Programa de Pós-graduação em História
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Item O jornal combate e as lutas sociais autonomistas em Portugal durante a revolução dos cravos (1974 1978)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-05-14) ABADIA, Danúbia Mendes; PINTO, João Alberto da Costa; coup realised by the Movement of the Army Forces in 25th april 1974 marked the end of 48 years of fascist regime in Portugal. However, immediatly after april 25th, the reorganization of the new power structures and the resumption of the process of acumulation of capital in the country were unstable because of a big process of self-organization of the workers. The development of the differents struggles in the enterprises, in the neighborhoods and in the portuguese colonies, were followed by the collective that was organising the newspaper COMBATE at that time; from the process of following the autonomists struggles which were taking the place in the revolution process that the COMBATE can dignose, in loco, the processuality mode of the capital development, and so on the many ways of organization of the autonomy worker class.Item História e literatura na cidade de Chão vermelho(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-14) ABREU, Clarismar Gomes de; MENEZES, Marcos Antônio de; work seeks to understand some characteristics of Goiania, in the period of its construction, through the analysis of the novel Chão Vermelho , by Eli Brasiliense, a piece of work that was written and set in the town of Goiania during the 50s of the last century. I find the romance in time and space to then discuss the sociospacial segregation, the labor and peasant emigration occurred in Goiania. In addition, I discuss issues related to modernity and progress, which ended up being recurring themes in the historiography of Goiás, and I point out the ambivalence in response to the questions about the modern and nonmodern conditions of the city. Also, I highlight some aspects of leisure and politics present throughout the novel and which raise the possibility that some aspirations, found in the book, are indicative of future expectations for revealing part of its present and past.Item Nas teias de justiça: a justiça régia em Goiás no século XVIII(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-01) Acevedo, Jefferson Roberto Nascimento; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira;; Pegoraro, Jonas Wilson; Rabelo, Danilo; Souza, Rildo Bento de; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia PereiraThis paper aims to make an exposition about the problems between the operation of the justice network in Goiás and its links with Portugal. In order to question the discourse of neutrality and justification of the positive order and its emergence in the codification of the Roman law to ordinations. The administration of justice will be one of the priorities of the Portuguese government, once again, it also guarantees the full functioning of the empire. The bureaucracy will be installed in the colonies in order to fulfill the monarch’s will and at the same time achieve ascension through the mercies and privileges of those who serve the Crown, a relation which presents itself in a dubious way, while apparently serving the will of ELRey, which are pursuing their own interests. Thus, the monarch brings close to himself a toga nobility who, from law and academic knowledge, will contribute to the functioning of the administration and the justification of royal power. Brazil in the 18th century is of a great importance of understanding the operation of the administration of justice, due to the complexity that is established after the creation of two courts, the Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. In this context, Goiás, which is apparently separated from all these convulsions of events, participates in a justice network, logically with its peculiarities.Item Relações Cruzadas: A Cidade e o artista - Um estudo de caso sobre Uruaçu e a produção artística pública de Louis Bernard Tranquilin(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-18) Adorno, Josiane das Graças; Noronha, Marcio Pizarro;; Noronha, Marcio Pizarro;; Duarte, Valquíria Guimarães; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves deThe relevance of micro-history is the perspective that accompanies the initial studies that address the history of the founding of the city of Uruaqu, state of Goiås, Brazil, written by memoirist Cristovam Francisco de Avila. The basic structure of the foundation, which originates with the understanding of the city development, culminating in the advent of the formation of the Serra da Mesa Lake and the construction of the Memorial Serra da Mesa, served us as the foundation that supported the story of the trajectory of the french Louis Bernard Tranquilin by this city. The history of Uruaqu City Foundation with a historiographical approach of factual and descriptive evidence Seeking dialogue with narratives as bibliographic Elaborate hair memoirist Cristovam Francisco de Avila. The Character trajectory , Louis Bernard Tranquilin , addressed in any double between city- Subject Movement Character -City .Item A larva, a crisálida e a borboleta: as cartas de liberdade em Goiás (1800-1824)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-04-11) Alencar, Igor Fernandes de; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira;; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Rabelo, Danilo; Souza, Rildo Bento deThis research proposes a study of manumission records produced during the period of 1800-1824 in Vila Boa at the 1° Ofício de Registros e Notas register office. Our exam of the notarial registers of manumission certificate seizes these documents as the main interpretative resource on the procedure of manumitting. Furthermore, we seek to perceive the forms and practices that involved conflicts and negotiation strategies from the beginning until the sealing of agreements submit by the slave masters and enslaves. Yet, with the configuration of an important population of freedmen, we will consider the possibilities of social and economic inclusion of these manumitted subjects, given the socially-based hierarchies. As a result, we hope to contribute to the debate on the experiences of men and women who have transited into the tenuous frontier between slavery and freedom within the captaincy of Goyas.Item Uma interpretação da história visual de Goiânia: os registros fotográficos de Hélio de Oliveira (1950 - 1970)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-09-17) Almeida, Adriano Carlos de; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Borges, Maria Eliza; Pereira, Robson MendonçaRealizing the way Goiânia, during its growth phase in the 1950s and 1960s, was observed by the photographical records of Hélio de Oliveira, from Buriti Alegre in the state of Goiás (Brazil), born in 1929, was the goal of this work. We look, however, to identify how Oliveira, as a social subject, shows the city elaborating representations through photographic images, describing the "reality" of the urbe in the proposed period. There is also the meaning of these photographies published in later times, which make us understand the polysemy status of the photographical artefacts. We understand the work of the photographer Hélio de Oliveira as a visible possibility to realize Goiânia, in which refers to its modernization, through two ways of existence: as direct message, objective, culturally consagrated by the origin of its applied technology and aparently without needs of decodification, and as a polysemic, dubious, refractor message of reality.Item Sociologia histórica crítica: o neoliberalismo na América Latina e Brasil do século XXI(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-15) Almeida, José Eustáquio Leandro Assis Cavalcanti Albuquerque de; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Saddi, Rafael; Guerra, FrancescoThis thesis / dissertation aims to analyze critical Latin American and Brazilian historical sociology on the neoliberal capitalist program. It is about being a type of historicity about this system of thought, its practical application of state, specificity and territories, ideological cleavages, super-exploitation as a new modality of more value in the international division of labor, privatizations, normativity of an ethos and interests of the bourgeois elite or class, a new phase of capital accumulation in the 21st century. Therefore, it is an analysis of the concrete experiences of the class struggle through which this program was carried out and institutionalized by the State. From Western Europe to Latin America and Brazil. Dependent process or interdependente political economic with U.S.A., global hegemony. The loss of sovereignty, deindustrialization and crisis of Brazilian national identity, technological backwardness and cultural obscurantism.Item Os romancistas da Abolição: representação do escravo e discurso abolicionista nas obras de Bernardo Guimarães e Joaquim Manuel de Macedo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-04-26) ALVES, Marcos Francisco; ALENCAR, Maria Amélia Garcia de; comparing the two authors of literary conception, Bernardo Guimarães and Joaquim Manuel de Macedo on slavery/abolition, this work aims to discuss the abolitionist debates of the late nineteenth century and its representations of the slave. It attempts to show how the literary representation of slavery appears in the work of two writers and how it dialogues with the debates of the abolitionist period. The dissertation conceives the two authors as the "novelists of Abolition", analyzes the abolitionist discourse and how the slave is represented in the novels A Escrava Isaura and Uma história de quilombolas (Bernardo Guimarães) and As vítimas algozes: quadros da escravidão (Joaquim Manuel de Macedo). Both Bernardo Guimarães and Joaquim Manuel de Macedo romanticized the slave life, calling for the abolition, but their ideas have profound differences. Comparing and contrasting ideas present in the novels, we will examine the figure of the slave and abolitionist debate, dialogue with the context in which these works were written: the long process for the abolition of slavery in Brazil.Item Anarquismo e renovação da cultura: Max Nettlau e o projeto emancipatório na La Revista Blanca(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-10-03) Alves, Ricardo Lenard; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Rago, Luzia Margareth; Oliveira, Emerson Divino Ribeiro de; Penna, Mariana Affonso; Valle, Ulisses doThis dissertation will analyze the emancipatory program of the Spanish periodical La Revista Blanca (1898/1905 – 1924/1936). The investigation of the