizers was then greatly intensified, in a most disorderly manner. Within this context, potassium was the nutrient whose use increased the most, due to the specific characteristics of this nutrient on the plant's metabolism and to its high degree of absorption by cotton plants. The potassium fertilization of cotton in the cerrados has therefore been performed in the various producing areas with great variation in rates and application modes, from total applications in the soil at pre-planting, to split applications in the soil, to supplementary foliar applications, still without the proper support from current experimental results. In this work, we evaluated the effect of combined soil and foliar applications of potassium on the productivity and quality of ginned cotton, under the cerrado conditions of the State of Goiás, by the installation of two experiments, combining different potassium rates in both application modes, organized in random blocks with split-plots. One assay was installed in Ipameri, with the application of five treatments to the soil (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 kg ha-1 K2O ha-1) combined with four foliar treatments ( 0; 7.2; 14.4; and 21.6 kg K2O ha-1). Another assay was installed in Santa Helena de Goiás, in which four potassium levels were evaluated in the soil (0, 80, 160, and 240 kg K2O ha-1), combined with foliar rates similar to those used in the Ipameri assay. Significant productivity gains were observed for the soil applications in both assays, and for the foliar applications in the Ipameri assay. No interactions were observed between application modes. Also, no significant potassium fertilization effects were observed on the technological quality of the fiber.Item Agricultores familiares nas feiras livres goianienses: estudo de suas relações sociais, culturais e econômicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-23) Bittencourt, Blenda Domingues; Caliari, Márcio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3558164788327179; Caliari, Márcio; Marin, Joel Orlando Bevilaqua; Ribeiro, Cleonice Borges; Vera, Rosângela; Ferreira, Manuel EduardoThe objective of Chapter II was to identify whether the category of family farmers, especially those who produce fruits, uses the marketing channel, such as open markets, to sell their production, without departing from the way of life and traditional forms of production. The research is qualitative, with descriptive quantitative aspects. He used an outlining procedure such as bibliographic, documentary and field research. Data collection took place with the application of a questionnaire and observation techniques, which took the form of a survey. As a result, it was possible to recognize the insertion of family farmers in this métier, it was concluded that they establish relationships in the social, cultural and economic dimensions; allowed to understand the functioning and dynamics of open markets and to identify their origin in the macro-region of the city of Goiânia/GO. The objective of Chapter III was to of this research was to search in the free markets in Goiânia/GO, the presence of family farmers, observing their specificities regarding the social, cultural and economic relations established in this environment and between the actors that compose it. To carry out this research, the questionnaires and semi-structured interview techniques were used as a method to collect data, the nature of this data is qualitative and quantitative and descriptive, the field research took place in the environment of all regularized free fairs in Goiás, among the September 2018 to March 2019. The collected data were refined using descriptive statistics. The results obtained clearly reveal the existence of a significant contingent of family farmers inserted in the free fairs in Goiás. The objective of Chapter IV this research was to search in the free markets in Goiânia/GO, the presence of family farmers, observing their specificities regarding the social, cultural and economic relations established in this environment and between the actors that compose it. To carry out this research, the questionnaires and semi-structured interview techniques were used as a method to collect data, the nature of this data is qualitative and quantitative and descriptive, the field research took place in the environment of all regularized free fairs in Goiás, among the September 2018 to March 2019. The collected data were refined using descriptive statistics. The results obtained clearly reveal the existence of a significant contingent of family farmers inserted in the free fairs in Goiás. The purpose of Chapter V was to verify the insertion of family farmers in the open markets in Goiânia/GO and their social, cultural and economic relations. It delimited the research, outlining qualitative and quantitative descriptive procedures. The results confirm the participation of family farmers in the fairs in Goiás, with social, economic and cultural relations between them and other actors. It is concluded in this way, that open markets represent a fertile field for family farming, being promising for rural and local development.Item Agricultura e meio ambiente: uma análise da qualidade hídrica do Rio Canastra e das políticas públicas voltadas ao recurso no município de Itapuranga - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-10-26) Valverde, Marcos Cesar Silva; Ribeiro, Francis Lee; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1763392088652134; Ribeiro, Francis Lee; Almeida, Luiz Manoel Moraes Camargo; Geraldine, Robson MaiaMankind has a big challenge to overcome the scarcity of water. In this context, Brazil has a huge natural heritage, which concentrates a large amount of fresh water in its territory.However, this apparent abundance is distributed unevenly throughout Brazil, being mainly concentrated in the northern region which has less population density. Brazil as a major producer of agricultural products should be concerned with the practices used in the collection and disposal of water, since this economic activity consumes about 70% of all water consumed by man. Besides its use in the rural labor activity, surface waters are sources of urban water supply in thousands of Brazilian municipalities. The river is the main Canastra water resources of the municipality of Itapuranga-GO, its waters being used in rural production and supply of urban population. The resource has been degraded over the years, being perceived by the population of the municipality the fall of its quality year after year. The research identified a common sense of people that the river was highly polluted, and that, according to this, those responsible for this pollution were the pesticide and the municipal dump. An analysis of the physico-chemical use, and collected samples at six different points. The analysis indicated that, under the parameters studied, the water is classified as Class II