emancipatory program in La Revista Blanca (LRB) will be realized by positivity by the “pratices of liberation and freedom” (FOUCAULT), with the aid of the archeological method. The emphasis of the analysis will be on Max Nettlau publication in LRB. The dissertation will be divided into three chapters: 1 – exposition of the history of anarchism of Nettlau; 2 – a brief analysis of each freedom and liberation practice presented by LRB; 3 – analysis of Nettlau practice of freedom and liberation. It was concluded that Nettlau produced a practice of freedom and liberation that he himself called anarchist eugenics, intended to conjure up any authoritarian manifestation in the liberation camp. Anarchist eugenics would be divided into two levels: 1 – criticism of the obstacles to freedom and; 2 – criticism of anarchism.Item Jornal o Brazil e a memória do império: usos do passado na luta em prol da restauração monárquica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-27) Amorim, Sarah de Sousa Alves; Langaro, Jiani Fernando;; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Valle, Ulisses do; Oliveira, Fabiane CostaThis dissertation deals with the positioning of the newspaper O Brazil, which had been circulated in the city of Rio de Janeiro in the years 1895 and 1896. It was created by a group of monarchists, whose objective was to end the republic and restore the monarchy as the Brazilian government system, as a way to highlight its attempts, objectives and actions. Focusing on the press, we try to problematize how some adherents of the monarchism looked for ways to defend the return of that regime by means of nostalgic memories. In all published editions and available for inquiry, the journal elevates the image of the Imperial regime and treats it as the "golden age", projecting, on the other hand, a negative image to the republic. This was done intentionally with the aim of encouraging readers to repudiate the then current government and the republican system. In this view, this research deals with the relationship between memory and history and the construction of horizons of expectations, concepts duly discussed throughout the work. Thus, we propose to analyze how a selection of positive memories of those who lived in the imperial regime was present in the political struggle of that literate and urban elite of the capital of Rio de Janeiro, six years after the republican regime was established, and how it was used as a restorative project based on the hopes of the future. In addition, we try to understand the critics of the republican system made by the monarchists, a few years after the republic declaration. We stand for the view that studying the monarchists in the First Republic age is a fruitful field for history, since there are few authors who work on the theme, because it is a group that lost the power, although it has never been socially subaltern. In view of our purposes, we have studied articles published in the newspaper O Brazil, which in the analyzed period published several texts, such as editorials, opinion articles, among others, with a clear intention to form an opinion in favor of the return of the monarchy and to become one space for debate on the restorative project.Item A história e a memória de um modo de habitar. Goiânia, a residência da família Félix Louza (projeto de David Libeskind) em dois tempos: 1952 e 2011-2013(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-27) Andrade, Isabela Menegazzo Santos de; Noronha, Marcio Pizarro; the story of a place involves conceptual operations that relate to urban practices within what we might call a history of dwelling relating to this urban daily life and existential dimension of an inhabited place . Talk about a place to live and this place are distinct experiences . The watchful eye , which conceptualizes architectures , define styles and epochs , it is the same who inhabits the space. The study of home and ways of living appears within a discussion that involves architecture and urbanism , design , sociology , anthropology and other various aspects of research that relate to the experience of space and place distinctly . Under this process, the contributions referred to this type of research serve as support for discussion of home and existential place . The house appears as phenomenological field of study to think about not only the ways to build and register the architectural styles at a particular time , but also the ways of living and relating to space . Thus faces , considering the aspects of the history of the house , this research aims to understand how a place has been changed and modified over time and , in particular , how a particular home can bring important information about the memory and history of a way of living . Studies the primary home starting from a common home , the home of Mr. and Mrs. José Félix Louza Irene Felix Louza , located at Avenida Paranaíba with 09 Street , in the city center of Goiânia , project conducted by renowned architect David Libeskind . The study refers to its modern architecture and style , as well as patterns of living and live this space , which , from 1952 , date of the beginning of its construction , was established as culturally " modern house " . We may , from that, think of the ways of living of its inhabitants in a Goiania still unpaved and thereby appropriating this discourse