Freshwater. We applied three different questionnaires, the first aimed at directors, municipal secretaries, teachers and presidents of associations. The second targeted farmers bordering the third appeal to farmers and the municipality of Itapuranga. All questionnaires sought to identify the perceptions of respondents about the quality of the resource and its potential polluters, and identify public policies for maintaining and restoring water quality of the resource. It being common, the perceived loss of water quality and lack of specific policies. We analyzed all municipal legislation dedicated to the environment and especially water resources, and also investigated the history of public policies developed in the city. Found in research that policy initiatives always part of the organized civil society, municipal government exercising the role. The survey showed that the municipal legislation provides the legal text in your programs that seek to implement policies, which must be fulfilled immediately, and the rules of budgetary transfers to the local environmental agency. The incursions of the river a reality stripped of violation of environmental legislation that endangers the continuity and quality of the resource. It was found that the income of farmers is borderline average to maintain their basic needs, and the administration to create conditions that promote the preservation act without risk to their food security. The research concluded that the foundations for the implementation of public policies aimed at maintaining the quality of the river are ready, the government simply put into practice what is already defined by law.Item Agroindustrialização e incentivos fiscais estaduais em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-04-13) PARANAIBA, Adriano de Carvalho; PIRES, Murilo José de Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2872241230911534; MIZIARA, Fausto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3275079358565458The aim of this study is to understand how were the territorial occupation of agribusiness in Goiás and the participation of state tax incentives in this process. Therefore, it was adopted as a hypothesis that, the dynamic agribusiness developed in a heterogeneous formation, both in the occupation of the agroindustrial complex, as in the granting of state tax incentives. To achieve the proposed objective, data from the Municipal Agricultural Research (PAM) and the Agricultural Census for 1970 until 2006, from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were used to understand the phenomenon of farming dynamics in Goiás, and data from Sefaz-GO to understand state tax incentives as well. After the processing of such data in tables, maps were built in the Arcviews 10 program which had as their goal show the spatialization of the production on the territorial space of Goiás. What we realized was that, in the case of the Midwest, since the decade of 70, the state (Federal Government) has taken a strong role, creating the attractive access to this area of the agricultural frontier, fostering changes in the technological base. This action of the Federal Government created conditions incurred in the frontier region preview, on the part of the individual capitalist, as a potential area, susceptible to conversion of land use to attend not only the soybean exported sector but also to attend inputs of agribusiness demands of the South and Southeast, entering Goiás production circuit business in Brazil´s grainby favouring the penetration of the agroindustrial complex in Goiás. However, the penetration of both technological factors affecting modern agriculture as the input of the CAI occurred unevenly in Goiás, given the historical construction of Goias´ economy. To specialize the policies of tax incentives, it was realized that they spread in the municipalities of Goiás partners with the same heterogeneous structure that the modernisation of agriculture, together with the dynamics of the agricultural frontier expansion, contributing to the intensification of industrialization for the regions which were formed in this long process of historical formation of Goiás.Item Agroindústrias familiares em Goiás: caminhos e contornos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-08-31) Rodrigues, Juliana Moreira; Caliari, Márcio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3558164788327179; Caliari, Márcio; Ferreira, Gislene Auxiliadora; Souza, Cleonice Borges deThe family agroindustries are alternatives created collectively through cooperatives, associations or family units in order to improve regional development patterns, diversify agrarian economy and improve the income of farmers. Considering this context, this study aimed to analyze the deployment trajectories and operation of family agroindustries, organized collectively in the state of Goias. The research is characterized as case study and was performed in three agro pulp of fruits, municipalities of São Patricio, Goias and Itapuranga belonging CAPRUS the cooperatives, COOPAR and COOPERAFI respectively. To collect data, semi-structured interviews with social actors who participated in the demonstrations for the creation of projects were carried out. As a result, it is observed that the agroindustries that are making possible are those that had a network of expanded relations with governmental and non-governmental entities and they had their cooperatives structured in a previous case the installation of agroindustries. Overall, the survey indicated that agroindustries are important in aggregation, diversification and inclusion of family farming in the markets. However they are still dependent on the institutional market. It is necessary for the development of these agroindustries, access to working capital loans, the specialized service assurance, and the search for niche markets.Item Ajustamento assimétrico de preços na cadeia produtiva do feijão no estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-23) Souza, Rodrigo da Silva; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da; Wander, Alcido Elenor; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8250997651281553; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Scalco, Paulo Roberto; Muniz, Luciano CavalcanteBeans are traditional Brazilian staple food, and relatively cheap source of protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber for the low-income population. Production chain has barriers, especially in the marketing system, the lack of price transparency and information asymmetry. Considering the various agents in the bean production chain in the state of Goiás (producers, wholesalers and retailers), this study sought to test whether the adjustment of prices in this chain is asymmetric, i.e., if the price increases are transmitted more quickly and greater magnitude than the decreases. Moreover, as a specific objective, this study sought to examine the relationship