of modern housing to ask ourselves : How can we belong to a place that is not ours ? Like this place - segregated territory or approached its inhabitants and how the assimilation of the concept of modernity and the real experience of that space was possible? Divided the work into three chapters : the first deals with the material elements of the file, a historical and architectural context , the second discusses succinctly the concept of modern home and its Brazilian styles , applying it to the object of study , the third chapter discusses the symbolic relations with the residents of the house in your inner space , analyzing the changes over the years . The final considerations intend to infer the proposal to think of ways of reframing of space inherent to its architecture and its aesthetic , thinking of lived spaces , reinvented and they bring in their internal arrangements private configuration , using the methodology of History and Theory Interartes based investigative . Modern architecture, with all its magnificence sterility and cold , imposing a way of life by placing man in space . However , although this spatial configuration is observed , no other way to live , particularly that overrides this materiality of placeItem Imagem do homem público em tempos de guerra: Getúlio Vargas e o olhar do estrangeiro (1940-1945)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-08) Arabi , Marli Aparecida Carneiro; Sandes , Noé Freire;; Santos, Márcia Pereira dos; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Ribeiro, José Eutásquio; Fredrigo, Fabiana de SouzaThe present work intends discussing the image of the public man in times of War and seeks to answer the question: what is the image constructed to Getúlio Vargas in the biography written by a foreign writer. For this reason, it was necessary to seek what images were being built for the president in the literatures of the era, notably in the newspapers, in order to realize the disputes of memories. The participation of Brazil in the Second War represented a decisive element for the construction of the new image of the head of the nation, because the country has taken a position of prominence historical never anteriorly has. In addition, it was necessary to deny the fascist image that opposition was tried to print to the government and the President of the Republic. The objective of this study is to analyze the images and the management of the memory of the government Vargas in times of war from the study of the biography written by Paul Frischauer (1942-1945) from the dialog between the source and the main means of communication, i.e., the newspapers of greater circulation and literature.Item Tecnocracia e capitalismo no Brasil num estudo de caso: a Associação Nacional de Programação Econômica e Social (ANPES) (1964-1967)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-23) Aranha, Francisco Arantes; Pinto, João Alberto da Costa;; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado; Maciel, David; Pinto, João Alberto da CostaOn June 9th, 1964, it was created in São Paulo the National Association for Economic and Social Development (ANPES). ANPES was a think tank which main aim was to conduct surveys and technical studies that permanently assess the economic politics of the government, but also aimed to suggest measures and guidelines through a better understanding of the reality investigated, bearing in mind, primarily, to accelerate the capitalist development in Brazil. In front of this process, there was the career diplomat Roberto de Oliveira Campos, a member of the Brazilian technocracy that intended to combine business activities with academic tasks and planning. In terms of execution, many capitalists - especially people from São Paulo - dissatisfied with the direction and paths that Brazil followed with Goulart government, decided to support the initiative. Therefore, took part in this endeavor: civil engineer Ary Frederico Torres, the military engineer Edmundo Macedo Soares and Silva, industrial and banker John Adhemar de Almeida Prado, the lawyer Lelio Toledo Piza and Almeida Filho, economist and civil engineer Lucas Lopes, agronomist Luiz Simoes Lopes and the entrepreneur (and president of the Commercial Association of São Paulo - ACSP) Paulo de Almeida Barbosa; these technocrats would then assume the vice- presidency of ANPES. Still in this proposal: the banker, industrial and agricultural engineer Theodoro Quartim Barbosa hold the technical board of this association; while the bankers Sérgio Pinho Mellão and Gaston Eduardo Bueno Vidigal, respectively, exerted positions of financial vice president and president of the institution. Meanwhile, the 1964 coup occurred. Campos, who served as first general secretary of this institution, becomes Minister of Planning and Economic Coordination of Castelo Branco’s government. Soon, other technocrats of ANPES are recruited to the military governments. In this dissertation we inquire the relationship of this institution with the establishment of the military dictatorship in Brazil, presenting and justifying, therefore, the need for this historiographical study about the existence of ANPES.Item Regime de memória romano: imagens do herói Héracles nos escritos de Luciano de Samósata (século II d.C.