between prices along the bean production chain through the autoregressive model and calculating sales margins. The results infer that the price adjustment is asymmetric along the production chain in the state of Goiás, being the main cause of this wholesale market failure. Thus, consumers do not benefit from the decrease in producer prices. These results are relevant to the implementation of sectoral policies related to food security, especially the low-income population, which undertakes a higher percentage of their income on buying food products.Item Alcance de políticas públicas federais no cooperativismo da agricultura familiar em Goiás do ano de 2007 ao ano de 2014: fragilidades e potencialidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-07) Souza, Rodrigo Gonçalves de; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4777901A2; Medina, Gabriel da SIlva; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4739513A3; Medina, Gabriel da Silva; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de; Clemente, Evandro César; Wander, Alcido ElenorSince from 2003, the sum of public policies for family farms contributed to the construction of commercial networks in institutional purchases or articulated by chains demanded by the public sector. To enhance and make effective access is frank the need for economic organization of farmers. This research has as main objective to analyze the organization and procedures of farmers cooperatives in Goiás to access the Food Security Programmes (PAA and PNAE ) and the Production Program and Use of Biodiesel as from 2007, their potentials and weaknesses. In retrospect of the history of the cooperative movement permeating throughout Brazil and Goiás, is perceived that it was fraught with tensions between elements such purposes, differentiated democratic management principles, survival in the market, capital formation and distribution of earnings, growth and centralization, incentive official versus autonomy. An analysis of the guidelines of the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário at the juncture of family agricultural cooperatives pointed echo of theoretical discussions about the challenges in terms socio-organizational, administrative, financial and transaction costs econimics for the operational performance of cooperatives, demanding support for the institutional sustainability of organizations, improve governance structures, support their social capital formation. The survey verified that cooperatives have made significant difference in the scope of public policies on the part of farmers, in amplitude and contracted amounts. The differences that do to establish socioinstitutional relations that would be much less feasible or affordable to each farmer can establish for themselves. Organizations whose nature is economic, go beyond this which articulate with the public authorities and the socio-political representation of farmers to plead improvements in the provisions of the programs, pricing, payments and services, greatly increasing the bargaining power of family farming. But, be detached concerns about problems with Agency Costs, Influence Costs, Frequency Standards, Adaptation Costs, Assets Specificity. It was stand out that inter-institutional consultations envolving farmers and their other organizations can be agile and flexible articulating spaces to work collaboratively.Item Alternativas de manejo de Meloidogyne enterolobii Meloidogyne incognita em tomate industrial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-11-22) Silva, Juliana de Oliveira; Rocha, Mara Rúbia da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4660306671671575; Rocha, Mara Rúbia da; Santiago, Débora Cristina; Araújo, Fernando Godinho de; Pinheiro, Jadir Borges; Puerari, Heriksen HigashiRoot-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) is one of the main phytosanitary problems that hinder the cultivation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Among the species of the genus Meloidogyne, M. incognita stands out as the most important species for the tomato crop. Another species that has caused concern to the producers is M. enterolobii, due to its ability to develop in cultivars with resistance to other species of Meloidogyne. For an adequate control of these plant parasites it is necessary to adopt an integrated management using practices such as resistant cultivars, biological control, resistance induction, chemical control, among others. This study had the objective to evaluate the reaction of tomato genotypes to M. enterolobii and the effect of chemical and biological products on resistance induction of tomato plants to M. enterolobii. We also evaluated the efficiency of three non-fumigant nematicides on the M. incognita control in tomato plants. the development of nematodes and the histological modifications caused in the root cells of plants when treated with these products and evaluating three new non-fumigant nematicides in the reduction of the population of M. incognita in tomato. Twenty-one tomato genotypes were inoculated with 2000 eggs and J2 of M. enterolobii and kept in a greenhouse for 35 days after inoculation (DAI) were used. All genotypes tested showed a susceptibility reaction to M. enterolobii. Four tomato genotypes were submitted to treatments with Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis + B. subtilis + Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Acibenzolar-S-Methyl (ASM) and Extract of Reynoutria sachalinensis, inoculated with M. enterolobii and evaluated 60 days after inoculation. The plants that received the treatment with B. subtilis presented greater development of aerial part and root. The ASM resistance-inducing agent was able to reduce the reproductive factor when applied to the PXT 408 genotype. Seedlings of cultivar H-9553 were inoculated with 2000 M. enterolobii eggs and J2 and treated with ASM; B. subtilis; B. subtilis + B. licheniformis + T. longibrachiatum and Extract of R. sachalinensis and collected at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 DAI for nematode penetration evaluation and histology of tomato root cells. In the evaluation of the nematode development and cell histology, the use of R. sachalinensis showed efficiency in the reduction of fourth stage juveniles and galls in the plants at 20 DAI and in the reduction of the final population of the nematode and reduced the number of females per gall. All the plants infected by the nematode, regardless of the treatment, presented vascular cylinder displaced from the center of the structure of the roots. Tomato seedlings of the Red Gnome cultivar were submitted to treatments with fluensulfone, fluopyran and fluazaindolizine and inoculated with 5000 eggs and J2 of M. incognita and evaluated at 60 DAI to determine the efficacy of the products used. The new nematicides tested showed efficiency in the reduction of the M. incognita population in the tomato roots.