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-02-28) ARANTES JÚNIOR, Edson; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; on literature and on the analysis of texts by Lucian of Samosata, who was a Syrian author from the second century of the Christian era, the present essay aims to pose a few questions about a very influent historiographic construct: the idealization of the antonine era. To elucidate the problem, we have elaborated the concept of memory regime, which seeks to encompass the metanarrative limits that are necessary for the construction of the discourses. For such, we debated the ways in which the elite of the Roman Empire built an imperial culture, based on dialogue with the dominated cultures hence this paper debates the notion of Romanization. We have also pointed out the ways in which the discourses are validated by historical agents and some processes that involved the art of memory, a knowledge deeply rooted in the heart of roman aristocracy. We blended similar theoretical constructions with one clear example: the myth of Heracles and its diverse representations in Lucian of Samosata s writings, a mythical element whose analysis is fundamental, since the imperial propaganda of the antonine era is permeated with it. Therefore, this paper strives to show how this golden era of roman history presents conflicts even if they are in the form of representationItem Tradição, modernidade e as bênçãos da Igreja Católica na construção de Goiânia, 1932-1942(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-12-20) ARAUJO JUNIOR, Edson Domingues de; SILVA, Maria da Conceição; study analyses the coexistence and interaction of modern and traditional symbolic elements within Goiânia's construction and consolidation process, from 1932 to 1942. Focus has been given to the debate regarding contradictions of the discourse of change, based on modernity and on rupture with tradition. To the new political groups in power during the early 1930s, the building of the new capital meant a separation from Goiás State's former days, conceived as decadent and traditional, and the beginning of a political order which placed Goiás on the path to progress and to socio-economic and cultural development. The hypothesis guiding this study seeks to demonstrate that, unlike what the official discourse tended to publicize, Goiânia was built on a dialectics that brought together several symbols and elements from both tradition and modernity. The support offered by the Catholic Church to the government led by Pedro Ludovico Teixeira, concerning the project of building the city and transferring Goiás' administrative headquarters, consists of highly significant evidence not only of the interaction between modern and traditional elements in the construction of Goiânia, but also of the use of traditional symbols as mechanisms that politically legitimise the new political leaders in Goiás.Item Cofos e velas: tessituras da morte em dia de finados no cemitério São José, zona rural de Pinheiro-MA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-22) Araújo, Julyana Cabral; Borges, Maria Elizia;; Borges, Maria Elizía; Santos, Cícero Joaquim dos; Ribeiro, Dimas dos ReisThe present study aims to analyze the funeral ritual of The Day of the Dead in the rural area of the municipality of Pinheiro - MA, more specifically in the cemetery São José. For this purpose, are used the ethnographic and historical methods to analyze the collected sources during the field research in the cemetery. The study of the funerary ritual pervades the idea of social memory as proposed by James Fentress and Chris Wickham (1992), and Catroga (2015), whose memory in relation to the dead is historically shared and based on cultural relations. Based on this, the question is: what extent do the funerary rituals and objects used in this context represent the funeral culture of a given locality? For this, this study uses several sources that complement each other, such as: pages of the Cidade de Pinheiro Newspaper, relevant bibliographies, oral and visual sources. All this serves as a basis for a more critical look at the relationships experienced during the fieldwork between people and objects installed in the cemiterial space, in particular: cofos and candles, on Day of the Dead. However, added it, that such visual productions provide cemetery visitors with the practice of a memory exercise on these images, symbolic messages and contact with memories that generate affection for the dead. Therefore, such artistic productions in this context are: rural and Afro-indigenous matrix materialized in funeral artifacts emphasizing sensitivities against to the death.Item Vasculhando a vida alheia: o diário íntimo de José Vieira Couto de Magalhães (1880-1887)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-05-10) Araújo, Patrícia Simone; Magalhães, Sônia Maria;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souza; Nazareno, EliasThis study examines the diary of José Vieira Couto de Magalhães, focusing on themes: sexuality, body, health and disease. The interlocution of this document with the rest produced by the same author - books, reports, among others - evidenced a egocentric personality, which in an ingenious way built up a heroic image for themselves. Legitimized by their peers, by historiography and especially the imperial regime, Couto enters the pages of history as the great hero of the War of Paraguay.But if in public boasted an image of strong and courageous man, in his diary brought out moments of anguish and fears, above all when was considering the possibility of becoming ill. Furthermore, her writing secret also reveals a look interpretive and original about your oneiric universe - soaked a homoerotic desire - challenger in relation to moral values of the nineteenth century.Item O funeral de Otávio Augusto e a memória do Princeps nas obras de Tácito, Suetônio e Dion Cássio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-09-24) Arima, Paulo Yoke Oliveira; Omena, Luciane Munhoz de;; Omena, Luciane Munhoz de; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; Mota, Thiago Eustáquio AraújoA present dissertation investigates or funeral of Augustus, pois, as apontam os records document, as, for example, Tacitus and Dion Cássio, or funeral procession foi um mechanism of representation of social memory. Nele evokes-se or passado to disclose to life two falees. We courted celebram-is familiar relações, to identity of cidadão, to history of death and to comunidade. Assim, interessa-us compreender os funerais imperiais as espetáculos that are articulated to the relações de poder, a time that is commemorated to life of Princeps e sua divinizazação. Dessa form, ao we will use historiografia antiga, we will analyze or Augustus's funeral on the otic of Tacitus, Suetonium and Dion Cássio, who will serve as a source for our research and who constitute memory repositories built in different periods.Item O mito e o trágico em Jim Morrison: a poesia como choque e redenção da história(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-08-28) Assis, Dráulio Carvalho; Petronílio, Paulo; Menezes, Marcos Antonio de;; Menezes, Marcos Antonio de; Gomes, Aguinaldo Rodrigues; Petronilio, PauloThis dissertation seeks to reveal through the poetry of James Douglas Morrison, best known for becoming a myth as lead singer of the American band The Doors in the sixties, the dilemma of its historic man of conflicts and man mythological in his tragic search cross to the other side, so, a different view of the hegemonic vision of society, a reconciliation as historical subject. Bring to light some thinkers who reflect on time, memory, myth, tragic and poetry that we have to tell us to outline as man sees the flow or interiority that time in your consciousness. Jim Morrison's poetry becomes a revelation that moment in which consciousness sees the flow of time in its interiority and shows continuity in anguish and identities. The revelation of a transcendent term becomes an illumination which aims to immanence, that is, the eternal now and what it can reveal itself in its duration. The historical reality is loaded and then builds images with mythological content profiling dreamily walking and the progress of actions, therefore, poetry imbued with allegorical images the capture and visualize, breaking standards and implementing utopian conceptions, opening doors and can outline a new ethos. Within this allegorical conception to Walter Benjamin, the historian has hidden the awakening of gift of the past with the now knowledgeability in an immediate correspondence with the redemption of history. According to Marcelo Marques myth acts ethically in human existence by its poetic force, the human making it possible thus demystify Jim Morrison in his poetry that reveals his anguish, show a more human face who sought redemption through poetry. Understanding this search on your "moment of now" at this intersection and past his poetic recall the world is opening doors to redemption of history, as glimpsed like lightning in the dark night the connection of past and present experiences in the eternal now. In his tragic poetry Jim Morrison reveals their looks, conflicts, unreasonable and his misfortune that are contemporary, as in Baudelaire, Rimbaud and other artists, with the gift of modern society. Poetry as crossing times becomes the wild eye and the tragic awareness that awakens the instant of now, allowing the redemption of continuity identities and anguish in the heart of the story.Item A deterioração das relações Brasil / Estados Unidos e a missão Albino Silva (outubro 1962)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-11-19) Assis, Jamily Silva de; Patti, Carlo;; Patti, Carlo; Caterina, Gianfranco; Franco, Geisa CunhaThis dissertation analyzed Brazil's participation in the Missile Crisis (October 1962). The reaction of the Latin American countries and the Brazilian vote in the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Albino Silva Mission are briefly portrayed. The objective, mainly, is to understand how the actions of the Brazilian government during the Missile Crisis and, specifically, the execution of the Albino Silva Mission led to the deterioration of Brazil- United States relations. It discusses how the ambiguity of the João Goulart government and its attempt to highlight the Independent Foreign Policy (PEI), along with national public opinion, through the Albino Silva Mission and the double game between Washington and Moscow, which came to be taken in the period. Confidential and secret sources were used, such as telegrams, letters, memos and minutes of meetings of the Brazilian and American governments. This dissertation relies on confidential and secret sources from the archives of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry.